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Inside Najambia


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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1325894966' post='2894368']
OoC: Yea liberate it from Muslims for Christianity.

IC: While we look at this press release as progress, the PRA assk that the Najambian government allow a multi-national group of observers into their country to observe and validate progress within Najambia with its actions against Yaza Hajin as well as on the issue of human rights.

We back the PRA's statement and request.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1325894966' post='2894368']
OoC: Yea liberate it from Muslims for Christianity.

IC: While we look at this press release as progress, the PRA asks that the Najambian government allow a multi-national group of observers into their country to observe and validate progress within Najambia with its actions against Yaza Hajin as well as on the issue of human rights.

Edit: Spelling

OOC:Actually to be honest most did it for money and land..they used the most convinoent religion to cover it up.

IC: Gallifrey would send observers into najambia aswell but this does not change our min. As long asthe leader of tjis terrible evil group is in power there will be no lifting of talrade and immigration bans.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325895364' post='2894372']
If Najambia is not allowing Yaza Hajin to operate in itself, then why is Tafadzwa, who proclaimed herself as a leader of the terrorist group, ruling the country?

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1325910283' post='2894512']
OOC:Actually to be honest most did it for money and land..they used the most convinoent religion to cover it up.

IC: Gallifrey would send observers into najambia aswell but this does not change our min. As long asthe leader of tjis terrible evil group is in power there will be no lifting of talrade and immigration bans.

In no way shape of form is Tafadzwa associated with the Yaza Hajin. We have fought valiantly against Yaza Hajin and your attempting to invade the ones who are fighting for your same cause. Tafadzwa won't be surrendering to you for reason you simply made up in your head.

OOC: We have not released that Tafadzwa is associated with Yaza Hajin to avoid the IC Invasion, It was in Classified info that she is a leader of Yaza Hajin.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325812091' post='2893605']
[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325811345' post='2893599']
OOC: She admitted to being in Yaza Hajin in classified posting. Not publicly.

OOC: No. You basically opened yourself with [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=107894&view=findpost&p=2891349"]these words[/url]:

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325574680' post='2891349']
In order to show Dominance over her people, Tafadzwa ordered a military parade around Lagos today, [b]publicly broadcasted[/b]..... Tafadzwa [b]openly admitted[/b] to being affiliated and became a "Triumvirate" of the Yaza Hajin alongside Al Dei.

Now, if you would please respond to my [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=108087"]Ultimatum to Tafadzwa[/url].
[b]OOC:[/b] I have to say, Kankou has a point there. Either it was not classified, or your people publicly air classified material (making it classified in name only, but de facto public knowledge).

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1325952328' post='2894804']
Now, if you would please respond to my [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=108087"]Ultimatum to Tafadzwa[/url].

[b]OOC:[/b] I have to say, Kankou has a point there. Either it was not classified, or your people publicly air classified material (making it classified in name only, but de facto public knowledge).

OOC: Here ill edit it, I meant it to be broadcasted only in the nation.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325574680' post='2891349']

[font="Book Antiqua"][color="#FFA500"][b][size="5"]NAJAMBIAN NEWS: Military Parade[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center]

[font="Book Antiqua"]

In order to show Dominance over her people, Tafadzwa ordered a military parade around Lagos today, publicly broadcasted. Many soldiers marched upon the fields. The main point of interest was the vast amount of missiles and heavy weapons Tafadzwa possesses. An air show was also conducted to show the superior Najambian Military. The most interesting fact would be that one of the brigades marching was not one dressed in PRN Attire. No, they had black hoods on. Few people recognized that the marching brigade was Yaza Hajin. Word spread quickly in the town of Lagos. Fear was put upon all people of Najambia. Some radical groups begin to attempt to contact Yaza Hajin in order to gain admission and a merger into the superior Radical Islamic Group. The people of Najambia were now fully away of what the government has come to. [b]Tafadzwa openly admitted to being affiliated and became a "Triumvirate" of the Yaza Hajin alongside Al Dei[/b]. The third Triumvirate is unknown at this time. Fear spreads quickly and Tafadzwa definitely has the oppressive regime shes always dreamed of.

