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Why the War?


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DR and co had been planning this for over 6 months alongside a few other certain alliances, where as we did not plan to hit you. It's true, we didn't like AI very true, but that's because of their feelings towards us. 



Total BS, like most of your posts. I was and am FA for AI and made several attempts to rectify any animosity and even went so far as to drop very UNSUBTLE hints that we not only had no problem with umbrella and asked what your guys beef with us was(to which we/I never got an honest or truthful answer too), further more because you were allied at the time to IRON, one of our closest friends, I made mention that we in AI would like to be on better terms with umbrella and would've liked to have worked towards a treaty, once again we/I was answered with vagueness. So in short AI made EVERY attempt in the world before(as Valhalla) and then as AI to try to bring both of our alliances closer. The Umbrella embassy on our forum directly reflects and shows this. Now I wont blow smoke up your ass and say we had a liking for MK or GOONS, but as for Umbrella themselves we tried many a time to try and make inroads towards being better 'friends' only to be rebuffed after/during each interaction.


tl;dr- We had no animosity towards Umbrella until it was clear to us that you had zero respect or desire to be anyway closer towards DR or AI themselves. Hence either your .gov misinformed you or your just plain trying to spin. Which it is IDK and at this point its moot anyhow, but those are the facts of the matter.

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This war started with Umbrella helping slot filling their friend Puppets.  Both sides already kind of disliked the other due to various reasons etc. The situation before the war was both sides having deployed army at borders, taking aim and with finger on the trigger. While people allied to both sides (C&G) trying to contain the situation. Then, Umbrella's side fires the first shot, and in return, the AI's fire  back and we find ourselves in a firefight. 


My friend Caliph, who is on the other side will imply we started the war, meanwhile, in my opinion, they fired the first shot and hence that's the start of war. However, cutting past all that, the real absolute truth is:



Everyone was bored and whining about lack of war and deep down inside, everyone wanted one.


Now, everyone's just whining about who really started it, who is winning and loosing and why some people arent fighting etc.

Eh, nobody is disputing the chain of events, the only despute is the "who started it".  I maintain that it was started by your side when they initiated hot alliance on alliance action, you maintain it was when Umbrella attacked someone who was attacking AI (yet we were still outdamaging the AI nations at war with him). 


This war is a good war because both sides have been wanting this for some time, and both sides are convinced they are in the right.  So this war is a good war.


But greatest war ever?  It hasn't reached that.  Yet.  This war is far from over though, who knows what the outcome will be.

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Total BS, like most of your posts. I was and am FA for AI and made several attempts to rectify any animosity and even went so far as to drop very UNSUBTLE hints that we not only had no problem with umbrella and asked what your guys beef with us was(to which we/I never got an honest or truthful answer too), further more because you were allied at the time to IRON, one of our closest friends, I made mention that we in AI would like to be on better terms with umbrella and would've liked to have worked towards a treaty, once again we/I was answered with vagueness. So in short AI made EVERY attempt in the world before(as Valhalla) and then as AI to try to bring both of our alliances closer. The Umbrella embassy on our forum directly reflects and shows this. Now I wont blow smoke up your ass and say we had a liking for MK or GOONS, but as for Umbrella themselves we tried many a time to try and make inroads towards being better 'friends' only to be rebuffed after/during each interaction.


tl;dr- We had no animosity towards Umbrella until it was clear to us that you had zero respect or desire to be anyway closer towards DR or AI themselves. Hence either your .gov misinformed you or your just plain trying to spin. Which it is IDK and at this point its moot anyhow, but those are the facts of the matter.


Half truth right here.


At some point I'm sure you didn't want to roll Umbrella.


However at some point your allies and yourselves saw what happened to SF/XX and said to yourselves "lets not allow that to happen to us", and made steps to make suer that didn't happen.  Politics were played, alliances swayed, months passed, and now we're at war.  We're fine with that, its how the game is played. 


