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Australasian Coalition Discussion


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The Australasian Coalition


Each signatory nation is in agreement to unite the Australasian region, and pledge to defend the said region against outside aggression.

Article Zero: Region

Member nations are strongly encouraged to have at least one territory in the Australasian Region. Member nations that have land in the Australasian Region will be refered to as members that "satisfy the Region clause." The Australasian Region is defined by a majority vote of the members of this treaty. Member nations that fail to vote within 108 hours will be counted as an "abstain". Any "abstain" vote will not be considered in the vote tally for definition of the region. If no majority is achieved on any definitions, a revote would be done without the definition receiving the least votes. This revoting process will continue until there is a majority vote on a single definition.

Article One: Sovereignty

Each signatory nation agrees to respect and uphold the others' Sovereignity.

Article Two: Membership

If a nation wishes to sign the Treaty at a later date, the nation must have a formal invitation from a treaty member in order to apply. Once a nation applies, the remaining member nations must unanimously agree to the membership of the applicant in order for the applicant to join. Member nations that fail to vote within 108 hours will be counted as an "abstain". Any "abstain" vote will not be considered in the vote tally for admission. Upon reaching the correct number of approval votes, the applicant may provide a signature to this treaty.

Article Three: Non Agression

Any aggresive action by a member nation(s) against any other member nation(s) is not permitted. In the event of such an action, Articles Four and Five are on hold, and the remaining signatories vote expeling either the nation attacking or the nation attacked. Both nations are presented in the same vote, and members will choose one of the nations to expel, or "abstain" from voting. Member nations that fail to vote within 27 hours will be counted as an "abstain". Any "abstain" vote will not be considered in the vote tally for expulsion.

Article Four: Mutual Defence

In the event of attack against a signatory nation(s) that satisfies the Region clause, each signatory nation, regardless of status on the Region clause, unconditionally pledges to provide their full support in defence of the nation under attack.

Article Five: Aggression

In the event of a signatory nation that satisfies the Region clause engaging in offensive war(s) against a foreign power, each signatory nation is not required to provide aid through this treaty. However, if the signatory nation that satisfies the Region clause is attacked in retaliation for an aggressive action, the other signatories are required to come to the aid as part of the unconditional mutual defense in Article Four.

Article Six: Intelligence

Due to the unconditional requirement of mutual defense, signatories are strongly encouraged to notify each other of any actions that may incite foreign aggression, including, but not limited to, offensive wars.

Article Seven: Cancellation and Expulsion

In the event that one signatory nation wishes to cancel their participation in this pact, a seventy-two hour notice must be provided. Failure to do so could provoke military action. If a nation fails to adhere to the aforementioned articles of this Treaty, that nation is liable for expulsion, through a majority vote by all the signatory nation(s), including the nation liable for expulsion. Member nations that fail to vote within 108 hours will be counted as an "abstain". Any "abstain" vote will not be considered in the vote tally for expulsion.

Article Eight: Amendment

In the event that any signatory nation(s) see the need for an amendment to the treaty, such an amendment must be discussed in the proper forum, and approved unanimously by the member nations. Member nations that fail to vote within 108 hours will be counted as an "abstain". Any "abstain" vote will not be considered in the vote tally for the amendment.

Current Definition of the Australasian Region

The Australasian Region is currently defined as the combined region of Australia and Indonesia.


Signed for the Wanatet Corporation,

Mr. Mark Alkhazov, Chief Executive Officer

Signed for the Republic of Tanis,

General Jaio Makvel, Head of Military Junta

Signed for the Timor Empire,

Biohazard, Emperor of Timor

Signed for Confucianism,

President: Pacifism

Village Elder: Chioci Malaki

Census: Jooir Hogi

Economy: Jack Pollard

Military: Henry Halifax

Diplomacy: Hofer Gaerip

Hut Management: Teero Fimakki

Herder of Sheep: Geeo Meheehoo

Signed for New Cymru

Joshua Williams, High Minister

President: Daniel Jackson

Lady of Foreign Affairs: Georgina Gates

Lord of Internal Affairs: Richard Anderson

Signed for the Hanseatic Republic,

Sarah Tintagyl

Prime Minister

Maelstrom Vortex,

Chairman of the Dragon Empire.

Edited by Silhouette
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New Cymru

Empire of Timor

Republic of Tanis

Wanatet Corporation


Promised Land

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Current Topic of Discussion

• Taiwanese Issue

Allow Promised Land into AC

OOC: Closed to everyone except AC Members, and people with Observer Status.

Edited by Biohazard
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***Classified, In a military bunker in Port Venture***

"Sir, multiple launches detected from Camberlain, trajectory places point of impact all across Taiwan."

"Damnit, sound the nuclear alert siren, we have no idea what these guys may be up to."

