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General RPing Guidelines

Sargun II

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Questions: Unless you have RP'd godfathered underground bunkers, can we make it you do not have supersized underground things unless you have the fall out shelter wonder. This stops people just claiming they have vietcong esque tunnels as soon as they are invaded. Also, other wonder effects need to be talked about.

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Sorry grandfathered

People without the wonder who have RP'd having large underground cites, bunkers tunnels etc. Like Ubie. Grandfathered means that they can 'break' the rule, but new people cannot

Simply put. Ubie has the underground cities, because he has RP'd befor this rule.

Rule comes into effect.

I cannot simply RP the construction of a system like his as I do not have wonder.

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I think for Uberstein's case, we shouldn't do anything about it (about making them not supersized) because he's given great details, etc. I won't punish him for rules that came into place after he did things. However, making them larger would be a no-no because of the new rule - as would altering them beyond minor repairs.

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Yes, thats what I mean by grandfathered. Sargun

And Mudd, I know most nations have bunkers, but on a limited scale, not half their military or something.

Other ones that need to be looked at.

Anti-Air Defense Network

Central Intelligence Agency

Fallout Shelter System (mentioned above)

Foreign Air Force Base

Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo (I believe this should allow the RP of SSBNs)

Nuclear Power Plant (Allows RP of fusion)

Pentagon (RP battle bonus applied to one branch of military [air, land sea])

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)

Weapons Research Complex (This really needs to be taken in. Maybe a Tech Year boost?)

Thoughts on what effects they should have?

Edited by LeVentNoir
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Anti-Air Defense Network: Air attacks on that nation are very difficult, due to advanced AAA

Central Intelligence Agency: Better, larger spy force. Better special forces

Foreign Air Force Base: Overseas bases and larger air force

Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo: Sub launched missiles

Nuclear Power Plant: I don't know

Pentagon: Advanced warfighting capabilities (similar to people's cybernetic soldiers)

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI): Nuclear attacks are very difficult

Weapons Research Complex: Advanced weapons that are out of range normally...aka tech year boost

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AA Defense Network would make it incredibly difficult to conduct air raids, pretty much.

CIA would give you an automatic spy and intelligence bonus against other nations and make you more resistant to other nation's spies and intelligence efforts.

FAFB.. I don't know.

What's an SSBN?

Nuclear Power Plants are in modern nations already.. maybe this could mean something more, like the mini reactors that should be in first development around 2018?

Pentagon.. you said it best.

SDI has already been discussed.

WRC = tech year boost?

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Actually thats a good idea. Time to Copy and paste wonder list...

Agriculture Development Program - $30,000,000 - Increases land size by 15%, Increases citizen income +$2.00, Increases the citizen-bonus for land from 0.2 to 0.5. Requires 3,000 land purchased, 500 technology.

Anti-Air Defense Network - $50,000,000 - Reduces odds of incoming aircraft attacks against your nation -25%. Reduces aircraft attack damages against your nation -10%.

Central Intelligence Agency - $40,000,000 - Increases the number of spies that your nation can support +250 and increases your nation's spy attack strength +10%. Only viewable by the user who owns it.

Disaster Relief Agency - $40,000,000 - The disaster relief agency helps restore your nation and its people after emergency situations. Increases population +3% and opens one extra foreign aid slot.

Fallout Shelter System - $40,000,000 - Allows 50% of your defending soldiers to survive a nuclear strike (Does not prevent nuclear Anarchy but does prevent troops from being totally depleted), Reduces tank, cruise missile, aircraft, and navy losses from a nuclear strike by -25%, Reduces nuclear anarchy effects by 1 day. Requires 6,000 infrastructure, 2,000 technology.

Federal Aid Commission - $25,000,000 - Raises the cap on foreign money aid +50% provided that the foreign aid recipient also has a Federal Aid Commission wonder.

Foreign Air Force Base - $35,000,000 - Raises the aircraft limit +20 for your nation and increases the number of aircraft that can be sent in each attack mission +20.

Great Monument - $35,000,000 - The great monument is a testament to your great leadership. Increases happiness +4 and your population will always be happy with your government choice.

Great Temple - $35,000,000 - The great temple is a dedicated shrine to your national religion. Increases happiness +5 and your population will always be happy with your religion choice.

Great University - $35,000,000 - The great university is a central location for scholars within your nation. Decreases technology costs -10% and increases population happiness +.2% (+2 for every 1000) of your nation's technology level over 200 up to 3,000 tech.

Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo - $30,000,000 - Allows your nation to develop +5 nuclear missiles that cannot be destroyed in spy attacks. (Nations must first be nuclear capable in order to purchase nukes.)

Internet - $35,000,000 - Provides Internet infrastructure throughout your nation. Increases population happiness +5.

Interstate System - $45,000,000 - The interstate system allows goods and materials to be transported throughout your nation with greater ease. Decreases initial infrastructure cost -8% and decreases infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.

Manhattan Project - $100,000,000 - The Manhattan Project allows nations below 5% of the top nations in the game to develop nuclear weapons. The Manhattan Project cannot be destroyed once it is created. The wonder requires 3,000 infrastructure, 300 technology, and a uranium resource.

