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Discussion on removing Rotavele

Zoot Zoot

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So I have had enough now. His attitude towards players and RP, and Ops abuse which makes me look tame and general tardiness towards people is disgusting and detremental to this community.


His behavior is no different to his behavior in CNRP1, a community which destroys him every time he makes an appearence.


Its time for him to go, there is no punishment or reprisals, he just needs to go. in this thread i am stating quite clearly, that I will no longer recognise any nation he makes, any RP he writes or takes part in. He will be on ignore on the forums and IRC.


I set forward a discussion and hopefully and eventual vote, on permenant removal of Rotavele. If that does work, he is taking an extended leave of absense at the end of the week anyway.

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Oh Jesus Christ. Grow up.


Would like to echo this.


Also you don't have the option to recognize my Roleplay or not. I do have the option of yours. 


You abuse your ops, and I retaliated by de-oping you. You apologized the first time, but did it again soon afterwards. You also acted very immaturely and lodged some personal attacks towards me. I have also been contributing to this community, and aiding in fixing the issues. You have done nothing positive from as far as I can see except fire a nuke at Eva and cause the headache in Asia.


Grow up.

Edited by Rotavele
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No. Anyone who votes in favour of removing Rotavele and/or refuses to recognise Rotavele's posts will in turn be ignored by me. If you all want to act like children then lets treat everyone the same. Let us all start picking who and what we recognise and watch as CNRP 2 becomes a huge mess and likely collapses. 


However, Rotavele you need to grow up yourself. Telling people to shut up as soon as they join IRC and just being an unfriendly person is not the most grown up of behaviour so take some of your own advice and grow up yourself. 

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No. Anyone who votes in favour of removing Rotavele and/or refuses to recognise Rotavele's posts will in turn be ignored by me. If you all want to act like children then lets treat everyone the same. Let us all start picking who and what we recognise and watch as CNRP 2 becomes a huge mess and likely collapses. 


However, Rotavele you need to grow up yourself. Telling people to shut up as soon as they join IRC and just being an unfriendly person is not the most grown up of behaviour so take some of your own advice and grow up yourself. 


That was a joke. I didn't mean to offend him. I was just messing with him, but now i know he can't take a joke like that and I apologize. I am still young, he has no excuse.



Well, you could roll him every time he rerolls (and create a compelling CB for doing so), or don't recognize his RP.

And Rota essentially saying people need to grow up and stuff like this (and not only in this thread)? Hilarious.

So I'm taking it you're voting yes to this, right?
Edited by Rotavele
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No. Anyone who votes in favour of removing Rotavele and/or refuses to recognise Rotavele's posts will in turn be ignored by me. If you all want to act like children then lets treat everyone the same. Let us all start picking who and what we recognise and watch as CNRP 2 becomes a huge mess and likely collapses. 


However, Rotavele you need to grow up yourself. Telling people to shut up as soon as they join IRC and just being an unfriendly person is not the most grown up of behaviour so take some of your own advice and grow up yourself. 


I'm sorry, wasnt CNRP2 created for the precisely the reason of not needing to recognise toxic players?

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That was a joke. I didn't mean to offend him. I was just messing with him, but now i know he can't take a joke like that and I apologize. I am still young, he has no excuse.


So I'm taking it you're voting yes to this, right?



No, it wasn't a joke at all. You never once apologised me after I apologised to you for calling you ignorant when I was mistaken. If you want to be recognised and respected as a player, then make a start by apologising to me and Bio if he is bothered enough about it.

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No, it wasn't a joke at all. You never once apologised me after I apologised to you for calling you ignorant when I was mistaken. If you want to be recognised and respected as a player, then make a start by apologising to me and Bio if he is bothered enough about it.


I didn't apologize to you, I was referring to Bio. Why should you get an apology? Especially after the horrible stuff you said and abuse of your ops? The only reason I took your ops away and banned you was because you kept banning myself, and it was annoying.

Edited by Rotavele
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That was a joke. I didn't mean to offend him. I was just messing with him, but now i know he can't take a joke like that and I apologize. I am still young, he has no excuse.


So I'm taking it you're voting yes to this, right?



Bull crap. You are not young. You are not some snotty nosed child who has to go to mamma every time something bad happens. You are at the least a young adult and you NEED to start acting like one. Stop making jokes full stop, stop thinking because you are young you can get away with crap. Start acting like an adult and be a productive member of the RP community.



I'm sorry, wasnt CNRP2 created for the precisely the reason of not needing to recognise toxic players?


No it was not. As far as I was told it was a place to hold alternate RP to CNRP 2 with an under current meaning of being some where players like Triyun, Cent and others can't join because those who set up CNRP 2 feel they ruin CNRP for smaller nations. 

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Bull crap. You are not young. You are not some snotty nosed child who has to go to mamma every time something bad happens. You are at the least a young adult and you NEED to start acting like one. Stop making jokes full stop, stop thinking because you are young you can get away with crap. Start acting like an adult and be a productive member of the RP community.


I am a young adult, and I wasn't meaning it like that. I act immature, because I am immature. I apologize for hurting your feelings though Kevin.

