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The cold hard reality

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Promising unending war and having members leave the alliance certainly shows dedication to your inane 'cause'.

Not everyone on the AA feels the same way I do. Some changed their view after the outcome of the OBR thing, others by the choices of Sun. Im pretty confident though that if the cause was inane you wouldn't be replying to me at all. That of course assumes you understand the actual definitions of the words you choose to use. Regardless, people come and go those who wanted to exit have or will, those of us who are prepared to go to the end, spent and in bill lock will. The fact that SUN needs help in this matter via PR is amusing but not surprising considering their horrid performance in the FA realm. Needless to say its not going to be a horrible outcome dumping 3billion dollars and who knows how many CMS and nukes into them. The world would be a much more dynamic place with less cookie cutter bland alliances.

Edited by Thorgrum
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Not everyone on the AA feels the same way I do.

So you're essentially speaking out of your ass about the desires of III Percent.

Also, great use of a propositional fallacy. Bravo. You must experience giddy joy at being able to draw such delusional connections about your own self worth.
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Your argument being inane and warranting a response doesn't make your cause not inane.

I don't have anything witty other then to say you provided me (or the irc log with you chatting on it) one of the best laughs ive ever had in CN. Glad to see your still around. You realize youre never going to get the time you invested back correct? You are truly a tragic figure Xiph. Good luck out there man.

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So you're essentially speaking out of your ass about the desires of III Percent.

Also, great use of a propositional fallacy. Bravo. You must experience giddy joy at being able to draw such delusional connections about your own self worth.

No, I think its funny you continue to reply to subjects/ causes you find inane. its almost as if youre trying to convince people you are not an idiot.


The proper course to that end would be not to reply, if you actually believe what you said which, your reply suggests you don't. Poor thing. lol


EDIT: Ill be in your range soon, see sig.

Edited by Thorgrum
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Let’s recap what we’ve learned from this thread.

Freelancer was couped.

A more apt description would be, I had a choice, be held on charges of treason or die a soldier’s death.

That choice was easy

I no longer have a say what so ever for alliance wide decision’s


Throgrum is a mercenary wearing the III Percent AA and intends to kill everything he can to his death or the end of this war, whatever comes first.

True, but the havoc he creates on the way down is total badass, nothing short of Camerontech and that tornado storm he created for UPN.

Mogar is an attention whore


Mogar is a bigger threat to III Percent lower tier nations than SUN ‘s entire lower tier.

True, it’s the very reason Roland is all over your ass.

Is Freelancer sticking around?

Fat chance, I should have been gone a year ago but got talked out of it, this exit just makes it so much more memorable.

Feel Free to say anything you'd like, I pay as much attention to the OWF as the nay-sayers here pay attention to getting laid.


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tl:dr Version:


POINT 1:  This thread, comprised of threats and baseless accusations against SUN, serves no benefit to the wider international community, but does seek to hide internal problems with the 3% alliance.


POINT 2:  Any characterization of SUN as being out to destroy nations or alliances is patently false and goes against everything we have done as an alliance.


POINT 3:  SUN appreciates our allies support for us and believes that 3% best chance for early resolution to the war that threatens their existence is to ask GATO to represent them since …


POINT 4:  3% lacks a GOV or credible central authority.  This thread has derailed into a demonstration of 3% internal problems.


POINT 5:  Responding to every nation from 3% who posts here is pointless since they are functioning as a collection of rogues, and everyone on their AA says something different.


POINT 6:  As always, SUN wants to focus on the future and is willing to work with a legitimate GOV to address 3% concerns they are being targeted for extinction.




I have been asked to make a statement on behalf of SUN.  I have no interest or inclination to go into depth on my observations concerning the problems 3% faces internally which have consumed most of this thread or go point-by-point to address the various misrepresentations and threats.


However, I feel that one important point that must be stated for a clear record is that the charge that SUN has a vendetta or doesn’t support the right of freedom for all nations/alliances is patently false.  Although SUN may say little on such an irrelevant topic as this one (baseless charges by a micro), our actions regarding 3%’s quick and painless exit from the war they declared on us speak volumes.


