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Resource Question

Otto Verteidiger

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I just rerolled because my first reroll had horrible resources... Now I got aluminum and oil. Not too bad I think, but not great. Waiting to reroll is a pain but it is doable for me. Think it's worth to wait and keep rerolling until I get better than aluminum and oil?

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Lucky! I have Uranium and Oil, and I am having a hard time keeping my trades.

Aluminum resource is in high demand in CN, and Oil resource are in high demand by most CN nations with industrial resources. I wouldn't expect you having a hard time finding good trades.

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it depends on how long you want to play the game. If you plan on playing for over two months then re-roll. I have oil and lead which fit into the 8 resources build and i have stable trades but I am still miserable. You should reroll until you don't have any of these resources -- Coal, Furs, Gems, Gold, Lead, Oil, Rubber, Silver

It might be a pain but you will be able to grow faster in the future.

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it depends on how long you want to play the game. If you plan on playing for over two months then re-roll. I have oil and lead which fit into the 8 resources build and i have stable trades but I am still miserable. You should reroll until you don't have any of these resources -- Coal, Furs, Gems, Gold, Lead, Oil, Rubber, Silver

It might be a pain but you will be able to grow faster in the future.

:blink: I guess if you wait around long enough, you'll see everything. Can't say I ever expected to see Gems be a reason one needs to reroll though.

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it depends on how long you want to play the game. If you plan on playing for over two months then re-roll. I have oil and lead which fit into the 8 resources build and i have stable trades but I am still miserable. You should reroll until you don't have any of these resources -- Coal, Furs, Gems, Gold, Lead, Oil, Rubber, Silver

It might be a pain but you will be able to grow faster in the future.

Stop talking arse

There are now no bad resources in the game, ok there are a few bad combo's but any resource set that fits into one of the major builds should be playable.

If you are finding trades hard ask yourself these questions

1) Am I on the wrong team, would my resources be more useful elsewhere

2) Am I in the wrong alliance, am I being given all the help and advice I need to find a stable beneficial trade ring

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Stop talking arse

There are now no bad resources in the game, ok there are a few bad combo's but any resource set that fits into one of the major builds should be playable.

If you are finding trades hard ask yourself these questions

1) Am I on the wrong team, would my resources be more useful elsewhere

2) Am I in the wrong alliance, am I being given all the help and advice I need to find a stable beneficial trade ring

I agree with you. If you can't find a good trade in a color team, then switch to another color team, and/or bribe smaller CN nations to trade.

Currently, I am bribing two CN nations with a lot of money to trade, without switching team colors.

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Well I guess I will stick with it. Everyone that said reroll again has been argued against and not countered. :popcorn:

My argument against re-roll would be (if you can get the trades to line up)

aluminum, coal, gems, gold, iron, lead, lumber, marble, oil, silver, water, wheat

for bonus resources Beer, Construction, Fine Jewelry, Microchips, Rad. Cleanup, Scholars (eventually), and Steel.

Or if you can't get gems and silver (losing FJ,) go with fish and rubber to pick up the 8BR

I might be miscounting the percentages (edit: again), but either way there's lots of options open to you.

Edited by Hob Dobson
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My bonus resources view from the Oil and Aluminum resources:

Aluminum, wheat, lumber, and water: Beer

Aluminum, iron, lumber, marble, and over 5 tech: Construction

Oil, gold, and lead: Microchips

Construction, Microchips, and steel: Radiation Cleanup

Rubber, Construction, and Oil: Asphalt

Steel and asphalt: Automobiles

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My argument against re-roll would be (if you can get the trades to line up)

aluminum, coal, gems, gold, iron, lead, lumber, marble, oil, silver, water, wheat

for bonus resources Beer, Construction, Fine Jewelry, Microchips, Rad. Cleanup, Scholars (eventually), and Steel.

Or if you can't get gems and silver (losing FJ,) go with fish and rubber to pick up the 8BR

I might be miscounting the percentages (edit: again), but either way there's lots of options open to you.

