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Yep. The Moon stuff after about 1-2 years, and the Mars stuff lasts twice as long.

Not really, when you think about it. We are capable of making craft that could potentially make it with a live crew in about half a year.

That's a key word. It was "potentially" possible for man to go to the moon when NASA got its moon project thing, but still took years to actually go there. If someone started a project to go to mars right now, unless it was going faster than 1 IC year/1 RL month, it would be a long, most likely year-long RP.

How "fast" is the moon colony/base RP going? I.e. 1 year/month, etc.? And for what purpose?

Edit: And I'm not going to argue and say your moon stuff didn't happen or anything. Just curious.

Edited by JerreyRough
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That's a key word. It was "potentially" possible for man to go to the moon when NASA got its moon project thing, but still took years to actually go there. If someone started a project to go to mars right now, unless it was going faster than 1 IC year/1 RL month, it would be a long, most likely year-long RP.

How "fast" is the moon colony/base RP going? I.e. 1 year/month, etc.? And for what purpose?

Edit: And I'm not going to argue and say your moon stuff didn't happen or anything. Just curious.

With Space Shuttles, it'd take roughly...9 months or so to get from here to Mars. Modern technology and better drives could make the journey a lot quicker.

Regarding the moon colony thing: Dunno how quickly Lavo RP's it, but I planned it to be finished after 5-10 IC years, somewhere on that scale.

"What purpose?"


And because we can.

And mining the moon.

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With Space Shuttles, it'd take roughly...9 months or so to get from here to Mars. Modern technology and better drives could make the journey a lot quicker.

Regarding the moon colony thing: Dunno how quickly Lavo RP's it, but I planned it to be finished after 5-10 IC years, somewhere on that scale.

"What purpose?"


And because we can.

And mining the moon.

Here is another purpose: it is cheaper and better to launch craft for Mars from the Moon. Plus moon dust can be used to make water, concrete, etc.

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The problem is not really how far is Mars - but whether if it is feasible to have colonies there or not. I mean, I know it's going to be an IG feature now, but if we're going to apply a minimal level of reality and feasibility here, colonies in Mars is not even a remote possibility yet - moon colonies, on the other hand, could be.

Moon colonies would be what, a leap of thirty to fifty years - a wee far fetched, but not totally unreasonable. Colonies in Mars? That's beyond centuries, and we haven't gotten any idea of how we could settle the planet.

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The problem is not really how far is Mars - but whether if it is feasible to have colonies there or not. I mean, I know it's going to be an IG feature now, but if we're going to apply a minimal level of reality and feasibility here, colonies in Mars is not even a remote possibility yet - moon colonies, on the other hand, could be.

Moon colonies would be what, a leap of thirty to fifty years - a wee far fetched, but not totally unreasonable. Colonies in Mars? That's beyond centuries, and we haven't gotten any idea of how we could settle the planet.

Actually, 20-30 years. China is supposed to be sending an unmanned mission and eventually sending a few people to the moon (the manned mission may be just Russia, I forget). Same with Russia. Even India is suppossed to be sending a unmanned mssion.

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What are you all talking about? lol

Was reading an article about it some months ago, maybe even a year ago. It was talking about the various missions different countries were going to make in relation to the moon.

EDIT: It doesn't have much relation to the current conversation, heh.

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Actually, 20-30 years. China is supposed to be sending an unmanned mission and eventually sending a few people to the moon (the manned mission may be just Russia, I forget). Same with Russia. Even India is suppossed to be sending a unmanned mssion.

Well, I mean a functioning colony, not just one or two people staying there every once in a while.

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Well, I mean a functioning colony, not just one or two people staying there every once in a while.

I am talking about a functioning colony. NASA is working on plans for a moon base right now that will be able to have humans in it 365 days/year.

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Ohai, if you want to RP Space Travel, go ahead, but make the RP believable.

Ohai, if you want to RP Monty Python, go ahead, but make the RP believable.

Ohai, if you want to RP nazi's, go ahead, but make the RP believable.

Ohai, if you want to RP aliens, go ahead, but make the RP believable.

