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I have a question, can I put a single character's brain into a large hard-to-move monolithic computer if another nation helping me has the tech to do it? (and has RP'd organic computers and such) Still not bulletproof, simply there mostly for bad jokes and awkward situations.

It would be the same as putting the character on life support in a wheelchair only more menacing-looking. :P

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(Moved :P)

I have a question on soldiers...

If I roleplay them with the effectiveness/training half that of the normal nation, will this allow me to have twice the troops? Stats-wise, this will not change the outcome of battles in any sort of way; I just would like to roleplay more troops . Any guerilla forces I use will be regular effectiveness, but will be the normal amount of troops.

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OOC: Which section are you attacking? Burma or Sri Lanka? Scotra or Antarctica?

The Helldiver Corps I (30,000 men) was loaded aboard their gunships and launched against Furon, landing on Kyushu and swiftly isolating and capturing a few key points. 500 tanks and 10,000 soldiers of the 3rd Army moved in after them.


Purple is the Helldiver landing site, and the black are the landing sites for the regular troops.

OOC: Im going off till tomorrow so dont do too much.

I'm going to have to call BS on this post. 30 thousand men cannot be transported in one post, let alone capture any key points without a single casualty.

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Perhaps Lavo but otherwise as far as I know, no.
I wouldn't count them completely out...I plan on developing them.

Also, Viniland (V the King) may have developed them, though I can't be completely sure.

Yes I also plan on devloping them once I have enough tech but I want to start the RP for them early rather than just one day going. "Oh look I have rail guns pew pew".

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Both rail guns and lasers can be used in an SDI, but can they be used for other things too? (anti-ship for example?)

well...lasers can be used in defense, mostly. That's about all that is tolerated. Railguns have been a part of the Rp for some time--just not being used a lot right now.

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I always wondered why we couldn't have the aircraft that had a laser on the front of it (well, for more advanced nations, moreso than mine anyway); it would be able to destroy visible targets instantly, or for a small burst, but they are expensive and can't keep it up forever. Powerful yes, but cost effective? No.

Nordland had some at some point (I dunno if that was ret-conned though).

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Well, there is a plane kind of like that in RL--though it doesn't vaporize its targets--it simply heats them up to the point of not functioning within a matter of seconds.

Well, its some sort of laser along those lines; its supposed to take out tanks/vehicles at a rapid pace from miles away.

Anyway, I believe it was banned from CNRP a while back for some reason; never got the reason why.

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