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The Red Horse Rides

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Moscow, Vostokslavia
Two maids pushed two carts of beverages and hors d'oeuvres into a conference room with a large, circular table. The room had one large oak door no windows. The room, hidden deep below the Kremlin was a relic of the Cold War. Still, it had received several upgrades that made it nearly impenetrable. It was swept for bugs or other surveillance devices daily to ensure that the conversations in this room were kept entirely secret. A stenographer recorded the conversation for posterity, but it too would be locked away in an equally secure room for decades.

Twelve people sat around the table, including Emperor Mikhail, Prime Minister Putin, Foreign Minister Medvedev, General Staff Chief Menshikov and the ministers of other important departments.

“Ladies and Gentlemen a threat has made itself clear to us.” said the Prime Minister. “We have reason to believe that the United Carolinas has overthrown the Nutmeg Empire in an effort to catch our naval forces in port there.”

“Fortunately we were able to avert that fate. We have a clerical error to thank for that.” added General Menshikov.

“Mr. Medvedev, what are the intentions of this new state, the Nutmeg Commune?”

“The Foreign Ministry is still trying to determine that Mr. Prime Minister. Right now we know very little about them beyond that they’ve received recognition from some of their neighbors, including Greenland.”

“But the fact of the matter is, Mr. Prime Minister, that the Carolinians were enemies of the Nutmeg Empire. They’re a threat to us and any potential allies in North America.”

“What are our options General Menshikov?” Mikhail asked.

“Well, Your Majesty with an enemy like this I doubt diplomacy will be a satisfactory course of action.”

“Are you taking it off the table?”

“Certainly not, Your Majesty, I’m only saying that they’ve proven their violent intentions to us in the past.”

“What are your recommendations?” the Prime Minister asked

“I recommend immediate military action against this rogue state while the time is right, sir. Otherwise we risk allowing them to gather allies. We should begin mobilizing our military and begin with naval strikes on the Carolinian coast as soon as possible.”

“The Northern Fleet is just a few hundred kilometers from Bermuda. We could strike at the Carolinians within hours.” Said the Minister of the Navy

“I also propose putting our nuclear strike forces on AlertCon 3”

“That is out of the question Mr. Putin! You want to adopt a first strike policy?”

“Certainly not, Your Majesty, but if we take our nuclear deterrent off the table then it isn’t much of a deterrent is it?”

“And what of the Duma? They will have to sign off on this.”

“We don’t have time to wait for the bureaucrats to prattle on. This is an urgent matter and we must take action now. The Duma will be informed, but if we wait the opportunity could be lost. Besides we still need to contact the Union for support. Without them we won’t even get close to Carolina.”

“If this is the chosen course of action my government wishes to take then I shall not stand in its way.”

With that the orders for war were given.

Within hours regimental commanders received their orders to mobilize their divisions. Thousands of soldiers were recalled from their vacations for the honor of being the first to assault the enemy’s shores. Transport ships were docked in ports throughout Murmansk and Arkhangelsk Provinces.

It seemed unlikely that the Carolinians would attack Vostokslavia directly, but nevertheless the nation’s defensive infrastructure was put through a heavy round of tests to ensure it was capable of repelling an attack or invasion. The Baltic Fleet and White Sea flotilla would remain in their current destinations, tasked with defending the shores of the homeland.

On the diplomatic front the Foreign Ministry contacted Vostokslavia’s allies and informed them of their intent to go to war. and Foreign Minister Medvedev would go to the Union’s Grand Council himself to petition for support.

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With war rapidly approaching soldiers and equipment continued to pour into Bermuda. Over 50,000 troops and 200 tanks would be the first phase in a larger operation to invade the country’s east coast. For now they rested and gathered their strength for what was to come.

Vostokslavia’s attack submarines began to converge on Carolinian waters. They stalked the sea searching for enemy ships to sink when hostilities erupted, but would remain completely silent until then. Vostokslav surface ships left port from Bermuda and spread out along the Carolinian EEZ, in preparation for the blockade that would be put in effect during the war.

The occasional surface assault ship would violate the country’s waters in order to probe the enemy’s response. Among the ships designated for this task were the destroyers Majestic and Grozny which sailed directly toward Charleston waiting for a response.

