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Deletion Question

Weiss von Toten

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I believe I know the answer to this question but I'm seeking clarification. Can you be deleted for staying in bill lock too long? Or can you only be deleted for not collecting taxes after twenty days? Hypothetically, could one sit in perpetual bill lock, just collecting taxes every 19 days?

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I think so, but of course after three days you cannot buy any thing until you have paid the bills.

(I seem to remember that the worldfamous Chris_Kaos was playing for months one time with out paying bills at all, just collecting money, but maybe the system has changed since 2006.)

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He had something like 100 mil in bills, and this was back in '06. He was just collecting taxes and sending out aid. After that topic, admin significantly ramped up the effects of bill-lock. Namely, no more sending aid. Since then, the effects of bill-lock have increased even further in the long term, but you can stay in bill-lock indefinitely.

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- A possible exploit with the way bills and taxes are structured in the game has been corrected. An income penalty of -2% for every day of unpaid bills after the 19th day has been added to the game. The income penalty is structured as follows:

20th day = -20% income

21st day = -22% income

22nd day = -24% income


40th day = -60% income

60th day = -100% income

That's the only thing that has changed since :)

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100%! blah, i guess it makes sense, but I'm the kind of person who would keep my nation if I saw that glimmer of hope with 99.99%.... =P

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Even if you had to sell all your infrastructure to get yourself out of bill lock (or be aided out which should be easy to do at that point since the only bills are for military/improvements/wonders) you'll be far ahead of a reroll since you'll retain tech, land, improvements and wonders making recovery far easier than from a reroll.

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