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Dispatch from the Oceanic Alliance: Braving the storm Daily


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Dispatch from the Oceanic Alliance

Joss Hill walks onto the stage

Hello, my fellow people of Planet bob, Today I come to you to announce a great day for the Oceanic Alliance. I would like to introduce a new minister to you all, Beltazar. Beltazar and me have been talking since he began his career and I have grown very fond of him in this short time. Today, Myself and the regents have decided to promote Beltazar to Minister of Raging Storms. I would like to be the first of many to congratulate beltazar on his Promotion and wish him the best of luck.

I would also like to give everyone a quick update on the state of the Oceanic Alliance also, We are doing great! Even though we have had threats come to us from alliances and oppression from alliances we will brave the storm. We wish to thank everyone who have helped us including the athens Government, The Enigma Government, and The Paladins Government Including Jgoods, Londo, and Rsox Especially. Oo ya. I wouldn't forget you either skippy. We invite everyone to come hang around our IRC channel at #oceanicalliance, we are always looking for tech buyers. Well Good night, and may you brave the storm.

Thank You,


Emperor of the Oceanic Alliance


Fenrir's feelings where hurt his name was no where in this topic...



<Fenrir> im trolling that thread -_-

This is me saying bring it. (Censored for the children)

Edited by Duckz3
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Why don't you start a new one? Call it REC or MARS or TC or something...

Congratulations on the promotion, OA, glad to see the growth :)

I adore your sense of humor.

On another note. I don't understand the need of alliances to announce each appointment to the government.

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I adore your sense of humor.

On another note. I don't understand the need of alliances to announce each appointment to the government.

Weren't you quitting or something?

And congratulations, OA!

Edited by Balder
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