PRN Soldiers marching in a Stadium.

The Yaza Hajin Brigade Marching through streets, spreading their words of wisdom[/center]
OOC: In no way does that post mention classified. It says it was openly admitted.

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1325951675' post='2894797']
In no way shape of form is Tafadzwa associated with the Yaza Hajin. We have fought valiantly against Yaza Hajin and your attempting to invade the ones who are fighting for your same cause. Tafadzwa won't be surrendering to you for reason you simply made up in your head.

OOC: We have not released that Tafadzwa is associated with Yaza Hajin to avoid the IC Invasion, It was in Classified info that she is a leader of Yaza Hajin.
You were giving several warnings to surrender yourself and the time for negotiations has passed. We will not stand by and watch you and your followers cause destruction across the globe any more. The next time you hear from me will be at your trial where you will answer for all the atrocities you have committed. If you surrender now you would save both our nations lives that need not be lost. Remember that you are responsible for what happens next. Every death is on your head.

As of now, New Panama recognizes a state of war between ourselves and Nijambia until such a time as Tafadzwa and Yaza Hajin are removed from government. We will give ourselves no rest until we complete our mission to remove terrorists from control of what would otherwise be a nation like any other in the world.

*** Classified ***

8 Astute class submarines left northern colombia. Each would carry a dry dock with the ability to launch 6 special forces operators on a Swimmer Delivery Vehicle. They would sail immediately to the coast of Najambia and wait the go ahead.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1325953249' post='2894814']
OOC: In no way does that post mention classified. It says it was openly admitted.

You were giving several warnings to surrender yourself and the time for negotiations has passed. We will not stand by and watch you and your followers cause destruction across the globe any more. The next time you hear from me will be at your trial where you will answer for all the atrocities you have committed. If you surrender now you would save both our nations lives that need not be lost. Remember that you are responsible for what happens next. Every death is on your head.

As of now, New Panama recognizes a state of war between ourselves and Nijambia until such a time as Tafadzwa and Yaza Hajin are removed from government. We will give ourselves no rest until we complete our mission to remove terrorists from control of what would otherwise be a nation like any other in the world.

*** Classified ***

8 Astute class submarines left northern colombia. Each would carry a dry dock with the ability to launch 6 special forces operators on a Swimmer Delivery Vehicle. They would sail immediately to the coast of Najambia and wait the go ahead.

The Confederacy of Kuklos endorses New Panama's zeal but hopes that they will rally native Africans to their cause before any actual invasion.


To the leader of New Panama:

Having been following closely the events in Najambia, it could not have escaped your notice that the Confederacy of Kuklos has promised material support to any nation which takes steps to eradicate the radical extremist threat there. Because we are a government true to our word both to our own people and to the world at large, we invite you to take advantage of our Lend-Lease Programme by which we will be happy to assist in the supply of fuel and war material for any soldiery you may plan on deploying to eliminate the Najambian regime. This will be supplied free of charge until the official cessation of hostilities is declared, at which time we may negotiate the rate of repayment.

With Respect and Blessings,

Sigurd Odinnson
Pontifex Maximus of the Confederation of Κυκλοι

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[quote name='Sigurd Odinnson' timestamp='1325955098' post='2894833']
The Confederacy of Kuklos endorses New Panama's zeal but hopes that they will rally native Africans to their cause before any actual invasion.


To the leader of New Panama:

Having been following closely the events in Najambia, it could not have escaped your notice that the Confederacy of Kuklos has promised material support to any nation which takes steps to eradicate the radical extremist threat there. Because we are a government true to our word both to our own people and to the world at large, we invite you to take advantage of our Lend-Lease Programme by which we will be happy to assist in the supply of fuel and war material for any soldiery you may plan on deploying to eliminate the Najambian regime. This will be supplied free of charge until the official cessation of hostilities is declared, at which time we may negotiate the rate of repayment.

