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Maelstrom Vortex

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I dont appreciate the sly personal attacks in this thread, and bare in mind that accusing a GM of bias is pretty low mate and won't make you friends. Especially insinuating players like Curristan are corrupt. Voodoo isnt active enough to be biased, and I genuinly am trying to be a good GM. So dont accuse me of being bias because I followed a rule been in operation since the re-structure of the system.

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Though, let there be no doubt, Mael is very biased, he's demonstrated it repeatedly with his hysterical actions over the last week. The only reason people are voting for Mael is to see what hilarity happens next, it's the same reason the vote for me and for Kankou, they just want to see the GM team caught up in stitches for the sake of amusement.

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That is exactly the kind of bias I am talking about. After all, quite a few believed you would be a vindictive GM, but you have proven not to be. What makes your assumption correct when the same kind of assumption had been disproved in the past?

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I am pointing out that one can not be unbiased without independence from a nation, and independence from the system. It is my opinion none of us can be a reasonable and decent GM without detaching ourselves from any competitive arrangement within CNRP. I am willing to do that.

If I were to cast stones now, we'd none have houses.

I'm not going to apologize for the harm of truth.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Personal bias is one thing, but bias in a position of power on official stuff is different entirely. I do believe you and Mael are bias, I dont want to risk you both being GM's because your both so bias. HOWEVER. Its not going to affect how I handle situations were you both require GM attention, a ruling or advice based on interpretation as you are both aware from conversations we have had in the past week.

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Again, you are avoiding the issue. Quite a few believed you will be biased in a position of power, which had been proven wrong. On what basis are you saying some would be biased in a position of power? I would expect you to take back what you've said if the same kind of scenario with you happens.

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The only thing I am biased towards is the fairness of the players within the system and their ability to write and to do so in a manner that is respectful of all parties. When I have no nation I will have nothing else in CNRP to care for.

They would be biased out of affection towards those with which they have good game relations and their own nation. Removal from participation removes this bias.

A lot of people are going to elect those who will serve their own self-interest. I merely seek to enforce equity in such a way that minimizes my need to intervene, by returning power to the players. How about no SDI rolls at all? How about you talk to the other player if they want to nuke or be nuked and then write out how that goes? This is just an example.. there are many areas this principle is applicable to.

What we have here is not democracy, because many other players with different perspectives have been driven off in the past. What we have here is potential rule by a tyrannical majority after the resistance was culled. This is not an environment that lends towards creative role-play and leaves everyone miserable. I cite CN-SR as proof that players are tired of this form of continued existence. The open world idea with no rules and little requirement for administration is attractive.

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I dont know what your getting at. I just explained I dont think you should be GM's because your biased, I also explained my process. Weather you WILL be biased is another matter entirely and that is why we have a democratic voting system in place.

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And I consider your beliefs to be quite biased based on you cannot simply say things to support your thoughts. The fact you cannot even explain why you think Marl or I would be biased indicates that you yourself is biased. Therefore, either explain clearly, or don't talk behind other's back.

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Even though I just told you my thoughts? Ill explain like your five years old.

You and Mael = Biased
Me thinks you should not be GM's for that reason

I dont know if you WILL abuse your power, because you have not been a GM yet. Proove me wrong.

Now stop driving this circlejerk and pull over, im off.

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Talking behind your back??? IM TALKING RIGHT TO YOU BOTH NOW.

You both biased because you are both vindictive, nasty people with ulterior motives against members of this community regardless of what you are going to tell me on how your both unbiased. Now wether you practice what you preach is one thing and a story for a later date if you get voted in as GM's.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1343348762' post='3015960']
I dont know what your getting at. I just explained I dont think you should be GM's because your biased, I also explained my process. Weather you WILL be biased is another matter entirely and that is why we have a democratic voting system in place.

Would you care to cite how i might be biased if I completely remove myself from the surface of the map with no active rp? My anger with Triyun was brief. I am more angry at this system which causes the problems to begin with and want to make it better. I have no desire to be vindictive towards or hateful towards anyone here.

