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Hakko Ichiu


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Fukuoka, Shilla

The cool, salty wind blew gentle from the sea. Taking a deep breath, Kaigen looked at the sun rising.

Kaigen always loved the sea. It wasn't something unusual given the maritime life of Kyokujitsujins, but for Kaigen it was special. Her family had come from a long line of admirals, and she herself was one before he became Prime Minister. When one includes her name, 海原 (Origin of the Sea), it seemed fated that she would always be with the sea.

Light footsteps could be heard behind her.


"Yes, Your Highness?"

"What are you doing at this hour?"

"Just looking at the sunrise. I tend to spend my mornings like this."

*Cough cough*

"Are you all right, Your Highness?"

"It's just a bit cold....."

Kaigen takes off her uniform jacket and places it on the princess's shoulders.

"This should keep you warm."

"Thank you, Kaigen....."

The two of them look as the sun climbed out of the water.

"The Shilla Emperor sent a telegram this morning, saying that the Sumeragi has been released. He didn't say anything of where Her Majesty went, though."

"At least she's safe, like our people......."

"Yes, thankfully we're all safe......"

Out of a pre-war population of 53,848,000, about 1,390,000 had died in the Oceanic War. The surviving 52,458,000 had been scattered, mainly into seven groups. Kaigen was receiving reports on the current situation, and it would take awhile for the whole picture to come out. However, one thing was sure: The Nation of the Rising Sun still existed, and that was what mattered.

Edited by Sumeragi
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OOC: I don't want to bother your RP with OOC posts, but seeing that we attacked every one of your cities with nuclear weapons, I'm guessing a bit more than only a million died. It is impossible to fit that many civilians into bunkers, even if you had RPed it.

Also, interesting RP

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The Underground network, at a secret location in Rune River.

All right.

So, that concludes the discussion about the possible group "The Spiderweb"

Thoughts on the DKT situation?

I released a statement today, and had a reply from the Coalition command.

Good work #1. I wonder about the result of the Diaspora?

Well, it seems that any reformal of a state will result in war.


We are fine. the Refugees we have taken in are those that have left their destination countries through the proper methods and channels, there is no fear here.

Very well.

Edited by LeVentNoir
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Also, interesting RP

OOC: I did have almost all of the civilians evacuate. Besides the 890,000 military deaths, about 500,000 civilians who either were caught in the first strikes or didn't evacuate had died in Mindanao and Teihondo.

On the civilian multiplier: I'm never going to accept it.

A note to those who take in "refugees": If I don't accept their existence, you may not RP them.

Final word: No more OOC unless you wish to know something among the IC details.

IC: The Bastion, Auckland

Yamamoto Isoroku was having a rather pleasent time with the Margrave. Not only was this leader of Camberlain a decent person, but he was a rare man of honor. Yamamoto now knew why the Sumeragi had spoken highly of this man of different blood. After the discussion that lasted several hours, Yamamoto rose from his seat.

"I believe it is time for me to go to take care of the landing. Thank you for your precious time."

As Yamamoto left the room, escorted by the Margrave, he couldn't help but smile. The Kyokujitsujins, all 4,862,000, who had come to Camberlain had been allowed to settle in South Island. Of course, they were required to swear allegiance to the Margrave, but they could certainly do that for the man that the Sumeragi held in high esteem. It was time to build a new home, just like what their grandfathers had done when they first arrived on Teihondo.

Edited by Sumeragi
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OOC: I know you evacuated them. It isn't possible to evacuate 50 million people that quickly. Anybody within 20 miles of a city would be vaporized and since the people doing the evacuation itself talked about how slow it was going AFTER we started nuking, I'm pretty sure the total death count is closer to 20-30 million. Also I agree that the multiplyer is rediculous and is never recognized.

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OOC: This is for clarification. The people you sent to Promised Land (and I helped evacuate MANY of these, Mudd, so quit complaining) will be presented with a choice. Remain here inmy nation, or move to Camberlain. They will be fully instructed that it is their own choice, and no one will force them either way, but they do have to make it. I need to know how many will stay and how many will leave.

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OOC: I'm not complaining that many people were evacuated, just that before they could at least half the civilian population was killed. Better that than the Pacific Coalition hunting down former Kyokujitsans in your nation don't you think ;)

OOC: Trust me, they'd be a LOT less popular if they tried THAT, and might find themselves with their @$$es handed to them in the end.

As for half the civilian population being casualites, I call BS on that--that's taking it way too far. Perhaps a quarter would be more appropriate.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: People do have a startlingly good tendency to get the hell out of dodge before it is too late.