But don't try to insult our intelligence and claim you didn't want to roll Umbrella.  That might have been the case when you first merged to form AI, but that view had changed months prior to this war starting.  Perhaps you personally didn't want to roll Umbrella, but to say your alliance didn't is an insult to our intelligence.


Either that or your members really are so delusional that you need them to think this is a defensive action on your part against an agressive DH in order to get membership on your side.  I know some AI members so I know that isn't the case.

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What's the reason for all these half-faced posts. You never even made an embassy on our forums and you want to claim you tried to rectify anything? Please blow smoke in the air maybe someone will find you in the forest. Seeing as upon your formation we were turned down when we attempted to make diplomatic relationships. I feel reading posts in here is like playing Civilization being demanded to give fur, just so funny.

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What's the reason for all these half-faced posts. You never even made an embassy on our forums and you want to claim you tried to rectify anything? Please blow smoke in the air maybe someone will find you in the forest. Seeing as upon your formation we were turned down when we attempted to make diplomatic relationships. I feel reading posts in here is like playing Civilization being demanded to give fur, just so funny.


The Umbrella embassy on our forum

reading comprehension is your friend, also lets be honest, more diplomacy happens on irc than in any forum embassy.

Edited by Mogar
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What's the reason for all these half-faced posts. You never even made an embassy on our forums and you want to claim you tried to rectify anything? Please blow smoke in the air maybe someone will find you in the forest. Seeing as upon your formation we were turned down when we attempted to make diplomatic relationships. I feel reading posts in here is like playing Civilization being demanded to give fur, just so funny.


It's true, I've been deceiving you along with the rest of the .gov this whole time.  :(

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reading comprehension is your friend, also lets be honest, more diplomacy happens on irc than in any forum embassy.


"The Umbrella embassy on our forum directly reflects and shows this."  Embassies show interest among your membership, encourage relationships with your governments. Why should we take you seriously if you can't even bother to stop by our alliance forums once. 



My apologies for just now pointing out your mistake Mogar since I really wasn't sure what you were referring too. I was saying that your FA team made little effort to even come on to our forums and create/rectify relationships. I was not implying that the conversations didn't exist.

Edited by Tick1
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What's the reason for all these half-faced posts. You never even made an embassy on our forums and you want to claim you tried to rectify anything? Please blow smoke in the air maybe someone will find you in the forest. Seeing as upon your formation we were turned down when we attempted to make diplomatic relationships. I feel reading posts in here is like playing Civilization being demanded to give fur, just so funny.

Turned down?






You have that totally 180'd as I mentioned in my post, I/WE made very unsubtle hints we would like to have hooked up with Umbrella, I even made several mentions regarding it directly(A treaty between our two alliances) which were ignored completely or responded to in tongue in cheek manner by YOUR Diplos whom were and still are active on our forums in the Umbrella embassy there.


So sorry, thats total and complete BS as we made every attempt to be/get cordial with your alliance only to rebuffed by YOU(Umbrella) whom very clearly let it be known that you guys were not interested in getting closer with AI by the responses given and/or Ignored.


You can live in a bubble of your own making as long as you want, but its clearly a bubble where nothing of sense gets thru [ooc]*cough* palin,limbaugh, tea party *cough* [ooc]

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Turned down?






You have that totally 180'd as I mentioned in my post, I/WE made very unsubtle hints we would like to have hooked up with Umbrella, I even made several mentions regarding it directly(A treaty between our two alliances) which were ignored completely or responded to in tongue in cheek manner by YOUR Diplos whom were and still are active on our forums in the Umbrella embassy there.


So sorry, thats total and complete BS as we made every attempt to be/get cordial with your alliance only to rebuffed by YOU(Umbrella) whom very clearly let it be known that you guys were not interested in getting closer with AI by the responses given and/or Ignored.


You can live in a bubble of your own making as long as you want, but its clearly a bubble where nothing of sense gets thru [ooc]*cough* palin,limbaugh, tea party *cough* [ooc]


You do know this is an OOC thread....

