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A...! :O DECLARATION!!! ...of waaaar?! \o?

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I don't think that adds up to 2 million. I am in a hurry so I don't have time to do an exact count.

I said close to 2 mil but I don't know the exact amount. I just don't really care but just know, I will be taking more.

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I said close to 2 mil but I don't know the exact amount. I just don't really care but just know, I will be taking more.

Yes, you're looting cash from folks that have been too busy with RL to log on. Great skills you got there. But I will tell you this. Tyler is one of the nicest, most hard working people that I have ever met in my life. Bragging about looting his cash, and calling him a noob just brings your class to a whole new level.
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Yes, you're looting cash from folks that have been too busy with RL to log on. Great skills you got there. But I will tell you this. Tyler is one of the nicest, most hard working people that I have ever met in my life. Bragging about looting his cash, and calling him a noob just brings your class to a whole new level.

I can brag if I want to and dermajor didn't believe me so I put up the battle reports to show him. He is a noob for disabling XP as he only denies himself the XP because I'm already going to get the XP I need. If he knew the value to it then maybe he wouldn't have denied himself XP. I guess he doesn't.

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Some noob from WD's disabled XP to deny me generals. Think again sunshine, I already have enough XP for the ones I want except for the airforce general but I'll get there by the end.

Hello Buttercup.

I can brag if I want to and dermajor didn't believe me so I put up the battle reports to show him. He is a noob for disabling XP as he only denies himself the XP because I'm already going to get the XP I need. If he knew the value to it then maybe he wouldn't have denied himself XP. I guess he doesn't.

Funny enough, that works both ways. Logic surely is your strongest suit, and that's sad to admit. Oh and please, teach me on what is valuable. :)
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I can brag if I want to and dermajor didn't believe me so I put up the battle reports to show him. He is a noob for disabling XP as he only denies himself the XP because I'm already going to get the XP I need. If he knew the value to it then maybe he wouldn't have denied himself XP. I guess he doesn't.

Did I ever once say you couldn't brag? I just said you've dropped to a whole new level of class. I'm not sure why I expected more from you, but I did.
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I can brag if I want to and dermajor didn't believe me so I put up the battle reports to show him. He is a noob for disabling XP as he only denies himself the XP because I'm already going to get the XP I need. If he knew the value to it then maybe he wouldn't have denied himself XP. I guess he doesn't.

2/17/2014 3:24:23 PM


Ruler: Criminal
War Doves


New Valyria
Ruler: Daenerys Targaryen
Infiltrate DEFCON Systems

Success, Not Caught

    a gift for you :ehm:

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Daenarys, by your own account, your alliance is largely made up of rogues and noobs. You have an active recruiting program, but it would appear from the state of things no training program. There is little to no coordination, and no discipline for people who disobey direct orders. And if you were in charge, you'd run things differently.

If this is the kind of paper tiger that you've built, than don't complain when it gets cut up. Enforce discipline, or pay the price for the action of your rogues.

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Yes, you're looting cash from folks that have been too busy with RL to log on. Great skills you got there. But I will tell you this. Tyler is one of the nicest, most hard working people that I have ever met in my life. Bragging about looting his cash, and calling him a noob just brings your class to a whole new level.

Now I've heard ALL the excuses.



Did I ever once say you couldn't brag? I just said you've dropped to a whole new level of class. I'm not sure why I expected more from you, but I did.

You lot are about as classy as your DoW. Enjoy!



I could brag too, but it would be far too easy. The worst part of all of this, Samwise was the only person I knew that didn't dislike you before this, looks like that has changed.

I'm not here to make friends with my enemies.



2/17/2014 3:24:23 PM


Ruler: Criminal
War Doves


New Valyria
Ruler: Daenerys Targaryen
Infiltrate DEFCON Systems

Success, Not Caught

    a gift for you :ehm:


If you knew what you were doing, you would have started with a spy intel op and then you would have seen If I had generals or not but instead you wasted a spy slot on finding out the "I have no idea what I'm doing" way. And another wasted spy slot on changing my Defcon when I've already sent my attacks and so did my active opponents. You're one smart cookie ain't ya.


And you did it again this update.

Edited by Daenerys Targaryen
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Daenarys, by your own account, your alliance is largely made up of rogues and noobs. You have an active recruiting program, but it would appear from the state of things no training program. There is little to no coordination, and no discipline for people who disobey direct orders. And if you were in charge, you'd run things differently.

If this is the kind of paper tiger that you've built, than don't complain when it gets cut up. Enforce discipline, or pay the price for the action of your rogues.

Skaro plays for fun and always has. No need to use the less experienced AA's to advance your position but we'll happily oblige.

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Also I wont be giving the really bad trolls like bombuato, rayvon and kurdanak anymore credibility by replying to them so don't expect any replies from me unless your comment is worthy of a response.

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Also I wont be giving the really bad trolls like bombuato, rayvon and kurdanak anymore credibility by replying to them so don't expect any replies from me unless your comment is worthy of a response.