As the siren started howling, all 4,000 marines based in Port Venture took to the streets, guiding the citizens to palces of shelter, and handing out nuclear emergency kits, as well as chemical warfare equipment.

In the Marine Barracks Lieutenant-General Archer informed the other representatives of the situation.

"We have detected a multiple missile launches in Camberlain, as a matter of precaution, I suggest we take shelter in the bunker beneath us while we discuss the situation. The NCS Austral is in port, so hopefully will be able to intercept any missiles that go astray, and perhaps could even defend Karumba from any incoming."

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Military Bunker,

Port Venture

A representative from Timor stands at a podium, preparing to talk.

"It has come to our attention, that Missiles are being launched. So far, their only trajectory is on the Eastern Side of Asia: Possible New Cymru, Neo Olympia, or The New Taiwanese Empire."

He paused for a moment, before continuing on.

"This is a threat to Australasian security. My question to bring to the debate is this: What should be done about it? Should we protect the Australasian Nation? Or do we let the missiles hit them?"

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There is only a very limited amount that can be done. The missile interceptors on the Austral are only of any effect when the incoming bird is aimed very near to the intercepting vessel. More importantly, the system can not deal with multiple incoming threats effectively. There is little we can do to prevent the missiles striking.

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The representative from Tanis looked claimly at the other delgates.

"As for Margrave, the missile launches cannot be stopped, not much we can do against them."

"But anyhow, I should inform all of you of 'Operation Australian Conquest' and that was launched just minutes ago."

The delegate hands out manila folders of the operation.

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"I think I speak for every military leader in my nation when I say that we will never order our men to attack Promised Land." Archer was aghast at the proposal. While he infinitely respected the men in the room with him, and their nations, Promised Land had been their friend for a long time.

"Frankly, I think this may be a mistake on behalf of this organisation. While Promised Land does not often flex their muscles, that by no means makes them unstable."

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Our time dealing with the missiles is past gone now, none of us have capabilities of good anti-missile systems in the area. Helping the Taiwanese is of course a good course of action... and as for Margrave, well, I believe we have similar opinions.

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Common sense tells us not to at this moment. Rockport is already sending a large number of vessels to Camberlain. However, our Roaming CVBG is sailing south on the routine leg to the Chatham Islands we secured long ago, so a detour to Camberlain is possible, although we will have no troops on the ground.

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"I believe we have a 'Star Wars' device that shoots down missiles that pass over Wanatetan airspace. I can ask the operators what percentage chance they can give in regards to doing something about those missiles. Maybe it is worth a try."

Edited by XRCatD
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There is virtually no completely save and foolproof way to shoot down these weapons. Furthermore, we have intelligence suggesting that this was the act of a rouge organisation. In which case we have no idea what kinds of things these missiles carry. It could be a lethal bio-agent for all we know.

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The representative from Confucianism steps up to his nations' podium, stepping away from the rest of the Confucianist Delegation

"The representatives from the island nation of Confucianism would like to know more information concerning the invasion of Promised Land. We understand that Australia is currently very unstable, and would like to know if this poses a security threat to our nation. Are there any rogue military elements in the nation that are unaccounted for? Any naval vessels that have threatened our shore?

On the current act of missile strikes, every effort must be made to evacuate areas that can be affected, and stand by to provide relief. If we can not provide a suitable way to shoot them down, though we think Star Wars is more than capable, we must stand ready to provide sufficient relief."

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Indeed, Confucianism is also wondering about this. We would like an official investigation to be done into the reason of the attack. Of course, we expect our allies to have nothing short of a reasonable Cassus Belli, as this attack was clearly planned in advance.

"With all due respect, just because an attack is planned does not mean the Causus Belli is valid. No attempt was made to discuss diplomatically whatever the problem is."

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"With all due respect, just because an attack is planned does not mean the Causus Belli is valid. No attempt was made to discuss diplomatically whatever the problem is."

"We never said we knew the cassus belli was valid. However, we hope that such a planned attack from a fellow signatory would warrant a valid cassus belli. Our apologies if this was not clear."

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"It is possible that they have tried to contact Promised Land but failed due to the busy schedule of your people.

In addition, seeing that the Tanisian government made no public announcement, we believe this attack is most likely either an action done in response to an emergency situation or a rogue attack not sanctioned by their government. We still await an explanation from the Tanisian delegate."

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"It is possible that they have tried to contact Promised Land but failed due to the busy schedule of your people.

"Trust me, I have been made aware of all attempted communications with my nation. No contact was made, and even if they had failed once, they should have tried at least once or twice more, or at the very least discussed it with you. We received no transmissions, nor any diplomats. If we had, we would have made every efoort to solve this diplomatically, as we have in every other conflict we would have joined in the past."

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