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DH went around kicking sand in everyone's face for awhile. They even stood behind their little buddy while he tried to feel up some chicks catching some rays. Eventually AI went to the gym got buffed up, brought some buddies back to the beach and now the rumble is in progress.


Perspective is everything in determining who started it. Since I am in Eq then Umbrella started it by being a big bully.


So there.............nah nah nah nah......


Thank you,






Edited by Charles the Great
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Total BS, like most of your posts. I was and am FA for AI and made several attempts to rectify any animosity and even went so far as to drop very UNSUBTLE hints that we not only had no problem with umbrella and asked what your guys beef with us was(to which we/I never got an honest or truthful answer too), further more because you were allied at the time to IRON, one of our closest friends, I made mention that we in AI would like to be on better terms with umbrella and would've liked to have worked towards a treaty, once again we/I was answered with vagueness. So in short AI made EVERY attempt in the world before(as Valhalla) and then as AI to try to bring both of our alliances closer. The Umbrella embassy on our forum directly reflects and shows this. Now I wont blow smoke up your ass and say we had a liking for MK or GOONS, but as for Umbrella themselves we tried many a time to try and make inroads towards being better 'friends' only to be rebuffed after/during each interaction.


tl;dr- We had no animosity towards Umbrella until it was clear to us that you had zero respect or desire to be anyway closer towards DR or AI themselves. Hence either your .gov misinformed you or your just plain trying to spin. Which it is IDK and at this point its moot anyhow, but those are the facts of the matter.

With all honesty I don't care about what you think of my posts, you and a few others did plan, did actively seek to roll our side. You lot actually made contingency plans to roll umbrella, best ways to handle us etc, could throw logs in but I don't share personal logs.


Hardly saw any of you lot of on our forums, chan and other various forms of communication available. In fact you didn't even make attempts at having a embassy, I'm not spinning anything, I say what I see, what I see is someone full of shit who were actively trying to instigate a war and then claiming innocense. I'm not saying the whole shebang was all yours or our fault but the reason we had hardly any respect is because like I said you and co had actively planned to roll us in the near future. 


Haha but to say you guys tried to buddy with us is rather amusing, I don't recollect any attempts at all. I mean even LoSS(no offence, love you legion x) had better relations with umbrella than you guys and LoSS were inactive as anything. Mind you they actually posted on our forums and tried to engage with our membership...

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*more drivel*


You intentionally obtuse or just being obstinate? As I stated above the communications between our two alliances was being done on AI's forums and had .gov members of YOURS involved, not to mention several IRC contacts as well. Also as I said the embassy on our forums backs me up in my claims(if you even cared to look you would see but I can see you are hell bent on your spin parade).


I too can post many logs of such conversations, all of them cordial(mostly Bud and WM talking) but still THERE and showing attempts to become more cordial with Umbrella.


Now then, after saying the above, we soon realized YOU guys wanted no part of AI except as a target list and OF COURSE we made contingency plans. Why you ask? Because were very confident in our assessment of Umbrella at that point and knowing you and yours wanted a piece of us, we would have been foolish not to, and AI may be many things but foolish and living in a bubble is not among them.


So all im reading from your spin posting is that because we never made an embassy on YOUR forums(of which we were never invited to do) it butthurt you all to the extent you wanted to consider us hostile and start fucking with us and now here we are........but to say no communications or attempts were made to become more friendly with Umbrella itself is a bald faced lie. Does that means we had love for some of your allies? NO, but it doesnt negate the fact we were attempting to make inroads with you. Was it to try and make friends with Umbrella so maybe you would distance yourselves from some of your current allies? Quite possibly, but again that doesnt negate the fact we were trying to get more cordial with YOU.


Im sure you will disregard any reality in the above and come back with some BS tangent, but once again even that doesnt negate the realities of what transpired before this war and the timeline leading upto it.


tl;dr AI tried to make friends, were rebuffed at every attempt and of course we then saw the writing on the wall and made 'contingencies' for what we saw coming.

