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The White Eagle Rises


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It had been a long while since the Presidential Palace in Warsaw, Poland had seen much in the way of politics grace its humble halls, it had been used for numerous business events and the like for years. Although it had had a faithful staff to oversee the upkeep and maintain its grounds and halls, it hadn't seen a resident for many years. It had only been a few weeks previous that a new vision was once again arising in Poland, the idea of independence for Poland had been a laughable one for so many years. There had been a few incarnations of Polish city-states for a few years, but all had melted into history.


The idea of a new Poland would manifest itself in Lech Sikorski, a man of a working class background, a former union man who had a reputation for ardent patriotism and a strong will. Ascending to relative popularity through his working within the protectorate system of the Athenian Federation, Sikorski would eventually be the man who would assemble a group of prominent representatives, elected from cities across the Polish protectorate, to fabricate what many had long dreamed of; an independent Poland.


Sirkorski would guide the fortnight of political wrangling that would go on at the Presidential Palace, with groups of experts from every area of governance, like social services, foreign political specialists, economists, defense specialists, and health providers coming and going. Eventually, the Polska Rada Niepodległości, or 'Polish Independence Council', would finally hammer out a new future government structure for the new Polish Government. Whilst this was ongoing, Polish patriotism would be fervently whipped up, through a far-reaching social media campaign, and solicitors that would reach out to apartment blocks, neighborhoods, communities, suburbs. The thought of a new independence was slowly being rekindled after so long, in an effort to get the protectorate in the spirit, after the Polish state had been part of so many other nations for so long.


It would be on a cool, late November evening, when the Council would finally emerge from the Presidential Palace, with Lech Sikorski at their head, wearing a simple greatcoat, at the head of a column of fellow councilors. Supporters who seemed to have been shouting patriotic chants and slogans at the palace for the whole afternoon, in anticipation, would silence, with banners quietly waving in the crowd, when he raised a hand to silence them. A simple raised platform stood near the gates of the Palace, and Sikorski would walk up onto, it, and seemed to clear his throat, as he produced a series of papers from his pocket, and held them up.


He needn't a microphone, as his voice boomed, confident in its tone, unwavering and without a stutter. "My fellow citizens, brothers, sisters, friends, this is the future, I hold in my hand your future, the future of [i]your[/i] Poland. We are a nation that has not known an identity for so long, probably many believed that this is a day that was never going to come. Tonight, I tell you, this is a nation, that has returned, an identity that never left the fabric of Europe, the Sons of Lechia rise again, the albino eagle has taken flight once again," he boomed, the condensation of his breath exhales forming small clouds in the cold air.


"Here, on this day, at this time, at this place, is where we declare our independence, a day we will never ever forget, as the Polish Republic forms once again. You, you have stood out in the cold to catch a glimpse of a dream come true, and by that, you, my friends, have endured another hardship, hardship is something our people have long known. But your hardship has been rewarded, by joining me here tonight, to declare Poland's independence," yelled Lech, pointing out at the crowd, looking amongst the assembled faces staring up at him, his piercing grey eyes surveying faces full of emotion.


"Now, go forth, cheer as the white eagle of Poland rises once again where it rightfully belongs, when our flag rises above the palace! As we celebrate our day of independence. I bid you all a good night, and represent your communities and nation, when you vote for a new government, in three weeks from now!" Lech belted out, grabbing a flag from the podium and holding it up with a yell. The crowd would join him in a rousing cacophony of emotion as men and women, young and old would sing and shout. Behind Sikorski, as the simple white and red flag of Poland would be raised on the flagpole of the Presidential Palace, as camera flashes went off, and video cameras rolled.

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Nordboerne Kongedømme recognizes Poland and congratulates its Government and its people on achieving independence. Following this, we formally invite representatives of Poland to Copenhagen to open official channels of dialogue between our states.

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"The Paraguayan government officially recognizes Poland's new government. We invite them to send a diplomatic representative to San Tomas to establish formal diplomatic ties."


- Secretary of State Carmen Torres

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Nordboerne Kongedømme recognizes Poland and congratulates its Government and its people on achieving independence. Following this, we formally invite representatives of Poland to Copenhagen to open official channels of dialogue between our states.


"Following our national elections, we will gladly dispatch an emissary of the Fourth Polish Republic to the Nordboerne Kongedømme, to open formal channels of dialogue. The interim thanks you for your support of our newfound independence, and looks forward to meeting your government in a formal setting."


"The Paraguayan government officially recognizes Poland's new government. We invite them to send a diplomatic representative to San Tomas to establish formal diplomatic ties."


- Secretary of State Carmen Torres


"Following our national elections, we will gladly dispatch an ambassador to San Tomas to establish formal diplomatic ties between our two nations. We are quite happy to hear from a fellow Catholic nation from so far away upon our independence, and look forward to establishing relations with your nation."





Prussia welcomes and extends its hand in friendship and cooperation to a new, democratic Poland. Europe continues to exercise the wishes of her native inhabitants and grows ever more peaceful as the years continue.




"The Fourth Polish Republic is ecstatic to hear from its neighbor in Prussia, and look forward to establishing a strong relationship with it. We invite you to dispatch a diplomat at post haste to Warsaw to discuss strengthening our ties and cooperation upon conclusion of our national elections."


The Kingdom of Great Britain congratulates Poland on attaining her independence, and extends a hand of friendship toward the new Polish government and people.


