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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1327612990' post='2907569']
I wonder how Athens will now be able to expand their Sweden-level living to an additional 200 million people.
Dropping immigration standards, encouraging families to have lots of kids, cloning, you name it.

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1327903271' post='2910324']

On the desk of the General Secretary of the Party was a filed labelled "Hyper Classified". The writing was in the Field Marshall's hand and it also warned to "Read then destroy" Opening it, he would discover new plans and orders for the nation to be implemented. After issuing orders to the proper officials, Secretary Karlov shredded the documents using a diamond shredder then burned the shreddings to ash which he then smoked with tobacco in his pipe.

The following is a breakdown of the new air defense system for the entirety of the Australian nation and its outlying possessions. Following that is a breakdown of other defensive measures which will also be put in place."

Early Warning Systems

The Australian Early Warning system consists of hundreds of both fixed-position and mobile unit radar units. These units feature both standard high-frequency radar that detects symmetric (non-stealth) and identifies these threats, on top of this, there are a number of systems using low-frequency radar to aid in the detection of asymmetric (stealth) aircraft. While this low-frequency radar does not allow for a lock on these aircraft so that they may be engaged by air defense systems, it allows for the Southern Cross air defense network with an early warning to respond with interceptor aircraft.

Included in these radar packages are the use of mobile and fixed AESA systems, whose radar waves are spread out over numerous frequencies, allowing for active signals to be used, while remaining an elusive target for anti-radar weaponry.

These systems are also supplemented by the use of large thermographic cameras, that work in tandem with low-frequency radars, these cameras, with a high resolution as well as quantum-well infrared photodetectors or "QWIPs", also help with the identification of jamming equipment. The use of these cameras, which are both mounted on mobile platforms and at fixed positions, will aid in the defense of jamming equipment, and can assist in targeting of jamming modules. The use of these cameras can effectively eliminate the radar cross-section advantages that stealth hold over most anti-air defense systems, but cannot efficiently provide targeting for anti-air defense systems, but are helpful with detection and tracking for airborne interception methods.

Capping off these systems are the newest additions to the Australian satellite fleet, which are low-Earth orbit satellites with high-power optical cameras. These give the ability to give 'look-down' coverage to air defense systems, and aid in tracking targets at long ranges from Southern Cross shores. These systems are supplemented by the newest long range Phased Array Warning Systems (PAWS), which are currently being built along the coasts of the Southern Cross. These systems will aid in the defense against both aircraft and missile threats, and will be directly integrated with all other systems, including the Ballistic and Cruise Missile Defense systems.

All of these systems, like all other military and defense systems, are hardwired to one another, and are internal Southern Cross government servers, which prevents external hacking from foreign shores. This disallows external threats from crashing the air defense system entirely. While the Southern Cross Air Defense Force does maintain a central command hub in each of the provinces of the Southern Cross, if these commands are wiped out, the decentralization of the system allows for sector units to operate on their own. Hard wiring to other sites allows for sites to maintain cohesion if air defense commands are hit in force. Most air defense units are equipped with their own radar systems, and while not as significantly advanced as the primary systems, can keep the air defense systems in action. All of these systems have their own power generation units, and can run both from civilian power grid, but can revert to their own power supplies should the grids be eliminated. The systems are also reinforced against EMP strikes, and a number of mobile units are equipped with spare parts for major operating components if shielding does fail.

Air Defense Missiles/Artillery

Air defense missiles and artillery, like early warning systems, are split into two categories; mobile and fixed units. The new Southern Cross air defense systems features a well proportioned representation of both systems. Clusters of anti-aircraft weaponry are stationed primarily near large towns and cities (especially fixed positional weaponry), as well as around critical military and industrial complexes outside of cities. While there are fixed anti-aircraft missiles in remote locations along intended paths of attack on the continent, most of the open areas of the Socialist People's Republic are covered by mobile anti-aircraft regiments and independent companies.

