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First World RProblems


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So I spent this early morning writing a massive wall of text that would unveil my new nation.(Shocker there.) It was arguably the best I've ever written in CNRP and more importantly was just a damn well written piece of storytelling in my humble opinion. Anyways after 3+ hours of writing this short story I'm finally finished. Just as I go to add a flag for visual pleasure I manage to barely graze the hair-pin sensitive sidebutton on my mouse that backs out of the post page...I freak out for a moment but think to myself I could just go forward and my work would be there still. As was the case on my old computer at least... To my horror and disgust the page is blank and I'm forced to start anew. Now I'm here venting out my frustrations to you guys in the hopes that someone here has experienced this pain.

Lessons were learned of course. Never again will I utilize the browser to write the bulk of important posts...which in the past was immune from this fate... Oh well I guess. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]

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Haven't ever lost this much (maybe I never wrote this much), but I know this kind of frustration. Hopefully, you'll be able to rewrite it with at least part of the quality of the first attempt. In my experience, the saving of posts is less a thing of the computer, but related to the browser. FF saved me quite some trouble there. IE does not.

But yes, writing posts in word or text documents is maybe the better solution altogether.

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I always write my posts in MS Word 2003 unless it's fairly short. I too have a mouse button that if clicked just the right way, sends you back on the page. Honestly, I need to change that. More annoying is the fact that often times, upon trying to post, the cybernations forums don't recognize me and require me to log out and log back in before I can post. None of this is as bad as losing 3+ hours of work though - although as others have noted, always write your posts outside of the forum and remember the golden power keys, ctrl+s.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1340570496' post='2994714']
Indeed, I have had this happen to me, and when you can save outside of the forum, DO SO.

Although in a simple backspace, I believe Chrome also saves your work...

I was using Chrome when this occurred so I don't believe it saves anymore. Though I do remember a time when it did.

& Lynneth - Consider yourself lucky! Haha

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1340572331' post='2994735']
Yeah, I lost the Colossus super heavy tank post twice. NotePad comes handy since it doesntt translate wierd formats like word does

I've figured out the trick to use word to format my factbook. Other than that, I use MS Notepad. More than once I've written long posts, only to have it say I can't post. It's frustrating, really frustrating, when you get the perfect amount of text, with the right words, and it all gets deleted because of the dreaded back-button on a damn mouse.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1340658812' post='2996155']
I've figured out the trick to use word to format my factbook. Other than that, I use MS Notepad. More than once I've written long posts, only to have it say I can't post. It's frustrating, really frustrating, when you get the perfect amount of text, with the right words, and it all gets deleted because of the dreaded back-button on a damn mouse.

I don't know. Any time i've used MS Word its come out with strange annotations resembling html, wrong spacing and formating, irregular fonts and the like. With Notepad, it just defaults to the board fonts with no formatting- much easier to manage IMO.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1341150841' post='3001144']
I don't know. Any time i've used MS Word its come out with strange annotations resembling html, wrong spacing and formating, irregular fonts and the like. With Notepad, it just defaults to the board fonts with no formatting- much easier to manage IMO.

That happened frequently with my Novak factbook; it's a mess. I've used MS Word for my current factbook, and look at it now.

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[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1341150841' post='3001144']
I don't know. Any time i've used MS Word its come out with strange annotations resembling html, wrong spacing and formating, irregular fonts and the like. With Notepad, it just defaults to the board fonts with no formatting- much easier to manage IMO.
[/quote]I've had that problem myself from time to time.

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