SUN is lucky to have great allies like NADC and Invicta, and their responses on this thread to defend us demonstrate so.  To move forward on a quick resolution to this war for the benefit of the survival of the 3% alliance hinges upon them recognizing that they have no one in authority to negotiate or enforce any agreement with us and for them to call upon their friends to assist them.  SUN recognizes the legitimacy of GATO government and is willing to work with them to resolve this issue, just as we have worked with the honorable Dame Hime Themis to reach the first agreement for an exit.


This thread started as 3%’s backhanded response to earnest diplomatic efforts but has been derailed into a multitude of issues facing their alliance.  However, the core issue remains and is what this thread really shows – various factions with 3% are taking various approaches to represent the alliance, and 3% lacks anyone of central authority to represent the alliance.  Until they DEMONSTRATE they have a central authority, we cannot help but view them as a loose collective of rogues.


SUN will not address every nation who claims 3% affiliation and who thinks they are going to advance their cause with words on the OWF, as we believe in the power of actions over rhetoric.  SUN allows our nations, who are not in High-GOV, the Freedom of Speech, but our GOV speaks with unity and authority because those are necessary for legitimate diplomacy which lifts an alliance above a mere collective of rogues.


Threats, baseless accusations, and continued rhetoric do not serve the purpose of the future of 3% as an alliance.  They must start making responsible choices and address their internal issues to more forward.  As SUN has always done, we will act in good-faith in reasonable diplomacy with internationally-recognized standards.  We will not continue to acknowledge their feeble and baseless accusations against us as being worthy of a response before the community of nations.

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I don't have anything witty other then to say you provided me (or the irc log with you chatting on it) one of the best laughs ive ever had in CN. Glad to see your still around. You realize youre never going to get the time you invested back correct? You are truly a tragic figure Xiph. Good luck out there man.


Never ever gonna get it back, but it's worth it. Love this planet.

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POINT 1:  This thread, comprised of threats and baseless accusations against SUN, serves no benefit to the wider international community, but does seek to hide internal problems with the 3% alliance


The accusations aren't baseless, that's a fact. The benefit to the wider community is subjective and no one is hiding the problems with the 3% alliance. Its a nice try but your point 1 is for the most part false.


POINT 2:  Any characterization of SUN as being out to destroy nations or alliances is patently false and goes against everything we have done as an alliance.


This is also false, what you've done is irrelevant what your doing is. You knew and know there are people on the AA who want out of the situation, you had the ability to grant the out singularly by nation. You chose not to offer direct FA resources to that end.


POINT 3:  SUN appreciates our allies support for us and believes that 3% best chance for early resolution to the war that threatens their existence is to ask GATO to represent them since …


The fact you need allies support against a micro speaks volumes really but the best chance for early resolution already past. GATO cant represent people who don't want to be represented. See response above, you should have done it on a nation by nation basis.


POINT 4:  3% lacks a GOV or credible central authority.  This thread has derailed into a demonstration of 3% internal problems


For the most part I would agree, with the notation that your point seems to assume (derailed) the thread and its replies weren't the desired outcome

POINT 5:  Responding to every nation from 3% who posts here is pointless since they are functioning as a collection of rogues, and everyone on their AA says something different.


Its not a collection of rogue but mostly a collection of people who have know each other since 07-08 and decided to go down with the ship together. The later is false, some say different things, other agree completely with what has ben said but choose to say nothing at all.

POINT 6:  As always, SUN wants to focus on the future and is willing to work with a legitimate GOV to address 3% concerns they are being targeted for extinction.


That opportunity was missed when the dog pile happened during the discussion with OBR. Your intent was clear, Im not blaming you 3% is a nice easy target in the normal course of war. Get your people some XP, get a victory and you win a little PR to boot. I guess the problem is in your zeal, you forgot to calculate the chance that some might say "f" it and use this as an excuse to go out.