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The Republican Navy was alerted by the ATCOM IUSS network out in the Atlantic, the patrols in the RRZ confirmed the presence of an SAS and possibly a submarine in the area, all channels were opened and the UCN was activated. What was left of the First Carolinian Attack/Defense Fleet (the part not on patrol) was activated to patrol the coasts in search of the missing sub. The navy began dropping SONAR into the ocean in search grids in attempt to find the ship. The Air force was given orders "DEFCON 3 we're going to war" ( :awesome: ) and began activating at half intervals to prepare for scramble into the ATCOM region. The West Virginian government was contacted on the possible naval violation of UCNA waters.

[u][b]To: West Virginia
From: ATCOM North Carolina
Urgency: [color="#FF8C00"]High[/color][/b][/u]


"We have detected a large amount of troop movement in the Bermuda region a few hours ago, at first we thought it normal Athenian movement. Just recently we have detected submarines violating the EEZ and surface assault ships of unknown origin violating our waters. We suggest the UCNA go to DEFCON 3, Medium rediness while we assess the situation. We also request that if our waters are violated that your side approves a declaration of war as soon as all diplomatic channels are exhausted. " [/quote]

Republican Navy ships began broadcasting on all known naval channels "Unidentified vessel, this is the Republican Navy, you are in restricted area. Leave immediately or we will be forced to fire on your vessel."

While the Navy was searching for the subs it knew of a few violations form SASs and would broadcast that message and fire a warning shot across the bow of the ship detected to encourage them to reply.

The Sky Net sattelite was moved from the continental North America to begin looking for naval ships and movements in the area around the EEZ and Bermuda. A focus of AWACS and JSTARS were ordered to the region to find surface ships and air craft in the EEZ aswell as in the normal patrol radius.

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All transmissions from the UC were ignored. The ships would back out as they always had, but now they had a clear understanding of the enemy’s response time.

Out at sea the Pyotr Velikiy was the flagship of the northern fleet, and Vostokslavia’s only super aircraft carrier. Admiral Zhukovksy stood on her deck looking up at the stars. He, like many others, was tired of waiting. The time for action was now. As luck would have it imperial command agreed. Just after midnight the orders from imperial command came down and Admiral Zhukovsky transmitted the orders to the other 50 ships scattered along the UC’s coastline. The entire first phase of the invasion would take place between 2:00 am and dawn.

An hour later the first signs of conflict became clear. Transport planes, carrying 1,000 elite soldiers of Vostokslavia’s strike forces flew low and silently toward the coast. At the last minute they began gaining atlitude so they could paradrop soldiers onto a beach several miles north of Hilton Head, SC and another near Long Beach North Carolina. The soldiers would secure the beaches for landing. They were to round up any civilians that might be wandering the shores at that time of night and detain them until after the beachhead was secured.

When word came that the beaches were clear of civilians the fleet rushed to converge on the two beaches, drop off their cargo and get back out to sea. They unloaded 50,000 of Vostokslavia’s best assault troops, 200 tanks, 50 artillery batteries and 8 Iskandar missile launchers, as well as a few anti-aircraft batteries.

Forces near Hilton Head immediately struck out toward Charleston, occupying small towns as they moved. Likewise the forces on Long Beach were ordered to capture the Cape Fear airport and secure a land port for air force operations.

Vostokslavia would not leave air superiority to the enemy however. The Pyotr Velikiy could enough fighters to cover the landing fields in a relatively short time. The fleet was on constant lookout for enemy aircraft, surface ships and submarines. The capabilities of the enemy’s navy weren’t entirely known so Admiral Zhukovsky was prepared for anything.

By dawn the navy was supporting artillery on the shore in shelling Charleston, Wilmington and the Long Beach area, while Bermuda based Tu=160 bombers launched payload after payload at UC military installations, communications hubs, supply depots and anything else that were obvious aids to the enemy’s war effort.

As the sun rose on the east coast the Vostokslav Ambassador presented the UC with the official declaration of war on behalf of the Vostokslav government. 30 minutes later the declaration would be made public to the world.

[quote][b]Announcement from the Empire of Vostokslavia[/b]
[b]Subject: Declaration of War[/b]

The Empire of Vostokslavia considers itself a stalwart proponent of sanity and reason in the world. As such we consider it our duty to promote and protect other nations which they are sane practitioners of reason, but an enemy of these principles has revealed itself. The United Carolinas has set itself in direct opposition to these principles by working relentlessly to destroy our ally, the Nutmeg Empire and by covertly countering our diplomatic initiatives throughout North America. This vendetta must be swept aside, with force if necessary.