My bonus resources view from the Oil and Aluminum resources:

Aluminum, wheat, lumber, and water: Beer

Aluminum, iron, lumber, marble, and over 5 tech: Construction

Oil, gold, and lead: Microchips

Construction, Microchips, and steel: Radiation Cleanup

Rubber, Construction, and Oil: Asphalt

Steel and asphalt: Automobiles

What one is better? Or to be more specific, what one is better for what purposes? (tech buying, nation building, etc)

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Fine jewelry beats Autos/Asphalt for income boost, but loses it back a bit on infrastructure maintenance later as the nation gets big (IF there's a good population/income booster in the set's wildcard slot. That's why I suggested fish.) For a nation in the 3K Infrastructure range buying 10 infra/day on average there's less than 1% difference in daily income between the sets I listed.

Edit: Both were set up to minimize infra costs while trying to balance income/population for total income. Microchips + harbor + foreign ministry + tech selling is a good strategy for early growth.

Edited by Hob Dobson
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Would it be better to grab the set that han fei zi has suggested later in nation life and use Hob's suggestion? I am going to be tech selling so I figured that would be the best route to go for now because that one has microchips.

Edited by Otto Verteidiger
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Whatever reduction MC gives you for tech it will not come close to the bonuses in income,citizens,and happiness the 5BG set will provide. Also, by making this circle now, even if you have a young nation, will provide not only trade stability but also take away the hassle of finding another circle when your nation has developed.

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What one is better? Or to be more specific, what one is better for what purposes? (tech buying, nation building, etc)

Beer is best for income booster and the resources required are worth getting.

Construction is recommended for ALL CN nations, it is best for nation growth, and it increases the amount of air crafts that your nation have hold by 10.

Microchips are best for tech sellers, and plus, it gives a small income boost.

Radiation Cleanup reduces radiation level within your CN nation by 50%, and improves the environment by 1, making it an okay bonus resource. It is best for CN nations vulnerable against nuke attacks, and CN nations in nuke wars.

Asphalt isn't so good, it is useless unless you have Oil or Rubber as a native resource, and if you are aiming for automobile bonus resource.

Automobile is best for income booster, however, only worth it if you have the industrial trade set.

Steel was made crappy by the CN Administrator, but worth getting if you want Automobile, and if you have Iron and Coal.

Edited by HHAYD
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For Aluminum and Oil go for the 5BG set. Its better for nation building all around.

Wheat, Fish, Cattle, Aluminum, Coal, Iron, Lumber, Marble, Oil, Rubber, Water, and Uranium (can be replaced by gems until you are in the top 5% or buy the MP wonder)

I fully agree with this man. I don't even have all of the resources for it (no Cattle, since I got Furs and Marble. :( ), and the set has worked well for me.

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Beer is best for income booster and the resources required are worth getting.
Automobile is best for income booster, however, only worth it if you have the industrial trade set.

They can't both be the best - not when Beer is only +2 Happiness by itself and the magic is in the underlying good resources.

Automobiles -> +3 Happiness, which is the same bonus as Fine Jewelry.

Fine Jewelry requires 4 resources, 3 of which are good income boosters by themselves. Automobiles requires 7 resources, which don't have the income/happiness/population boosting to support buying the cheaper infrastructure. The two sets only have one common resource, but no really bad resources.

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Whatever reduction MC gives you for tech it will not come close to the bonuses in income,citizens,and happiness the 5BG set will provide. Also, by making this circle now, even if you have a young nation, will provide not only trade stability but also take away the hassle of finding another circle when your nation has developed.

Thanks. :) Now I guess I'll try and find a trade circle :P

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I'm curious. How long does one wait to reroll? What is the procedure?

I don't really know what you mean by procedure but it takes 6 days. I deleted and created my new nation the first time, got !@#$ resources, waited 6 days and rerolled again to the nation I have now.

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