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  • 3 weeks later...

People are slipping again. Right now I have what, 7 people walking into my country without even the respect to throw me a PM and ask me what my boarder patrols are like.

I have real life to deal with, I don't have the time to read every post, and entering my country without me even knowing OOC is pure god modding.

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People are slipping again. Right now I have what, 7 people walking into my country without even the respect to throw me a PM and ask me what my boarder patrols are like.

I have real life to deal with, I don't have the time to read every post, and entering my country without me even knowing OOC is pure god modding.

Thats pretty rude. We also people claiming NPC areas half a world away in a single post and there is instant acceptance of the new rule.

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Thats pretty rude. We also people claiming NPC areas half a world away in a single post and there is instant acceptance of the new rule.

Wtf...CNRP is going crazy.

I should have never dissolved Ubersteinia, my army hovering over Europe kept it somewhat sane. Did you know I talked Martens out of invading Slavorussia for awhile?

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People are slipping again. Right now I have what, 7 people walking into my country without even the respect to throw me a PM and ask me what my boarder patrols are like.

I have real life to deal with, I don't have the time to read every post, and entering my country without me even knowing OOC is pure god modding.

So you're saying you wouldn;t have let aid workers into the place to help clean up? That's the cover most of them used. The one you're oibjecting to is the exception, not the rule.

Did we also mention, uber, that now we dont have to RP nation development anymore? And that we can also have 2 nations?

Please read that thread more carefully, especially Lynneth's explanation. Sumeragi does NOT have two nations!

Apologies if this is further drawing the topic--er, well, off-topic, Spock.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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So you're saying you wouldn;t have let aid workers into the place to help clean up? That's the cover most of them used. The one you're oibjecting to is the exception, not the rule.

They haven't RPed coming yet, and they would be under strict surveillance. This is an ex-UBERSTEINIAN company and a PRIVATE COMPANY. For all we know these people want to steal our R&D department's ideas.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, just made my first thread in here. Given that my nation's SOI is located on Tory Island (Taeunian territory) i was kind of forced to improvise something together, but i think i did a fairly good job (hopefully) without ticking off DeSchaine for 'stealing' an island from Taeunas and (to a lesser extent) Penchuk for implied assumptions of being Proxian nobility.

Hopefully we'll be able to sort out the resulting problems (Irish unification comes to mind) in the RP ^^;

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*nods* I've read through it, which is how i found out about being close to Proxia and Taeunas. A forum search later i ended up with a nice little plot concerning the developments in Proxia which i could use to at least get started.

Given that Africa and the Middle East don't appeal to me, i'm content at simply playing a small island whose government is waiting out the trouble with the terrorists, and i'll see where that leads from there.

On a sidenote, what nation is the greyish blob east of Astrakhan and Vaule, and north of the Hanseatic Confederacy? There's no name displayed there while still being separate large chunks of landmass.

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*nods* I've read through it, which is how i found out about being close to Proxia and Taeunas. A forum search later i ended up with a nice little plot concerning the developments in Proxia which i could use to at least get started.

Given that Africa and the Middle East don't appeal to me, i'm content at simply playing a small island whose government is waiting out the trouble with the terrorists, and i'll see where that leads from there.

On a sidenote, what nation is the greyish blob east of Astrakhan and Vaule, and north of the Hanseatic Confederacy? There's no name displayed there while still being separate large chunks of landmass.

That would me a protectorate owned by both the Hanseatic Confederacy and Vaule, for instance, since it is our protectorate you need both my permission as leader of the Hanseatic Confederacy and Vaule to let you settle there. As with all protectorates. If you are interested in settling in Eastern Siberia, please PM me or Imperator Azenquor and we'll talk about getting you in there.

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Actually i wasn't, i was just using it as an example. If these 'unnamed nations' are indeed protectorates, i'd have some interest in the southern Japan (the 'curry colored' stuff between Palintine Taiwan and Hanseatic Japan) area, though after browsing around some it seems like that protectorate is the source of quite a debate (if i'm guessing correctly).

Would that (partially) fall under the Hanseatic Confederacy as well?

