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By the way not that I am accusing anyone mind you.

But taking advantage of players struggling to get some RP continuity when the rules changed about mergers is meta-gaming at its finest and I will call shenanigans if there are any declarations before we can get ourselves re-established as independent nations again.

I want the mods to rule that nobody can declare war on a formerly merged state until they have successfully re-established themselves as independent nations. I think that this is only fair since they caused utter chaos by breaking up mergers that they protect the players effected until they can get back on their feet again and make a few treaties and such.

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A note: if they don't "fix" this, and you don't like the format of the current forums, I'm making/made my own forum (here), which does not start as a new one. If possible, if you made a pinned topic here, please do it & copy/paste in my forums.

I myself do not like the new arrangment; however, it may start a new CNRP that combines RP'ers that like war, diplomacy, and sports. That would be interesting, but I don't really want to be a part of that unless really neccessary. GM's in CNRP are still GM's in mine. Like I said, it will be exactly like the News Reports, but some small additions (nothing breaking).

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yesh, how many new forums are people spinning off with this? I counted three already :lol:

Well, I'm not trying to make an all-new completly-different forum. Just trying to "continue" off this one.

EDIT: It'll go dormant if they make a subforum for CNRP though.

Edited by JerreyRough
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@Maelstrom: Question.

What religion is your character? I was talking to Martens about religion when this came to me. In Christianity, it says that:

1. God made people in his own image.

2. Other animals are lesser beings.

So it's kinda illogical for someone who is Christian to mix their DNA with other animals and morph themselves away from "God's image".

Then again, there is Raptor Jesus. B)

EDIT: looking back at my post, I think it could be seen as flamebait, but I am completely honest when I say that it is just a question that went though my head.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Depends on how you look at the interpretation of Genesis. All good things also come from God.. this would include the technology to change ourselves. The image of God is also amorphous, all power would ascribe to himself the ability to assume any dimension or shape he desired. If we truly have been given the image of God then we are still waiting on how to learn to fully fill many aspects of that image in. God also said to ascribe to him no given image in many locations in the Old Testament. Trust me, in my works on genetic fiction, I've explored this thought pattern many times. I cannot say, myself, how God would feel about it nor do I think anyone really knows. All I know is that if we gain that technology, we obviously have been given that gift. And yes, I almost certainly would say the ability to change one's self would be an immensely good gift. All technology given by man, will inevitably be what man makes of it.. good or bad. And you are right, animals are lessor things, but a genetically modified human hardly constitutes an animal.

I assure you if God had detailed how to create Universes in Genesis 1, man would already be trying to by now. I think in some places the Word is designed with an intent to only let us know what we need to.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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is it just me, or did 6 sub forums just compress into 3?

Characters & Sports, News Reports, and National & War to Game-related RP and Fantasy RP = 3 down to 2, plus you got your own OOC forum.

Yeah they did. Too bad they renamed it fantasy roleplay, rather than CNRP.

I'm sure the Sports RP crowd that is already plotting my assassination would have been thrilled.

I would appreciate if such talk, especially if you intend to make it constructive, be moved to the designated thread on the subject.

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Depends on how you look at the interpretation of Genesis. All good things also come from God.. this would include the technology to change ourselves. The image of God is also amorphous, all power would ascribe to himself the ability to assume any dimension or shape he desired. If we truly have been given the image of God then we are still waiting on how to learn to fully fill many aspects of that image in. God also said to ascribe to him no given image in many locations in the Old Testament. Trust me, in my works on genetic fiction, I've explored this thought pattern many times. I cannot say, myself, how God would feel about it nor do I think anyone really knows. All I know is that if we gain that technology, we obviously have been given that gift. And yes, I almost certainly would say the ability to change one's self would be an immensely good gift. All technology given by man, will inevitably be what man makes of it.. good or bad. And you are right, animals are lessor things, but a genetically modified human hardly constitutes an animal.

