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Need a new alliance

Voodoo Nova

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Alliance Politics really isnt the place for this.

If you're looking for an alliance there are a bunch here http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showforum=24

most of the threads there give an overview of the alliance, and you can generally ask questions in those threads about the alliance and get answers quickly.

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We are a small alliance thats part of teh Hanseatic League and as such has participated in most of Norden Verein's wars.

As peace is being reached in most fronts we are trying to concentrate on growing our allaince and new members are welcome.

King Vitauts

Protectorate of Curland

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Well if you want a semi-new alliance you cant go much better than FORCE, a semi-new, semi organized alliance of 8 people now. We have a great community, relations across the Cyberverse and welcome you with honor and respect. For a better idea, check out our forums!

FORCE forums: http://cnforce.ipbfree.com/index.php

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Norden Verein,

A medium sized alliance at 200 members with a respectable strength of over 2 million.

We hold Right-wing values with a stable, intelligent, and corporative government. The alliance runs on meritocratic elements where if you deserve the position, you will be appointed to it.

Our community is very friendly and among the best for new players. Our members are quite wise and will listed to what you have to say without being another internet idiot.

The military of Norden Verein is rated as one of the best in the world, very organized, disaplined, and efficient the Reichswehr will keep you protected. To fund the war machine, the Reichsbank will provide with everything you might need to sustain a wealthy nation.

NoV's website is located at Norden Verein.com

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Looking for an alliance, preferably a semi-new one.

The reason being, my current alliance is practicaly dead, and the constitution prevents most things from moving foreward.

I'll consider everybody.

Check my sig, we're ROFL. We are about 2 weeks old, with very little members, lots of government positions open, lots of potential, but we need members full of potential as well. We already have 2 treaties. We would love to have as many members as possible.

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I don't know if you have picked an alliance yet, but I will advertise mine anyway.

I am the founder of the alliance Cool Rats and People. We are a newer maroon team alliance that gives $100,000 in aid to all new members, as well as protection from other nations, a key aspect to alliance membership. The alliance has many experienced members and we all strive to help each other out. We also allow our nations to attack any unaligned nation for tech raids as long as their 7 or more days inactive. So what more could you want?!

Come Check out our forum here, http://z4.invisionfree.com/Cool_Rats_And_People

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