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Actually i wasn't, i was just using it as an example. If these 'unnamed nations' are indeed protectorates, i'd have some interest in the southern Japan (the 'curry colored' stuff between Palintine Taiwan and Hanseatic Japan) area, though after browsing around some it seems like that protectorate is the source of quite a debate (if i'm guessing correctly).

Would that (partially) fall under the Hanseatic Confederacy as well?

No that is the independent country of Yamato, so the Hanseatic Confederacy has no influence in that territory, though yes things in that region have fallen into debate as of reason. Only gray areas and solid white areas are protectorates. Colored areas are countries, unfortunately the map is not fully updated yet and we all apologize for confusion. But I saw your thread dealing with Proxia so you seem to be establishing yourself decently well. If you need anymore help, please just ask.

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Umm nope, not at the moment.

Anyway, thanks for the compliment, i wasn't quite sure if the way i was handling it was the way i was supposed to.

*goes off to PM DeSchaine and Penchuk*

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  • 2 weeks later...
*nods* I've read through it, which is how i found out about being close to Proxia and Taeunas. A forum search later i ended up with a nice little plot concerning the developments in Proxia which i could use to at least get started.

Given that Africa and the Middle East don't appeal to me, i'm content at simply playing a small island whose government is waiting out the trouble with the terrorists, and i'll see where that leads from there.

On a sidenote, what nation is the greyish blob east of Astrakhan and Vaule, and north of the Hanseatic Confederacy? There's no name displayed there while still being separate large chunks of landmass.

If you want, you can ultimately settle down in a part of my territory. I'm that light blue nation on the western half of Australia. I actually do have a piece that I haven't done much with.

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Respect? In this community? Does the word exist in our vocabulary and do most of the people here understand the full implications of the word? I think not.. or so many would not be out to destroy each other's creativity, to answer with solid "no"'s instead of, "lets try to work something out."

I made this post because I am borderline leaving this community.. and only a few have begged me to stay. What was once entertainment has turned to burden as I have seen people tearing each other apart in and out of character with such disrespect I've not seen on some levels before. And you think it's bad here? On IRC where I moderate.. it's ten times as bad.

I am only barely staying, because a few have begged me. A little co-operative work goes a long way, and not just with your friends.. your enemies as well.

That is all I have to say for now.

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You know, It's mostly OOC bickering which bothers most.

And yes, I'm looking at a few specific people when I say this.

IC RP's make CNRP fun. They shake things up a bit. And OOC really wrecks a decent IC thread. Posts like "omg nou" are just annoying. IC has room to be creative. OOC, these days, is about shutting down the other person(s). And it sucks.

I really respect the people that endeavour to make CNRP fun. People like Sarah Tintagyl, Firestorm, Margrave... You guys rock.

The constant OOC bickering makes me think that the rest of you are children. And you're not. I know you're not.

Want to kill CNRP? You're doing a $%^@&! good job about it.

Go back to primary school, learn how to develop a decent IC RP, and come back when you have something USEFUL to contribute.

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I agree with Mael 100%.

Most of you all have no idea what the word 'Respect' means, you disobey the rules on IRC. Most of you are total pricks. I have only seen a handful of people who really play CNRP to play it and get a good thrill of leading a nation, but most of you really could careless. I am sick of all you who do not care and still raiding other nations for 'fun'. You make me want to puke to say the least.

Here are some logs form the other day, I'm not going to post IPs, but let this inform you all of what has been going on.

[01:34] * SarahTintagyl sets mode +o Margrave for #cnrp

[01:34] <@KaiserMartens> ***

[01:34] <@Margrave> Thank you.

[01:34] <@KaiserMartens> ***

[01:34] <+Old_Greg> ***

[01:34] <+Firestorm> Not really Brian.

[01:34] <@Margrave> Go away, Firestorm.

[01:34] * Margrave sets mode +b Firestorm!*@* for #cnrp

[01:34] * Firestorm was kicked by Margrave (**********) Reason (Margrave)

[01:34] <@Margrave> I don't put up with racists.

[01:34] * Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO] sets mode +b *!*@(********) for #cnrp

[01:34] <@Margrave> At all.

