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Roman Infrastructure & Construction Enterprise

We have noticed many of our enemies (someone by the name of babo and I think someone by the name of hiredpun? steveo?) are selling their infrastructure, and then when attacked are selling more.


Don't worry! If you're that interested in liquidating your infra we are now offering competitive rates OVER MARKET VALUE. If your concern is your retirement we're more than willing to help put you in a good home.


Call 1-800 GOT INFRA :: Just point, and Infra disappears.


1-800 Had Infra works too.


For legal reasons both 1-800 GOT INFRA and 1-800 Had Infra are channels on our discord channel that you can request to be added to if you want to use our services.



Rookie Numbers

We were sitting at like



Now we like



For those of you who left their ti-83s at home that's a 55% increase in the amount of infra removed. Talk about professional. Or 57814.71 infra as a magnitude of the absolute amount if you think that's more impressive than the stat expressed as a percentage.


Expressed as a roman numerical that's 



And I just think that's beautiful

Also like 80% more infra temporarily misplaced. But have no fear. It certainly didn't fall into enemy hands.



Roman Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeempireeee


The Emporer's of Rome

you know who we are. Added as they complain


birdshot; the backup quarterback, OMO, SBN, togatoga


HiredPistol; Son & Father of Stelios, Bane of Paul, Adude-sshi


FiredGun; The non-roman wreckingball, NukedJason, twice, NLON foreign contractor


dagny 38 special; breaks osha standards daily

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Imagine selling out of my range, getting hit anyways, then selling off everything you have left.


Defcon 1 is full of cowards and spineless children. Not a single man among them.

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That is funny

10 hours ago, Highroad said:

Why would anyone voluntarily sell infra when we can remove it for you?!?! Dial 1-800 Had-Infra and let us save you from the back breaking work of selling your own 

The creator of this post has been reimbursed for their testimonial and advertisement.

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On 7/3/2021 at 2:34 AM, Highroad said:

Why would anyone voluntarily sell infra when we can remove it for you?!?! Dial 1-800 Had-Infra and let us save you from the back breaking work of selling your own infra!


Good news! It appears a couple nations from Defcon 1 and OP have decided to use our service!

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On 7/3/2021 at 8:34 AM, Highroad said:

Why would anyone voluntarily sell infra when we can remove it for you?!?! Dial 1-800 Had-Infra and let us save you from the back breaking work of selling your own infra!

Isn't it entirely RE's tactic to sell about 3k infra, hit targets and buy 3k infra back? Or does that not count as voluntary sales? :P

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We do what we have to in order to get in range of targets who sell infra to avoid us. 


Thank you for being a customer of our infra removal service, by the way. Check back in a couple of days!

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5 hours ago, Tevron said:

Isn't it entirely RE's tactic to sell about 3k infra, hit targets and buy 3k infra back? Or does that not count as voluntary sales? :P

No one else offers infra removal services so we have to do it ourselves.


If someone else was up to the task, I'd cash app them 3m & 50 tech faster than you can say "but wait mr. bird te doesn't have aid except for that one round, also the aid caps are actuall[....]"

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5 hours ago, thebird said:

No one else offers infra removal services so we have to do it ourselves.


If someone else was up to the task, I'd cash app them 3m & 50 tech faster than you can say "but wait mr. bird te doesn't have aid except for that one round, also the aid caps are actuall[....]"

I was just trying to remove some infra from FringeLine who had just blockaded me for 24 %, sabotaged my collect and incited govt propoganda, but instead I have three of these infra removal agents at my door! Surely some of them could pay visits to one another instead because it's downright inefficient to leave all this infra in the Empire untouched.

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DEFCON 1 Is Definitely using this amazing service right now. there members had low to zero infra and one of them just asked for Peace a few days after they declared war. Hahaha 


Edited by King Wolf
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21 hours ago, Tevron said:

I was just trying to remove some infra from FringeLine who had just blockaded me for 24 %, sabotaged my collect and incited govt propoganda, but instead I have three of these infra removal agents at my door! Surely some of them could pay visits to one another instead because it's downright inefficient to leave all this infra in the Empire untouched.


Only 24%? Piss poor job @firingline

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