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Navies are directly proportional to the IG navies of each nation. This is also the case for merged nations (ie two nations capable of supporting 50 ships, one has max, one has half would be 75, not 100).

Nations not willing to maintain a navy ingame may roleplay a greenwater navy.

Let it be so.

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Navies are directly proportional to the IG navies of each nation. This is also the case for merged nations (ie two nations capable of supporting 50 ships, one has max, one has half would be 75, not 100).

Nations not willing to maintain a navy ingame may roleplay a greenwater navy.

Let it be so.


Does this mean reroll the Mudd part of the RP?

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Navies are directly proportional to the IG navies of each nation. This is also the case for merged nations (ie two nations capable of supporting 50 ships, one has max, one has half would be 75, not 100).

Nations not willing to maintain a navy ingame may roleplay a greenwater navy.

Let it be so.

HK, this is why I love you

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Navies are directly proportional to the IG navies of each nation. This is also the case for merged nations (ie two nations capable of supporting 50 ships, one has max, one has half would be 75, not 100).

Nations not willing to maintain a navy ingame may roleplay a greenwater navy.

Let it be so.

all hail! :wub:

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For clarification, before someone asks. ships and such can be captured in battle and the like.

Oh snap!



in seriousness though, someone has RP'd stealing ships before, so it's not like there's no precedent for it for anyone who complains

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For clarification, before someone asks. ships and such can be captured in battle and the like.

The only problem I have with this part, is that one of the points of making people have an IG navy to RP it, is you are paying the maintenance for it. If you allow this then they are basically getting ships for free. I can live with it, it has already been done a couple of times in RP, but shouldn't those ships be unrepairable or something??

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Navies are directly proportional to the IG navies of each nation. This is also the case for merged nations (ie two nations capable of supporting 50 ships, one has max, one has half would be 75, not 100).

Nations not willing to maintain a navy ingame may roleplay a greenwater navy.

Let it be so.

All hail our metal overlords!

In regards to Mudd, my opinion is this, it was ok for him to RP a navy that he did not have in game so long as he could not buy it in game due to Polar being under Coalition surrender terms prohibiting such. However, now that Polar was released he needs to buy ships he needs to RP.

Also Mercy's 36 ship destroyer fleet needs to go also, he doesn't even have the infra to support a destroyer.

I don't know about anyone else whose RPing a nation that doesn't have it in game. XCartd to his credit didn't wanna pay bills for navies so he decommed it both in game and in RP.

The only problem I have with this part, is that one of the points of making people have an IG navy to RP it, is you are paying the maintenance for it. If you allow this then they are basically getting ships for free. I can live with it, it has already been done a couple of times in RP, but shouldn't those ships be unrepairable or something??

While I kinda see your point, there are some things you just can't represent in game. Capturing ships is part of war. Its not getting something for free though and once those ships are lost they can't be replaced past the IG number.

Edited by Triyun
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While I kinda see your point, there are some things you just can't represent in game. Capturing ships is part of war. Its not getting something for free though and once those ships are lost they can't be replaced past the IG number.

That is basically what I was thinking should happen, so I agree with that part. I agree with the other points you made too, now that I think of it.

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I had 500 tech and 2000 infra at my height before I got "targeted" for helping Martens ingame. Should I go off of that or just use my current stats for my new nation.

I fear due to you not submitting stats to the database you have to start over as the rule you keep stats only counts for once that are on record or before the established rule and even those didn't get full stats.

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I fear due to you not submitting stats to the database you have to start over as the rule you keep stats only counts for once that are on record or before the established rule and even those didn't get full stats.
I would say people rejoining CNRP play to their current stats.

Not a problem, was just wondering.

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Frankly I'd like to point out that #cnrp is run by some rather immature ops. It's run very unprofessionally, with kick bans issued for little to no reason. Likewise ops are inconsistent in their rulings. Ops are removed for little to no reason, and the whole channel exists to satisfy the egos of a small ruling clique. Criticism of the way the ops run the channel is prohibited. Frankly the whole channel is juvenile.

For this reason I propose that all reasonable people leave the channel for #cybernationsrp. It will be run reasonable, and channel operators will not abuse their power, as those in #cnrp do. We've had to but up with immature founders for too long I say. No more. I for one am done.

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"whine whine whine, I temporarily lost sops that I did nothing to get in the first place and instead of calmly doing /hop i proceeded to flame the ever loving !@#$ out of the entire channel"

Yeah, the channel that I volunteered to make is just to satisfy my incredibly large ego. Criticism of the way the ops run the channel is not prohibited, but flaming us is. K/bs used to be issued for little to no reason, until I told the ops/sops not to do it unless it really warrants it. If you haven't noticed, only Ice and deSouza are banned, and that's because they were flaming and insulting people and being racist/sexist !@#$%^&.

Edited by Sargun
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