Mining Industry Consortium - $25,000,000 - Increases population income by $2.00 for the resources Coal, Lead, Oil, Uranium that your nation has access to. Requires 5,000 infrastructure, 3,000 land purchased, 1,000 technology.

Movie Industry - $26,000,000 - The movie industry provides a great source of entertainment to your people. Increases population happiness +3.

National Environment Office - $100,000,000 - The national environment office removes the penalties for Coal, Oil, and Uranium when a nation imports them, improves environment by 1 point, increases population +3%, and reduces infrastructure upkeep -3%. Requires 13,000 infrastructure.

National Research Lab - $35,000,000 - The national research lab is a central location for scientists seeking cures for common diseases among your population. Increases population +5% and decreases technology costs -3%.

National War Memorial - $27,000,000 - The war memorial allows your citizens to remember its fallen soldiers. This improvement is only available to nations that have lost over 50,000 soldiers during war throughout the life of your nation. Increases population happiness +4.

Nuclear Power Plant - $75,000,000 - The nuclear power plant allows nations to receive Uranium financial bonus (+$3 citizen income +$0.15 per technology level up to 30 technology levels. Requires an active Uranium trade.) even when maintaining nuclear weaponry. The nuclear power plant by itself, even without a Uranium trade, reduces infrastructure upkeep -5%, national wonder upkeep -5%, and improvement upkeep -5%. Requires 12,000 infrastructure, 1,000 technology, and a Uranium resource to build. Nations that develop the Nuclear Power Plant must keep their government position on nuclear weapons set to option 2 or 3.

Pentagon - $30,000,000 - The Pentagon serves as your nations headquarters for military operations. Increases attacking and defending ground battle strength +20%.

Scientific Development Center - $150,000,000 - The scientific development center increases the productivity of your factories from -8% infrastructure cost to -10% infrastructure cost, increases the productivity of your universities from +8% citizen income to +10% citizen income, allows the Great University to give its technology happiness bonus up to 5,000 technology levels (+2 happiness each 1,000 technology levels). Requires 14,000 infrastructure, 3,000 technology, Great University, National Research Lab.

Social Security System - $40,000,000- The social security system provides benefits to aging members of your nation. Allows you to raise taxes above 28% up to 30% without additional happiness penalties.

Space Program - $30,000,000 - The space program sends your astronauts to the moon and beyond. Increases happiness +3, lowers technology cost -3% and lowers aircraft cost -5%.

Stock Market - $30,000,000 - The stock market provides a boost to your economy. Increases citizen income +$10.00.

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) - $75,000,000 - Reduces odds of a successful nuclear attack against your nation by 60%. The SDI wonder also requires 3 satellites and 3 missile defenses and those satellites and missile defenses cannot be deleted once the wonder is developed.

Universal Health Care - $100,000,000 - A Universal Health Care program increases population +3% and increases population happiness +2. Requires 11,000 infrastructure, Hospital, National Research Lab.

Weapons Research Complex - $150,000,000 - Increases the technology bonus to damage from 0.01% to 0.02% per technology level, Increases the number of nukes that can be purchased per day to 2, hurts environment by +1, Increases the purchase costs of all military by 0.01% per technology level. Requires 8,500 infrastructure, 2,000 technology, National Research Lab, Pentagon Wonder.

So thats the list, thoughts?

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Here is something I would like to ask:

My country is quite small (as in tech, infra, etc.). Yet my location on the world stage would mean that a big company in one of your guy's really-advanced places could cheaply bring goods to my coast A, ship them to coast B, then continue on another frieghter. Thus I get to my question: Mainly because of my location, could I RP slightly more modern stuff in the civilian area, yet still keep my current military stat's? It would only slighitly affect RP. THe main reason why is so then when I RP stuff, its slightly more realistic.

Again, if you oppose this, remember that it will affect very little of what will happen in your nation RP-wise. Plus I got a cheaper labour country that monopolistic empires could use... :awesome:

Edited by JerreyRough
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Here is something I would like to ask:

My country is quite small (as in tech, infra, etc.). Yet my location on the world stage would mean that a big company in one of your guy's really-advanced places could cheaply bring goods to my coast A, ship them to coast B, then continue on another frieghter. Thus I get to my question: Mainly because of my location, could I RP slightly more modern stuff in the civilian area, yet still keep my current military stat's? It would only slighitly affect RP. THe main reason why is so then when I RP stuff, its slightly more realistic.

Again, if you oppose this, remember that it will affect very little of what will happen in your nation RP-wise. Plus I got a cheaper labour country that monopolistic empires could use... :awesome:

Eh, the Imperium is the one holding the Panama, along with controlling a good part of the coast where most ships tend to pass by.

RP as close to your stats as you can.

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I meant that its cheaper for factories to build here & ship goods through here (I don't really know much about shipping/routes). Some better infrastructure. That sorta stuff. One thing to note: my IG nation has strange stats. I have 200 tech and almost 1k infra. BUt it probebly won't last for long; I still though I was at WWII stats untill moments ago.

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