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Rebel Army-Kingdom of Cochin War

Voodoo Nova

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322498015' post='2854889']
All I got to say so far:

"Et tu KaiserMelech Mikhail II!!"

Considering how I have pushed for peace several times, I think I did good. Also, my main focus is with protecting ancient Marscurian cultural sights. Most likely the whole thing will just turn into a mix of the D-Day paradrops (half the troops will die from AA fire/their airplanes blowing up. This isn't counting the number who die from incorrect drops, considering how 99% of the soldiers dropping aren't paratroopers, but just regular soldiers who I gave parachutes to) and Dien Bien Phu. Let's just hope that this time 75% of the POWs won't be killed.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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I am calling an insane amount of god moding on Cochin.

[quote][quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322516913' post='2855082']
The missiles being lobbed by the UFE signalled the start of the battle that had always been expected with UFE. The incoming ballistic missiles would be mostly destroyed by the layered CIWS of AADN. The chaff and decoys launched by the UFE were only a minor hindrance as the counter to such attacks had already been figured out by the AADN through several decades of combat exercises. The clutter from chaff and decoys soon filtered out, the AADN soon detected the hundreds of incoming Anti Radiation missiles. The missiles' presence would immediately trigger the layered CIWS which would beat most of the missiles however ten XL12s and four XL117 radars would end up being destroyed, hardly a bump in the multiple redundant AADN of East Xinjiang and Tibet sectors. The blinding of the LEO satellites by the B-11s would be a sudden loss of one dimension of situational awareness but as and when the first of the satellites started getting intercepted, several hundred sounding rockets started to be launched. Each sounding rocket which contained a rapid deployment helium balloon designed by Varma Institude for Fundamental Research from its research for moon missions which would deploy to an altitude of 100,000 ft from where the SAR radars carried by these balloons would come active over the battlespace. Powered by state of art nanocell batteries with additional power receiving capability from the Tesla SPS, these would swiftly compensate for the loss of the satellites until replaced by more satellites by CSRO.

The remaining B-11s nearing Cochin Air Space would be targetted now by at least 10 SD5s, four SD3s and 4 SD2Rs before they are able to fire further munitions. The Cochin defense protocol thus ensuring that the UFE plan to disorient and disrupt Cochin Air Defense Network to be unsuccessful, these bombers would swiftly be destroyed by the fast incoming Surface to Air Missiles receiving continual guidance information from the AADN grid. Any missiles launched by these B-11s before getting destroyed or limping back to UFE would find themselves being engaged by the single largest CIWS defense network in the world, hundreds of interlocking webs of the 5 layered AADN CIWS. Only around 5 of these missiles would eventually find target destroying two HALOB AWACS, three MERAT Tankers and a Metac.

Several TBADS GG10s were launched into the skies at the commencement of the aerial attack and the UCAVs launched by the payload of these TBADS would be the first meeting with the F-5s. The unpowered UCAVs gliding in at high speed from above would be able to get terminal guidance on the F-5s through their thermal signature and of course from their fast movement as captured by the SAR balloons With each TBADS launching 6 UCAVs with 4 Air to Air munitions, the hundred TBADs launched in the initial volley would by itself manage to target many of the incoming UFE fighters. They would also be joined in the fast developing Air Combat by fully 4 regiments of JM4 fighters which through their greater technological prowess would outgun and outmaneuver the UFE fighters that too assisted by the AADN which would pickle out even more F-5s based on additional targeting information from the JM4s. Nearly equally matched it would be a dog fight of colossal proportions in the skies above Cochin borders in Xinjiang.

The artillery rounds fired by the UFE ground forces would be hardly an irritant for the well entrenched Border Guards troops manning the Xinjiang defenses. Each artillery round would find its origins targetted by S-RECO UAVs and millimeter wave radars on the ground, with each attack being retaliated by a full salvo from a MRLS towards the attacker.

The incoming F1 and F2 fighters, AWACS, EWACS, Tu-160s, UAVs and F3s and A47s would now find that the initial attack not gone as well for UFE as planned they themselves would start getting engaged by marauding squads of JM4s which now patrol the Cochin border skies. If the United Federation of the East is arrogant enough to think that the AADN would rupture in a single attack they would find themselves very wrong.

The resounding beatback to the UFE air attack would also ensure that B-10s would not be able to attack Urumqi with impunity. The Anti Air Defense Network was hurt but not rent in the first day's battle.

Even as the defense operations are going on at full swing, the counter attack from Cochin also starts. Nearly a thousand GG10s armed with WATSMs are being launched from TEL launchers to target principal logistical structures of UFE including railway marshalling yards, bridges, tunnels, fuel stocks and airfields. From South of India a dozen GG20s are also being launched at each of UFE owned port and naval base in Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Missiles launched from Andaman and Nicobar would also target the UFE constructed shipping canal connecting Andaman Sea with Gulf of Thailand. At least ten GN12 Anti Ship Ballistic Missiles each would also be launched at every UFE warship in the waters of Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea or Bay of Bengal.

Unfortunately for the Cochinese their radar systems did not work as they thought it would. To detect bombers with look down satellites it is dependent on having passive recievers on the ground below. Detecting B-11s operating within the UFE would be thus impossible. Insta-detection of stealth aircraft would thusly also be extraordinarily difficult.

Additionally the

I would like to break down this post as it goes to show how ridiculous what he's saying is.

The first thing he does is insta detect all stealth aircraft without any RPing or explanation.

Now how does he do that exactly? The only thing I'm aware of him doing is claim insta detection from looking down synthetic aperture radar based satellites. Now to do this, the only workable system for target identification which I am aware of is one which is based on passive sensors on the ground detecting an anomaly between it and the radar wave moving down from the satellite. These passive sensors require that one actually have passive detection from in the ground. Now a B-11 bomber flying within the UFE firing a cruise missile is not obviously going to be effected from a downward radar wave because the Kingdom of Cochin simply lacks passive sensors within the UFE.

