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Which is more valuable?


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I am facing a decision in a few days, and I am not sure what is the best solution. I could go 17 days and collect on my anniversary, but it would delay my next Wonder purchase 7 days. It would also mess up my next set of tech deals. I'm not 100% sure on the math but I figure it will be worth around an extra $4.7 million, or a days profit or thereabouts.

I could also follow my usual pattern, collect on 10 days, and then do a shorter 7 day collection and collect on the anniversary for seven days. This would not delay the wonder, but it would be only worth an extra $2.1 million or thereabouts, and still would affect my tech dealing a bit.

Or I could simply ignore the anniversary altogether and not disrupt my wonder purchase or tech deals, but not get the bonus money. This was my original thought, but I have been having second thoughts about it. I say my tech deals would be interfered with because I also troop swap, so I don't pay bills every day. So unless I can get them sorted within 2 days of my collecting I can't send foreign aid packages. I might be able to ad-lib and pay bills for a couple days after the anniversary collection to get my aid slots positioned right again, but that entails an extra expense and cuts into any $$ I would get from the anniversary and seems to defeat the purpose. Which way would you all go?

Note my tech deals are also aid packages of a sort, so I would also be affecting other AA members if I delay things; that also has to to figured in all this. It is the main reason I was loathe to consider disrupting the pattern anyway.

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One time forgetting to get rid of labor camps would lose you the same amount of money as you'd lose by not collecting on your anniversary. It's not a big thing to miss it, people think it is because it's symbolic or exciting, but really.

Don't delay your wonder clock. It's just not a good idea, and will hurt you in the long run.

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Also, why do you have 2 Guerilla Camps when you're not at war? Seriously, use this as an oppotunity for a full nation audit.

I believe that is part of the troop swapping she does while waiting to collect during her improvement swaps.

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I believe that is part of the troop swapping she does while waiting to collect during her improvement swaps.

Yes. I look at them as just cheap defensive throwaways. I really should have bought all 5 but didn't bother. My AA mate and I have a sort of friendly rivalry and we copy each others moves sometimes. :awesome:

@imatt15: I hve a checklist, so I don't forget to do things. Hard to forget 5 comes after 4 say.

Glad to see all of you saying the wonder clock is most important since that was my first thought as well, though I've never really understood why it is except you can't get that time back.

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Yes, but I am troop swapping, which involves not paying bills; I am past 2 days not paying bills, so unless I end the LC cycle and pay them I can't buy new things.

So I've got to be missing something, but if you have the cash available why not just decom some troops and tanks, pay bills, then buy a wonder and rebuy the troops?

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So I've got to be missing something, but if you have the cash available why not just decom some troops and tanks, pay bills, then buy a wonder and rebuy the troops?

Because I haven't hit the thirty days yet. Still have a few more days to go. My question was more should I delay it an extra 7 days to make use of the anniversary bonus. Oh, I think I see what you are saying. Pay bills at ten days, buy the Wonder, but not collect? Buying the troops again would cut into the extra $$ from the anniversary, but that might work. The wonder itself would not add much to bills, unlike infrastructure. Let me think about that one.

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While I wouldn't be so adamant as others about the wonder clock, you did also state you had scheduled tech deals going too.

Keeping up the regular flow of tech is important.

When you put both together then it throws my opinion that way.

+6 is a nice long-swap reward, but you can still squeeze out some of it anyway.

Get the wonder and tech.

If you can swing AP's idea then that would be the best. Maybe you can ask your tech suppliers for a little bit of credit too. Perhaps toss them an extra bonus for keeping the tech coming while you wait out the swap.

Edited by +Zeke+
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Because I haven't hit the thirty days yet. Still have a few more days to go. My question was more should I delay it an extra 7 days to make use of the anniversary bonus. Oh, I think I see what you are saying. Pay bills at ten days, buy the Wonder, but not collect? Buying the troops again would cut into the extra $$ from the anniversary, but that might work. The wonder itself would not add much to bills, unlike infrastructure. Let me think about that one.

Well, then don't buy max troops and just go to peace mode when you decom your troops (as long as your collection is within 3 days of that). Or just take a risk and stay in war mode. Hell you can decom troops/tanks every two days so you probably would be able to decom them both when you pay bills and when you collect.

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If you can, do both.

Try to plan to have a lot of extra cash sitting around, and dip into that in situations like this. I'm dipping into my warchest to nab a wonder before my 1 year anniversary, but I've already planned to have 20 days of income saved up prior to collecting then.

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If you can, do both.

Try to plan to have a lot of extra cash sitting around, and dip into that in situations like this. I'm dipping into my warchest to nab a wonder before my 1 year anniversary, but I've already planned to have 20 days of income saved up prior to collecting then.

You do have a warchest, don't you?

All the cool kids have a warchest.

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I hope you weren't talking to me. Oo;

Sorry for the confusion: I was, indeed, speaking to the earlier poster. TOP are a savvy bunch of gamers and I'm quite sure their warchests are both sufficient and dread. Heck, some of my best friends are in TOP.

And for those who don't know what a warchest is, I suggest joining with an alliance that can explain the concept to you quickly and easily.

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