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Rebel Virginia

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OOC: *facepalm* please read back further.

ooc: I am not even going to read back further because of the simple fact that the missile is pointed up, IT HAS A CONTINENTAL RANGE, and its destination is only final when you enter the coordinates and hit launch.

This isn't picking sides its being logical. besides RV is so close you could peg him with a scud.

Edited by Apollo11
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ooc: You can't determine where an ICBM is pointed at because the missile takes it course after it's in the air. This entire argument is ridiculous.

OOC: Propaganda at its finest, man. We did know that he had recent spats with RV, and then he armed ICBMs... doesn't take a genius to put two and two together, no matter where they are going. Dude, propaganda. It doesn't need to be true. You just have to make them think that it's true.

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ooc: I am not even going to read back further because of the simple fact that the missile is pointed up, IT HAS A CONTINENTAL RANGE, and its destination is only final when you enter the coordinates and hit launch.

OOC: Its clearly obvious. He and RV were at each others throats so arming of his missiles would clearly mean that he was going to launch them at RV. End of story...simply common sense.

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having confirmed that we are protected, all sarnian missles have been disarmed, all reservists have been dismissed, all navy vessels have been interned, all aircraft has been grounded, and all active military personnel has been recalled to at least 100 km inland. Thank u for your patience.

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For all intents and purposes the Sarnian Empire is still part of the ATO and therefore still entitled under our protection regardless of we completely agree with them or not. We suggest both sides begin a demobilization of forces to prevent the situation from escalating to war. The Sarnian Empire can deal with their lack of diplomatic tact after this situation is resolved.

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OOC: Its clearly obvious. He and RV were at each others throats so arming of his missiles would clearly mean that he was going to launch them at RV. End of story...simply common sense.

ooc: common sense would dictate that since the enemy is so close to you, you would not use countless resources to construct the underground bunker to house the ICBM's when you could simply use mobile surface to surface missile launchers instead.

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ooc: common sense would dictate that since the enemy is so close to you, you would not use countless resources to construct the underground bunker to house the ICBM's when you could simply use mobile surface to surface missile launchers instead.

OOC: Thats not what he did though did he??? Stop defending him when the evidence is completely in favor of the other side.

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OOC: Thats not what he did though did he??? Stop defending him when the evidence is completely in favor of the other side.

ooc: the only evidence you brought up was an accusation and then built your entire argument on that. its not defense its an observation.

Edited by Apollo11
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As Sarnia has demobilized it's forces we request that Rebel Virginian forces do the same in order to prevent a war from erupting.

We will recall 5,000 of the soldiers to Elmira, New York, however, we must insist on leaving the rest in order to prevent Sarnia's rioters and mobs from spilling over to our border.

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**Classified Response**

Wait for the cement to dry, and we can send some pre-fabricated pillboxes and artillery set ups. Just start digging holes (use references for size) and build foundations, they should start arriving by the end of the week.

OOC: For all the whiny people out there, the pre-fab pillboxes are the basic shape of a pillbox mold, they put rebar and concrete in, let it dry, and ship it out. Then the owner gets to anchor it down and put guns in it.

OOC: I do believe the Hudson is frozen this time of year.

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President Adrik Annan, has readied the military and closed down J Andres airspace to all foreign civilian and/or military aircraft.

J Andres has no intention of getting involved in this conflict but considering its proximity is readying itself . J Andres will not be made into a thruway for other nations. We are not a safe haven for foreign troops.

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Norfolk, Virginia, Rebel Virginia - The wooden and aluminum ship frames, roughly the shape of a small Rebel Virginian ocean liner, were constructed. Once constructed, thirty six gelatin-latex fabric balloons, containing either propane or butane, would be placed in the frame, which would then be covered fabric, painted the standard colors of a Rebel Virginian ocean liners. All surfaces would then be soaked with alcohol, and a naval beacon and a radio to send out SOS signals would be placed on the ship, which would be navigated by two medium motorboats tugging it forward. In the dark, these fake ships could easily be mistake for real ones at a distance.

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Norfolk, Virginia, Rebel Virginia - Several miles down the Elizabeth River two men overlooked a fleet of twenty two galleons, eight frigates, and six ships of the line. This was the Rebel Virginia Armada, secretly constructed over the past year, and it was filled with limes, oranges, and other delicious citrus fruits to prevent scurvy. Over one thousand sailors were manning these ships, and they were ready to move out. The two men overlooking the fleet began to speak.

"Rebel Army has declared war on Tashta. The Pope has given us the go ahead to launch the Armada." one man spoke.

"Will this work?" inquired the other.

"Well, they were built using old Spanish designs, so this should work. So long as the winds are in our favor, and under the condition that we don't run into a hurricane on the way."

"So, how long until we move?"

"Should take a few days for the winds to be strong enough to take us out of the river, and it should take us a good year to reach China, but we'll get there."

They nodded in agreement. The Rebel Virginia Armada was on the move. May God have mercy on Rebel Army.

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Washington, D.C., Rebel Virginia - Due to the lack of any threat in North America since the collapse of the Sarnian Empire, construction of border defenses is being halted. The remaining money and resources will instead be used for infrastructure improvement projects.


Preparations for the receiving of 200 refugees from Vaule are underway. They will be send to various locations in Rebel Virginia, and will work without pay.

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Washington, D.C., Rebel Virginia - Due to the lack of any threat in North America since the collapse of the Sarnian Empire, construction of border defenses is being halted. The remaining money and resources will instead be used for infrastructure improvement projects.


Preparations for the receiving of 200 refugees from Vaule are underway. They will be send to various locations in Rebel Virginia, and will work without pay.

OOC: Slave labor! :P

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OOC: I don't believe I've ever hide the fact that a good amount of my nation's labor comes from slaves. I have a rather poor human rights record you know.

OOC: Kinda ironic. Your neighbor here has a very laissez-faire Government with very high personal liberties. Yet we get along well! Yay peace!

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