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American Treaty Organization


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At their behest the Imperium of America and the Tennessee Federation have been withdrawn from the list of member nations. The nation of Saboria has been granted membership and we request that their leaders signatures be made available for treaty signing purposes.

OOC: Also, Jerry. What's going on in Diberia right now? All I got is some zombie uprising.

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We would like to extend an invitation to the other members of the American Treaty Organization to attend a New Year celebration party hosted in New Washington DC. You may even be able to attend our Christmas State Dinner tomorrow if you'd like and if you could make it in time.

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We, too, will be withdrawing from ATO. We simply didn't like how the handling of the Saboria War went. We are NOT leaving for the Bermuda Triangle Pact though, we assure you.

We wish all nations in the ATO well and hope to continue relations with any of you that wish to continue relations with us individually.

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OOC: For Diberia, basically all my people are zombies. Only ~3-5% were immune, and very few countries are alarmed by what has happened and have sent military forces. The ATO never really said its position on the out-break...

Oh, and a rogue international company called "Aperature Science" has taken over what remains of Diberia(which strangely a large amount of soilders were immune). But so far, no one has found out that A.S. is behind the infection, nor' that A.S. is even in Diberia or that they are this powerful. The average country/person has not heard of A.S. either, due to their low-profile.

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OOC: Nikonov, jsut because you've been banned from CNRP to the end of the month doesn't mean you have to clutter threads with OOC posts. When the ATO nations feel the time is right, they'll post what they have to say. They don't need you to remind them.

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OOC: Nikonov, jsut because you've been banned from CNRP to the end of the month doesn't mean you have to clutter threads with OOC posts. When the ATO nations feel the time is right, they'll post what they have to say. They don't need you to remind them.

OOC: What happened to him? Sorry for the OOC post, but I really don't know...

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OOC: I really don't want to clutter ATO's thread, Nikonov, PM me if you have something to say to me.

Subtle, Nikonov was banned from CNRP by Mercy (now the Gamemaster, which means he can ban people from CNRP) for constantly forming new nations to aviod undesirable IC situations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With the war over and peace returning we would like to look at the actions of the Democratic State of Cain. A nation who we trusted closely like all other signatories of this alliance in turn betrayed us to those who seeked war against us. We demand an explanation as to why they should still be allowed to remain our allies when they have shown themselves to be a mere sunshine friend who would willingly side with those who plotted against us in accordance to agreements made at the conference in Port Haven.

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As no official explanation has been given we will make for the motion for the expulsion of the Democratic State of Cain from the American Treaty Organization.

The United States of North America votes aye.

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For a starter we suggest something small yet effective such as a new air to air or air to ground missile. That alone would drastically improve logistics for any joint operations in the future.

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