The enemy has not shown any signs that it is willing change its ways and work toward becoming a responsible and contributing member of the international community. Unfortunately we can see no other solution to this problem and therefore the Empire of Vostokslavia recognizes that a state of war exists with the United Carolinas. We must defend our interests abroad.

We have no quarrel with the other nations of the western hemisphere and we hope there will be no interference. Expanding this conflict will only make matters worse for all parties involved.[/quote]

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[quote][b]Declaration of Support from the Greater Germanic Reich[/b]

The Greater Germanic Reich stands by it's Vostokslavian allies. As such, we are ready to lend any military or economic assistance needed in their battle against the United Carolinas.

- Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs

[b]Dispatch to Vostokslavia [/b]

During the course of your struggle, we will lend you access to our Atlantic bases in the Canaries, the Centerpoint Mobile Offshore Base, and Atlantic based satellite assets[/quote]

Edited by Malatose
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The Vigil OTH Network detected the unusually high and noticeable activity occurring around Bermuda and that was more than enough to make the American Commonwealth's military high command uneasy. The movement of ships and aircraft were also confirmed by RORSAT and surveillance trawler assets in the Atlantic finally identifying the nationality and nature of the incoming fleet. This was a threat that could not be ignored and the Commonwealth military was ordered to high alert status. The air force readied its aircraft for air to air and anti-ship combat maintaining a constant CAP over major cities and military installations. The new Commonwealth navy was ordered to remain close to home being outnumbered and outgunned by the Vostokslavian fleet. Shore based maritime patrol aircraft began surface and anti-submarine patrols to sanitize the Commonwealth's territorial waters and its EEZ. Army units and anti-ship and anti-missile batteries were mobilized and alerted for possible action. The Commonwealth's military was as prepared as it could be, ready to respond to any hostile actions.

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[quote]Statement of Political Support:

The historic bonds between the nations of the Russian and Sinosphere are beyond reproach. Tianxia supports its Russian Allies in their endeavour, although we will not be in this one against the Carolinians, we stand ready to assist Russia should others attack her.

-Executor Ding, Commander of the PLA[/quote]

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[quote]The Republic of Pará strongly condemns this unwarranted show of aggression. No evidence exists for these baseless claims upon which you have built your transparent casus belli, and to claim that there is no room for diplomacy in this regard would be laughable if not for the sombre consequences that will undoubtedly unfold as a result. Innocent civilians will suffer for Vostokslavia's decision to wage aggressive war against a nation that has done it no wrong, nor has it done anything to warrant invasion by a foreign power in the name of 'peace-keeping'. The fact that Vostokslavia's allies not only refuse to question the Empire's motives in waging this war, or the evidence it claims provide a casus belli for its aggression, but actively announce military and economic support for this venture, is all the more reason to ponder the legitimacy of Vostokslavia's claims and their reasons for launching a war against the Carolinas.

- Premier Isabel Vieira[/quote]

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[size="5"][b][color="#000000"]Republic of Chicago : Declaration[/color][/b][/size][/center]

As President Martha Carter was eating her morning breakfast, She received the news of war in North America. She slammed her coffee on the table. "Oh hell no!" she exclaimed. "This is not going on in North America too." She pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialed into the Ministry of Defense. As the ministry saw the number they forwarded it directly to the Secretary of State for War. After three rings, Joseph Wilson answered. "Hello?" "Hey Joseph, This is Martha. I'm sure you know why I'm calling. Please put the Armed Forces on a state of Alert. We will be debating on what our next actions are." "Yes Madame." They mutually hung up and Martha finished her breakfast. Her and 3 security officials loaded in Martha's personal car and headed down to The Chicago News Report HQ in Champagne, IL. Martha got on the air without much make up or without her hair done. All TV channels began to automatically switch over to the broadcast. "Hello Citizens of Chicago, This is an Emergency Broadcast. I regret to inform you that a state of war has taken place in North America. The Empire of Vostokslavia has invaded The United Carolinas. Their reasoning or goals are unclear to us as of yet, but if this is an act of Imperialism, The Republic of Chicago will be doing everything in its power to repeal the Foreign Threat." She took a deep breath. "The Empire of Vostokslavia has been publicly supported by many large nations such as Tianxia, PLA, and GGR. We ask all citizens to familiarize yourself to Emergency Evacuation sites for Bombing Raids, Nuclear Fallout, and Invasion Emergencies. Rations for those who need extra food will be available and citizens who are in dire need of medications will be allowed to pick up extra supply at their local pharmacies. Thank You and Good Day."

