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Highest Happiness Number


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i currently have 74. without LaborCamps this would be 79. I remember that i once had above 80 with some good events.

but why should anyone program a cap of happyness into the game? i highly doubt that.

But for practical purposes there is a cap. There is a limit to the items that can give you happiness. Once you have all of the happiness granting improvements and wonders there are no other means of adding happiness other than fudging with your tax rate just to give you a boost in happiness or events, they'll be nothing else you can do to increase your happiness. So there is in effect a cap even if the program itself would allow for much higher happiness levels. The question is where is the ceiling at where you have all the happiness the game can give you.

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Improvements: Banks: 5, Border Walls: 3, Churches: 5, Clinics: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 5, Labor Camps: 5, Police Headquarters: 5, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2,

National Wonders: Great Monument, Social Security System,

Edited by Jiraya
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But for practical purposes there is a cap. There is a limit to the items that can give you happiness.

i have read his question differently. a "cap" is in my opinion an artificial border which you cannot cross, no matter if you "could" in theory. Like the $3,000,000 foreign aid cap, the 3 offensive wars cap or such.

If he only wants to know what the current "max happyness" would be, then he only needs to add all the improvements+wonders, techbonis, simulate a streak of +3happyness events, keep in mind nation anniversaries and environment, dont forget the trade boni or the boni for some government options and he will get to a number around 100.

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i am right now at 94.6 with no events or labor camps. by next month i will buy another wonder puting me at 97.6 . then my one year anniversary will hit with +5 and i should be at 102.6

if someone out there knows how to make a screen shot i will try to post a picture when it happens....


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