I assure you if God had detailed how to create Universes in Genesis 1, man would already be trying to by now. I think in some places the Word is designed with an intent to only let us know what we need to.

No technology is given to man, only made by man. As is the religion claiming otherwise

Anyway, Ubie (for once) has a point. Your genetics and changing your leader into a shark thing falls in line with the "No impossible genetics" rule

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No technology is given to man, only made by man. As is the religion claiming otherwise

Anyway, Ubie (for once) has a point. Your genetics and changing your leader into a shark thing falls in line with the "No impossible genetics" rule


Forget reality for a second.

It will make RP interesting. And its only 1 characterl not a huge army. People should step in when its getting abused, and Mael is not abusing it. Basically, step in when its abused. Not when its making the RP (in general) better.

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Forget reality for a second.

It will make RP interesting. And its only 1 characterl not a huge army. People should step in when its getting abused, and Mael is not abusing it. Basically, step in when its abused. Not when its making the RP (in general) better.


First one person will use that as an excuse to do something absolutely dumb, then another for something else. Soon everyone will be breaking away from the rules of RP piece by piece. Stop the snowball from rolling down the hill

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First one person will use that as an excuse to do something absolutely dumb, then another for something else. Soon everyone will be breaking away from the rules of RP piece by piece. Stop the snowball from rolling down the hill

Well, now that it seems that CNRP is being forced into every other RP imaginable, he could just claim it's something else.

Still impossible, but I agree with JerreyRough, until it's abused (Like nation mergers) it shouldn't be a problem to have one mutant, or one sentient, sarcastic AI.

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Well, now that it seems that CNRP is being forced into every other RP imaginable, he could just claim it's something else.

Still impossible, but I agree with JerreyRough, until it's abused (Like nation mergers) it shouldn't be a problem to have one mutant, or one sentient, sarcastic AI.

This reply is proof enough.

And so it begins

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First one person will use that as an excuse to do something absolutely dumb, then another for something else. Soon everyone will be breaking away from the rules of RP piece by piece. Stop the snowball from rolling down the hill

THANK YOU. I agree fully with Frost, and if anyone here knows me you will know just how crazy these words sound coming out of my mouth.

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Already ruled on.. old argument.

Authority doesn't make an argument invalid, it is just something for you to hide behind.

It doesn't matter if an argument is old, it's still perfectly legit and I will continue to fight this fight until I am rendered incapable or I'm convinced that the person I'm arguing with is of equal intelligence of a brick.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Authority doesn't make an argument invalid, it is just something for you to hide behind.

It doesn't matter if an argument is old, it's still perfectly legit and I will continue to fight this fight until I am rendered incapable or I'm convinced that the person I'm arguing with is of equal intelligence of a brick.

I give up. Let's just let them continue to do this and let CNRP die; we have our own RP that will put fun over extreme realityism (yes I just made up that term :P).

Edited by JerreyRough
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I give up. Let's just let them continue to do this and let CNRP die; we have our own RP that will put fun over extreme realityism (yes I just made up that term :P).

Actually, I'm the guy who says that extreme reality IS fun. Physics is fun! Science is FUN! You don't need to break it to have fun.

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This is a question about this thread. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=48314

Now Im fine with the insurgency rising up and declaring just before it happens. However, I want to talk about the nukes. Yes Jeff has them ingame however, if he has no nation of his own and is rising up as an insurgency how does he have the ability to build said nukes in CNRP. Without a nation he couldn't have built the nukes.

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This is a question about this thread. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=48314

Now Im fine with the insurgency rising up and declaring just before it happens. However, I want to talk about the nukes. Yes Jeff has them ingame however, if he has no nation of his own and is rising up as an insurgency how does he have the ability to build said nukes in CNRP. Without a nation he couldn't have built the nukes.

He didn't say he built them. He bought them/was given them, by Pravus Ingruo, I think. Or maybe the anarchists gave them to him. I can't remember for certain.

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