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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1288240438' post='2494905']
It wouldn't have to be particularly advanced, just a system that could be used to combat an enemy attacking a city. It could be used as a last-resort scenario, if the city is taken, to cause damage to the enemy even if it causes damage to the city's infrastructure.

Again, you'll need to be a mite bit more specific with what you mean... for some reason im thinking sentry guns.

[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1288240449' post='2494906']
*Bows down to the GM*

Although I still do not agree, I shall follow as you say.

Don't get me wrong, my word is not set in stone... if people (including you) feel strongly enough for it, then by all means discuss. My job is to enforce what all of you guys want.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1288233174' post='2494799']
On the contrary, SOSUS is still the best way to detect subs aside from MADs. No matter how quiet you make a sub, a very sensitive static hydrophone would be able to listen. Of course, they're not that useful in busy routes, hence why they're installed in the GIUK gap.

The main problem with SOSUS in CNRP, however, is that they've been installed as if they're fences. The amount of time and money to hide a SOSUS network restricts their use to relatively shallow and inactive areas. Trying to put a SOSUS network in the South China Sea would mean every nation around the area would likely see where the network was installed (this is why I RPed knowing iKrolm's system, since not only did he instantly install the system, but he installed it in non-territoroal waters). Also, people seem to forget that SOSUS is a LINE, not an area listening system.

In addition, I've seen absurd versions where we have a line stretching from Taipei to Guam (if I'm correct). The depth of the line in question means the network would unlikely be able to listen to non-deep water subs, never mind having to deal with maintaining such a system under that deep a pressure.

Kankou, if you insist on dredging up old history I installed the system before Korea existed. There's currently two other nations that should know about it, the UFE and the Malay Federation, but with a quick RP of searching the area or another reason to know it's present, there'd be no problem with anyone finding it. Given CNRP's history though, I'd be surprised if mine was the only system you'd find in the area, active or otherwise. ;)

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288240561' post='2494910']
Again, you'll need to be a mite bit more specific with what you mean... for some reason im thinking sentry guns.
I don't have the tech for sentry guns V_V Though I mean on a larger extent, a system that would be constantly prepared to do damage.

As said, I'm not sure if I could be specific because I don't really know how I could make it work. A city-wide system that would, in the event of an invasion, be prepared to be activated at any time. Could be explosives (though explosives on such a large scale are unlikely to really be accurate or do damage), could be something I'm overlooking.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1288240755' post='2494913']
I don't have the tech for sentry guns V_V Though I mean on a larger extent, a system that would be constantly prepared to do damage.

As said, I'm not sure if I could be specific because I don't really know how I could make it work. A city-wide system that would, in the event of an invasion, be prepared to be activated at any time. Could be explosives (though explosives on such a large scale are unlikely to really be accurate or do damage), could be something I'm overlooking.

I'm pretty sure gun-oriented SHORAD systems can be trained on ground targets (with questionable results against armor, due to a tendency for the rounds to be of a continuous rod warhead type)... but honestly, your parameters include stuff like Maginot-esque trench-and-bunker systems, the SHORAD guns... heck, even a volunteer weekend warrior program.

EDIT: Only some autocannons use CR warheads... conventional or explosive rounds would fare better if they used them.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288240903' post='2494919']
I'm pretty sure gun-oriented SHORAD systems can be trained on ground targets (with questionable results against armor, due to a tendency for the rounds to be of a continuous rod warhead type)... but honestly, your parameters include stuff like Maginot-esque trench-and-bunker systems, the SHORAD guns... heck, even a volunteer weekend warrior program.
Unfortunately, as the rather quick defeat of France showed, the Maginot line was not particularly effective V_V

But the SHORAD guns used against ground targets is a good idea...I'll need to look into how I could get that to work XD

A volunteer weekend program, as in, military training of civilians? I'd be all for that, but isn't it against the rules to train your civilian population for war (or rather, use your civilian population for war)?

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1288241045' post='2494923']
Unfortunately, as the rather quick defeat of France showed, the Maginot line was not particularly effective V_V

But the SHORAD guns used against ground targets is a good idea...I'll need to look into how I could get that to work XD

A volunteer weekend program, as in, military training of civilians? I'd be all for that, but isn't it against the rules to train your civilian population for war (or rather, use your civilian population for war)?