OOC: Fifty million people? I think not.

OOC: This. The evacuation was bugun pretty much the moment the war started, too.

And so did our carpet bombing

Edited by Emperor Mudd
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OOC: Fifty million people? I think not.

And so did our carpet bombing

OOC: However, the Carpet bombing was using ONLY conventional bombe. You said so yourself. When the bombs start falling, most cililians who can would begin to leave--long before the nukes and other WMD's were used.

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The Republik Pazifisches Korps demands on audience with Yamamoto Isoruku. We will arrive by air. Please make preparations, as 1/3 of the Luftwaffe will be coming along.


Demands? Do you demand of the Margrave now? I suggest you cool your speech...friend.

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Kei Shojitsu looked at the various equipments that had arrived at the research facility. Among them were a supercomputer containing all of Kyokujitsu's military research on biological and chemical warfare, and the seedbank that contained all samples of the unique plants of Teihondo, which are now extinct from the nuking.

One of the secret positions that Kei had was the director of Unit 4, a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit established under the reign of the Kousei Sumeragi. Originally established with research into argriculture, it soon spread to become the think bank of Kei. Now that the Empire was destroyed, the Unit had to be moved, and here it was, in the country that arguably had the most advanced biotechnology in the world.

Of course, it wasn't just because of the high technology that he was here. He was, after all, the Mad Minister, and had gone to check on the Mad Chairman. The war against Nordland showed that the Chairman needed to be cooled, and with a "heavy" heart the Minister arranged a coup, which placed the scientist Leclerc in power. It worked out in the end, with Saboria now at peace and at least 500,000 Coalition soldiers killed during the megatsunamis that occured. And now, here he was, with 364,000 Kyokujitsujins, ready to start anew in this commie nation. It wasn't really a bad situation, considering that he was a left wing radical, a socialist.

Someone ran towards him and hugged from behind.


"Hey, my kitty!"

A girl with glasses looked into the red eyes.

"How did you come here, my kitty?"

"I just arrived from Tion, after finishing up the research on winter wheat. Is everything all set up, daddy?"

"Of course my kitty, I've got your nmew lb set up, it should be over there on the 4th floor of that building behind us."

"Thanks daddy!"

The girl, Takayama Kouki, kisses Kei on the cheek and runs off to her new "playground".

"That kiddo.... always so bright, like her mother....."

An aide comes up to him.

"Bokun, the Doll has also arrived in good condition."

"Excellent, prepare it. I'll go for a round before I talk with Leclerc on some things."

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OOC: just a thought regarding the feasibility issue...while i can firmly accept the fact that civvies started moving once the war began in some parts of the front the advance was rapid, this fact (in the case of Mindanao) combined with close air support would have slowed refugee columns accordingly...but hey who am i to complain.

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Shillan Communication Satellites

SINN, Shilla's national news network, had broadcasts all over the world, providing information on the happenings of the Korean Empire. Although it usually went by a set program, a "special" announcement was made......


It was the Ryumu Sumeragi.

"At long last I am able to say a few words of my own. I have never wanted to withhold anything, but until now it has not been possible for me to speak due to circumstances. With this said, I discharge my last duty as Sumeragi, and now that I have been succeeded by my sister, Setsuou-no-miya, my first words must be to wish her luck. This I do with all my heart.

You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the throne. But I want you to understand that in making up my mind I did not forget the nation or the empire, which I have for all my life tried to serve. But you must believe me when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as Sumeragi as I would wish to do without the circumstances of my people improved. And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone. This was a thing I had to judge entirely for myself. The other persons most nearly concerned have tried up to the last to persuade me to take a different course.

I have made this, the most serious decision of my life, only upon the single thought of what would, in the end, be best for all. This decision has been made less difficult to me by the sure knowledge that my sister, with her long training in the public affairs of this country and with her fine qualities, will be able to take my place forthwith without interruption or injury to the life and progress of the empire. And she has one matchless blessing, enjoyed by so many of you, and not bestowed on me -- a happy home.

Ever since I was the Crown Princess, and later on when I occupied the throne, I have been treated with the greatest kindness by all classes of the people wherever I have lived or journeyed throughout the empire. For that I am very grateful. I now quit altogether public affairs and I lay down my burden. It may be some time before I return, but I shall always follow the fortunes of the Kyokujitsu nation and empire with profound interest, and if at any time in the future I can be found of service to Her Majesty in a private station, I shall not fail. And now, we all have a new Sumeragi. I wish her and you, her people, happiness and prosperity with all my heart. May Heaven and the Gods bless you all!

Kyokujitsu Banzai!"

The broadcast ended.

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