Regarding your "full version" you cite baseless accusations more then once. Now that's a good FA move for you going forward but the truth of the matter is your dog piling on a micro (or were) and well that has consequences. I don't speak for 3%, as I said I have friends there I saw a good opportunity to punish an over zealous and opportunist alliance for face rolling a micro. The fact that its evolved to my and others willingness to dump billions of cash into long term war is a condition SUN has created all on their own.


Paint the picture anyway you want, a month from now no one is going to care about this small front on the war but the ridiculous "our hands are clean" undertone of your "full version" is laughable at best and inspires those of us resigned to fates whim to carry on. Part of me feels pity for your lower tier, another feels fantastic about the coming phase given your self righteous arrogance.

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You are an annoying mouth.


You know you could have just typed "No U" you would have looked a lot more intelligent and gotten a laugh. I mean your FA guy just did a nice write up, it was probably gov approved and everything.


Really, once your FA people put up a reply like that you really should push away and let the big boys do the talking. That smart piece of advice aside, id love to hear more from you. I suspect you are a good representation of the average SUN nation ruler.

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The accusations aren't baseless, that's a fact. The benefit to the wider community is subjective and no one is hiding the problems with the 3% alliance. Its a nice try but your point 1 is for the most part false.


This is also false, what you've done is irrelevant what your doing is. You knew and know there are people on the AA who want out of the situation, you had the ability to grant the out singularly by nation. You chose not to offer direct FA resources to that end.


The fact you need allies support against a micro speaks volumes really but the best chance for early resolution already past. GATO cant represent people who don't want to be represented. See response above, you should have done it on a nation by nation basis.


For the most part I would agree, with the notation that your point seems to assume (derailed) the thread and its replies weren't the desired outcome

Its not a collection of rogue but mostly a collection of people who have know each other since 07-08 and decided to go down with the ship together. The later is false, some say different things, other agree completely with what has ben said but choose to say nothing at all.

That opportunity was missed when the dog pile happened during the discussion with OBR. Your intent was clear, Im not blaming you 3% is a nice easy target in the normal course of war. Get your people some XP, get a victory and you win a little PR to boot. I guess the problem is in your zeal, you forgot to calculate the chance that some might say "f" it and use this as an excuse to go out.


Regarding your "full version" you cite baseless accusations more then once. Now that's a good FA move for you going forward but the truth of the matter is your dog piling on a micro (or were) and well that has consequences. I don't speak for 3%, as I said I have friends there I saw a good opportunity to punish an over zealous and opportunist alliance for face rolling a micro. The fact that its evolved to my and others willingness to dump billions of cash into long term war is a condition SUN has created all on their own.


Paint the picture anyway you want, a month from now no one is going to care about this small front on the war but the ridiculous "our hands are clean" undertone of your "full version" is laughable at best and inspires those of us resigned to fates whim to carry on. Part of me feels pity for your lower tier, another feels fantastic about the coming phase given your self righteous arrogance.

I'm going to repeat this point to you because it appears to be lost on you.






Please. Please, Stop painting it as though SUN is just trying to score easy points by rolling 3%, 3% entered this war of their own free will by declaring on SUN, and has been given chances to leave this war, simply because they refuse to exit does not mean SUN is the bad guy here.

Edited by Mogar
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III% declared on SUN (after SUN declared on GATO, honourng their treaty with Invicta). I don't really see how this is equated with SUN "facerolling a micro." 

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I'm going to repeat this point to you because it appears to be lost on you.
Please. Please, Stop painting it as though SUN is just trying to score easy points by rolling 3%, 3% entered this war of their own free will by declaring on SUN, and has been given chances to leave this war, simply because they refuse to exit does not mean SUN is the bad guy here.

Hush Mogar, he might start to see that the dreams he is reaching for are really just formless wisps in front of his eyes. It's not surprising that someone who is so easily turned to a cause defends that cause valiantly and in the worst way possible.

Thor has essentially acted the mental equivalent of a five year old, "No, he hit me first!" Instead of trying to break someone's toys before waddling off to nap time, skip the middleman and go to sleep instead of preaching about it.

