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The Amazing Sanction Race


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1 New Pacific Order: 57.90 --> 57.85 (-0.05)

2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 47.68 --> 47.74 (+0.06)

3 New Polar Order: 33.21 --> 33.40 (+0.19)

4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 30.96 --> 30.80 (-0.16)

5 Green Protection Agency: 26.72 --> 25.51 (-1.21)

6 Orange Defense Network: 25.01 --> 25.13 (+0.12)

7 The Phoenix Federation: 24.19 --> 24.12 (-0.07)

8 Sparta: 23.44 --> 23.56 (+0.12)

9 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 22.92 --> 22.87 (-0.05)

The Grämlins: 22.92 --> 22.84 (-0.08)

10 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 22.79 --> 22.81 (+0.02)

11 Atlantis: 21.75 --> 21.90 (+0.15)

The Order of the Paradox: 21.44 --> 21.35 (-0.09)

12 Grand Global Alliance: 19.06 --> 19.11 (+0.05)


Fark: 17.48 --> 17.48 (0.00)

FOK: 17.18 --> 17.09 (-0.09)

The Order of Light: 15.52 --> 15.61 (+0.09)

Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations: 14.94 --> 14.86 (-0.08)

Viridian Entente: 14.09 --> 14.22 (+0.13)

Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.64 --> 13.87 (+0.23)

NATO: 13.45 --> 13.47 (+0.02)

Mushroom Kingdom: 12.14 --> 12.18 (+0.04)

Global United Nations: 11.99 --> 11.98 (-0.01)

Echelon: 11.43 --> 11.47 (+0.04)

Random Insanity Alliance: 11.40 --> 11.45 (+0.05)

LoSS: 11.04 --> 11.16 (+0.09)

WolfPack: 10.32 --> 10.69 (+0.37)

Illuminati: 10.25 --> 10.10 (-0.15)

Invicta: 10.06 --> 9.95 (-0.11)

The Legion: 9.49 --> 9.49 (0.00)

North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 9.24 --> 9.21 (-0.03)

Biggest Gainer

WolfPack: 10.32 --> 10.69 (+0.37)

Biggest Loser

Green Protection Agency: 26.72 --> 25.51 (-1.21)

Passes of the Day

Mostly Harmless Alliance passes The Grämlins


Read yesterday's and apply. I outdid myself yesterday and now I intend to set the bar lower. So here are some quick notes:

-MHA and Gremlins both lose score today, but MHA barely loses less, so it passes Gremlins. Gremlins have two straight days of losses, first back-to-back loss days since its merger with FNF.

-lol, I can't count. Atlantis is only at 21, GATO at 22.

-GPA loses another point, whodathunkthat.

Gremlins: Sorry, Firefox isn't recognizing your symbol.

Edited by Scott Adams
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