[quote]hey would also be joined in the fast developing Air Combat by fully 4 regiments of JM4 fighters which through their greater technological prowess would outgun and outmaneuver the UFE fighters that too assisted by the AADN which would pickle out even more F-5s based on additional targeting information from the JM4s.[/quote]

This is quintessential lolteching, and its not even true. Cochin has 2031 tech the UFE has 2030 tech. Last I checked the 2010 F-22 and the 2011 F-22 are still basically about the same. For Cochin to claim an a massive technology advantage when he's never RPed out the stats of the Jd Mk 4 (something by his own rules he was required to do), he's never done anything but upgraded a Jd Mk 2 is simply false. It is Cochin arbitrarily claiming air superiority without tactics, without RP, without any real development. Its a blatant violation of the rules and reflects poorly on him.

On top of this I would challenge the logic of the Jd Mk 4 claiming any sort of superiority on the F-5. Cochin has on several occasions said the Jd. Mk4 is the Jd. Mk 2 with sixth generation photonics. The Jd. Mk 2 is this:


As you can see this aircraft is clearly a fusion of the F-14 Tomcat, F-111, and the Sukhoi 32. All these types of aircraft are not known for being highly maneuverable aircraft. In fact the plane has a very large airframe with wide wings. This means that the aircraft would have a high degree of air resistance, radar cross section, and further its got canards, lots of moving parts, and its engine inlets are clearly not stealthy at all.

I would contrast it with the F-5 and F-1 fighters which it claims to have this insta superiority over.


One of the first most noticeable thing is the extreme degree of blending on this aircraft. It has a high degree of natural stealth shaping and has no manuvering canards, no moving parts, and very few reflecting surfaces. Contrasted with a variable winged canard, the aircraft is simply naturally on a whole order of magnitude more stealthy. That means the idea that the Jd. Mk 4 can get the first jump in a fight is laughable.

On top of this the aircraft is clearly more aerodynamically unstable and has significantly less air resistance as it lacks a tail entirely and instead relies solely on thrust vectoring and a significant number of control surfaces. This aircraft based on the research of the NASA X-36 fighter jet as well as trade shows of US 6th generation concepts, is proven to be a more manuverable design. What the Jd. Mk 4 has is a design which is not inferior, but is not designed to be an air superiority fighter. It is an airframe designed for interdictors and interceptors. Further it is designed for an age before stealth.

On top of that Cochin has never once RPed his fighters missile capability, onboard photonic targeting system, or anything else which justifies an arbitrary claim of success over the F-5 or any other fighter aircraft. This is simply god moding.

Additionally considering he was hit by multiple targets he needs to post exactly how many of each Jd. Mk 4s were sortieing each persons force. As I am sure Cochin is quite aware, due to Indian Air Force deficiencies in multi national exercises, one of the big things regarding air wars is the amount of sortieing and repairing each fighter group can do. Cochin is basically omitting numbers across his posts.

I would also like to know how the extreme success rates achieved by CIWS systems happened. CIWS stands for close in weapon systems. In stands to reason when one is tracking hypersonic targets, bullets with kill ranges of less than 10 kilometers (seconds if not fraction of seconds between firing and achieving kills) are not going to have much success if any.

This whole post seems either to be a complete lolteching on Cochin's part, or Cochin does not understand the technology which he is posting here and simply assuming that he's entitled to have higher success rates without really RPing.

This needs to be editted. If you need help understanding what exactly these things are, and how exactly ou can detect aircraft of this nature, I'd be happy to help, but I will not recognize lolteching.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1322539215' post='2855450']
From what I understand nuclear ICBMs are regulated and restricted but non-nuclear ICBMs just have the "Don't go overboard" rule. Like helicopters.

I might be wrong though.

That was my understanding too, though it may have changed.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1322539215' post='2855450']
From what I understand nuclear ICBMs are regulated and restricted but non-nuclear ICBMs just have the "Don't go overboard" rule. Like helicopters.

I might be wrong though.

I thought they counted as cruise missiles if they were non-nuclear.

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ICBMs are considered WMD and thus would fall under the 50 a day limit. Yes that is correct. This is something I missed but should be editted to reflect total realities. Smaller tactical type ballistic missiles, do not fall into this catagory. But you can't trident and satan spam

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1322520737' post='2855124']
I am calling an insane amount of god moding on Cochin.

I would like to break down this post as it goes to show how ridiculous what he's saying is.

The first thing he does is insta detect all stealth aircraft without any RPing or explanation.

Now how does he do that exactly? The only thing I'm aware of him doing is claim insta detection from looking down synthetic aperture radar based satellites. Now to do this, the only workable system for target identification which I am aware of is one which is based on passive sensors on the ground detecting an anomaly between it and the radar wave moving down from the satellite. These passive sensors require that one actually have passive detection from in the ground. Now a B-11 bomber flying within the UFE firing a cruise missile is not obviously going to be effected from a downward radar wave because the Kingdom of Cochin simply lacks passive sensors within the UFE.

This is quintessential lolteching, and its not even true. Cochin has 2031 tech the UFE has 2030 tech. Last I checked the 2010 F-22 and the 2011 F-22 are still basically about the same. For Cochin to claim an a massive technology advantage when he's never RPed out the stats of the Jd Mk 4 (something by his own rules he was required to do), he's never done anything but upgraded a Jd Mk 2 is simply false. It is Cochin arbitrarily claiming air superiority without tactics, without RP, without any real development. Its a blatant violation of the rules and reflects poorly on him.

On top of this I would challenge the logic of the Jd Mk 4 claiming any sort of superiority on the F-5. Cochin has on several occasions said the Jd. Mk4 is the Jd. Mk 2 with sixth generation photonics. The Jd. Mk 2 is this:


As you can see this aircraft is clearly a fusion of the F-14 Tomcat, F-111, and the Sukhoi 32. All these types of aircraft are not known for being highly maneuverable aircraft. In fact the plane has a very large airframe with wide wings. This means that the aircraft would have a high degree of air resistance, radar cross section, and further its got canards, lots of moving parts, and its engine inlets are clearly not stealthy at all.

