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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1317864400' post='2817595']
In English please?
Northern Illinois University is in the Mid-American Conference, which is a joke. You should attend a school with a proper athletics program. I eagerly await the announcement that you will be attending a Big 10, Big 12, or SEC school.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1317865122' post='2817609']
Northern Illinois University is in the Mid-American Conference, which is a joke. You should attend a school with a proper athletics program. I eagerly await the announcement that you will be attending a Big 10, Big 12, or SEC school.
I don't care about athletics, I'm going to NIU for the Russian course and nothing more. Personally, I find people who get pissy over football and basketball leagues rather boring.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1317868370' post='2817662']
I don't care about athletics, I'm going to NIU for the Russian course and nothing more.
You chose a college for the [i]MINOR[/i]?! Wrong, start again. I can understand you choosing to go because it's close to home, but you never go for the minor.

Personally, I find people who get pissy over football and basketball leagues rather boring.

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You guys are so young and varied in your teachings. It's good to see a variety of different fields =]

I myself do nothing constructive: I've made it my life's goal to visit and explore every national park, national monument, disbanded/decommissioned parks/monuments, national preserve, historical park, historic/disbanded historic site, battlefields, military parks ... hell, just take a look [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_areas_in_the_United_States_National_Park_System]here[/url]. When my parents passed away about a decade ago they left me their life savings, which combined with my own modest savings (and the USAA pretty much singlehandedly saving me from the Recession) has allowed me to retire early and explore to my heart's content.

I typically take Tuesdays and Thursdays off to relax, which is why I'm mostly active then. =]

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Quick question if a player says that their nation manufactures a RL aircraft design would I need their permission to use that aircraft as my own? I ask this as I intend to have the Hornet as my anti-air fighter and thre tornadoes for anti-ground but if someone says their design belongs to their country do I need their permission to use them?

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1318167106' post='2821457']
I remember Mudd claimed he controlled Boeing (or some other similar aircraft company) and he'd complain every once in a while if someone used a Boeing design but I don't think anyone really cared.

Short answer: No.


I've seen a few times people have tried to enforce it, Triyun did it once with a couple of Boeing designs as well, but nothing really ever came of it.

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