If I were him, I'd be wary of where I left my toys laying around in the meantime. Children tend to have older siblings. Edited by Tiagoroth
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I'm going to repeat this point to you because it appears to be lost on you.






Please. Please, Stop painting it as though SUN is just trying to score easy points by rolling 3%, 3% entered this war of their own free will by declaring on SUN, and has been given chances to leave this war, simply because they refuse to exit does not mean SUN is the bad guy here.

The facts aren't lost on me, the problem is you seem to be fixated on the initial and not the evolution. Circumstances progress and evolve and you would be (and are) a bold face liar if you are suggesting the evolution of this conflict hasn't progressed to SUN "scoring easy points" (your words not mine). For someone who proclaims to be dialed into CN and how it works it would appear by your statement above that you have a limited understanding of how wars impact alliances reputations going forward. Youre not really trying to impress upon me the "SUN is the victim" here are you? I pointed out rather clearly how they should have handled it. I concede it required an out of the "CN" box FA approach and Im not surprised they couldn't muster it but they absolutely could have resolved a great deal of this on their own exclusive of those on the AA who don't want that outcome.


Sadly they lack the fortitude or compentency I mean, look at the NADC fools (their allies I assume), they have brought it to personal attacks. If I were in fact baseless, or the cause inane or not even in the realm why would my consistent and accurate assessments continue to be replied to? Clearly, someone dosent like what they are reading, often when that happens, the resulting action is based on an uncomfortable truth or they simply lack the intellect to muster more then a personal assault.


@Tiagroth: See sig tough guy

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The facts aren't lost on me, the problem is you seem to be fixated on the initial and not the evolution. Circumstances progress and evolve and you would be (and are) a bold face liar if you are suggesting the evolution of this conflict hasn't progressed to SUN "scoring easy points" (your words not mine). For someone who proclaims to be dialed into CN and how it works it would appear by your statement above that you have a limited understanding of how wars impact alliances reputations going forward.


I mean, look at the NADC fools, they have brought it to personal attacks. If I were in fact baseless, or the cause inane or not even in the realm why would my consistent and accurate assessments continue to be replied to? Clearly, someone dosent like what they are reading, often when that happens, the resulting action is based on an uncomfortable truth or they simply lack the intellect to muster more then a personal assault.


@Tiagroth: See sig tough guy

please explain to me at all how SUN is trying to score easy points by getting declared on, if 3% did not want to be at war with a much larger alliance, they should not have declared on said larger alliance. for someone who claimed to be a mercenary and is a recent addition to the AA you certainly claim to be dialed into 3%'s viewpoint awfully quick. SUN isnt trying to get a fancy reputation by offering peace to 3%, they're trying to keep 3% alive, but you guys are far more interested in wasting your nations against SUN and deleting over admitting that you are on the losing side of this conflict.

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please explain to me at all how SUN is trying to score easy points by getting declared on, if 3% did not want to be at war with a much larger alliance, they should not have declared on said larger alliance. for someone who claimed to be a mercenary and is a recent addition to the AA you certainly claim to be dialed into 3%'s viewpoint awfully quick. SUN isnt trying to get a fancy reputation by offering peace to 3%, they're trying to keep 3% alive, but you guys are far more interested in wasting your nations against SUN and deleting over admitting that you are on the losing side of this conflict.

I'm sorry. After reading all this garbage, I can not help, but to think... When in the cold depths of hell has the III%'rs ever cry for mercy? I don't recall crying like a baby back bitch at any one point in time. As for SUN... Well they know where to find us if they ever wish to to truly talk peace... As for the rest. Who cares? What's done is done. Enjoy the fireworks, instead of debating about the pretty colors!

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I'm sorry. After reading all this garbage, I can not help, but to think... When in the cold depths of hell has the III%'rs ever cry for mercy? I don't recall crying like a baby back !@#$%* at any one point in time. As for SUN... Well they know where to find us if they ever wish to to truly talk peace... As for the rest. Who cares? What's done is done. Enjoy the fireworks, instead of debating about the pretty colors!