I would contrast it with the F-5 and F-1 fighters which it claims to have this insta superiority over.


One of the first most noticeable thing is the extreme degree of blending on this aircraft. It has a high degree of natural stealth shaping and has no manuvering canards, no moving parts, and very few reflecting surfaces. Contrasted with a variable winged canard, the aircraft is simply naturally on a whole order of magnitude more stealthy. That means the idea that the Jd. Mk 4 can get the first jump in a fight is laughable.

On top of this the aircraft is clearly more aerodynamically unstable and has significantly less air resistance as it lacks a tail entirely and instead relies solely on thrust vectoring and a significant number of control surfaces. This aircraft based on the research of the NASA X-36 fighter jet as well as trade shows of US 6th generation concepts, is proven to be a more manuverable design. What the Jd. Mk 4 has is a design which is not inferior, but is not designed to be an air superiority fighter. It is an airframe designed for interdictors and interceptors. Further it is designed for an age before stealth.

On top of that Cochin has never once RPed his fighters missile capability, onboard photonic targeting system, or anything else which justifies an arbitrary claim of success over the F-5 or any other fighter aircraft. This is simply god moding.

Additionally considering he was hit by multiple targets he needs to post exactly how many of each Jd. Mk 4s were sortieing each persons force. As I am sure Cochin is quite aware, due to Indian Air Force deficiencies in multi national exercises, one of the big things regarding air wars is the amount of sortieing and repairing each fighter group can do. Cochin is basically omitting numbers across his posts.

I would also like to know how the extreme success rates achieved by CIWS systems happened. CIWS stands for close in weapon systems. In stands to reason when one is tracking hypersonic targets, bullets with kill ranges of less than 10 kilometers (seconds if not fraction of seconds between firing and achieving kills) are not going to have much success if any.

This whole post seems either to be a complete lolteching on Cochin's part, or Cochin does not understand the technology which he is posting here and simply assuming that he's entitled to have higher success rates without really RPing.

This needs to be editted. If you need help understanding what exactly these things are, and how exactly ou can detect aircraft of this nature, I'd be happy to help, but I will not recognize lolteching.

First of all my response was a calculated and measured response to triyun's own metagaming of assuming that my radar systems died enabling his secondary and tertiary attacks to go on. Sorry, in CNRP wars, you go one step at a time, and even by going with the logics of continuity seeing as how I RPd the defense to your first attack there is simply no way your forces would make it inside my air defense to fire shots without being intercepted.

Let me break it down for you.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106797&view=findpost&p=2853894"]Triyun's post[/url]

[b]First attack:[/b]

[quote]With the declaration of war, nearly two thousand short and medium range ballistic missiles across the broad front of the UFE Cochinese border were rapidly fired across the border. Among these multiple units exploded in the atmosphere deploying chaff and decoys to confuse the tracking systems on enemy radar systems. This was quickly followed by hundreds of anti-radiational seeking manuverable warheads designed to blind the enemy's tactical radar systems in the area.

Simultanously B-11 bombers operating at approximately 300 kilometers from the border, would fire a volley of anti-satellite missiles to knock out the synethetic aperture radar systems in low orbit, which would provide the basis of the integrated air defenses along the border between the UFE and the Cochinese.[/quote]

Considering these happened near simultaneously signalling the start of battle, responses to them were limited from my end.

[quote]The missiles being lobbed by the UFE signalled the start of the battle that had always been expected with UFE. The incoming ballistic missiles would be mostly destroyed by the layered CIWS of AADN. The chaff and decoys launched by the UFE were only a minor hindrance as the counter to such attacks had already been figured out by the AADN through several decades of combat exercises. The clutter from chaff and decoys soon filtered out, the AADN soon detected the hundreds of incoming Anti Radiation missiles. The missiles' presence would immediately trigger the layered CIWS which would beat most of the missiles however ten XL12s and four XL117 radars would end up being destroyed, hardly a bump in the multiple redundant AADN of East Xinjiang and Tibet sectors. The blinding of the LEO satellites by the B-11s would be a sudden loss of one dimension of situational awareness but as and when the first of the satellites started getting intercepted, several hundred sounding rockets started to be launched. Each sounding rocket which contained a rapid deployment helium balloon designed by Varma Institude for Fundamental Research from its research for moon missions which would deploy to an altitude of 100,000 ft from where the SAR radars carried by these balloons would come active over the battlespace. Powered by state of art nanocell batteries with additional power receiving capability from the Tesla SPS, these would swiftly compensate for the loss of the satellites until replaced by more satellites by CSRO.[/quote]

point to be noted, I did not RP intercepting or destroying any of these B-11 bombers which had in fact fired 300 kms from within UFE borders!! Those were not the bombers that I RPd destroyed, as I will show further on.

Now by all logic and reason, only if this first attack by UFE was a complete success would the assumptions based on for the second attack be proper.

[b]Second Attack:[/b]

[quote]This would be followed up by B-11 stand off strikes also [b]inside Cochinese air defenses[/b], targeting air fields which could launch tactical range aircraft up to 1000 kilometers range inside the Cochinese air defense system. The primary targeted air fields were ones rated to also launch AWAC and mid air refueler tankers.[/quote]

You RPd these bombers firing from inside my air defense network which was quite sturdy and active as I RPd. So yeah, your lol stealth would be detected by my AADN. Then again, I gave greater onus in intercepting the missiles launched by these bombers than tackling the bombers themselves assuming of course that they would shoot and scoot.

[b]Third point:[/b]

Just because you were able to find better pictures and copy/paste better stats from some other forum does that mean your fighters are better than mine? No way!! Either make them equal or by the comparison with CN, I have better tech. Yes we are in similar ceiling, but just because you found better pictures, your fighters cannot be better than mine.

After all it was not me who claimed superiority, but you.

