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SDI question


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Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) - $75,000,000 - Reduces odds of a successful nuclear attack against your nation by 60%. The SDI wonder also requires 3 satellites and 3 missile defenses and those satellites and missile defenses cannot be deleted once the wonder is developed.

Hmm...I think I am going to take a wild guess and say it is about 60% effective :P

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Hmm...I think I am going to take a wild guess and say it is about 60% effective :P

I am pretty sure you do not believe everything you read. I know I don't. That is why I was asking for someone who has had it field tested.

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One thing for you to consider Shingo; I don't know this for a fact(since wonders are way over my level anyway), but I have heard that even if the SDI works they can keep lobbing nukes at you until they get one through. It's not like it protects you for a day or two or anything, it just ups the amount they need to fling at you to get a hit.

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One thing for you to consider Shingo; I don't know this for a fact(since wonders are way over my level anyway), but I have heard that even if the SDI works they can keep lobbing nukes at you until they get one through. It's not like it protects you for a day or two or anything, it just ups the amount they need to fling at you to get a hit.

I know that and that is what I really am trying to find out. How many are stopped before one gets through. I am sure it is pretty random, but I was hoping someone who had used it would chime in. For those of us that have not seen it used, we can only speculate.

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I heard Bob Sanders blocked 7.

Yes, this is true. The guy even put in a bug report because he thought there was a glitch.

I'm sure when admin says it's 60% chance, then it is. what remains to be seen is whether it has the same cluster of success/failure (just like events come in clusters, maybe successful nukes come in clusters)

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One thing for you to consider Shingo; I don't know this for a fact(since wonders are way over my level anyway), but I have heard that even if the SDI works they can keep lobbing nukes at you until they get one through. It's not like it protects you for a day or two or anything, it just ups the amount they need to fling at you to get a hit.

Burning through the enemies nuke supply not only saves you, but it also saves your buddy.

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Yes, this is true. The guy even put in a bug report because he thought there was a glitch.

I'm sure when admin says it's 60% chance, then it is. what remains to be seen is whether it has the same cluster of success/failure (just like events come in clusters, maybe successful nukes come in clusters)

Even with that hotstreak I have averaged out to around 60% over time.

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EDIT: Apparently you can't be nuked more than once per day? That's nice... Let me do some more math

Here are some simple numbers for what the 60% means:

If you are in a war and are declared on by three attackers and each of them nukes you each day:

The odds of a *miss* is .6

The odds of hit is then .4

So the odds that three, indepedent nukings will all miss is .6^3 = .216

In that regard, you are still 1-.216 = 78.4% likely to get hit by *at least* one nuke.

However, on the bright side, there is only about a 23% chance that TWO nukes will hit you

and only a 6.4% chance that all three will hit you

The chance of exactly one nuke hitting is then 14.4%

and the chance of every nuke missing should be about 21.6%

(Don't check my math with subtraction here, these are *ALL* approximations)

does that help?

What the SDI gives you is that fantastic odds for three nukes here.

Previously, there was 100% chance that all three will hit you.

So your odds of avoiding a triple nuke strike daily with an SDI are about 16 times better now than they were before.

Coming up next, the expectation value of lost infra

Let's presume that you lost 150 infra per nuclear attack.

Without an SDI, your expected nuclear loss per day is 450 infra

With an SDI, your expected loss per day is 21.6 + 69 + 28.8 = 120

-The bottom line!

If you are in a nuclear war with three attackers, your expected infra loss PER DAY is reduced from 450 to 120 or 275%

At full damage, that's 330 * 10 = 3300

What does 3300 infra cost you?

More than 75 million I bet.

Edited by Matthew PK
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Here are some simple numbers for what the 60% means:

If you are in a war and are declared on by three attackers and each of them nukes you each day:

The odds of a *miss* is .6

The odds of hit is then .4

So the odds that three, indepedent nukings will all miss is .6^3 = .129

In that regard, you are still 1-.129 = 87.1% likely to get hit by *at least* one nuke.

However, on the bright side, there is only about a 23% chance that TWO nukes will hit you

and only a 6.4% chance that all three will hit you

does that help?

What the SDI gives you is that fantastic odds for three nukes here.

Previously, there was 100% chance that all three will hit you.

So your odds of avoiding a triple nuke strike daily with an SDI are about 16 times better now than they were before.

Coming up next, the expectation value of lost infra

My odds of getting nuked more than once a day are 0% and always have been even before I got my SDI. :psyduck:

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My odds of getting nuked more than once a day are 0% and always have been even before I got my SDI. :psyduck:


You can only be nuked once per day?

I guess I've never had to fight two nuclear armed opponents simultaneously.

Well then, this calls for more math!

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bottom line is this.

I have been involved in quite a few nuke wars since getting my SDI. It has greatly reduced the amount of total damage I could have taken by helping reduce my oponents nuclear cache by having him fire and waste a few nukes on me in order to actually get one thru. Over a 7 day war combined with my spying 2 nukes a day away it has generaly made it so by day 3 or 4 they were out of nukes. Over the entire time the % is running right at about 60% but like I said coupled with the effective use of spy's it GREATLY reduces overall damage taken to myself and my war partners.

That being said I highly recommend you do NOT purchase one. :P

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