[01:34] <@Margrave> Mael

[01:34] * Margrave was kicked by Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO] (*******************) Reason (Overstepping your authority)

[01:35] * Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO] sets mode -b Firestorm!*@* for #cnrp

[01:35] * JerreyRough (********) has joined #cnrp

[01:35] * ChanServ sets mode +o JerreyRough for #cnrp

[01:35] * KaiserMartens sets mode -b *!*@********** for #cnrp

[01:36] <@KaiserMartens> Wtf tis margrave D :

[01:36] * Margrave (*******) has joined #cnrp

[01:36] * firestorm (*********) has joined #cnrp

[01:36] * ChanServ sets mode +v firestorm for #cnrp

[01:36] <Margrave> You wanted to try and prove a point?

[01:36] <&Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> Ban evasion eh Margrave?

[01:36] <Margrave> It's not proven

[01:36] <+Old_Greg> Look around you is the dumbest !@#$@#$ show in the world

[01:36] <&Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> Let me go get the server admin.

[01:36] <+firestorm> anyhow

[01:36] <+Old_Greg> >.>

[01:36] <Margrave> Hey Mael

[01:36] <Margrave> Coddle Racists too

[01:36] <+Old_Greg> How is that ban evasion?

[01:36] <@KaiserMartens> I unbanned him >_>

[01:36] <+Old_Greg> Grave was unbanned...

[01:36] <&Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> Oh, nevermind.

[01:36] <+Old_Greg> by KM >.>

[01:36] <Margrave> Coddle !@#$@#$ racists.

[01:37] <Margrave> For what?

[01:37] <@KaiserMartens> also girls

[01:37] <@KaiserMartens> take it to query

[01:37] <+firestorm> Everyone is getting unbanned.

[01:37] <Margrave> To prove a damn point?

[01:37] * Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO] sets mode +v Margrave for #cnrp

[01:37] <+Margrave> No. You aren't. Or you won't be as soon as I have ops.

[01:37] <+firestorm> lol

[01:37] <+firestorm> epic.

[01:37] <+Margrave> This is intolerable.

[01:37] <+Old_Greg> Or as soon as Lavo gets back...

[01:37] <+Old_Greg> >.>

[01:37] * BR does the Lavo call

[01:37] <+Margrave> All of you, please recall this the next time you deal with anyone whose cool with a racist in the chat

[01:38] <+Margrave> It doesn't matter if it's against Asians, Blacks, Germans

[01:38] <+Margrave> regardless

[01:38] <+Margrave> I won't tolerate it.

[01:38] <+Old_Greg> Im racists against racists >.>

[01:38] <&Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> Listen folks..

[01:38] <+Old_Greg> racist*

[01:38] <&Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> I'm completely unbiased her.

[01:38] <&Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> I don't want to ban anyone.

[01:38] <@KaiserMartens> playing good cop?

[01:38] <&Vedran[iON]> You're banning a lot of people for someone who doesn't want to ban anyone.

[01:38] <&SarahTintagyl> is this about Sumer?

[01:38] <&Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> But if I have to, I will ban both sides of the arguments.

[01:39] <&Vedran[iON]> Who put you in charge?

[01:39] <+firestorm> I'm racist against genocidal maniacs so I have to support Margrave.

[01:39] <@KaiserMartens> sumer? No, not this time

[01:39] <+Margrave> Do it, you lily-livered coward.

[01:39] <&SarahTintagyl> then what is this !@#$@#$ about?

[01:39] <+Margrave> I won't tolerate your sneering tolerance of racists

[01:39] <+firestorm> You tell him Margrave!

[01:39] <+firestorm> Kill the racists!

[01:39] <&Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> Basically.. Firestorm has been a nuiscance, but he's on his last leg. If he does anything offensive I will permaban him

[01:39] * Jarkko (**********) Quit ( Quit: BREAK OF THE EDGECRUSHER!!! )

[01:39] <@JerreyRough> anything related and includable into the racist argument ends now.

[01:39] <+Margrave> I'll deal with you at my conveniance, Firestorm.

[01:40] <&Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO]> People are jumping the gun and banning him anyhow outside the bounds of their authority.

[01:40] <+Margrave> As for you, Mael: $%&@ off.

[01:40] * Margrave (*********) has left #cnrp

Mael was being VERY tolerate as you can see, I hope none of you abuse his kindness or you know what will happen.

Edited by Ezequiel
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