Edited by chefjoe
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Essentially DR decided that they were going to be the next target of DH so they decided to make moves to roll DH first.  Both DR and DH tried making moves to sway alliances to their side, and judging by this war and who is on whose side you can see what type of success both sides have had. 


This was isn't about Puppets, it never was.  It was about DR beating up DH with the sub goal of damaging Umbrella's upper tier enough to "drag them back down to earth".  SF/XX saw an opportunity to roll C&G in revenge for the multiple rollings they received as well.


That about sums it up. 


Edit: and yes, at the core of it, boredom.  Too much peace is boring.  Vacuums are rarely fun to play in.


We hate DoomHouse a hell of a lot more than we vaguely dislike C&G

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You intentionally obtuse or just being obstinate? As I stated above the communications between our two alliances was being done on AI's forums and had .gov members of YOURS involved, not to mention several IRC contacts as well. Also as I said the embassy on our forums backs me up in my claims(if you even cared to look you would see but I can see you are hell bent on your spin parade).


I too can post many logs of such conversations, all of them cordial(mostly Bud and WM talking) but still THERE and showing attempts to become more cordial with Umbrella.


Now then, after saying the above, we soon realized YOU guys wanted no part of AI except as a target list and OF COURSE we made contingency plans. Why you ask? Because were very confident in our assessment of Umbrella at that point and knowing you and yours wanted a piece of us, we would have been foolish not to, and AI may be many things but foolish and living in a bubble is not among them.


So all im reading from your spin posting is that because we never made an embassy on YOUR forums(of which we were never invited to do) it butthurt you all to the extent you wanted to consider us hostile and start fucking with us and now here we are........but to say no communications or attempts were made to become more friendly with Umbrella itself is a bald faced lie. Does that means we had love for some of your allies? NO, but it doesnt negate the fact we were attempting to make inroads with you. Was it to try and make friends with Umbrella so maybe you would distance yourselves from some of your current allies? Quite possibly, but again that doesnt negate the fact we were trying to get more cordial with YOU.


Im sure you will disregard any reality in the above and come back with some BS tangent, but once again even that doesnt negate the realities of what transpired before this war and the timeline leading upto it.


tl;dr AI tried to make friends, were rebuffed at every attempt and of course we then saw the writing on the wall and made 'contingencies' for what we saw coming.

I don't disregard reality, I disregard lies upon heap of lies.


You have to be invited to forums now?when did that come about, I mean I hated goons during nemesis days yet I still went over there, I mean I even tried to get some shitty coalition to roll them back in the day which was pretty hilarious given the level of fail on my part. But despite me hating goons back then, I still went to their forums. I still tried to know their membership to perhaps see some sort of level I could attempt to engage with, you're suppose to be some sort of FA enlightenment in your own eyes aren't ya pal? So why didn't AI even send any diplos, why didn't you make any attempts to get to know umbrella, I mean you had means given some members would have been alright with ya lads. I quite like a few AI lads myself, I have respect for some now.


The simple reason is you lot trying to create a political situation to give yourself some moral justice to attack us, you were waiting for a reason, to get on with us would hinder that very fact, you were activily trying to roll us alongside NPO/TIO and co. 


Mate me spinning things, when was the last time I spun things?You're the one saying one thing and actually did another. Your little party actually said months back, we're going to come after dh, we're going to destroy dh, they made contingency to do so, your alliance involved in that little shindig.  I've never seen any attempt at communication come out of AI towards our alliance and yet you say you tried. You can't expect our gov to start being buddy buddy when you're behind the back planning their destruction. But it's not like I was attempting myself either so I can't say shit with all honesty on communication attempts. However to say you made attempts whilst on the back room planning to roll us is fucking priceless mate. Get over yourself, just say you wanted us, stop playing some political bs and accusing me of spinning shit. I wanted NPO I mean I aint gona lie, I've always said it at various stages, I don't spin, you do, but I don't.


It's utterly pointless to argue with ya, but it's one to remember, just means you're full of shit in my eyes, not that it matters to you, just like my opinion of you doesn't matter to yourself. 