[quote]With its enormous capability in air to air and electronic attack, as well as basic structural kinematic advantage versus the Jd. Mk 4, the F-5s would be more than a match for anything the Cochinese sent out to play.[/quote]

And also last I heard this is CNRP not fantasy Airplane simulation RP. You may be proficient at some techno babble but that does not mean you get superiority or special consideration in a war in CNRP.

Let me also remind you that in successive attacks it was you who metagamed and godmodded your way past my defenses without even leaving the possibility that my counters could negate your attacks.

Case in point: [quote]At the same time 60 B-10s would do a hypersonic strike against Urumqi. They would fire a total of 360 ER-M-51s firing into command centers, military units, air control towers, and national defense oriented government centers in the greater metropolitan area before running like hell away from SAMs

So better write RP properly giving due consideration to the defender's response before metagaming and godmodding your way and then accusing your opponent of godmodding and lolteching when you find that you do not get your way with things.

[quote]Additionally considering he was hit by multiple targets he needs to post exactly how many of each Jd. Mk 4s were sortieing each persons force. As I am sure Cochin is quite aware, due to Indian Air Force deficiencies in multi national exercises, one of the big things regarding air wars is the amount of sortieing and repairing each fighter group can do. Cochin is basically omitting numbers across his posts. [/quote]

Whatever gave you the assumption that my air force is modelled exactly on Indian Air Force? Have you even read the many RPs I had done about RCAFs before making that silly assumption? If you are asking how many JM4s were engaging your 105 F-5s, I had made that quite evident:

[quote]They would also be joined in the fast developing Air Combat by fully 4 regiments of JM4 fighters[/quote]

Again if you had read my RPs you would have learnt that each Regiment has 4 squadrons of 12 aircrafts each. And as regards sortieing and repairs, before you assume I have a failing in that regards perhaps you should have read the Extended Air War Exercise I conducted some months ago.


[quote]I would also like to know how the extreme success rates achieved by CIWS systems happened. CIWS stands for close in weapon systems. In stands to reason when one is tracking hypersonic targets, bullets with kill ranges of less than 10 kilometers (seconds if not fraction of seconds between firing and achieving kills) are not going to have much success if any.

Again, a result of inadequate research by Triyun. I had several times RPd my Five Tiered CIWS defenses, or basically my Anti missile defenses.
Tier I : SAM
Tier II: JWAL Laser
Tier III: RAM missiles
Tier IV: STHAL Laser
Tier V: Gatling cannons

Again it is your fault that you did not do due research on my RPs before calling me out on lolteching.

So wisen up and post responses to my counter attacks.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322567272' post='2855781']
First of all my response was a calculated and measured response to triyun's own metagaming of assuming that my radar systems died enabling his secondary and tertiary attacks to go on. Sorry, in CNRP wars, you go one step at a time, and even by going with the logics of continuity seeing as how I RPd the defense to your first attack there is simply no way your forces would make it inside my air defense to fire shots without being intercepted.[/quote]

That's not metagaming, that's speeding up a rp. I might add something you and everyone else has done in almost every form of war or military exercise since at least 2008. It has also always been clear that this just means the actions that would follow up on a succesful first move and not the actions done if the first move resulted in something unexpected.

At the same time no air defense is immune to attacks and most of your defenses were rp'd out before the new generation of stealth, DEWs, RADAR and electronic attacks. As such your defenses can not be fully prepared.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322567272' post='2855781']Let me break it down for you.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=106797&view=findpost&p=2853894"]Triyun's post[/url]
[b]Second Attack:[/b]

You RPd these bombers firing from inside my air defense network which was quite sturdy and active as I RPd. So yeah, your lol stealth would be detected by my AADN. Then again, I gave greater onus in intercepting the missiles launched by these bombers than tackling the bombers themselves assuming of course that they would shoot and scoot.[/quote]

Yet the very thing you just pointed out about Triyun's post you did not consider on your own attacks. The B-11 has an extensive suite of defensive systems meant to deal with a very hostile environment.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322567272' post='2855781'][b]Third point:[/b]

Just because you were able to find better pictures and copy/paste better stats from some other forum does that mean your fighters are better than mine? No way!! Either make them equal or by the comparison with CN, I have better tech. Yes we are in similar ceiling, but just because you found better pictures, your fighters cannot be better than mine.

After all it was not me who claimed superiority, but you.[/quote]

Actually that is the very definition of a better plane, Triyun has done research into the systems(Note the Quantum and F-2 are both based on actual concepts in real life). Lolteching however like you're claiming here was completely abolished by the new tech scale and the removal of TE. Your fighters are crap by judging the images and have no real stats to back them up. If I send a 2031 Phantom II against Triyun's 2030 Quantum the thing is in for a massacre. So yes because he has better statistics on them and better designs your fighters are worse than his.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322567272' post='2855781']And also last I heard this is CNRP not fantasy Airplane simulation RP. You may be proficient at some techno babble but that does not mean you get superiority or special consideration in a war in CNRP.[/quote]

So even though you have better technology and know more about the subject, two skills you have used on the battlefield, you can't claim superiority on the battlefield? Someone needs to tell the US that.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322567272' post='2855781']Now:

Again, a result of inadequate research by Triyun. I had several times RPd my Five Tiered CIWS defenses, or basically my Anti missile defenses.
Tier I : SAM
Tier II: JWAL Laser
Tier III: RAM missiles
Tier IV: STHAL Laser
Tier V: Gatling cannons

Even though these defenses would significantly reduce the amount of missiles that get through the amount of missiles shot down still seems rather high, the things were fired from a very close range so there really isn't much ground to claim highly precise defensive moves.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322505864' post='2854976']
The UAVs would only get some bare minutes to see this carnage affecting the lead elements of the Athenian armies before they themselves would be wiped out. Apart from the hundreds of S-RECO UAVs that are launched to provide greater tactical coverage to the already redundant reconnaissance network are several SD2 and SD2R Surface to Air Missiles which would wipe these UAVs within minutes.[/quote]

First of all you really need to look into the technology used, the U-2 operates at near-space altitudes well beyond the range of any kind of SAM. At the same time it is doubtful that missiles could even get a lock on the smaller UAVs, these are not fighter sized planes they're small drones that can be launched from an armored vehicle. Even if you could get a lock it would be a horrible waste of a missile as the SAM is more expensive than the drone it killed.

For reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XM157_Class_IV_UAV#XM157_Class_IV

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322505864' post='2854976']The fast approaching UCAVs would also be detected well in time by the Anti Air Defense Network and they would find themselves with the same fate as did the Rebel Army fighters to the south. The moment these fighters near 50 kilometers from the Cochin border the Surface to Air Missile batteries of the Border Guards would start firing their SD5, SD4 and SD3 Surface to Air Missiles. These missiles would be guided by the Hive Mind of the AADN to attack the incoming UCAV's tactically, not flying straight and dumb but being maneuvered individually by the AADN's computers. While the SD4s and SD3s would home in powered the SD5s would lob upwards to a height of around 50,000 ft before its munitions start flying down unpowered to prepare kill zones for the fighters. Closeted by the SD3 and SD4s they would create shrapnel zones to take out individual fighters. Aircrafts that make out of these kill zones would be engaged closer to the border would find themselves engaged by the SD2 and SD2R Infra red seeking missiles which would be fired in volleys of 10 per enemy aircraft. The fighters that still make it inside would find them finally engaged by each individual radars' 3 tiered CIWS and the maskirovska of microwave decoys.

The F1s would of course be engaged at the moment of nearing 50 kms from Cochin borders by the AADN's multi dimensional radar coverage and be engaged with 10 SD4s and ten SD3s each per aircraft. Since the radars are located to the interior, it would require the the Athenian fighters to come well within the targeting range of the AADNs before they are able to fire their weapons, which would themselves find themselves being intercepted by the various CIWS measures.[/quote]

And there we have the instant stealth detection again, 50km out of Cochin terrain you don't have stealth detection, especially considering the U-1 is not the size of a fighter. This is shown by the very limited amount of weapons they carry and also posted in the attack itsellf. To quote:

[quote]the UCAVs relied mostly on their advanced stealth and small size[/quote]

The F-1 also enjoys a great amount of stealth making it impossible to detect it while they are still flying on friendly terrain. To quote from the stats:
(1)The F-1 is constructed around an advanced microsphere based hollow skeletal frame. This gives it dramatically decreased weight, while not sacrificing structural integrity. Outside the based structure is advanced 3-d printing based composite materials which provide a strong heat and g-force resistant high endurance frame which is superior at managing and masking thermal energy while providing optimized reduced radar cross section.
(2) The F-1 is design is capable of reaction to electric impulses which allow the air frame to "morph", this occurs when the wings readjust themselves in flight from flat, to curve, to a final configuration which has a significant reverse sweep. This system is designed to maintain a stealth shape while allowing for greater or less air resistance, and higher angles of attack in normal configuration, while higher air speed with lower drag in others. This change gives the F-1 a significant reduction in IR as well, as it requires less thrust and friction.
(4) Beyond an optimized stealth air frame design, near immune to most first generation stealth detection methods ranging from passive radar detection, to OTH radar waves, the F-1 is equipped with advanced nano-technology based radar absorbent materials. These materials have been optimized to trap radar waves rather than simply redirect them. In this way the body is optimized to defeat any type of radar. Once internalized, the stealth uses the thermosystems developed to deal with excess heat and reduce infrared to redirect energy into the engines. This doubles as making the plane resistant to directed energy attack and jamming. The absorbant material also acts as a method to reduce the infrared profile while the fighter is moving at higher speeds.

(1) The engines are embedded deep within the bowels of the aircraft, hiding the heat the produce within; and the hot exhaust is shielded from detection by the body in exhaust channels that allow the hot gasses to cool significantly.
(2) Materials have been chosen wherever possible that limit greybody radiation and have low emissivity levels. In the few areas where these simple systems of reducing the heat signature are not enough, power from the engine is employed to actively cool the region at minor performance loss.
(3) The engines themselves play a large part in minimizing heat. Being very efficient, waste heat is minimized and contained within the engine block itself. Extensive heat scavenging is used to both cool the exhaust and improve efficiency. Additionally much of the waste heat is captured and returned into the engine. The engine itself actively optimizes its geometry for its current speed and atmospheric conditions.
(4) These functions combined create an aircraft that is nearly invisible on the infrared spectrum when traveling below approximately Mach 2.5.

and another quote outlining the basics of both its offensive and defensive systems:

[quote](2) The F-1 Quantum features an advanced integrated jamming system. This capability includes directing radar energy from the unified sensor to conduct energy attacks that are capable of frying guidance on other planes, incoming missiles, and ground systems. This capability is further enhanced by a dedicated phased array high powered microwave weapon system, which is designed to penetrate even hardened systems.[/quote]

So in essence the combination of one of the most advanced stealth in CNRP and one of the best electronic warfare suites make detection even inside your territory highly unlikely if not close to impossible, when you don't have passive sensors on the ground like in allied territory your detection systems stand no chance at all

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322505864' post='2854976']Despite thoroughly engaged in this manner any fighter still firing at the radars would finally be able to destroy two XL12 radars and damage a XL117 radar, altogether not a huge loss to the AADN.[/quote]

Considering the above these losses will be significantly higher, if only because I specifically outlined every facility that engaged the UCAVs and fighters would get attacked.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322505864' post='2854976']The Artillery barrage by the Athenians being expected as being of norm would anyway be interdicted by the STHAL Artillery Interdiction Devices with the Border Guard brigades or bounce off the reinforced armor that defines the bunkers of the region. However before being suppressed themselves the M1203 cannons would draw some casualties in the form of two BRDMs carrying some infantry and three bunkers whose ammunition magazine were unfortunately struck. A fuel storage was also struck which blew up due to a direct hit on its exposed fueling pods as a BRDM was refueling. Nearly twenty thousand tonnes of fuel exploded killing the local security team and the soldiers in the BRDM. For the loss of these 57 soldiers however the Royal Cochin Army gave a sharp reply. The moment the cannons had fired at the border defenses orders to fire were itself given several hundred kilometers to the rear to SOP Artiller Battalions. Around 100 GG10 Short Range Ballistic Missiles were fired from around 10 SOP Battalions at the coordinates of the Artillery guns. Each GG10 armed with a WATSM carrying BLU-108 munitions would engage the Self Propelled Guns. As the WATSMs read the target altitude the WATSMs would loiter in the area for around 20 minutes while dispensing their 4 GB4 munitions each carrying 10 BLU 108 canisters each with 4 Smart Projectiles.[/quote]