I wasn't even aware I was trolling, that's how bad of a troll I am. :P

Der Major, Samwise - you two really need to drop your game so you're considered bad trolls too. Maybe then none of us will be "worthy of a response" and Daenerys Targaryen will stop posting in this thread whatsoever. \o/

P.S. Daenerys Targaryen, please learn to use the edit button.
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I wasn't even aware I was trolling, that's how bad of a troll I am. :P

Der Major, Samwise - you two really need to drop your game so you're considered bad trolls too. Maybe then none of us will be "worthy of a response" and Daenerys Targaryen will stop posting in this thread whatsoever. \o/

P.S. Daenerys Targaryen, please learn to use the edit button.

Your not a rayvon level bad troll but you just don't bring anything to the discussion other than supporting the troll comments like a cheerleader.

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Your not a rayvon level bad troll but you just don't bring anything to the discussion other than supporting the troll comments like a cheerleader.

I'll have you know that I look damn fine in a cheerleader's outfit!

If only Swazz was still around. You two could've been BFF Jills.

EDIT: Skaro, darling, please fill up my two remaining defensive slots? You have plenty of nations who can still counter. At the rate that you guys are slacking so far, I'm never going to keep ahead of Samwise in casualties. :(

EDIT 2: For your convenience - http://tournament.cybernations.net/declarewar_form.asp?Nation_ID=1000225 Edited by Kurdanak
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Now I've heard ALL the excuses.

You lot are about as classy as your DoW. Enjoy!


Sure, let's talk about how classy I am. Skaro did nothing but raid the unaligned nations last round, and some alliances. When they were met with force, they high tailed it back home. Then Skaro declares war on OP and TPC because they were beating back Warriors and Misfits. Skaro raids my AA for 2 rounds now, then acts as if they have sovereignty over my AA and their members threaten and attack War Doves government. Wait, we havent gotten to me yet? Okay, let's talk about me. I should have downdeclared your alliance hard, and kept you at war all round long. But I didn't. I'm just a class act I guess.

But if you haven't noticed, we're playing TE. If all you wanted to do was raid folks and and declare opportunist wars, then you really can't complain. Skaro had the opportunity to beat us back this war. How many Skaro nations aren't engaged in this conflict? Your alliance's incompetence is not my fault. Nor should anyone cut you any slack when you've acted as you have been.

Skaro plays for fun and always has. No need to use the less experienced AA's to advance your position but we'll happily oblige.

And I don't agree with your cowardly idea of fun. I'm also pretty sure Skaro is an older AA than War Doves and Rat Basterds.

I'll have you know that I look damn fine in a cheerleader's outfit!If only Swazz was still around. You two could've been BFF Jills.EDIT: Skaro, darling, please fill up my two remaining defensive slots? You have plenty of nations who can still counter. At the rate that you guys are slacking so far, I'm never going to keep ahead of Samwise in casualties. :(EDIT 2: For your convenience - http://tournament.cybernations.net/declarewar_form.asp?Nation_ID=1000225

I will win the Samwise v Kurdanak casualty race! o/

Edited by Samwise
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If you knew what you were doing, you would have started with a spy intel op and then you would have seen If I had generals or not but instead you wasted a spy slot on finding out the "I have no idea what I'm doing" way. And another wasted spy slot on changing my Defcon when I've already sent my attacks and so did my active opponents. You're one smart cookie ain't ya.


And you did it again this update.

....and every update to follow...but, afterall, i am only a " noob" . :smug:

Edited by ARCHEIN
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You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Tejanistan. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to target and destroy $0.15 in enemy money reserves. Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.


I believe that puts their warchest at $2.85. Just enough for taco night tonight! \o/

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Sure, let's talk about how classy I am. Skaro did nothing but raid the unaligned nations last round, and some alliances. When they were met with force, they high tailed it back home. Then Skaro declares war on OP and TPC because they were beating back Warriors and Misfits. Skaro raids my AA for 2 rounds now, then acts as if they have sovereignty over my AA and their members threaten and attack War Doves government. Wait, we havent gotten to me yet? Okay, let's talk about me. I should have downdeclared your alliance hard, and kept you at war all round long. But I didn't. I'm just a class act I guess.

But if you haven't noticed, we're playing TE. If all you wanted to do was raid folks and and declare opportunist wars, then you really can't complain. Skaro had the opportunity to beat us back this war. How many Skaro nations aren't engaged in this conflict? Your alliance's incompetence is not my fault. Nor should anyone cut you any slack when you've acted as you have been.

And I don't agree with your cowardly idea of fun. I'm also pretty sure Skaro is an older AA than War Doves and Rat Basterds.

I will win the Samwise v Kurdanak casualty race! o/

You butt hurt?



....and every update to follow...but, afterall, i am only a " noob" . :smug:

I know you are :ehm:

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You butt hurt?

Funny considering you're the one crying in every thread about this DoW on the grounds that Skaro are all noobs, and then you go and call everyone a noob.


Unless of course Flight of the Conchords were right when they said dragon tears turn into jelly beans...

Then by all means keep them coming. Edited by Samwise
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