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Admin has stated that he will not change the amount of days till deletion occurs


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Maybe you already read my suggestion to prevent users to be deleted on a fair way. Its a shame the amount of days till deletion doesn't get changed.... "Its a policy that stays". Anyways

How does the CN community think about this policy? For myself, I experiented some high ranked players even got deleted because of 20 days inactivity. Just because they messed up the days (thought it was 19 days instead of 20), because they lost control over their internet or just because important real life things happened and they forgot about whole CN. Do other alliances also lose members? Did you ever almost lost your nation because of inactivity? (ps. maybe my 2nd suggestion may prevent it a bit :blush: )

Edited by Denniswerf
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If he already rejected it, don't push it.

Not pushing it, just curious how others think about this and how we can all prevent users from being deleted from inactivity. Sending them an ingame email doesn't really work, since they have to log in in order to read it.

We do have some email addresses linked to the forum ID. Its a shame the new 'email when attacked' thing isn't auto-enabled because then you could just declare on someone on day 18/19 of inactivity right?

After all the massive ammount of deletion and inactivity on CN is part of the gameplay. And this gameplay has its influence on everyone, so its only logical if we try to work some system out all together?

Edited by Denniswerf
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There was one time some jerk(s) ripped out the internet cable amps on my street, knocking out the internet for 2 days.

Also, remember the massive internet cable breaks in the ocean? Yeah, and I feel sorry for the CN players who can't access the internet due to underwater internet cable breaks, disasters, and etc.

I remember suggesting that if a nation becomes over 20 days inactive, they would be removed from CN and compressed for 10 days before deleting. If the player logs in and collect tax, then the nation would be uncompressed.

However, that was shot down by the CN staff. :mellow:

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There was one time some jerk(s) ripped out the internet cable amps on my street, knocking out the internet for 2 days.

Also, remember the massive internet cable breaks in the ocean? Yeah, and I feel sorry for the CN players who can't access the internet due to underwater internet cable breaks, disasters, and etc.

I remember suggesting that if a nation becomes over 20 days inactive, they would be removed from CN and compressed for 10 days before deleting. If the player logs in and collect tax, then the nation would be uncompressed.

However, that was shot down by the CN staff. :mellow:

Its sad you can lose a year of work in 1 day, thats why I hope perhaps we can do something about it... I suppose it would be a huge project to make a database and let people register their account so we can email them at 18 days of inactivity?

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There was one time some jerk(s) ripped out the internet cable amps on my street, knocking out the internet for 2 days.

Also, remember the massive internet cable breaks in the ocean? Yeah, and I feel sorry for the CN players who can't access the internet due to underwater internet cable breaks, disasters, and etc.

I remember suggesting that if a nation becomes over 20 days inactive, they would be removed from CN and compressed for 10 days before deleting. If the player logs in and collect tax, then the nation would be uncompressed.

However, that was shot down by the CN staff. :mellow:

Why did they shoot down the idea?

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Well imho the system is very annoying and unnessessary strict.

- Count "login" as "activity" (but do not show it in the Nationview)

- Show "last NS change" instead in the nationview

This is more realisticially (because to be honest it should be of no other users concern when I access my nation and when not, but of course other nations leaders can get reports if another nation builds something.


Login inactivity:

- send every nation without 'activity' (=logins) for 20days into anarchy, disband all its military, cancel all its trades and pending foreign aid deals.

- reduce infra, land, tech and cash by -25% on day 21, 22, 23, 24

- delete on day 25 without login.

Tax inactivity:

- on day 20 of tax inactivity the "amount to collect" is 'frozen' and every future days amount is not added any more, also the population gets into a "tax weariness" and the 'frozen' amount is reduced by 10% each day down to no taxes collectable on day 30.

This way, no one could "exploit" the system by sitting out (nuclear) Anarchy or events or lost trades beyound 20days - his collection amount would be 'frozen' at the lowered value and every new day would be *lost* + losing even more cash every day.

Way better system and you really split between people who have *really* left the game or people who could accidentally not collect for a few days (these would just lose cash, but would keep their nation).

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Its sad you can lose a year of work in 1 day

You can't it takes 20 days. Going close to 20 days for improvement camp swapping is not necessary. It is a risk reward decision.

Don't like the risk, don't take it.

If someone has something going on in their life that can affect them for three weeks and they cannot arrange a nation sitter, then its probably more important than CN

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I think they said it was too much of a trouble to auto compress inactive nations. Compressing would reduce the space on the CN server taken by the inactive nations.

It would take more space because inactive nations would remain till 20 days then they would be compressed. Compressed data takes mroe space that no data

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I think paying bills should count as activity. If you got the money for bills and are logging in everyday to pay them there is no reason you shouldn't be able to go 35 days without collecting taxes IF you have the money to pay bills. Back collecting is part of the game. Hell I'm 14 days inactive and could go on for quite a bit more if the game let me. Unfortunately I'll have to stop at 19 whether I like it or not. i think this would also solve the problem of accidental deletions due to miscalculated back collects. This could be easily implemented and the twenty day activity limit could still stand.

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I like to collect on day 18. Keeps things safer, that way.

As for a disaster that keeps one away from ALL INTERNETS for 20 days without any warning whatsoever, just be sure you're in a good alliance that is willing to help you rebuild your reroll quickly. The people in the game matter more than the pixels in the game.

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You guys forget one thing: being deleted because of inactivity isnt because you didn't log in in 20 days, its because you forgot to collect tax on your 19th day of not taxing.

