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The announcement of Glorious Aotearoa


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There are a people. Leaderless.

There is a nation. Anarchy.

There is a state. Dead.

There is a hope. Shining.

There is a dawn. Bright.

There is a time, when people return to what matters. There is a time when people need a leader, when a nation must return to lawful governance, when the state must rise, from the ashes like the phoenix.

This rise shall bring forth hope, shinning like the bright new dawn it heralds.

But first. There is a darkness in all of us, and things should be brought forth.

Yes. I maybe a man many of you hate. However, look not only at my actions under my own name, but at my actions as a whole. Some of you may be dogged in pursuing past crimes, but like myself, you shall learn your hate only hurts you and those around you. Freedom and redemption comes from releasing that.

So, it is with joy I announce that these people will have a leader, the state shall be governed and a new formal country shall rise.

The Glorious Aoteatora.

The celtic people of Camberlain have driven elements not holding to their culture from their lands with our help. Other people, those that may legitimately call this land "die terra paternal" in the high gothic which was once spoken here. They too wish to return.

With fall of any kind of government, the popular support of the people and the successor to the last legitimate ruler, this new state shall be formed. It shall be ruled by the Lord, with duchies underneath, then baronies and earldoms.

The current Lord is none other than myself, LeVentNoir.

The duchies are as follows with their ruling lords.

Northland / Auckland: The most populous and the site of the largest city, the ex-Margravine Liselle is named Duchess of these lands.

Waikato: Duke Reigner

Bay of Plenty: Duke Alister

Hawke's Bay: Duchess Fiona

Taranaki / Manawatu-Wanganui: Duke Borric

Wellington: Lord LeVentNoir

Marlborough: Duke Edward

West Coast: Duchess Sarah

Canterbury: Duke Roderick

Otago: Duke Thomas

Southland: Duke Lister

To those concerned about the lands of The Enlightened Technocracy of Rockport. That nation will be dissolved, and the lands given to a new regional power. People are free to go as the wish, however, the main portion wish to come to Aotearoa, and we expect a influx of ex-Wellingtonians.

Our treaty with the now defunct UFE will have to be reconsidered, while we have given notice for our departure from the PAC. This also explains the sale of the Fijian islands by the UFE.

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***Private Message***

To: LeVentNoir

So THAT'S where you've been, you old dictator... (insert wink here)

Just please try not to brainwash your citizens like you did last time.



Have no fear, that part of my history was 'inherited' so to say. Yes, I hid in angola, then in Rockport under the name #1.

We welcome Aotearoa to the world. Do, however, give our cartographers some time to get used to the new name.
"Welcome back LeVentNoir, glad to see a more stable nation governing the worthy people of New Zealand."
The Republic of Rebel Virginia recognizes this new nation. May we have better relations with you than we did with Rockport.

"Dear God....."


The Former Dragonisian State of IndoChina welcomes Aotearoa into the world. We will also like to establish diplomatic relations with this state.

Thank you.

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Mariehamm Industries inquires as to the economic nature of your nation, and if the Stirling Engines built during the original Imperial Wellington era are still running, for we have the training to help you keep them in service.

OOC: Anyone else remember those?

Hello. I remember the work you did with the Baron. Yes, the Rotorua installations are still fully functional.

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Several reporters go

"What the hell, we had heard that the OSS had gotten ahold of LeVentNoir after Imperial Wellington Fell"

(Osean Secret Service)


On Another Note, Grunder Industries refuses to recognize this new state due to hostilities against its leader. Thus, West Virginia refuses to recognize it.

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Several reporters go

"What the hell, we had heard that the OSS had gotten ahold of LeVentNoir after Imperial Wellington Fell"

(Osean Secret Service)


On Another Note, Grunder Industries refuses to recognize this new state due to hostilities against its leader. Thus, West Virginia refuses to recognize it.

Considering West Virginia is about as strong as Osea, that is to say, half a dozen chimps with pointy sticks, we shall ignore this.

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Announcement from the former Margravine of Camberlain

"We are pleased, more than pleased, to welcome to the throne of New Zealand the excellent LeVentNoir. Our country, finally purged of its undesirable elements, will prosper under his reign. Rest assured the Marchar will be there whenever he calls."

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