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This is by far the best thread in a long time.

Aside from that, GGA, you cannot really expect better from Planet Bob than being trolled. You're leadership have constantly made stupid decisions and, imo, don't know what they're doing.

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I only read the first page and the last few here, so forgive me if this has already been highlighted.

Here is a response. Shane Price is utterly incompetent for wanting to cancel GGA's treaties and "ally" with a group of alliances who hate them, have mocked them for months and want them dead. Why does anyone think NPO would have been behind the attack if they left? Their future "allies" would have been first in line. Now those same future "allies" come into this thread and rip on GGA for stopping Shane Price's attempted suicide of the alliance. :rolleyes: Utter incompetence is a damn good reason to kick out a triumvir.

When GGA began to politically shift sides post GW1, the same was argued back then with certain alliances. However, NPO shrewdly and brilliantly brought GGA onto their side as a political and psychological coup against the 'South Side'. The same can be applied here.

Recent example: look back at the TSO-MCXA split. MCXA, due to people leaving/new faces emerging and the potential for policies to change, has had a dramatic and (to a great degree) positive effect on how people now view that alliance.

To many people here that are lol at the GGA, shane represented that potential political shift. He got squashed.

As for certain Q alliances and personalities starting to dig into VE, this is the wrong thread guys. May I direct you to the thread/issue that might come up in the very near future? Unless of course, you already want to start to paint VE as malicious and unstable in numerous events so that when the dominoes do start to fall, you will feel justified in your words and actions?

Vox you should be on top of that :P

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Actions speak louder than words. Its extremely clear to me that after Degen figured out what was going on he was there for evidence gathering purposes.

It only took him over a month... He was involved in treaty talk with us weeks before this recent conversation. The fact that he didn't act surprised, and instead like he knew exactly what was going on when the logs showed him and Shane Price being asked who else knew they planned to leave OV certainly says differently.

Degen knew what had been going on for weeks and if he tries to deny it that's his choice. I'd rather not get caught up in his affairs again.

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Not being honorable is being dishonorable in my view. There is no in between, either you're honorable or dishonorable, an honorable alliance can sometimes make dishonorable decisions, which you seemed to have implicated. I stated why this announcement was necessary, you seemed to have not presented a rebut as of yet for the specific reasons I offered. The WC situation wasn't completely different, who cares about his political positioning, it was GGA's indecisive wordings which lead this thread to where it is. Check VE, Salt didn't even know this thread skyrocketed to page 45. Last he saw it, it was page 3. Please, if VE would have wanted malicious intent for an ALLY, they would have done so more logically. Furthermore, implying they did this purposely to an ally is thus implying they are dishonorable to their allies.

You're reading too much into it and I've backed off my original opinion after RV's post. Initially my response was geared towards those calling VE honorable for posting this. At that time it was neither honorable nor dishonorable in my eyes.

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What GGA needs right now is to examine itself as an alliance. If they can look at the direction that they're headed, and still be satisfied with it, that's perfectly fine for them. An alliance of over three hundred can choose to be a puppet all it wants. Apparently, some of GGA's members cannot imagine themselves without the "protection" of Pacifica. You're a sovereign alliance. Make your own decisions.

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As a footnote, Vanguard comes off looking *great* here, leaders especially. <_<

I thought Revanche's comments were pretty funny. I dont understand why you arnt laughing :(

Also, when did a TOP member get upset over someone poking GGA?

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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A reminder to everyone that accusing other users of being trolls, trolling etc is not permitted here. That is discussing moderation issues outside the appropriate forum, and also OOC in an IC context. If you feel that a post is trolling, please report it in Report Forum Abuse or by PMing a moderator. Some of you have received nice PMs about this already <_<.

I'd tell you to stay on topic, but you seem to be doing a pretty good job of that, so ... keep it up :)

remember this post guys? Well now you do and for the sake of your warn levels I suggest you listen to it as this is the last verbal warning you get about it in this thread.

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I thought Revanche's comments were pretty funny. I dont understand why you arnt laughing :(

Also, when did a TOP member get upset over someone poking GGA?

Apparently and surprisingly TOP loves to misconstrue the intentions of Vanguardians when they post. Stumpy can you link me to Rev's post, I missed it?

Also, read what Vilien posted - spot on :)

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Apparently and surprisingly TOP loves to misconstrue the intentions of Vanguardians when they post. Stumpy can you link me to Rev's post, I missed it?

Also, read what Vilien posted - spot on :)

I'm slapping you on behalf of DJ.