"The Fourth Polish Republic thanks Great Britain for her congratulations towards her in attaining independence, and becoming part of the European Community. As such, we welcome her to dispatch a diplomatic mission to Warsaw at your convenience, following our national elections, to discuss more formal ties."


LaG Aviation would be honored to provide the new Polish state with a pair of LaG-33 passenger jets to facilitate transport of government officials, as proof that your true friends are Russia.


"The Interim Government of Poland is thankful for LaG Aviation's donation to the Polish Republic to facilitate transport of our government officials. As we are friends of peace, prosperity and freedom, we are friends of a Russia who values such similar ideals. Such a gift from a neighbor is truly the mark of friendship."


"Dai-Tōhoku looks with interest at the developments in Poland and extents recognition to the young Polish state."

-Nakamichi Minoru, Prime Minister of the Dai-Tōhoku Renpō


"The Interim Government of Poland thanks Dai-Tōhoku, for their recognition of the Fourth Polish Republic."


"The Saint Lawrence League officially recognises Poland and congratulates the Poles on establishing a new state." - Secretariat of Foreign Affairs


"The Interim Government of Poland thanks the Saint Lawrence League for their recognition of our independence, and their congratulations of our newfound sovereignty. We are glad to hear from such wishes from so far abroad."

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To: Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dai-Tōhoku Renpō


To whomever it concerns,


While our nation may be somewhat outside the immediate diplomatic concerns of such a young state for such an old nation, nevertheless, our country would be proud to host a Polish diplomatic delegation, in order to maybe discuss future cooperations and partnerships. Thus, should you wish to follow our invitation, Sendai shall always be ready.


With warm regards,

Nakamichi Minoru

Prime Minister of the Dai-Tōhoku Renpō

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dai-Tōhoku Renpō

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On behalf of the Russian people I congratulate our neighbors on taking control of their destiny. We hope that the future will be prosperous and stable for the new Polish state. I extend my hand in friendship to Mr. Sikorski and the rest of the Polish government. –PM Kropotkin.

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To: Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dai-Tōhoku Renpō


To whomever it concerns,


While our nation may be somewhat outside the immediate diplomatic concerns of such a young state for such an old nation, nevertheless, our country would be proud to host a Polish diplomatic delegation, in order to maybe discuss future cooperations and partnerships. Thus, should you wish to follow our invitation, Sendai shall always be ready.


With warm regards,

Nakamichi Minoru

Prime Minister of the Dai-Tōhoku Renpō

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Dai-Tōhoku Renpō



To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dai-Tōhoku Renpō

From: Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Poland

CC: Office of the President of Poland, Office of the Prime Minister of Poland


Dear Nakamichi Minoru,


The Fourth Republic is quite astute and realizes the importance of the fact that this is indeed a globalized world, what one nation may do thousands of miles away, can have an impact on others. Our nation is one that has a sworn goal to develop a robust foreign policy, which not only colludes with the states of Europe, but also looks elsewhere in the world.


As such, we are willing to accept your invitation to a meeting in your nation, President Sikorski and Minister Maczek are on a trip to Tianxia as of right now. After consulting them, they have agreed to the itinerary change, and will be visiting your nation upon conclusion of their talks in Hong Kong.


Best of wishes to you,


Nina Horowitz

Deputy Foreign Minister for Pacific Affairs


On behalf of the Russian people I congratulate our neighbors on taking control of their destiny. We hope that the future will be prosperous and stable for the new Polish state. I extend my hand in friendship to Mr. Sikorski and the rest of the Polish government. –PM Kropotkin.


"The Polish Government thanks Russia for its congratulations of our new found independence, and welcome your warm tidings as our sovereignty is once again affirmed. Your hand of friendship is well received, and is reciprocated to you."


"Aquitaine wishes nothing but the best for her neighbor in Europe. May your years be filled with peace and prosperity."

-Viscountess Jacqueline Aymeri of Aquitaine


"We thank Aquitane for her warm tidings on acquisition of our sovereignty, they are much appreciated from a fellow European nation."


"The Grand Republic welcomes Poland to the international community and hopes they will have much fortune in the future ahead. We also hope that our two nations may grow closer diplomatically and economically."


Chancellor Drogowit Mazovia


"The Fourth Republic thanks the Grand Republic for their friendly tidings as our nation regains her sovereignty. We are quite amenable to establishing a more formal set of relations if you would like. You are quite welcome to visit our nation at any point and time you feel the desire to do so."

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The American Commonwealth recognizes Poland and congratulate its people on forming their own government and nation.  We wish them the best and would like to extend an open offer to establish diplomatic and economic ties in the future.


-American Commonwealth State Department

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"The Principality of Tikal officially recognises the Fourth Polish Republic. May you and your neighbours prosper."


"The Fourth Republic thanks the Principality for their recognition and good wishes of prosperity, we wish them unto you as well."


The American Commonwealth recognizes Poland and congratulate its people on forming their own government and nation.  We wish them the best and would like to extend an open offer to establish diplomatic and economic ties in the future.


-American Commonwealth State Department


"We thank the American Commonwealth for their recognition and congratulations upon our new found sovereignty, we truly appreciate it. We will certainly take up your invitation to diplomatic talks in the near future, and thank you for extending that offer."

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The Uruguayan Republic joyfully recognizes the Polish nation and wishes them a long and happy future indeed.

~ The Uruguayan Foreign Ministry


"We thank the Uruguayan Republic for their friendly show of recognition on the eve of our sovereignty."

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