I wasn't advocating for the Maginot approach, just trying to make you understand how vague your requirements for this system are. Also, when I mention these solutions, know they are purely in IC terms. Sure, IC'ly, it would be a military training programs for civilians, but OOC'ly, you'd need to take numbers out of your CNRP troop counts.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288241345' post='2494933']
I wasn't advocating for the Maginot approach, just trying to make you understand how vague your requirements for this system are. Also, when I mention these solutions, know they are purely in IC terms. Sure, IC'ly, it would be a military training programs for civilians, but OOC'ly, you'd need to take numbers out of your CNRP troop counts.
Sorry V_V I'm not as knowledgeable as far as military hardware and equipment goes as a lot of other people in CNRP, so when I talk about such things, I have to be vague because I really have no idea about it XD

Well, if I have to take numbers out of the soldier count, what does that change as far as city defense capability?

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1288241467' post='2494938']
Well, if I have to take numbers out of the soldier count, what does that change as far as city defense capability?

Well, I'm capable of fielding more than the 550,000 official troops I've declared.... the OOC extra troops are, in IC, trained men and women within the civilian population that could offer resistance should my regulars be destroyed. This is owed to my IC heavily militarized society RPs, in your case, what would stop trained reservists from bringing resistance to enemy forces? IC'ly, nothing, but OOC'ly, your max troop count. Saving some hidden reserves can circumvent this.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288241807' post='2494947']
Well, I'm capable of fielding more than the 550,000 official troops I've declared.... the OOC extra troops are, in IC, trained men and women within the civilian population that could offer resistance should my regulars be destroyed. This is owed to my IC heavily militarized society RPs, in your case, what would stop trained reservists from bringing resistance to enemy forces? IC'ly, nothing, but OOC'ly, your max troop count. Saving some hidden reserves can circumvent this.
Hmmm, that's a good point. I'll take that suggestion, and continue to look into the SHORAD systems usable against ground forces. Thanks for the advice.

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1288240745' post='2494912']
Kankou, if you insist on dredging up old history I installed the system before Korea existed. There's currently two other nations that should know about it, the UFE and the Malay Federation, but with a quick RP of searching the area or another reason to know it's present, there'd be no problem with anyone finding it. Given CNRP's history though, I'd be surprised if mine was the only system you'd find in the area, active or otherwise. ;)
I'm only bringing it up because you said I wouldn't have been able to find it, despite the fact I've occupied the area for some time. Besides that, I wouldn't have complained. Also, Triyun does have a system (it was in his USC factbook).

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1288064002' post='2493304']
CNRP is a game, a hobby, something done in your spare time. But it takes time, and you know what, not everybody wants to have their time wasted because somebody who isn't capable of participating wishes to do so. I don't care that people have lives, because when we get on CNRP we don't have lives. We spend a few minutes or hours a day as anonymous individuals and we do this to have fun (your definition of fun may be different, as Maelstrom may wish to RP dragonkin furry empires and Triyun wishes to bring back the USSR in various forms). This game, this RP offshoot of an online game, is not so important that we need to craft timelines to individuals lives over long periods of time. It's a minor bit of entertainment but as soon as one party messes it up for the other or more then it turns to frustration and that's just not a fun thing to have.

Further, I've specifically instructed SMH before that these autoadvances are minor and must have appropriate casualties, and I personally reviewed SMH's previous autoadvance and found it to be fully compliant. I haven't seen the latest batch because my computer decided to take a dive on the gravity machine and I've only recently fixed it, but I have full faith that he will not abuse the autoadvance.

Also, mykep seems to have an unusually high rate of hand injuries and surgeries whenever something important happens.

It seems people have been frustrated, but your lack of sympathy is disappointing, as if I were looking for any less than a couple of days after a surgery and for convalescencing. Like you said, this is something to do in your spare time, and I have had zero to none in my past couple of months with three broken bones, two surgeries and alot of pain meds.

The fact that I can tell other RP communities that I will be out, and for them to take their time to wait, and for one of them to even send me a card, was amazing. That is a community, this isnt. This isnt even entertaining when someone who helps moderate it actually hints at me pretending to break my arm for sympathy and for some extra time to dilly-dally. I'm not going to post pictures of my 10 screws, two plates, 67 staples, slings and casts, because I find even thinking people thought I made this up absurd.

I've played CN for 4 years, CNRP just short of that under different user names, and I've always found this game fun, but some of you really need to get over yourselves, Sargun. I'd love to trade places with you: Be an !@#$%^&, and still manage to get a GM position? Still question how you get that twice, and have the time to read an autoadvance but not the one lined second post of a thread which clearly stated my condition. Hell, with you in my position? Wouldnt mind not seeing you post for a few months. Time for physical therapy. Peace.