With Respect and Blessings,

Sigurd Odinnson
Pontifex Maximus of the Confederation of Κυκλοι
*** Private Reply ***

We thank you for the offer but we have sufficient infrastructure to allow ourselves to complete our mission unaided.

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"The Imperium will not allow any foreign aggression into Africa. New Panama may keep their decleration of War but you will not be allowed to conduct military operations against Najambia at this time".

"However, Najambia clearly has much to answer for. The Imperium will be sending a team of investigators and diplomats to meet with the Najambia government and investigate these claims of terrorist support. We expect an answer from Najambia to be quick and precise that is all".

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1325965180' post='2894971']
"The Imperium will not allow any foreign aggression into Africa. New Panama may keep their decleration of War but you will not be allowed to conduct military operations against Najambia at this time".

"However, Najambia clearly has much to answer for. The Imperium will be sending a team of investigators and diplomats to meet with the Najambia government and investigate these claims of terrorist support. We expect an answer from Najambia to be quick and precise that is all".
"Nuts! Any attempt to interfere with New Panama military operations against a terrorist state will be considered nothing less than an active declaration of war on the state of New Panama and will result in nothing less than a full military response on any such nation."

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1325966696' post='2894994']
"Nuts! Any attempt to interfere with New Panama military operations against a terrorist state will be considered nothing less than an active declaration of war on the state of New Panama and will result in nothing less than a full military response on any such nation."

"Regardless of who you do or do not declare a terrorist state any attack against any African nation will be seen as a decleration of War against The Imperium and will in turn be met with our full military might. Now stand down and allow our investigators to do their job and if the Najambia government is in cohorts with Terrorists then the matter will be dealt with by African nations upon which your nation may assist".

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1325967284' post='2895000']
Has Grand Papau been placed in charge of disposing of Yaza Hajin?
Unlike the hasty actions of New Panama, Grand Papua is coordinating things with the African countries to bring this situation to a bloodless conclusion. If there is any external force which attempts to cause problems and thus ruin everything, it is both the obligation and right of Grand Papua to stop such an action.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1325966874' post='2894996']
Grand Papua will not allow New Panama to conduct operations without confirming with us. If we stop you, you'll be declaring war on us then?

*** Private Reply ***

As we have the same goal I see no reason not to co-ordinate any attacks.

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*Classified [i]from[/i] Najambia* (open to everyone else)

The People's Republic of Africa calls for a halt on all military coordination and planning and instead would like to pursue the strategy suggested by the RRA earlier which is to first attempt to send teams of observers into the country to monitor the situation before we go any further. We find the aggressiveness of some foreign nations to be very concerning when dealing with African soil.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1325968393' post='2895022']
*Classified [i]from[/i] Najambia* (open to everyone else)

The People's Republic of Africa calls for a halt on all military coordination and planning and instead would like to pursue the strategy suggested by the RRA earlier which is to first attempt to send teams of observers into the country to monitor the situation before we go any further. We find the aggressiveness of some foreign nations to be very concerning when dealing with African soil.
*** Private Reply ***

As long as Tafazdwa, a self confessed terrorist. is in control we will strongly disagree with sending civilians into Najambia. It would be too great a risk to their lives. Should Tafazdwa step down we will send observers in.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1325968393' post='2895022']
*Classified [i]from[/i] Najambia* (open to everyone else)

The People's Republic of Africa calls for a halt on all military coordination and planning and instead would like to pursue the strategy suggested by the RRA earlier which is to first attempt to send teams of observers into the country to monitor the situation before we go any further. We find the aggressiveness of some foreign nations to be very concerning when dealing with African soil.
We agree with the PRA. Military action is not necessary yet, and if it is to be taken then African nations should lead it not foreigners.

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