I never said you were crying for mercy, you want to throw away your alliance? fine, i've given you guys every chance i possibly could to leave this war and keep your community together.

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This is a lot of words for something no one really cares about.

Odd people keep replying then huh? You would think at this stage of the game the intellectual capacity of the participants would have increased a smidge. However your reply proves otherwise.

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please explain to me at all how SUN is trying to score easy points by getting declared on, if 3% did not want to be at war with a much larger alliance, they should not have declared on said larger alliance. for someone who claimed to be a mercenary and is a recent addition to the AA you certainly claim to be dialed into 3%'s viewpoint awfully quick. SUN isnt trying to get a fancy reputation by offering peace to 3%, they're trying to keep 3% alive, but you guys are far more interested in wasting your nations against SUN and deleting over admitting that you are on the losing side of this conflict.

I never claimed to be dialed into anyones view point. The fact you assume that is more a testament to your arrogance really, you simply cant out play me in a war of words mogar you care more then I do. They aren't trying to keep 3% alive that's an absolute absurdity, I mean come one really? Who buys your rhetoric?


I went to SUN days ago to have an chat about absolving themselves of my involvement. They were polite but no reply. I mean I get it they have no cause to talk to me but with my banter here I was able to induce their FA people to post a reply directly. I got their attention, mission was accomplished. I now move to the "giving them an out phase". Im here exclusively to enable 3 friends a long term out, in exchange I go away and don't dump on them for months.


They have an offer, a non traditional one that isn't from the 3% gov but its within the context of the discussion ive had here. Its certainly within their ability to grant as well. They've chosen not to address it. That's fine, dealing with mercenaries isn't a palatable thing. However their is a difference between Merc and Rogue. I shed pixels for friends and tech, that's it. Anyway Ill be extracting myself from this thread for a bit to give them some time. A few more days should suffice the next move is theirs.

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I went to SUN days ago to have an chat about absolving themselves of my involvement. They were polite but no reply. I mean I get it they have no cause to talk to me but with my banter here I was able to induce their FA people to post a reply directly. I got their attention, mission was accomplished. I now move to the "giving them an out phase". Im here exclusively to enable 3 friends a long term out, in exchange I go away and don't dump on them for months.

Yes we did reply to your first post.  We never received any offer from you via private-message.  Please message me the specifics of your offer so we can get this talk underway.  

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I never said you were crying for mercy, you want to throw away your alliance? fine, i've given you guys every chance i possibly could to leave this war and keep your community together.


Throw my alliance away? Have you forgotten that SUN can not even man up to meet middleground? We will stay together till the end and beyond, of that I have no doubts. So nice try, darling!

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Yes we did reply to your first post.  We never received any offer from you via private-message.  Please message me the specifics of your offer so we can get this talk underway.  



Throw my alliance away? Have you forgotten that SUN can not even man up to meet middleground? We will stay together till the end and beyond, of that I have no doubts. So nice try, darling!

you guys wont have a single member able to make decisions come onto IRC, which is the standard place to discuss peace usually as the ability to respond instantly makes these things go alot quicker, as quoted just above your own, SUN gov is entirely willing to discuss peace should 3% want it, being toyed with however for over a week I am understanding of their lack of trust of your alliance, careful not to choke on those words honey.


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you guys wont have a single member able to make decisions come onto IRC, which is the standard place to discuss peace usually as the ability to respond instantly makes these things go alot quicker, as quoted just above your own, SUN gov is entirely willing to discuss peace should 3% want it, being toyed with however for over a week I am understanding of their lack of trust of your alliance, careful not to choke on those words honey.


I don't go to IRC anymore, there are people there just like you. I try to avoid people like that. I went to them and started a conversation, I made an effort. Certainly SUN was cordial but they decided to issue another DOW so the message came through loud and clear. Your claims about SUN are laughable Mogar but, you believe what you want.


They made a clear choice as far as I am concerned now they have to live with it.


Good luck and may you continue to find enjoyment in the CN game.

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