Mobile SAM and AAA units are crucial for the survivability of the nation, as they are not as easily tracked and located as fixed positions. With our mobile anti-aircraft missile and artillery units, there is an emphasis on shoot and scoot maneuvers, where units will engage, and then try to move positions to avoid detection. We have arranged for areas in cities where these vehicles can park out of the public eye, and are shielded by camouflage from the sky, but this camouflage is easily removable. These units can move and operate independently, using the decentralized network so that they can operate at the vehicle level independently, and they are usually spread evenly throughout an area, instead of clumped together. These units also include CIWS vehicles that can be used to destroy incoming missiles from striking vehicles and helping the AA regiment fight back against standoff missile weaponry.

Fixed position defenses consist of not only artillery and missile systems, but also CIWS systems. These systems are highly automated and are usually concealable, instead of visible defenses, this is for both survivability purposes, as well as for the good of citizenry. Typically, these weapons are posted on the outskirts of cities and bases, in a ring around the area. Using inconspicuous designs, like the tops of these systems looking like water mains, to mask their actual intent, they will deploy their weaponry for combat purposes, then will pop to subsurface levels after deploying their weaponry. These sites are protected by fencing, motion sensing technology, as well as closed-circuit televisions.

Fixed missile positions feature a cold launch system, that fires the rocket from the tube, and then the rocket's motor fires. Missile launchers feature a unique reloading system, that is much like an ammunition belt on a machinegun. The missile is loaded into the tube, then fired, the launching tube is connected to three 'ammunition hoppers', a cache of three different types of missiles, for short, medium, and long range targets. Once a target is selected, the correct missile will then load into the tube, and then will be fired at the target. A fourth 'ammunition hopper' is reserved with anti-ballistic missile weaponry, which these fixed positions are also allowed to engage.

Also making up the fixed position systems are "LandRAM" anti-missile systems, which work much like the SeaRAM CIWS gun/missile packages found on many ships. These feature both Block III Rolling Airframe Missiles as well as automatic cannons for engaging inbound missile threats. These systems are effective at engaging in all directions, and are generally given wide fields of fire for their guns. These systems are particularly effective at engaging cruise missile threats that enter their zones of operation.

Finally, anti-aircraft artillery, in the form of the Denel 40mm L/70 automatic cannon are found in a number of turrets throughout many towns and cities. These guns feature doubled barrels, which are radar directed by both central air defense commands, as well as nearby AESA units. These guns have automatic 'belt' feeds, which load from a substantial magazine, ensuring the guns stay in action for up to five hours of sustained fire. They are quickly reloaded by vehicles that carry specially made 'magazines' that remove the old magazine, and replace it with the new one, much like the missile magazines of the fixed SAM sites. The guns deploy up from the ground, and can be allowed to automatically disengage if an inbound missile or bomb is about to strike. To keep the gun running for long periods of engagement, the guns can deploy back into the ground, which feature cooling units that can cool the barrels within five minutes, so the gun can be quickly back in action and this avoids overheating.

These fixed sites feature reinforced concrete protection, and all weapon systems are stored at a depth of fifteen feet, to ensure some survivability from near strikes. Hits that damage the opening mechanisms to these systems, once detected, automatically set off a small C-4 charge that can blow the damaged mechanism away. This will reduce the survivability of the weapon in future hits, but it allows for it to stay in action regardless. The magazines for these weapons are protected by reinforced concrete doors, that cover the magazine itself. When changing the magazine, the crew changing it has to use a built in elevator to lift the old magazine out of its pit. Once this is done, the crew will move the new magazine onto the elevator, which will then be deployed back down into place and primed for use.

Initial Strike Survivability Project (ISSP)

Under the auspices of the Initial Strike Survivability Project, we have seen in many recent wars that endurance of forces is a key and fundamental part of continued resistance and campaigns. To ensure that our forces receive benefits from this learned knowledge, the ISSP is a nationwide initiative to preserve combat capabilities. This includes the strategic reserve and maintenance of armored vehicles, weapons, aircraft, and soon, naval vessels. Analysis on first strike techniques the world over, have shown the vulnerability of bases, and men in the field, to initial strikes from aircraft and missile weaponry. To ensure that this is made difficult to any foe that may threaten our shores or bases abroad, we have constructed large underground networks of vehicle garages, and arsenals.

