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That too, if you ban Mechs you can just as well ban most industrial robots, tanks, etc.

Hmm...good point.

So the only real thing preventing them from being built is the cost effectiveness due to their weaknesses. Am I right?

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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That is so silly LVN, why would it automatically fall over? We have a leg on each side of our body, not under our center of gravity... Obviously the walker would walk when it lifted a leg, giving it the momentum to stay upright.

You have no idea do you? When a human walks, they shift their body position and alignment, so that the foot is under their center of gravity.

Try this. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Now lift a foot. Notice how your body moves? Try it without moving your body. Yeah, the "walker" would fall over. Also, how is this powered?

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...Because not only they have been barely developed, it is not even know if they'd be any good or economically feasible for fighting.

That's entirely true, and a very valid point.

Still though, the base concept is possible, it's just a matter of "Will it bankrupt us? Will it do what we need?"

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That's entirely true, and a very valid point.

Still though, the base concept is possible, it's just a matter of "Will it bankrupt us? Will it do what we need?"

Meh, I frankly don't mind if a nation or other try to experiment with those just for the kicks, but given current knowledge, they will be much more expensive than troops, armored cars, etc. and probably not come near matching their efficiency.

My only issue with just letting it is that in a month or two, someone will claim to have Star Wars-like walkers and that somehow they are economically feasible and magically stronger than anything else.

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Meh, I frankly don't mind if a nation or other try to experiment with those just for the kicks, but given current knowledge, they will be much more expensive than troops, armored cars, etc. and probably not come near matching their efficiency.

My only issue with just letting it is that in a month or two, someone will claim to have Star Wars-like walkers and that somehow they are economically feasible and magically stronger than anything else.

Remember that we have LVN around... ;)

As long as people do the right research, take the time to RP development, and that they know the weaknesses, mechs should be allowed. Which in itself, if they actually do the research then there will be no star-wars walkers.

If they manage to find valid reasons for making them "economically feasible and magically stronger", then they have my congrats. Which they will not find.

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You know, as soon as you take one foot of the ground, it will fall over?

Being a nation of android maniacs, Japan is close to solving that particular problem. But given LVN's history of completely ignoring the advanced aspects of Japanese/Korean technology, I figure that the fact will be shot down.

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Being a nation of android maniacs, Japan is close to solving that particular problem. But given LVN's history of completely ignoring the advanced aspects of Japanese/Korean technology, I figure that the fact will be shot down.

Simply give links, preferrably dozens of them, each leading to a different website of high repute.


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Um well I didn't want to make to much of a fuss as it was just a cool little idea I had. At most I was going to build about ten or twenty of them so not army swarming numbers. The armour I was thinking of being a light weight mix of aluminum and some steel support in there somewhere. I realise it isn't totally feasible physic wise but Im not a engineer so I can't provide you with a scaled tech drawing for a mech. Anyway Il leave it up to the community to decide how about you all say yea or nay to this idea here in the OOC thread and tomorrow il count them and see whether or not to go ahead.

Also remember this mech is designed to combat gangs that may have aquired weaponary from the disarmament of the Helzan military as not even Helzan is free of criminals just they remain hidden as they were out gunned.

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Um well I didn't want to make to much of a fuss as it was just a cool little idea I had. At most I was going to build about ten or twenty of them so not army swarming numbers. The armour I was thinking of being a light weight mix of aluminum and some steel support in there somewhere. I realise it isn't totally feasible physic wise but Im not a engineer so I can't provide you with a scaled tech drawing for a mech. Anyway Il leave it up to the community to decide how about you all say yea or nay to this idea here in the OOC thread and tomorrow il count them and see whether or not to go ahead.

Also remember this mech is designed to combat gangs that may have aquired weaponary from the disarmament of the Helzan military as not even Helzan is free of criminals just they remain hidden as they were out gunned.

Well, its not so much of not being allowed, its the costs and feasibility. If they have heavy weapons, then those heavy weapons can easily kill the mech. And I don't think you want million dollar (or hundreds of thousands) pieces of equipment running around that can be destroyed in one bazooka blast now, do you?

May as well get an armored humvee with the chaingun, or even better a tank.

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Well, its not so much of not being allowed, its the costs and feasibility. If they have heavy weapons, then those heavy weapons can easily kill the mech. And I don't think you want million dollar (or hundreds of thousands) pieces of equipment running around that can be destroyed in one bazooka blast now, do you?

May as well get an armored humvee with the chaingun, or even better a tank.

I guess. Nevermind then I wont have the walkers :(

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Alright, all the RP I've done since October 2008 has finally come full-circle in this post. It's seven MSWord pages long so have fun.

Hey hawk, I love your RPs. I just dont like typing out an OOC: sentence each time to show how much I care and love simply because I like how well organized it is and my stupid post looks like it rudely interuptted a very well writen topic. I just feel my posts are something that stand in your way. Subtle does though so if you wish, image after everytime Subtle posts think of me posting this:

OOC: What Subtle said.

Edited by mykep
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Eh, I was just stating the fact in this thread. This post is a major accomplishment for myself in my book because this was the goal I set out to complete last October. Now it's done. A new storyline will start some time soon.

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Eh, I was just stating the fact in this thread. This post is a major accomplishment for myself in my book because this was the goal I set out to complete last October. Now it's done. A new storyline will start some time soon.

I should do that. Plan my RP's that is. Instead I went by what I thought of at the moment and now I screwed up big time and wish I could take it back. *sigh*. Maybe I can sort something out for the not to distant future.

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I should do that. Plan my RP's that is. Instead I went by what I thought of at the moment and now I screwed up big time and wish I could take it back. *sigh*. Maybe I can sort something out for the not to distant future.

Yep, following plans usually makes it so you can avoid screwups. Also, I did a very fair amount of spur-of-the-moment RP like treaties and decisions that I managed to tie in.

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I think those police mechs have one good use:

Distract the enemies so the police have time to position and attack. A powerful anti-armor weapon (rocket/missile launcher, RPG, etc) could instantly kill anyone equipped with even the strongest body armor (unless if they are armed with insanely thick armor, but then the enemies could simply trap the armored person). You can't send a tank into a building where fighting takes place room to room and floor to floor.

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Ololol, Srs Bsns.

You may have a need for growing up, my dear, for Manga are no longer restricted to being read in Asia and used by Asians.

I just hate it when it's shopped to be commie <_<

I have no trouble if you use it as a whole, like how you usefd Charles in the past.

Anyone mind if I use the naval version of the Giga Fortress from RA 3 Uprising?

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I just hate it when it's shopped to be commie <_<

I have no trouble if you use it as a whole, like how you usefd Charles in the past.

Don't be hatin'. Communism is delicious.

(Not really. But the propaganda is fun)

Anyone mind if I use the naval version of the Giga Fortress from RA 3 Uprising?



This thing?

No, thanks.

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