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Pre-Planning rule discussion

Zoot Zoot

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343182154' post='3014659']
There are different forces of civility. Forcing war on a person is no different from rape, especially with the amount of joke wars which would put blushes into even the most tyrantical dictators and monarchies in RL history, and this form of forced wars is not a civil thing to do. Furthermore, by having the attackers put more effort into why and how the attack will come while giving the defenders the time to mentally prepare, it will raise the quality of war.

If one side is being stubborn, there is always the waiver card to use. Right now the anti-preplanning crowd acts as if there is no such thing, although the only time it has been nearly used is when Triyun threatened to push through the waiver after Malatose and Centurius already stacked the odds 5-to-1 and yet wanted even more and blamed me for not being cooperative. I still kept all the logs and PM convos from that particular incident.

Yeah, let's go ahead and never again compare rape and CNRP again.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1343183685' post='3014677']
Yeah, let's go ahead and never again compare rape and CNRP again.

I was comparing it to Forced-Wars. And you are missing the concept of what I said or you are refusing to acknowledge it - regardless forced wars are in no way good for any member of the community who has to endure them. In order for both parties to have fun while playing the game, they need to agree to take certain actions such as smaller things like merging or fatal things like war.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1343184010' post='3014681']
I am going to continue doing so. There is no real difference here in CNRP by now.
I don't think you realise what rape is and how incredibly wrong it is to say CNRP is anything remotely like rape.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1343184420' post='3014684']
I don't think you realise what rape is and how incredibly wrong it is to say CNRP is anything remotely like rape.

Now you're just trying to change the subject. And again I wasn't comparing it to CNRP. Relate to the original topic at hand instead of trying to change the conversation.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1343184420' post='3014684']
I don't think you realise what rape is and how incredibly wrong it is to say CNRP is anything remotely like rape.
[/quote]Whoah, whoah, no one's saying the whole game is like that. Just the aspect of forced war. Which is the topic of discussion.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1343184660' post='3014690']
Now you're just trying to change the subject. And again I wasn't comparing it to CNRP. Relate to the original topic at hand instead of trying to change the conversation.
...you do realise we were quoting Kankou there, right? Neither Yawoo nor I were referring to you.

@Subtle: She said CNRP, not just forced war, has become no different from rape. I think that's a load of !@#$%^&*, said as much, that's all.

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Be free to think so. Given what I've been through, I would have to say I know more about rape and forced war than the rest of CNRP put together and then some. If such a concept disgusts you, so be it. I don't mince words for the sake of mincing words.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1343185343' post='3014703']
The fact hat you dare to compare rape to unplanned wars in CNRP disgusts me and quite frankly, whatever point you had has lost all credibility as a result. You shouldn't be comparing rape to [i][b]anything,[/b][/i] let alone a forum-based nation simulator.

Oh give me a break. We all know the inexplicable evil of what rape is - stop trying to demonize her or us because a simple comparison was made. Christ y'all can blow things out of proportion.

I agree that we should either take away the map completely or we should make war to be done on a "willing" basis. Because if you are forced to comply with someone else and they have entertainment at the expense of you, your time, your RP, and destroying what you had created thus far then that simply isn't right or fun for the other player. There are a group of people with immense power in CNRP who have time and time again attacked and destroyed players who were sometimes innocent of any IC crime. There are those like Lyn or JED who have a large troop count but simply do not attack others for the fun of (in what a sense is) knocking over the tower of blocks that they built. I fail to see why this can not be understood.

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Lol, he got mad over a one lined comparison. Thats quite obviously an attempt at dehumanizing her argument, debate class day one tomfoolery.

It is an acceptable comparison, get over it, its not like she sat there and described the $#%^ to the detail on every aspect how it is near to rape.

The fact is war in CNRP shouldn't be forced at all for many reasons, the pre plan rule makes it more civil. It gives someone time to mentally prepare for the coming curbstomp/engagement. (usually curbstomp)

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Why not make a new standard?

All inter-player interactions must be willful and consensual. The moment this breaks down rp halts and reverts. The exception being when the players clarify in advance they are willing to accept unforeseen events within a set of parameters in which case the players are allowed to use a broader range of rp such as during a war and with surprise attacks or unexpected combat tactics. The only one to moan about my surprises and not roll with it so far has been Triyun.

I have conducted wars on this Standard. If King Kevz were still around he'd be be able to testify that such as when I occupied Cambodia. Hell, I even took a pencil to the eye of a main story-arc character. I have frequently worked with other players during wars for and against my favor. The moment that it breaks down, I have no reason to continue participation and neither do they.

In fact it's going to be a personal policy going forward that any person I interact with will have the right to "nerf" any post they desire without requesting a GM's approval. They only need to inform me, inform me why, and propose a suggested replacement post. If they attempt to point to the rules before discussing it with me, they will lose everything they have created with me thus far.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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I must admit, I really do wonder what prompted Zoot to bring this up.

Triyun: You are not worthy of my hate, only my exasperation. But I suppose you could make a poll for that. There is only one entity in all of space/time that is worthy of my hate and some people say it doesn't exist.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1343188686' post='3014737']

Triyun: You are not worthy of my hate, only my exasperation. But I suppose you could make a poll for that. There is only one entity in all of space/time that is worthy of my hate and some people say it doesn't exist.

How dare you talk about Santa Claus like that.

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Captain Brittles,

Your mod name brings back memories of the first time I saw She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, with John Wayne. My father beat the crap out of me for tripping over the power cord which cut off the telly, well not literally beat the crap out of me but it got a bit hectic there for a minute with me fleeing from a John Wayne Crazed Fan.


Here is a link for you pig ignorant swine who have not been graced with all things great and John Wayne.

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