These bases are spread throughout the country, some are integrated into existing military bases, others are in more austere locations. These underground facilities feature force-flow air ducts that filter out the threats of NRBC contaminants, as well as their own existing water and power supply, which is connected to the civilian power grid. They vary in size, with some able to handle the storage and maintenance of up to a full battalion of main battle tanks and their attendant vehicles. The facilities also feature on-site barracks that are ready for use, and are staffed by personnel who are charged with the upkeep and maintenance of vehicles. All have multiple vehicle and personnel exits for quick evacuation, and only a select few know all of the exit. The underground facilities range in depth, some being as many as ten stories underground, a standard of twenty foot thick reinforced concrete ceilings are used for blast protection. The facilities also feature winding passageways, which help to disperse blast force should a weapon penetrate the ceiling.

Also included in the ISSP project are the upgrades to almost all air and naval aviation land facilities, featuring aircraft shelters above ground, and reinforced earthen-concrete covered revetments. Runways have also been upgraded, and while are not completely able to withstand sustained bombardment, can take a fair share of regular munitions before being cratered to a heavy extent. Also included in the upgrades to airfields are the underground hanger shelters, which feature large underground hangers, where planes and personnel can be stored beneath existing hangers, with protection from NRBC threats, with the shelters able to withstand all but the most heaviest of massive ordinance penetration and nuclear warheads. These facilities feature underground passages for both planes and personnel, which can move freely from one aircraft 'hold' to another. They also feature camouflaged exits for both planes and personnel, so that even if all hangers above are damaged, there are classified elevators that can bring them up.

The ISSP also called for the upgrade and maintenance of almost all bush strips in frontier villages and towns in the Outback. Seventy percent of this work has been completed under the guise of the civilian airport infrastructure improvement bill. This included installation of reinforced runways at all airstrips in the Outback that serviced villages, as well as their extension of runways to accommodate larger aircraft. This also included the expansion of aviation fuel holding tanks, mostly placed underground, to fuel aircraft if needed. The expansion of these Outback strips will help disperse aircraft throughout the interior of the country if the nation comes under sustained assault from multiple shores.

You know, this is a great example of people blatantly copying other people's stuff... [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100311&view=findpost&p=2699780]the original post[/url] took close to two hours to write and compile. How long does it take to copy and paste? A minute, tops? Thirty seconds?

Seriously, people, I know this isn't rule breaking, but give people some !@#$@#$ credit if you're going to copy/paste things, and not [b]EVEN[/b] take the time to change the country/company/weapon system names. It's very annoying to the people who actually make an effort when people just steal other people's ideas, strategies, and work, without a second thought, people in university get expelled for this kind of thing. At least give the original author some credit, they made the effort, and they deserve some recognition.

This is just poor form. -_-

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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Shammy I just wanted to say that I was sorry- I did not intend to rip off your work in anyway but more so to acquaint myself with your old defences because I wanted to reuse them. It was told to me that we could reactivate old national defences from previous incarnations- I am sorry if I misunderstood the rule

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I say that all copycats deserve a 25.1 day in the penalty box, with no contact with IC. Inactivity rule should not be rewritten to accommodate the penalty.

[i]Starts searching for any of my years old posts that might've been copied off of other people before someone else finds my posts first...[/i]

Edited by HHAYD
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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1327963348' post='2910906']
Shammy, I would be highly pleased and flattered that someone would rip off my work.... it ain't anything new in any case if that's consolation for ya. If someone thinks its good enough to copy, then perhaps it means that what you wrote was actually good? :P

Yes, I am flattered that someone decided to resurrect something of mine, but when they seemingly pass it off as their own, is a totally different story, just saying. :P

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1327968957' post='2911024']
I say that all copycats deserve a 25.1 day in the penalty box, with no contact with IC. Inactivity rule should not be rewritten to accommodate the penalty.

[i]Starts searching for any of my years old posts that might've been copied off of other people before someone else finds my posts first...[/i]

Inactivity kicks in on the update following the 25th day so in essence the 26th day. That said you can reactive old defenses but outright copying a post without credit is poor form and expect a lot of work to be needed to repair them as they've been without maintenance for years.