You effectively had 1,000 M-1203s firing shells over the border at a very high speed in a relatively concentrated region(just the immediate border area as that was their maximum effective range). This would make the defenses much more ineffective and just the sheer amount of shells being fired across would cause more damage than that.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322505864' post='2854976']For the nearly 100 WATSMs launched a total of around 1600 Smart munitions would be in the air looking for a variety of targets for which they are programmed amongst which Main Battle Tanks and Self Propelled Guns are of the highest priority. This massive counter attack would of course be followed by a volley of fire from around 10 MRLS belonging to the Border Guard Brigade of each sector which would add their own anti armor and anti personnel cluster munition rounds to the melee before skooting off to their next defensive outpost.

From the Mobile Offshore Base 2 located 2000 kms to the West of Cape Verde TEL launchers would start yet another barrage of attack at the Athenian Federation. This northernmost RCN outpost in Atlantic was built for this single purpose alone. To be a platform for a devastating counter attack should Athenians strike Cochin. From the seven modules of the MOB2 10 GG19 ICBMs each would be launched at Athens, Lisbon, Rome, Grand Bahamas, Cape Verde and at every Athenian Naval Base and port in the Atlantic Ocean. Ten missiles would also be fired at the Rebel Army owned Unity Island near Gibraltar. It was definite that there would be counter attack in which no one would be spared but the Sailors and soldiers manning the MOB2 were prepared to face death to deliver the ire of their nation to their enemies. With the next and last salvo of TEL missiles readied, these soldiers and marines would get the rappelling ropes ready so that they may escape in the rescue boats they had tethered near the MOB modules.[/quote]

Multiple comments to these parts

First of all, how many missiles do you even have? All posts considered the sheer amount of missiles fired in a single attack exceeds the total yearly production of most people on the coalition against you. So unless you did in fact fire at least half your total supply of missiles I call shens.

Secondly, I'm seriously wondering how many ICBMs even fit on that MOB of yours, the amount of naval bases and ports I have along the Atlantic numbers in the dozens and is most likely close to a hundred(Helps having a lot of islands and countries like Portugal and Spain that historically had large ports for their fleets). To reinforce the point there is a hard cap on non-nuclear weapons like these(50).

[quote]Yet more massive barrages of GG10 SRBMs armed with conventional SOP munitions would meet the the XIV and XV Corps that border the West Kashgar sector. Fully a Hundred GG10s each would engage each of the divisions with a variety of SOP packages including WATSMs, NNEMPs and GOABs. [/quote]

Same point as the second one above really, there are only so many non-nuclear weapons that deal major damage, NNEMPs are considered part of this cap.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322509281' post='2855011']
Even as the effects of the this attack were sinking in, alerts started to be sounded of another attack. The missile attacks from the Athenian bombers would be detected by the AADN built around St Helena and counter measures would start. The five tiered CIWS of the AADN starting from JWAL lasers, SD3, SD2 and SD2R Anti Missile SAMs and finally RAM Missiles, STHAL Lasers and Gatling Cannons would ensure that of the 384 inbound missiles at least 360 are intercepted before impact. However the 24 missiles that do get through would wreak further havoc by destroying a massive fuel bunk adjacent to the FAB ST Helena, destroying completely two Auxiliary Support Fleet Replenishment Vessels and three Karachi Class Missile boats.

Even with your defenses considering the size of St. Helena and the missiles fired the amount of missiles shot down are way too high.

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Putting a tail, canards, and variable wings on a plane are not a issue of picture availability Cochin. that is a design choice when you and I both made. You chose to make an aircraft that is demonstrably less stealthy than the F-22, F-35, or PAK-FA. I mean I do not think that you can say its an issue of choosing pictures. Its a choice you alone made. You cannot come back and say you have an advantage and club things simply because you have a mere 10% more tech than I do.

I never RPed my F-5s beating any of your Jd. Mk 4s. I simply stated they had a kinematic advantage in an engagement versus them should they encounter them. That was describing a tactic, it was not auto god moding a victory and forcing a massive amount of damage on the other person like you did. What I did was state my stuff would be ready for air to air engagements. What you did was force damage on another player based purely on a completely negligible difference in tech level. In other words you lolteched and god mode. Look at the difference in our verbs. There is no more polite way to say it other than its basic english.

[quote]With its enormous capability in air to air and electronic attack, as well as basic structural kinematic advantage versus the Jd. Mk 4, the F-5s would be more than a match for anything the Cochinese sent out to play.


This is describing a basic air to air tactic inherent in surviveability of first strike planes. The F-5 like the F-35 IRL has the capability of detecting targets from all directions using electro optical, thats a kinematic advantage. Further its ability to do this allows it not to broadcast electronic signals. That further increases surviveability. Additionally it has the capability of doing some serious !@#$@#$ up of enemy sensors, that is electronic attack. With super cruise included, yes it is an excellent penetrator. When we talk about penetrating air defense for anyone, you, me, Cent and we talk about stealth aircraft the fact of the matter is is that NOBODY has a proven method of insta detecting stealth. I simply don't recognize anyone who says they do. So if your talking about an F-5 which can fly at high Mach 1 on super cruise with low IR emissions, no electronic emissions, and near zero radar cross section, and it is packing missiles with ranges of a couple hundred kilometers. If those targets are within a couple hundred kilometers of the UFE border, its not that you can't counter them, but I only have to fly for a few minutes at most inside Cochinese air space to fire the missile and then fly right out. Thats not me ignoring your air defenses, thats me conducting a simultanous attack. If you look at any sort of military air to air plan, I am hardly god moding I am describing tactics, my whole air to air assault proceeds with the assumption of some losses but that there will be some success as well. Both people taking reasonable damage is part of RPing.

