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ooc: Dude, I've been rping an ever expanding web at approximately 120 NM a day since the day I started the web in my fact book from 3 different locations around the world. India, Antarctica, and Tasmania.. when it got too ridiculous to try to track on the global radius indicator I just made it global because they were effectively everywhere. Once again, you're talking out your ***, and if you want I'll re-post the images of tracking the ever-expanding sea-crawler web if that is your wish. You also need to read my fact book, there are multiple sea-crawler rp posts. I don't expect you to know everything about my rp, but don't pretend to know everything about it when you obviously haven't even looked. BTW, the Naps were optional. You're putting words in our mouths in OOC. This is getting tiresome Terra. You do are starting to do this kind of thing in almost every thread I post, akin to Uberstein. I'm not sure what you have against me, but this is getting annoying. I know there are deep and shallow areas.. ever hear of Buoyancy?

Alright, here are a few problems.

1: Just no to 120 NM a day, thats a lot of your fancy little launchers, each of which would cost several million dollars USD, empty. (And you just made that number up, I read your little factbook, and that number is no where to be seen)

2: I saw two Sea-crawler posts linked in you factbook. I know that there are more, so stop yelling that everyone needs to read your fact book to check things that aren't there.

3: I've read the factbook, there is much less there than you claim

4: OH yes, pointing missiles at every nation in the world (Honestly an aggressive act in and of it's self) and saying "If your so scared, come sign a treaty!" is in no way persuading them, nay, forcing them to sign it for their own safety

5: I wouldn't post anything in your threads if you stopped metagaming and godmodding. It helps to read the rules of both CNRP and the forums. You can't do half the things you claim, and lately, you've been out of control with the rule breaking of your posts.

6: Notice that it's only been recently that I've been calling you on this, it's because you are pressing the limits of what the rules allow now. Right when you came back, I had no issue with you. I at least once praised you for being one of the few reasonable RPers here. I have no problem with you, it's your RP, and your ego.

7: Yes, buoyancy is the upward force that keeps things afloat. The net upward buoyancy force is equal to the magnitude of the weight of fluid displaced by the body. This force enables the object to float or at least seem lighter. That definition is all you should need. Buoyant things float, they don't like to stay in one place, suspended in the middle of a body of water, they will push to get to the surface.

EDIT: Also, assuming you're using a torpedo that can take out a ship with one shot, a single one costs up to 2.9 million dollars, 1/1000 of your GDP. The torpedoes alone would bankrupt you, not to mention the launchers and the missiles.

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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First, you are allowed to kill characters, but not leaders. Second, for them to be a leader, they have to have a nation state to be leader of. But I agree, etiquette left these boards a long while ago, and there have been some horrendous examples.

I agree that there are many horrendous examples of poor etiquette.

Hence me trying to bring etiquette back....

And I think that we really need a code of conduct for players so they know how to behave. Good manners seems so rare these days.

Edited by Vasili Markov
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First, you are allowed to kill characters, but not leaders. Second, for them to be a leader, they have to have a nation state to be leader of. But I agree, etiquette left these boards a long while ago, and there have been some horrendous examples.

Well, in Sumeragi's case, you could argue that she is the leader of the Kyokujitsuan (sp) resistance. Sargun and I will have to discuss this one with the mods and bring back a more formal ruling.

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Well, in Sumeragi's case, you could argue that she is the leader of the Kyokujitsuan (sp) resistance. Sargun and I will have to discuss this one with the mods and bring back a more formal ruling.

I personally don't mind that particular RP, so you don't have to rule on it.

However, a formal ruling on character killing in general needs to be done for the sake of players.

Edited by Sumeragi
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My personal opinion is assasination is an instrument of conflict, this is a political simulator, it should be available if there is a reasonable opportunity to do so. I fail too see how it is discourteous OOC. Its nothing personal. As for IC, who cares about courtesy :P

Edited by Triyun
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My personal opinion is assasination is an instrument of conflict, this is a political simulator, it should be available if there is a reasonable opportunity to do so. I fail too see how it is discourteous OOC. Its nothing personal. As for IC, who cares about courtesy :P

I figure you wouldn't mind Triyun II dying then. Noted.

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I think that any assassination plots should be cleared by the assassinating party and the assassinated party before it's RPed. It does make for good RP, but it's incredibly disrespectful, ruins a lot more rp than it makes, and will generally lead to a cluster !@#$ of OOC ranting and whining by everyone.

But, if a leader was, say, inspecting their army on a battlefield, and the entire thing gets nuked, it would be reasonably if they died, unless the person RPs a good reason why they could live

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I think that any assassination plots should be cleared by the assassinating party and the assassinated party before it's RPed. It does make for good RP, but it's incredibly disrespectful, ruins a lot more rp than it makes, and will generally lead to a cluster !@#$ of OOC ranting and whining by everyone.

But, if a leader was, say, inspecting their army on a battlefield, and the entire thing gets nuked, it would be reasonably if they died, unless the person RPs a good reason why they could live

I agree 100%. Unless the person is time and time again RPing their leader out of impossible situations.

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Ummm.... Come up with some sort of RP that explains how they got there, and I don't see why it would be a problem.

What this person said.

Just like how I ended up having a Korean majority in Taiwan/South China for a while.

Case closed.

*me stamps the case file with the "GM Stamp of Closure" *

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1: Just no to 120 NM a day, thats a lot of your fancy little launchers, each of which would cost several million dollars USD, empty. (And you just made that number up, I read your little factbook, and that number is no where to be seen)

Thats half a knot. Perfectly reasonable.

4: OH yes, pointing missiles at every nation in the world (Honestly an aggressive act in and of it's self) and saying "If your so scared, come sign a treaty!" is in no way persuading them, nay, forcing them to sign it for their own safety

Yeah, its not a nice move, but repercussions will follow.

5: I wouldn't post anything in your threads if you stopped metagaming and godmodding. It helps to read the rules of both CNRP and the forums. You can't do half the things you claim, and lately, you've been out of control with the rule breaking of your posts.

Its possible, but not smart or easy.

7: Yes, buoyancy is the upward force that keeps things afloat. The net upward buoyancy force is equal to the magnitude of the weight of fluid displaced by the body. This force enables the object to float or at least seem lighter. That definition is all you should need. Buoyant things float, they don't like to stay in one place, suspended in the middle of a body of water, they will push to get to the surface.

Water gets more dense with depth, so you can stay at one depth depending on the density you give the crawler.

EDIT: Also, assuming you're using a torpedo that can take out a ship with one shot, a single one costs up to 2.9 million dollars, 1/1000 of your GDP. The torpedoes alone would bankrupt you, not to mention the launchers and the missiles.

Sounds like he has you here.

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