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Guys, most of that discussion should be in the technology help thread.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1288199438' post='2494328']
I believe the counter to Lavo's FTL drive would be that if his stuff is ruled illegal, a lot of other stuff should as well. I for one would favor a much more restrictive policy on technology. It is unlikely that anyone would build a space elevator, nor it likely that anyone would build a complete AI. I'd also like to point out that someone having SOSUS grids that insta detect subs, or radar that insta detect Stealth is also almost completely improbable by 2020. Subs are becoming more quite and harder to detect. The claims of detecting the F-22 at any meaningful range are almost universally considered propaganda (you can detect the plane, but not before the F-22 is in range to fire its weapons). All of this is equally BS. Stealth is much more costly and has drawbacks in other areas, but every nation is developing stealth fighters as their next gen as evidence of belief of experts in its viability.

I personally would be in favor of GM enforcement of technology fielded which actually effects the balance of power between nations and concentrating on bringing that into 2020 compliance first.
However implausible they may be, they are [b]FAR[/b] from less plausible than an FTL drive.

Which really, within the confines of a single solar system, would be too inaccurate for practical use even with the aid of computers. And THAT is assuming you could even develop it.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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[quote name='Acca Dacca' timestamp='1288277561' post='2495187']
I've played CN for 4 years, CNRP just short of that under different user names, and I've always found this game fun, but some of you really need to get over yourselves, Sargun. I'd love to trade places with you: Be an !@#$%^&, and still manage to get a GM position? Still question how you get that twice, and have the time to read an autoadvance but not the one lined second post of a thread which clearly stated my condition. Hell, with you in my position? Wouldnt mind not seeing you post for a few months. Time for physical therapy. Peace.
And something of value was lost.

Hope you get better soon.

@Subtle: Either thread is fine. Tech help was mainly for "is this technology capable of doing X" and best used for disputes involving technology. I think. I don't know what this is about but it seems more about a general discussion on military defenses. Maybe.

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I will re-iterate again.... prior to Mudd's asshattery regarding absences and wars, none of us were ever so adamant that the absent party was in the wrong that we asked for a GM-autoadvance. All I ask is for everyone to act like this is a community based game, rather than a competition. Do not tar everyone with Mudd. Lets go back to the past, the better days.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288319077' post='2495926']
I will re-iterate again.... prior to Mudd's asshattery regarding absences and wars, none of us were ever so adamant that the absent party was in the wrong that we asked for a GM-autoadvance. All I ask is for everyone to act like this is a community based game, rather than a competition. Do not tar everyone with Mudd. Lets go back to the past, the better days.

The old system was a 10 day auto-advance rule. They would have passed that anyways as they went 14 days (now more than that) without responding to attacks. Your point is moot.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1288326865' post='2496072']
The old system was a 10 day auto-advance rule. They would have passed that anyways as they went 14 days (now more than that) without responding to attacks. Your point is moot.

I'm not talking about your war anymore. I'm asking for the entitlement mentality thats been permeating the boards to stop. My 'point' has nothing to do with rules, but is an appeal to everyone's senses.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1288328478' post='2496098']
I'm not talking about your war anymore. I'm asking for the entitlement mentality thats been permeating the boards to stop. My 'point' has nothing to do with rules, but is an appeal to everyone's senses.

Well lookie here, we've got ourselves a regular CNRP Jon Stewart.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1288329061' post='2496107']
Well lookie here, we've got ourselves a regular CNRP Jon Stewart.

I've stopped watching Jon's show for a while now. No idea what you're getting at, im not giggling like a little girl at my own stupid jokes.

EDIT: Not to belittle the man at all, just sayin'

EDIT EDIT: Also, I'd like for comments like these to be directed elsewhere. I'm not attempting to alienate anyone, nor am I looking to get into a sarcastic spat. I genuinely want to prevent exits and issues like the one Mykep had because frankly, it sickens me when I see them.

Edited by Executive Minister
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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1288333409' post='2496141']
Re: [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94009"]http://forums.cybern...showtopic=94009[/url] Please mark Blue Heaven as Idaho

I'll just call this out now and say this should be retconned back enough to allow someone to respond to the entire movement/situation. 5 hours to invade, secure territory, do elections and annex land is just plain stupidity.

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