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I'm sorry, wasnt CNRP2 created for the precisely the reason of not needing to recognise toxic players?

Who is and isn't to be recognised isn't up to individual judgement, unless you are referring to a 50k+ NS nation. Such you could simply not recognise, but it needs to be consistent. Otherwise, like it or not, Rota is still part of the RP and failure to recognise will just lead to unpleasant consequences.


The sole way of banishing people from this is by having a vote among the GMs, upon which the community is to decide whether the individual in question is to be removed. In this case, this did not happen.


So, can we stop this dumb debate now?

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[10:37] <Zoot> Rota
[10:38] <Zoot> Rotavele: 
[10:41] <Zoot> There isnt a line in paticular. I dont know how to explain this again, that its your general attitude towards me.
[10:41] <Zoot> I dont like how you talk to me, how you refer to me, your sly underhanded posts on the forums whilst we are fighting it out on IRC, you put it out towards the community, which lead me to make my own post.
[10:41] <Zoot> Your behavior over the OPs with Bio, your treatment of Bio
[10:42] <Zoot> The fact that because i stopped your ship after i explained the very legitimate reasons
[10:42] <Zoot> you decide to suddenly not recognise me
[10:42] <Zoot> simply because i am apparently picking on you as your a smaller nation
[10:43] <Zoot> the fact that you claim CNRP2 was made to get away from players like me who $%&@ everyone roleplay up
[10:43] <Zoot> I am !@#$@#$ denmark in CNRP1, i have a 50,000 man army, one ally and ive fought two wars, one against an inactive nation, one in defence of my ally
[10:43] <Zoot> ive no nukes
[10:44] <Zoot> lumping me with !@#$heads like triyun and cent is more offensive to me than most things
[10:44] <Rotavele> [15:39] <@Zoot> Well i’m not. How am i in the wrong, if i only rolled you once, 3 years ago or so for a legitimate reason, and past that I essentially ignore you because I dont like you or RPing with you?
[10:44] <Zoot> i stand by that statement.
[10:45] <Rotavele> [10:42] <Zoot> you decide to suddenly not recognise me
[10:45] <Zoot> just becase i ignore you and your RP, doesnt mean I dont recognise your nation.
[10:45] <Zoot> You are part of the share CNRP2 universe, 
[10:45] <Zoot> shared**
[10:46] <Zoot> But interacting with you ICly as little as possible is how I roll.
[10:46] <Zoot> that thread came about after todays argument, which is what the above text is about
[10:46] <Zoot> straw that broke the camels back
[10:47] <Zoot> Is that enough for me to want an apology?
[10:47] <Zoot> because ive already said im happy to give you one
[10:47] <Zoot> and move on
[10:48] <Rotavele> [10:45] <Zoot> just becase i ignore you and your RP, doesnt mean I dont recognise your nation. <--- "in this thread i am stating quite clearly, that I will no longer recognise any nation he makes, any RP he writes or takes part in. He will be on ignore on the forums and IRC."
[10:49] <Zoot> If you scroll down to the last post in that thread. I shut it, Eva was correct.
[10:51] <Zoot> So, do I get an apology?

I am not interacting with this nation anymore as I am in my right to not do.


For the reasoning why: 

[10:46] <Zoot> straw that broke the camels back


Maybe I will change my mind after "the beatings in Prison" i will be getting.

Edited by Rotavele
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Once recognised, directly or indirectly (via interaction), the recognition stands. As said before, recognition has to be consistent.
Now go and learn to co-exist, without causing issues. Both of you.

He was never recognized icly directly or indirectly. I'm well aware of that rule. Edited by Rotavele
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I am a young adult, and I wasn't meaning it like that. I act immature, because I am immature. I apologize for hurting your feelings though Kevin.


Knowing you are acting immature is the first sign of maturity. I have no idea how old you actually are and I won't ask as that is personal information. However, you appear to be old enough to know right from wrong, when to start and when to stop something. My advice to you would be to stop any jokes to avoid hurting anyone's feelings or offending anyone accidentally or otherwise. 


I personally think if you can do that then you can be just as productive a member of this community as anyone else. You need to show you can be though and the best way to start is to just leave the jokes and immature comments/actions behind and just talk. If someone starts annoying/angering you just ignore them. Doesn't matter what they say or do just ignore them.


Also for the record you didn't hurt my feelings. I have a tough skin when I don't let my temper get the better of me. 

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Knowing you are acting immature is the first sign of maturity. I have no idea how old you actually are and I won't ask as that is personal information. However, you appear to be old enough to know right from wrong, when to start and when to stop something. My advice to you would be to stop any jokes to avoid hurting anyone's feelings or offending anyone accidentally or otherwise. 
I personally think if you can do that then you can be just as productive a member of this community as anyone else. You need to show you can be though and the best way to start is to just leave the jokes and immature comments/actions behind and just talk. If someone starts annoying/angering you just ignore them. Doesn't matter what they say or do just ignore them.
Also for the record you didn't hurt my feelings. I have a tough skin when I don't let my temper get the better of me.

Glad to hear that.

Also all the OWFers are seeing this topic title as a new topic and a lot of them are running here. Lol. Edited by Rotavele
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