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Im not getting into this discussion. Its plain to everyone to see.

Mael, by removing yourself from the ICly world, it doesnt rid yourself of bias because there is still the potential to BE bias. As I have said in nearly four posts straight now... wether you will be bias if your elected remains to be seen. My forsight isnt working at the moment, cant see in the future.

Kankou, I just told you why i think your both bias and its because your both vindictive and nasty with ulterior motives against certain members of the community.

Now like it or lump it, but if you get elected as GM's and you proove me right, you will NEVER live it down. If you proove me wrong, then I will never bring up the conversation about how you may abuse your positions as GM's again.

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My point Zoot, is that I have no motive to have bias. If I remove my nation from this world it will empower me simply not to care about anything except ensuring people get along and that the RP is constructive. That's the whole point. I have no reason to desire that anyone should succeed or fail and any interactions based favoritism will simply cease to be, I am volunteering to be the machine this world needs.

I am afraid it is not plain for everyone to see.. or everyone would see it. I only see you badmouthing contenders.

I will do everything in my power to make it so that we don't even need to look to the rules no more but people actually talk out their problems and if they need an arbitrator I will listen carefully to both sides and make a choice. I will not try to change the community or challenge rulings it made only a month or so ago outside of those I have delineated.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1343349446' post='3015967']
Now like it or lump it, but if you get elected as GM's and you proove me right, you will NEVER live it down. If you proove me wrong, then I will never bring up the conversation about how you may abuse your positions as GM's again.
That'll be nice. I don't go on talking about something when people admit they are wrong and/or apologize.

Edited by Kankou
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One person not getting their way does not make CN RP hostile to creative types. I would argue that if Mael comes in with the intention of changing all of CN RPs rules around as GM, he's inherently disqualifying himself to be a GM. A GM cannot make new rules anymore, they have to enforce the current ones. There is no special power a GM has to put forth Initiatives that regular players do not to change the rules, therefore I have to wonder why in the hell Mael's running on this platform. To me it basically sounds like he's promising to be biased and at the very least broadly interpret rules in a way that no previous player or GM has ever.

Kankou you have a strong bias too. You admit to it all the time. You're bias is towards implementing your vision which you define as 'hyper realism' . There are others who want to have CN RP take on a bit more of a fantasy sci fi tinge. Still others disagree with you on the criteria of what should qualify as realism (including those with plenty of their own knowledge to disagree). Your bias isn't necessarily a character flaw or anything its just there.

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Mael, from our discussion the other morning at 8am my time when you ranting and raving about Triyun, dont take offence if I call bs on that response.

Look just !@#$@#$ READ what im saying.


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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1343349712' post='3015968']
My point Zoot, is that I have no motive to have bias. If I remove my nation from this world it will empower me simply not to care about anything except ensuring people get along and that the RP is constructive. That's the whole point. I have no reason to desire that anyone should succeed or fail and any interactions based favoritism will simply cease to be, I am volunteering to be the machine this world needs.

I am afraid it is not plain for everyone to see.. or everyone would see it. I only see you badmouthing contenders.

I will do everything in my power to make it so that we don't even need to look to the rules no more but people actually talk out their problems and if they need an arbitrator I will listen carefully to both sides and make a choice. I will not try to change the community or challenge rulings it made only a month or so ago outside of those I have delineated.

Can I choose not to believe in a 'god' of CNRP...I'm too much of a pantheist :v:

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1343349794' post='3015971']Kankou you have a strong bias too. You admit to it all the time. You're bias is towards implementing your vision which you define as 'hyper realism' . There are others who want to have CN RP take on a bit more of a fantasy sci fi tinge. Still others disagree with you on the criteria of what should qualify as realism (including those with plenty of their own knowledge to disagree). Your bias isn't necessarily a character flaw or anything its just there.[/quote]
I believe you're talking about a different kind of bias. Discussing one's beliefs is quite different from saying "Kankou's going to use her GM powers to void/null most of one's !@#$ and just start stuff with people".