You're welcome DJ. :lol:

Edited by Rafael Nadal
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Apparently and surprisingly TOP loves to misconstrue the intentions of Vanguardians when they post. Stumpy can you link me to Rev's post, I missed it?

Also, read what Vilien posted - spot on :)

They were largely closer to the beginning, over several pages. They were pretty good though, that guy is pretty quick. IM TELLING YOU, HES QUITE THE CHARACTER.

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What GGA needs right now is to examine itself as an alliance. If they can look at the direction that they're headed, and still be satisfied with it, that's perfectly fine for them. An alliance of over three hundred can choose to be a puppet all it wants. Apparently, some of GGA's members cannot imagine themselves without the "protection" of Pacifica. You're a sovereign alliance. Make your own decisions.

Actually they came to that crossroads over 2 years ago and they've been standing their drooling on themselves in confusion ever since. Apparently none of their allies wanted to make the decision for them so they're at a complete loss for what to do.

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If we can take anything from this thread, it's that Vanguard are not to be trusted. Fiends.

I knew that since day one. It was actually on my application, "Can you be trusted?" I of course said no and was immediately accepted. Im telling you, Bob_Sanders has been right all along, Vanguard is a terrible bunch of hoodlums. Unlike GGA, good people.

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I knew that since day one. It was actually on my application, "Can you be trusted?" I of course said no and was immediately accepted.

As stupid and simple as this joke was, I laughed and almost choked on Coke.

My sense of humor is terrible. <_<

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Am I really the one to blame?

I'm sorry that no one really can take the time to fully grasp what they are given.

So my post was made into a joke. Who made it into a joke? That would be the usual trolling members of Planet Bob's society.

Really now, is that all that one can really do? Just go about and troll just to pass the time?

All I did was translate some of what had transpired into a neat, short, and sweet little post.

It was you, the trolling community that cannot find something better to do than create some crap just to get a good laugh.

If that's all you find proud in yourself for doing, then I applaud you. However, come talk to me when all of you have grown up and learned some mannerisms.

I'll be waiting.



Your alliance.

Next time when you make a post, dont come pouting back after you revealed the incompetence of GGA.

Edited by Lennox
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Yes I do question it.

GGA reluctantly rescinded the Dilrow Doctrine and along came the Jungle Accords? (or whatever its called), since then GGA has been playing pretty nice on Green compared to what they had done to control the Green senate in the past, in so much as GGA dropped a long standing doctrine which was put in place to protect GGA's sovereignty - ironically enough the cause of the Dilrow doctrine was a rogue VE senator called Free Quebec.

Given the colourful history between GGA and VE and with both sides seeking to "build relations" its hard to see this thread as anything other than a bait to GGA. A simple IRC conversation with GGA leadership regarding shaneprice would have done the trick without the need for this circus; either VE government are as inept as the former GGA member they have taken into their ranks or this was a deliberate act to stir up some GGA hate.

Lets be fair, we all know any thread regarding GGA descends into a flamewar, who here honestly thinks VE didnt know that this would stoke a flame thread for GGA? I know I dont.

I am truly shocked - no wait, I'm not - that you attempt to blame what GGA's OWN government did on the VE. That is just plain stupid. I mean please, its an ex-GGA triumvirate. We all know a lot of people don't like the GGA and seeing him out there probably presents a nice target to someone one truly hates the GGA. The Entente does not make announcements to try to ruin the PR of another alliance. The thread was going nicely until the GGA chancellor came in and decided to post what really happened. The VE didn't do this to the GGA. The GGA did it to itself. Now, please continue to try and pin this on the VE and I'll leave it to the rest of these fine people to prove you wrong.

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Actions speak louder than words. Its extremely clear to me that after Degen figured out what was going on he was there for evidence gathering purposes.

If you've been paying attention to this thread you would know that to the surprise of many of us that NPO is controlling the GGA.

Infact it's so bad that they probably have to whisper into one anothers ears in order to get anything done. All their modes of communication are either directly or indirectly under the watchful eye of the NPO who have shown that they're not afraid of punishing GGA government members for not doing as they are told. Even going as far as de-masking a member of their government from their own alliance forums and criticising their actions in their private government channels. I mean the fact that they're in their government channels alone is completely insane, but that they would go as far as to criticise them?

Also as has been stated already GGA and GR have been in communication for some time involving several members from both governments and a treaty was proposed. It was in no way out of the ordinary - now tell me knowing what you know. What could have went wrong this time in what was a typical conversation between these two parties? A third party.

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