Backcollecting is the only way to keep up in this game, the way to grow effectively. Now lets say I am in a backcollect on day 18 of inactivity. When I go home tonight I get hit by a car, break my leg and be brought into hospital... Then tomorrow I have an operation, so I can't log in to CN. Also, because of all this real life stuff I completely forget about Cybernations. The result? I will be deleted in 2 days, just because of some real life stuff

Or on day 18 I lose my internet connection, which means I have to go to a public place or a friends tomorrow just in order to collect

Edited by Denniswerf
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I think paying bills should count as activity. If you got the money for bills and are logging in everyday to pay them there is no reason you shouldn't be able to go 35 days without collecting taxes IF you have the money to pay bills. Back collecting is part of the game. Hell I'm 14 days inactive and could go on for quite a bit more if the game let me. Unfortunately I'll have to stop at 19 whether I like it or not. i think this would also solve the problem of accidental deletions due to miscalculated back collects. This could be easily implemented and the twenty day activity limit could still stand.

This allows much exploitation. For example a small nation paying 60 days of bills at 0 infra while receiving aid all the time, building up and collecting at the high infra level. This has been gone through several times...

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Well imho the system is very annoying and unnessessary strict.

- Count "login" as "activity" (but do not show it in the Nationview)

- Show "last NS change" instead in the nationview

This is more realisticially (because to be honest it should be of no other users concern when I access my nation and when not, but of course other nations leaders can get reports if another nation builds something.


Login inactivity:

- send every nation without 'activity' (=logins) for 20days into anarchy, disband all its military, cancel all its trades and pending foreign aid deals.

- reduce infra, land, tech and cash by -25% on day 21, 22, 23, 24

- delete on day 25 without login.

Tax inactivity:

- on day 20 of tax inactivity the "amount to collect" is 'frozen' and every future days amount is not added any more, also the population gets into a "tax weariness" and the 'frozen' amount is reduced by 10% each day down to no taxes collectable on day 30.

This way, no one could "exploit" the system by sitting out (nuclear) Anarchy or events or lost trades beyound 20days - his collection amount would be 'frozen' at the lowered value and every new day would be *lost* + losing even more cash every day.

Way better system and you really split between people who have *really* left the game or people who could accidentally not collect for a few days (these would just lose cash, but would keep their nation).

I have to say, but you are a pro at finding out excellent suggestions. XD

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You can't it takes 20 days. Going close to 20 days for improvement camp swapping is not necessary. It is a risk reward decision.

Don't like the risk, don't take it.

If someone has something going on in their life that can affect them for three weeks and they cannot arrange a nation sitter, then its probably more important than CN

This. If you know that you sometimes don't have access to internet or you can't login to CN don't make impro swapping. And if you are simply incative for 20 days it's a sign of RL duties.

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You guys forget one thing: being deleted because of inactivity isnt because you didn't log in in 20 days, its because you forgot to collect tax on your 19th day of not taxing.

Backcollecting is the only way to keep up in this game, the way to grow effectively. Now lets say I am in a backcollect on day 18 of inactivity. When I go home tonight I get hit by a car, break my leg and be brought into hospital... Then tomorrow I have an operation, so I can't log in to CN. Also, because of all this real life stuff I completely forget about Cybernations. The result? I will be deleted in 2 days, just because of some real life stuff

Or on day 18 I lose my internet connection, which means I have to go to a public place or a friends tomorrow just in order to collect

Then don't risk going past 15 days.

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Backcollecting is the only way to keep up in this game, the way to grow effectively. Now lets say I am in a backcollect on day 18 of inactivity. When I go home tonight I get hit by a car, break my leg and be brought into hospital... Then tomorrow I have an operation, so I can't log in to CN. Also, because of all this real life stuff I completely forget about Cybernations. The result? I will be deleted in 2 days, just because of some real life stuff

I do 12-14 day backcollects for safety, if your worried about your internet they will work just fine. It might slow your growth slightly, but I'm still moving up in the rankings... 4.5% to 2.7% since early September.

I do agree the 20 day limit does seem a bit strict, but remember Admin has to pay to store the data and 20 days is a long time. I'de prefer it to be based on bills, but I understand why it's kept the way it is, and it makes sense to me.

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I think there should be an auto tax collecting and bill paying that you can set it on. For example, you set it on 19 days. Your internet goes dead on day 19, but your tax will still be auto collected and the bills paid.

However, after the auto tax collecting and bill paying have been used 3x in a row, then it turns off until you log back in and collect the tax manually and pay bills.

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Then don't risk going past 15 days.

This is exactly the point I wanted to make. If you're so concerned with being deleted on Day 20, then don't risk your nation by waiting until Day 19. If waiting that long is a risk you're willing to take to advance your nation, then the consequences of that risk have to be realized as well.

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This allows much exploitation. For example a small nation paying 60 days of bills at 0 infra while receiving aid all the time, building up and collecting at the high infra level. This has been gone through several times...

If you can keep a noob interested in not doing anything but paying bills for 2 months I think that alliance deserves to collect on their investment.

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This is exactly the point I wanted to make. If you're so concerned with being deleted on Day 20, then don't risk your nation by waiting until Day 19. If waiting that long is a risk you're willing to take to advance your nation, then the consequences of that risk have to be realized as well.

Then better collect daily to make sure you are not getting deleted! And backcollecting is the way to grow effective, on day 15? Then you lose 4 of the 19 days, meaning you grow only 15/19 while others grow 19/19... Its a flaw in the system, not something my nation should suffer because

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ideally improvementswitching and backcollecting is simply taken out of the game by "saving" the daily collection amount for each day, so that "sitting out" lost trades, anarchy or events is not possible any more. seriously, people are only taking all the benefits, but rarely suffer any penalties that are in the game. Its clear exploitation, but since someone found out that it is possible and lucrative, they call it "strategy". the game lacks real different development strategies and flexible decisions which has to be adapted to different situations.

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