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Pretending that AI made any attempt to even communicate with Umbrella is absolutely hilarious.  Discussions between WhiteMajick and Bud now constitute full blown diplomatic relationships? For sure not.  We, at the very least, made an effort to come to your forums, try to interact with your alliance and open up lines of communication.  The responses were underwhelming.  You didn't even make the most basic and fundamental diplomatic move of setting up an embassy with us.  Trying to spin this as a situation where AI was slighted by Umbrella is absurd.

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You intentionally obtuse or just being obstinate? As I stated above the communications between our two alliances was being done on AI's forums and had .gov members of YOURS involved, not to mention several IRC contacts as well. Also as I said the embassy on our forums backs me up in my claims(if you even cared to look you would see but I can see you are hell bent on your spin parade).


I too can post many logs of such conversations, all of them cordial(mostly Bud and WM talking) but still THERE and showing attempts to become more cordial with Umbrella.


Now then, after saying the above, we soon realized YOU guys wanted no part of AI except as a target list and OF COURSE we made contingency plans. Why you ask? Because were very confident in our assessment of Umbrella at that point and knowing you and yours wanted a piece of us, we would have been foolish not to, and AI may be many things but foolish and living in a bubble is not among them.


So all im reading from your spin posting is that because we never made an embassy on YOUR forums(of which we were never invited to do) it butthurt you all to the extent you wanted to consider us hostile and start fucking with us and now here we are........but to say no communications or attempts were made to become more friendly with Umbrella itself is a bald faced lie. Does that means we had love for some of your allies? NO, but it doesnt negate the fact we were attempting to make inroads with you. Was it to try and make friends with Umbrella so maybe you would distance yourselves from some of your current allies? Quite possibly, but again that doesnt negate the fact we were trying to get more cordial with YOU.


Im sure you will disregard any reality in the above and come back with some BS tangent, but once again even that doesnt negate the realities of what transpired before this war and the timeline leading upto it.


tl;dr AI tried to make friends, were rebuffed at every attempt and of course we then saw the writing on the wall and made 'contingencies' for what we saw coming.


A relationship is a 2 way street.  Having an embassy on 1 alliances forums is a 1 way street.  It might involve diplomats but very rarely the rank and file, the membership of the alliance whose embassy is on another alliances' forums.  You had chances to come to us to get an embassy.  You chose not to because you had already had a goal of roling us and had made the choice not to get too attached to us prior to your plans of rolling us coming to fruition. 


It didn't help that everyone was saying how DH and DR had to fight. 


The only spin I'm seeing is spin coming from you, mate.  While you might have made efforts to become more friendly with Umbrella in our embassy on your forums, you made no effort to become more friendly with Umbrella on our forums.  In your own words why is this?


The realities leading up to the war are simple.  DH made a lot of people mad.  DR decided to take action, form a plan to roll DH, and spent months finalising said plan with lots of FA work which wasn't too difficult since many either disliked DH or feared they were next on our attack list. 


It is unfortunate that you still feel the need to spin this into Umbrella being a big bad meanie instead of taking responsibility for your own decisions.  Did Umbrella give you a reason to hate/dislike us?  Perhaps.  Did we give you a reason to war with us?  Yes we did.  However you had made the choice to war with us many months prior, and we had been engaging in a cold war dance for months prior to this war starting off.


Take responsibility for your own decisions and man up to them.  Wars are rarely fought by only one side, and in the years I've been here there have not been many wars where both sides wanted to fight as much as this one.  Own up to you wanting to come at us.

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So your vague dislike of C&G  caused you to dogpile on D&G and not on DH whom you hate?


No our intense hatred for DoomHouse encouraged us to join the Equilibrium coalition, who then asked us to counter ODN and INT.

I don't have any strong feelings about either of those alliances.

Edited by Ogaden
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No our intense hatred for DoomHouse encouraged us to join the Equilibrium coalition, who then asked us to counter ODN and INT.

I don't have any strong feelings about either of those alliances.


So then why would you even counter them..... grow some balls and declare on the alliances you actually dislike.

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