Martha exited the News Quarters and went to the Government Headquarters in Chicago. The other ministries were there deliberating and discussing the events. Martha entered, without a word to the other ministers, She sat down and began to write an email to The Empire of Vostokslavia.

[code]TO: Empire of Vostokslavia
FROM: Government of The Republic of Chicago
DATE: 6/24/12

We at the Republic of Chicago do not take an invasion into North America lightly.
We will be wishing to either ask you for a cease fire to discuss a diplomatic
solution to this or ask you to meet in Chicago with us to discuss business.

Martha Carter[/code]

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[quote][center][b]Official Statement from the Athenian Federation[/b][/center]

Should Vostokslavian forces be attacked by a third party said party will feel the full force of the Hellenic Forces, do not test our dedication to Union allies.[/quote]

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[b]Offical statement from The Republic of Cuba[/b]
We request all third parties to stand down and do not allow this war to expand. Havana is open should both parties wish for neutral territory to discuss diplomacy and an end to this war on and we urge both parties to take our offer, but we will not involve our military into this conflict.

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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1340545974' post='2994420']
[b]Offical statement from The Republic of Cuba[/b]
We request all third parties to stand down and do not allow this war to expand. Havana is open should both parties wish for neutral territory to discuss diplomacy and an end to this war on and we urge both parties to take our offer, but we will not involve our military into this conflict.

"No third parties have been involved other then public statements like your own, if allies choose to honor their treaties that is their will and not the will of Cuba. Though we will accept peace talks at any time."

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[i]"The Government of the Serene Republic of Vaule expresses our unambiguous support for our allies in Vostokslavia. We also wish to echo the sentiments of our Tianxian and Athenian partners. Should the Vostokslavian government ask for our political, economic or other support we would be more than willing to assist."[/i]-G.Ilyanov (Prime Minister of Vaule)

[b]***Private to Vostokslavia***[/b]

We are prepared to permit Vostokslavian equipment to transit through our airspace and territorial waters if you so require.

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"War is a combination of risk, opportunity and consequence. Whatever the threat may be, our Vostokslavian allies will have our support in the disposing of the threat they view against them and their interests. Mexico urges the continent to calm down, and allow the combatants to come to an agreement between each other. Delicate situations such as this will only become worse with bravado and unwarranted calls for nations to stand-down when only Vostokslavia and the former RUC is involved in this conflict."

- President Jose Calzada

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1340630892' post='2995802']
"War is a combination of risk, opportunity and consequence. Whatever the threat may be, our Vostokslavian allies will have our support in the disposing of the threat they view against them and their interests. Mexico urges the continent to calm down, and allow the combatants to come to an agreement between each other. Delicate situations such as this will only become worse with bravado and unwarranted calls for nations to stand-down when only Vostokslavia and the former RUC is involved in this conflict."

- President Jose Calzada

"I do not know what you speak of when you say the "former" RUC, we are still here, we are just a part of a union. I wish we could attain peace but by the Vost own words, they dont want it. It is nice to know someone so close to home is in favor of unwarranted aggression destruction and killing. The Republic will keep this in mind for future relations."

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[b]Classified Message to the Empire of Tianxia[/b]

[quote]Honored ally,

The opening stages of Vostokslavia’s war against our North American enemy goes smoothly, however a few kinks could slow our advance. We believe the exact location of our fleet is still unknown to our enemy and we would like to keep it that way. However the presence of enemy spy satellites threatens to reveal the location of the Vostokslav fleet and put the lives of thousands of sailors in danger. We respectfully ask for your assistance in downing the enemy’s spy satellites before it is too late.[/quote]

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[quote]Dispatch from Tianxia Space Command:

We will acknowledge our treaty.[/quote]

[b]Western Tianxia[/b]

On the other end of Carolinian Spy satellites Polar Orbits in the Eastern Hemisphere. Tianxia ballistic missile/space interceptors were readying themselves to intercept the sky net satellites. As imager and synthetic aperture radar satellites passed over Tianxia, the Tianxia satellite interceptors leaped into the sky firing their ballistic missile/space interceptors. The latest generation standard missiles would fire up to do kinetic kill after kinetic kill to degrade the ability of the Carolinians to use sats for further tracking.

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