You are just saying, you are god, lol, everyones tech but yours suck even if the differential is a couple months of development for advanced systems that take decades to develop. You're comparing apples and oranges here to justify a god mode. You need to learn that you cannot simply force results on others, something I did not do at all. I did a composite attack.

[quote]n though these defenses would significantly reduce the amount of missiles that get through the amount of missiles shot down still seems rather high, the things were fired from a very close range so there really isn't much ground to claim highly precise defensive moves.

No they were not. Close in weapon systems IRL (I accept you used the wrong label) engage targets at 10 kilos about max. I can accept that your SAMs and some DEW had an effect, but the fact is all of this takes mere minutes if not seconds to react. I've got papers from the naval war college that are open source for you to read on the vulnerability of US Navy missile defense systems (probably the best in the world especially counting radar atm) to Chinese missiles. Its pretty much a really nasty picture. Both of us are significantly more advanced on the offense and defense, but to think you're near immune to missiles would be a false hood or that the close in part of your air defenses would do much good. IT is simple physics it really wouldn't.

Lastly the B-11s fired inside the air defenses. Meaning, they were flying in my air space and fired inside yours. The missiles would go inside your air defenses. This is fairly standard for high tech strategic bombing attacks, and should be obvious. B-52, B-1, Tu-160 all fire from outside to inside an air defense system in a high tech battlefield scenario. You think the US was going to drop gravity bombs from the B-52s onto the USSR in 1985? No it was firing 3000 kilometer ranged cruise missiles from them.

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Sorry, a lot of these sounds like a lot of baawing to me, because I am not rolling dead like most of your opponents till now. I do not accept your contention that just because you copy pasted from different forums/sites and found better pictures for your planes, your weapons are in fact better than mine. So start accepting the fact that you may not have considered all possibilities and start RPing your losses from my counter attacks.

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I did not copy a single one of my planes. Good try at a troll Cochin. However, I will not accept your forced damages to any of my units. That is called god moding. Regardless of how you slice it. I claimed through tactics an advantage and have written out there how they are. I will not accept yours as useless I never have, but I will simply not accept yours as inherently superior to mine, when you don't RP why and you don't provide any argument as to why. Thats a fact. I have no problem with a fight. You are grasping for straws here. If you want me to go ahead and post I will, but do not expect me at all to recognize the forced damage god moding you have done to my forces.

Further I won't be accepting you can be using more than 50 conventional ICBMs a day because it is banned from the rules.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1322586646' post='2855870']
Actually that is the very definition of a better plane, Triyun has done research into the systems(Note the Quantum and F-2 are both based on actual concepts in real life). Lolteching however like you're claiming here was completely abolished by the new tech scale and the removal of TE. Your fighters are crap by judging the images and have no real stats to back them up. If I send a 2031 Phantom II against Triyun's 2030 Quantum the thing is in for a massacre. So yes because he has better statistics on them and better designs your fighters are worse than his.

It is all well and good that Triyun has put some thought into his aircraft but this is still CNRP not just RP and so the main deciding point is first the CN part then the RP part not the other way around.

Now both Cochin and Triyun have almost equal technology for their nation which means the same in CNRP because the tech scale shows that they are in the same tech bracket which means one doesn't have a tech advantage over the other because if it did then the tech chart becomes useless.

As such this comes down to whoever can RP the most effective and whoever manages that will win the fight.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1322588713' post='2855894']
I did not copy a single one of my planes. Good try at a troll Cochin. However, I will not accept your forced damages to any of my units. That is called god moding. Regardless of how you slice it. I claimed through tactics an advantage and have written out there how they are. I will not accept yours as useless I never have, but I will simply not accept yours as inherently superior to mine, when you don't RP why and you don't provide any argument as to why. Thats a fact. I have no problem with a fight. You are grasping for straws here. If you want me to go ahead and post I will, but do not expect me at all to recognize the forced damage god moding you have done to my forces.

Further I won't be accepting you can be using more than 50 conventional ICBMs a day because it is banned from the rules.

I do not claim superiority over my planes if you do not either. As I said I am acceptable to both planes being equal. I am perfectly okay with countering you tactics by tactics, but do not think that with your superior knowledge of aviation technology you can brow beat me. I will not accept that. I role play wars, not technological babble wars.

I wrote my defenses and counter attacks as per what you wrote. If you had not in fact fired from within my air space, fair enough, my defenses would not have engaged your planes, just your missiles. That is something that I have already built into my defense post.

As regards my CIWS, I have RPd in great depth how I have deployed them. The institutional paranoia of my nation, as you yourself has called it, has ensured that I have spread out my defenses greatly. This was done over several months and if not years.

And as to the accusation my AADN is old, you should really have read my periodic posts updating them along with most of my military tools to the latest technologies, like as through project Gold Shield.

I have accepted casualties as I deemed fair, now it is your turn.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1322589101' post='2855902']
It is all well and good that Triyun has put some thought into his aircraft but this is still CNRP not just RP and so the main deciding point is first the CN part then the RP part not the other way around.

Now both Cochin and Triyun have almost equal technology for their nation which means the same in CNRP because the tech scale shows that they are in the same tech bracket which means one doesn't have a tech advantage over the other because if it did then the tech chart becomes useless.

As such this comes down to whoever can RP the most effective and whoever manages that will win the fight.

Actually no, that's not how it works at all. The decision was made with the new tech scale to let rp have the bigger influence where the tech level only defines the year you could build up to, this does not mean that someone with 2031 tech is equal to someone with 2030 tech or better than someone with 1990 tech. They do have to actually rp obtaining better technologies. Cochin didn't so his fighters are worse than what Triyun has.

