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The Amazing Sanction Race


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50 tech and I will do it :D

Pssh. You should pay us 50 tech for the privilege of ghosting the STA for a day.

Besides, I'm not sure that I want to be in the race anyway.

Besides besides, the issue is already better than handled. ;)

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IRON just lost the flag this update. Every alliance that has a flag in the choices should have one though, agree?

No. The rule (as I understand it) is if you are one of the Top 12 alliances by score with more than 200 members, you get a mini-flag if your stats page displays your flag.

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Pssh. You should pay us 50 tech for the privilege of ghosting the STA for a day.

Besides, I'm not sure that I want to be in the race anyway.

Besides besides, the issue is already better than handled. ;)

For an alliance which I love, I would of done for free, but if you don't want me fine D:

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It would have been cheating. :P

Stretching the rules just a little maybe, but cheating? Nah, I see no rule about nations having to keep an AA for a certain period in order for it to count towards an AA's score. Besides, the drop line takes care of the serious "cheating". STA is above that so its really just about the will to find a way. Looks like we found it.

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I know, but i'd be cool if unsanctioned alliances that have a flag in the choices would get it, too.

It would look pretty ugly having flags spread randomly on the list. I think the current system is fine.

Just for reference, your suggestion would add flags for IRON, VE, CSN, GATO, MCXA, The Legion, NADC and Gremlins (debatable, they've never actually been sanctioned). Would look silly.

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May 30, 2009

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 1 [658] (+0) Sparta : 46.94 --> 47.18 (+0.24)

top.png 2 [210] (+1) The Order of the Paradox : 44.33 --> 44.39 (+0.06)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 3 [692] (+5) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 44.12 --> 44.04 (-0.08)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [398] (+2) New Polar Order : 36.43 --> 36.67 (+0.24)

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 39.32 --> 34.36 (-4.96) Nuclear Winter starts begetting Nuclear Spring!

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 5 [779] (-5) New Pacific Order : 33.70 --> 33.14 (-0.56)

sanctionodnto4.png 6 [406] (-5) Orange Defense Network : 32.52 --> 32.45 (-0.07)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 7 [683] (+3) The Democratic Order : 31.94 --> 32.03 (+0.09)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 8 [355] (-5) Fark : 28.13 --> 28.22 (+0.09)

gpa.png 9 [236] (+1) Green Protection Agency : 27.88 --> 27.95 (+0.07)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [261] (-3) FOK : 26.79 --> 26.61 (-0.18)

sanctionrokyt0.png 11 [416] (-1) Ragnarok : 25.13 --> 25.01 (-0.12)

12 [290] (+1) The Order of Light : 24.87 --> 25.00 (+0.13)


13 [556] (-3) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 24.29 --> 24.43 (+0.14)

14 [323] (-3) Viridian Entente : 23.94 --> 23.78 (-0.16)

{95} (+0) The Grämlins : 23.22 --> 23.32 (+0.10)

{156} (+0) World Task Force : 20.14 --> 20.16 (+0.02)

[409] (-1) The Legion : 19.58 --> 19.61 (+0.03)

{151} (+0) Mushroom Kingdom : 16.57 --> 16.57 (+0.00)

{159} (+0) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 16.37 --> 16.39 (+0.02)

{193} (+4) Nueva Vida : 15.94 --> 16.13 (+0.19)

[277] (-4) United Purple Nations : 16.28 --> 16.13 (-0.15)

[255] (+2) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 15.47 --> 15.53 (+0.06)

[234] (-5) Monos Archein : 15.61 --> 15.53 (-0.08)

[288] (-2) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 15.05 --> 15.36 (+0.31)

{147} (+0) M*A*S*H : 15.20 --> 15.22 (+0.02)

{182} (-2) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.51 --> 14.52 (+0.01)

{82} (+0) Umbrella : 13.06 --> 13.10 (+0.04)

{169} (+0) Greenland Republic : 13.03 --> 13.03 (+0.00)

{157} (+0) Invicta : 12.93 --> 12.95 (+0.02)

{164} (+0) Random Insanity Alliance : 12.81 --> 12.74 (-0.07)

{156} (+0) RnR : 12.71 --> 12.72 (+0.01)

{186} (+0) Siberian Tiger Alliance : 12.65 --> 12.65 (+0.00)

{194} (-1) The Dark Evolution : 12.58 --> 12.62 (+0.04)

---------- Add Line : 12.43 --> 12.50 (+0.07)

---------- Drop Line: 12.13 --> 12.20 (+0.07)

{110} (-4) Karma PoW : 11.67 --> 11.21 (-0.46) MASS ESCAPE!!!!

{174} (-1) The Phoenix Federation : 8.13 --> 7.97 (-0.16)

{85} (-3) Echelon : 5.80 --> 5.61 (-0.19)

Biggest Gainer

Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 15.05 --> 15.36 (+0.31)

Biggest Loser

:nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: : 39.32 --> 34.36 (-4.96)

And for the Alliances...

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 5 New Pacific Order : 33.70 --> 33.14 (-0.56)


New Polar Order passes :nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke:

Multicolored Cross-X Alliance passes M*A*S*H


Two pieces of big news today. Yes, two! One, the government of the Green Protection Agency has finally submitted a flag, so there it is - all shiny and new, and stuff... The Order of Light still has to wait a few more days. But that's not the other big news today. The Siberian Tiger Alliance also joins the race, starting ahead of The Dark Evolution.

The once-sanctioned Multicolored Cross-X Alliance takes today's Biggest Gainer's honours, with a great 0.31 gain despite losing members (I'm not sure how that works, but it also happened in many other alliances too, as I will demonstrate later). The MCXA beat two sanctioned alliances, Numero Uno Sparta and the Larger-of-the-two-Orders, the New Polar Order, both getting 0.24.

The Order of Light put a nice gain on with 0.13, pushing the Add and Drop Lines to a nice neat number (12.50 and 12.20 respectively) and Independent Republic of Orange Nations becomes another example of 'Alliances-who-dropped-members-but-happened-to-gain-score-anyway', gaining 0.14, narrowing the gap between them and TOOL to 0.57.

Nueva Vida does something noteworthy (compared to yesterday), gaining 0.19 and overtaking the United Purple Nations on the 'relative gains rule', or to some, 'Another-one-of-Arcadian's-silly-rules'. That being said, the rule also applied to Global Alliance And Treaty Organization and Monos Archein.

To the losses now, the :nuke:Global Radiation Level :nuke: fell as fast as something I won't say here because this is a non-political thread (use your imagination), while the New Pacific Order took the title of Biggest Loser for today. FOK also had a big loss, netting a -0.18 gain (or 0.18 loss, whichever you prefer) and Ragnarok drops extremely close to TOOL, just 0.01 above them - look tomorrow for something interesting there.

Viridian Entente drops 0.16, as well as United Purple Nations dropping 0.15 - and below the Drop Lines, we have Karma PoW who lost 0.46, just being beaten by the NPO today in the losses department. The Phoenix Federation and Echelon continue to fall.

To the passes, only two today - here's the summary:

*scroll up to 'Passes'*


Apparently, I've used too many emoticons than this board allows - so... yeah. Hence the summary.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en

Edited by Arcadian Empire
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May 31, 2009

I spent a few minutes trying to think of something witty to say regarding being able to see the future, but I couldn't come up with anything good so I'll just point out it's the 30th, not the 31st. :/

Also, yes! Finally we are here! It's great to be in the race.

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