I don't care, aslong as the RP is believable then I'm fine with it.

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The only problem I see with this might depend on the stats. Does anyone know what stats you need for a space prgram and these wonders? Because with our tech scale it would seem strange if a thrid world or just modern nation managed to have a mars colony wouldn't you think?

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No I meant the moon colonies thing... that's something that's going to be a wonder?

Yes, it is.

The only problem I see with this might depend on the stats. Does anyone know what stats you need for a space prgram and these wonders? Because with our tech scale it would seem strange if a thrid world or just modern nation managed to have a mars colony wouldn't you think?

I could go check. Just a minute...

OK, here are the requirements and benefits, copied and pasted. As a note, they are all 'coming soon,' and are not available yet. Apparently no requirement other than the money to build them...and of course, some depend on the others.

Mars Base - Reduces infrastructure cost and bills -3%. Provides a gradually increasing happiness bonus that peaks at +6 happiness at the end of the life of the wonder. Expires at 1,200 days. Cannot build Moon wonders if you build Mars wonders. Requires Space Program.

Mars Colony - Stores 6% of citizen count at time of purchase. Provides a gradually increasing happiness bonus that peaks at +4 happiness at the end of the life of the wonder. Expires at 900 days. Relocating your Mars Colony gives you the option to reset the stored citizen count based on your current citizen population for a fee. Cannot build Moon wonders if you build Mars wonders. Requires Space Program and Mars Base.

Mars Mine - Provides access to a randomly selected resource of Basalt, Sodium, Magnesium, or Potassium. Provides a gradually increasing happiness bonus that peaks at +4 happiness at the end of the life of the wonder. Expires at 900 days. Relocating your Mars Mine gives you the option to randomly select a new Mars resource for a fee. Cannot build Moon wonders if you build Mars wonders. Requires Space Program and Mars Base.

Moon Base - Reduces infrastructure cost and bills -4%. Provides +5 happiness that degrades over the life of the wonder. Expires at 600 days. Cannot build Mars wonders if you build Moon wonders. Requires Space Program.

Moon Colony - Stores 8% of citizen count at time of purchase. Provides +3 happiness that degrades over the life of the wonder. Expires at 450 days. Relocating your Moon Colony gives you the option to reset the stored citizen count based on your current citizen population for a fee. Cannot build Mars wonders if you build Moon wonders. Requires Space Program and Moon Base.

Moon Mine - Provides access to a randomly selected resource of Silicon, Titanium, Radon, or Calcium. Provides +3 happiness that degrades over the life of the wonder. Expires at 450 days. Cannot build Mars wonders if you build Moon wonders. Requires Space Program and Moon Base.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Yes, it is.

I could go check. Just a minute...

OK, here are the requirements and benefits, copied and pasted. As a note, they are all 'coming soon,' and are not available yet. Apparently no requirement other than the money to build them...and of course, some depend on the others.


Note that I already posted the descriptions in my post on page 91.

Edited by Lynneth
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Ohai, this isn’t !@#$%*. Kthxbai.

I didn't know LW was filtered on here.

Ohai, if you want to RP Space Travel, go ahead, but make the RP believable.

Ohai, if you want to RP Monty Python, go ahead, but make the RP believable.

Ohai, if you want to RP nazi's, go ahead, but make the RP believable.

Ohai, if you want to RP aliens, go ahead, but make the RP believable.

I don't care, aslong as the RP is believable then I'm fine with it.

Anything is believable depending on how gullible your audience is. [insert anti-religion joke here]

Ohai, there may be planets outside of Planet Bob. Didn't think of that didja? :P

My last point still stands. This isnt LW. I'm aware there are other planets but our countries aren't built on them.

Ohai, SHUT THE $%&@ UP

it's in-game so it's in CNRP. deal with it, holy !@#$@#$ !@#$!

To your first request. No thank you. Nice caps btw.

Second, $%&@ @#$%^ and &%$#@ It's not about @#$#& or &$#@ or even @#$% so stop with all the @#$&%#$#%@@$#@@!

^means nothing…

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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