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Australasian Coalition Discussion


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"Since the research lab was finished, we began research. I propose that we draft up an agreement regarding the use of any technology that we develop."

The Wanatetan Representative starts writing out a Military Tech Share treaty, inviting the other representatives to help.

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We're willing to have our military scientists of collaborate with other AC nation's scientist for mutual benefit.

We're currently working on one project on advancing radar technology with lasers... however, the information is classified, but you are all welcome to see our progress on it yourselves in Tanis.

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The Wanatetan Diplomat, after receiving a text message, quickly stepped up to the podium, and got everyone's attention. "I have an urgent message that requires an urgent response. Rebels in Wanatet are attempting to seize control of Wanatet. We request our allies' help in stablizing Wanatet. Please send us some military forces to help us against the rebels. They have surprisingly attained a strength that we don't think we can take by ourselves. Your kindness will be rewarded in the future."

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"I have lost connection with Headquarters. It seems the rebels jammed the cell phone communications. Thus I do not have instructions for where to send your troops. I recommend that you try coordinating, through satellite communication, with the heads of the Corporation to stablize the nation."

Edited by XRCatD
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"There are people around the world waiting to move based on a formal declaration of war from the Australasian Coalition. Your voices need to be heard on this matter."

On whome would we be declaring? the UFE? Declaring directly on them would be outright suicide, as they would bring in the Ferrous Pacific. No, I say we declare to be in defense of all Dragonisian holdings.

"I have lost connection with Headquarters. It seems the rebels jammed the cell phone communications. Thus I do not have instructions for where to send your troops. I recommend that you try coordinating, through satellite communication, with the heads of the Corporation to stabilize the nation."

As we have just called up our reserves, we can spare up to 30,000 men for this effort.

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