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1343347153' post='3015937']In democracies, you elect representatives to enact changes based upon a platform. This is my platform. There may not be god-modding, but if the current leadership here had any respect for the rules and the players they wouldn't be trying to disregard votes of people they know are actually interested in rping here.[/quote]

No sir - that is a representative democracy or a republic, e.g. the United States. CNRP is a traditional democracy, e.g. like Ancient Greece, because the community is small enough that it doesn't require a representative system to function. Each person represents themselves.

[quote]I used the Nuclear Option to call attention to the existing abuses and I reserve to use it at my whim as the content i create is my content and this community will only be worthy of it when it is fair. I have no interest in GMing a war in which I participate, because I recognize the truth.. no one can be unbiased when they are involved. Removing involvement removes one from bias. Unfortunately, the existing leadership does not realize this, but thank you for giving me the opportunity to illuminate this fact..[/quote]

I won't deny that it's your right to use, but people are less likely to participate in the future if they just feel you're only going to blow it up when you're not happy. Furthermore, I don't think this has done anything to make you appear worthy of being a GM in my position. I'm sorry - you have more to learn in life.

[quote]1. There was no genocide. I removed my people from the planet.
2. The OOC conflict was so stupid and egregious I didn't want to waste my life on it.
3. If people weren't children on this board and the rules I have recommended were enstated then such events would never need to happen again.
4. When children don't deserve toys, you don't give them the toys.
5. I am content with my decisions given the current behavior of other players and GMs.[/quote]

I didn't say you committed genocide, I said that if someone did, then there would be potential issues with an invasion simply to kill off an entire species or race of people. I find the use of the word 'children' to be somewhat comical given that rage-quitting is kind of like throwing an RP temper-tantrum. Who exactly did you take toys away from? Do you honestly think that you caused some serious damage to whomever you disliked? Please, do explain the awesome mighty power that is within your claws and how that works for you, I'm interested in understanding how you derive one from the other.

[quote]I am flattered you got a wonder for an RP, but you should never build wonders purely for RP. This world has always meant to be somewhat separate from CN. PS. You'll love the ADP anyway, I know I do and it will pay for itself in time. You never came to Antarctica. I am an author, I reserve the rights to do what i please with my content. I don't care how much I had going for me.. you think I can't recreate it a million times? Part of the problems is the level of attachment people are putting upon their characters so that they become idols and not merely tools for the story. If you invest yourself to much into a character then it cannot sustain tragedy and injury. It becomes a liability in terms of rp. Nothing happened to your nations. And yes, I literally wiped my nation out as that is my only means of retaliation when there are GMs who are in the pocket of specific player groups. I will change that, if you elect me, because I will be beholden to and holding grudges against no one. It is my opinion any player has the right to walk away and take their content with them at any time if they are sufficiently upset. It is one of the few checks and balances we have as authors that can enforce respect.[/quote]

You'd be amazed at how much of my CN nation is run on account of CNRP - I can't get into OWF politics, so this is my politics and my IC section. It drives me to get online each night and make sure that my nation doesn't disappear. Second off, you're only half of an author - if that. You created your characters and yes, they are yours, but mine also were there and you kind of destroyed their story because they were reacting to yours, when you destroyed your story, you also destroyed a part of mine that belonged to me. Legally? No. But who cares about that - this is a personal issue and not a legal one. As far as re-creating it a million times? That's a pretty arrogant thought there, you'd be amazed how hard it is to recreate what you made when others aren't interested in participating. The real bad news about RPing is, you can't RP as an island - you need other people to play the game to get anything out of it. It's not even a competitive game most of the time, especially not in that thread, so all you did was disrespect the rest of us for OOC reasons... and I don't even think it was OOC reasons against the people that were RPing in those threads but someone completely different.

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