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Wanted: Government Officials


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3) your sums of cash are trivial to almost all people who would consider a gov role

Unless your nation has been around for 2 years, is still tiny and yet has only 20K casualties. :awesome:

Signing bonuses cannot and will not gain you experienced leadership members. Ask for the thread to be locked, join a {sanctioned, not real} alliance, learn to build your own nation first, then how to help others do the same.

Edited by phillip110
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This is not the forum for opinions, it is a forum for people who are either interested or not.

The not part is a serious grammatic error on my part, so maybe it was misread.

What I meant was, don't speak unless you're interested. Good. Done.

Edited by Tantonus
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A lack of knowledge on where to post something on the CN game forums has no bearing whatsoever on one's leadership abilities whatsoever.

I have been administering alliances, working within administrations, fighting with alliances in wars, and prospering successfully over my two years of experience, so I will not accept questioning of my leadership ability. This is not the forum for opinions, it is a forum for people who are either interested or not.

If you wish to see the forum moved, contact admin, otherwise, stop worrying about an irrelevant technicality.

To be honest, if your not sure about how to work the forums, after playing for two years with lots of experience in government, it does somewhat reflect on your ability to lead an alliance. Being able to properly post alliance announcements is somewhat important. I wouldn't rule on if this is the right place though.

And to be honest, you posted this in the OWF/AP...People are going to comment on this. Its usually what happens here. I could echo the many comments about asking for this to be closed and starting over, but I don't think it needs to be echoed much more.

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As stated before, the money is just a goodwill gesture, and is not meant to be of any massive benefit to any interested applicants.

We don't want people to apply solely, or even mostly, for any immediate monetary gain. That would make this recruitment method a farce.

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just assuming but doesnt most "experienced" players make twice that income if not at least that amount a day anyway? Should have gone with tech dude

Hey comm'on some of us are starving after re-rolls. :P

But this guy is obviously new, give him a break.

Edited by BarbulaM1
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As stated before, the money is just a goodwill gesture, and is not meant to be of any massive benefit to any interested applicants.

We don't want people to apply solely, or even mostly, for any immediate monetary gain. That would make this recruitment method a farce.

Don't take this to be insulting, but then why offer money at all?

If you are looking for experienced people to fill those positions, most likely they can make that much money in a day. They would probably pass on the money entirely, since they would most likely use their slots for tech deals. And since you have said yourself the funds are not meant to be of great benefit. I fail to see the purpose for your signing bonuses.

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I admire your determination to get your alliance off of the ground; however, I'm sure that you will have more success by finding other individuals who have similar principles to your existing members. Speak with some alliances that you respect; ask for advice and perhaps develop a friendship than a protectorate.

As an aside, a well-constructed dialogue on how to develop/maintain the successful governance of an alliance is located here; On the Proper Government of Alliances. I suggest you read the entirety of that thread as it will assuredly enhance the skill that is required to establish an effective government with hard-working members.

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It is more of a forceful request for all those severely-uninformed complainers to stop criticising me when it will benefit nobody.

So now the majority CN forum posters are uninformed, and you are making a "forceful request" to them?

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As stated before, the money is just a goodwill gesture, and is not meant to be of any massive benefit to any interested applicants.

We don't want people to apply solely, or even mostly, for any immediate monetary gain. That would make this recruitment method a farce.

too late. :popcorn:

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Hell.. my last term as Triumvir of R&R just ended.

I have 2 years of elected government experience.. and i helped found the alliance.

We grew from 5k NS to 3.7 million NS in just 2 years.

I have also recruited over 80 new nations.. and have admin/moderator experience. I also have over 10k non spam posts in R&R forums.

If the price is right.. i would consider letting you guys merge with R&R.

wait.. im confused here.. NEVERMIND.. sorry

damn.. anyways.. good luck with your new alliance. I forgot i sold my soul to R&R a long time ago.. but i can help you if you need any. Always looking to make a few new CN friends :)

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I smell a fail here...

Two things you missed:

1. Hiring people to fill in government position is a big no-no. They will often ask for more money and/or have bad leadership skills.

2. Most of the experienced players' nations can make same/more than the amount of pay you are offering.

3. Wrong forum, to many players here, it looks like if you are trying to recruit from other alliances, which is asking for a nasty war.

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I smell a fail here...

Two things you missed:

1. Hiring people to fill in government position is a big no-no. They will often ask for more money and/or have bad leadership skills.

2. Most of the experienced players' nations can make same/more than the amount of pay you are offering.

3. Wrong forum, to many players here, it looks like if you are trying to recruit from other alliances, which is asking for a nasty war.

that's three...

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