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[quote name='Curristan' timestamp='1328107751' post='2912541']
[b]Morogoro Top Secret Military Facility[/b]

First stages of Biological Warfare Programme well under way. Focus is to be made on creating a "Super Strain" of Malaria for use. This would also serve as an attempt to create a vaccine for Malaria.

Can Malaria be effectively weaponized? It's not a virus or bacteria (it's a protist) and it can only be spread by mosquito bites, not through air, water or food.

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I have realized through my idiocy that Triyun had no right to claim the islands which are legally mine- I shredded and smoked the documentation that stated the OTH radar and things were being rebuilt... This means even though he would see the construction going on he would not know what it was for- Therefore, I re-lay claim to the islands.

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1328228756' post='2913440']
I have realized through my idiocy that Triyun had no right to claim the islands which are legally mine- I shredded and smoked the documentation that stated the OTH radar and things were being rebuilt... This means even though he would see the construction going on he would not know what it was for- Therefore, I re-lay claim to the islands.

Did you OOC give Triyun the islands and IC remove any forces you had on them? Also has Triyun already moved forces onto said islands? If so then you will need to claim them IC in fact either way you still do need to IC claim them back. Just saying OOC you reclaim them does nothing I am afraid.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1328229500' post='2913456']
In other words, where's the RP over finding out about it?
About the OTH radars? It's someone difficult to say, since even if they new about the radar facilities, it hasn't been activated yet, and as such Triyun would have never known it had enough reach to the Marianas.

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Kevin- I rp'd out [quote]On the desk of the General Secretary of the Party was a filed labelled "Hyper Classified". The writing was in the Field Marshall's hand and it also warned to "Read then destroy" Opening it, he would discover new plans and orders for the nation to be implemented. After issuing orders to the proper officials, Secretary Karlov shredded the documents using a diamond shredder then burned the shreddings to ash which he then smoked with tobacco in his pipe.[/quote]

Inside that file of smoked papers were the details of the reactivation of the OTH radars(amongst other things)- Triyun sent me a threatening/generically bullying PM and then made an IC post about it- about how if i sell him the islands and deactivate the radar he will leave me alone- Triyun has not moved troops onto the islands afaik- and i may have islander garrisons of troops on the islands (no dedicated troops)(I have not looked lately)

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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1328230108' post='2913461']
Kevin- I rp'd out

Inside that file of smoked papers were the details of the reactivation of the OTH radars(amongst other things)- Triyun sent me a threatening/generically bullying PM and then made an IC post about it- about how if i sell him the islands and deactivate the radar he will leave me alone- Triyun has not moved troops onto the islands afaik- and i may have islander garrisons of troops on the islands (no dedicated troops)(I have not looked lately)

Okay so Triyun wouldn't know about the Radar unless he either A) spotted them through some physical means or B) You brought them online I guess. As for the islands themselves they are claimed by both yourself and Triyun and its up to you to hold them if you can. So the situation is quite clear :).

Edit: STOP PRESS. You actually said you transferred them and then Triyun said he sent troops to secure them so yeah they are actually claimed by Triyun and its up to you to capture them. Have fun :)

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1328228756' post='2913440']
I have realized through my idiocy that Triyun had no right to claim the islands which are legally mine- I shredded and smoked the documentation that stated the OTH radar and things were being rebuilt... This means even though he would see the construction going on he would not know what it was for- Therefore, I re-lay claim to the islands.

To late. You IC transferred them to my sovereignty. Either you accept my sovereignty over them or you invade Tianxia, in which case thats an aggressive act of war. I do however have no issue if you want to invade Tianxia. It will be treated as an aggressive attack and be responded to how we respond to people who launch aggressive attacks against Tianxia.

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The way I'm seeing this, both sides are being really whiny OOC-wise. What is clear are:

1. MO transferred the islands through RP, and as such unless he starts another RP move saying he challenges it, there is no way Triyun can use this OOC whining for IC actions.

2. MO's OTH radars have not be activated, and as such Triyun wouldn't know just how far they would reach. Unless he;s being an paranoid OOC whiner where anything aimed at his direction is considered a threat, his RP on that particular aspect doesn't make sense.

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