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1322589175' post='2855904']
I do not claim superiority over my planes if you do not either. As I said I am acceptable to both planes being equal. I am perfectly okay with countering you tactics by tactics, but do not think that with your superior knowledge of aviation technology you can brow beat me. I will not accept that. I role play wars, not technological babble wars.

I wrote my defenses and counter attacks as per what you wrote. If you had not in fact fired from within my air space, fair enough, my defenses would not have engaged your planes, just your missiles. That is something that I have already built into my defense post.

As regards my CIWS, I have RPd in great depth how I have deployed them. The institutional paranoia of my nation, as you yourself has called it, has ensured that I have spread out my defenses greatly. This was done over several months and if not years.

And as to the accusation my AADN is old, you should really have read my periodic posts updating them along with most of my military tools to the latest technologies, like as through project Gold Shield.

I have accepted casualties as I deemed fair, now it is your turn.

He has the full right to claim superiority as I've said about a dozen times now already. His aircraft are better, he rp's better tactics and his pilots have way more actual combat experience. They are superior whether you like it or not. Claiming they would be equal just because your tech level is lolteching.

Also I did read them, you didn't post anything that actually defeats the new systems.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1322590111' post='2855916']
Actually no, that's not how it works at all. The decision was made with the new tech scale to let rp have the bigger influence where the tech level only defines the year you could build up to, this does not mean that someone with 2031 tech is equal to someone with 2030 tech or better than someone with 1990 tech. They do have to actually rp obtaining better technologies. Cochin didn't so his fighters are worse than what Triyun has.

This will sound like wihining but I don't mean that way. Quite simply this is unfair. I found it quite cool that Triyun can do all this research and design such aircraft but many of us can not, I for one wouldn't even know where to start designing my own aircraft so I can't see how someone having the knowledge to design their own aircraft over someone who can't is fair.

Now if you meant better RP as in who can RP the better tactics and fighting moves then I would fully support you as that puts players on an even playing field but in terms of RP for designing objects those with the knowledge RL will have a far too high advantage.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1322590486' post='2855924']
This will sound like wihining but I don't mean that way. Quite simply this is unfair. I found it quite cool that Triyun can do all this research and design such aircraft but many of us can not, I for one wouldn't even know where to start designing my own aircraft so I can't see how someone having the knowledge to design their own aircraft over someone who can't is fair.

Now if you meant better RP as in who can RP the better tactics and fighting moves then I would fully support you as that puts players on an even playing field but in terms of RP for designing objects those with the knowledge RL will have a far too high advantage.

Yet giving people an advantage who have bought tech longer is?

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1322590674' post='2855928']
Yet giving people an advantage who have bought tech longer is?

No no I didn't mean that when I am talking about advantages. What I meant was that according to the tech scale Cochin and Triyun are only one year apart technologically okay now that should not give any one side a massive difference over the other.

However, If as you said earlier Triyun's forces have greater combat experience and have used better tactics than Cochin then they would gain the advantage at least for the first opening phases of the fight but then further combat RP is required.

Now I would also like to take a moment here to bring up some points for Triyun and others to look at about Triyun's aircraft I post them in another post.

Also I am not taking sides here I trying to stay neutral and I am just bringing up points I have issues with.

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Okay below are the points about Triyun's F-1 aircraft. I will be making a few points I wouldn't mind having answered.

Not yet publicly released

UFE High Capability Air Superiority Fighter:

F-1 Quantum Air superiority Fighter

Key Construction:
[quote](1)The F-1 is constructed around an advanced microsphere based hollow skeletal frame. This gives it dramatically decreased weight, while not sacrificing structural integrity. Outside the based structure is advanced 3-d printing based composite materials which provide a strong heat and g-force resistant high endurance frame which is superior at managing and masking thermal energy while providing optimized reduced radar cross section. As part of a radar absorbent structure, much of the fighter's panels have honey combed kevlar bonded onto them, thus increasing the fighter's radar absorption qualities against high frequency radar.[/quote]

My first point is that at no time does this say it makes the aircraft immune to IR detection it does make it highly effective at masking its thermal energy but does not say it stops it being produced. Therefore a significantly advanced nation would still have a chance of picking up said thermal energy and if enough of these aircraft flew together in formation then their combined thermal energy would most probally be easier to pick up as the size of the formation grew with every aircraft.

[quote](2) The F-1 is design is capable of reaction to electric impulses which allow the air frame to "morph", this occurs when the wings readjust themselves in flight from flat, to curve, to a final configuration which has a significant reverse sweep for hypersonic flight. This system is designed to maintain a stealth shape while allowing for greater or less air resistance, and higher angles of attack in normal configuration, while higher air speed with lower drag in others. This change gives the F-1 a significant reduction in IR as well, as it requires less thrust and friction.[/quote]

Again it expalins that the IR has been reduced but not reduced completely meaning it would still be detecable.

[quote](3) The F-1's tail less design decreases the stability of the aircraft dramatically meaning yielding significant improvements in its maneuverability and agility, while also reducing the areas of drag. As with other designs this drag decrease increases range, while decreases IR profile. Instead of a tail the F-1 uses thrust vectoring technology to steer the plane. This is supported by the skeletal frame and its morphing wing capability to help further steer the plane.[/quote]

As far as I know I have neevr heard of an aircraft that does not use a tail, I know some aircraft use vector thrusting but they still use tails. Of course even if this is possible its only a reduction in IR.

[quote](4) Beyond an optimized stealth air frame design, near immune to most first generation stealth detection methods ranging from passive radar detection, to OTH radar waves, the F-1 is equipped with advanced nano-technology based radar absorbent materials. These materials have been optimized to trap radar waves rather than simply redirect them inwards. In this way the body is optimized to defeat any type of radar. Once internalized, the stealth uses the thermosystems developed to deal with excess heat and reduce infrared to redirect energy into the engines. This doubles as making the plane resistant to directed energy attack and jamming. The absorbant material also acts as a method to reduce the infrared profile while the fighter is moving at higher speeds.[/quote]

Ok I do believe that nano-technology is not allowed? I could be wrong with this but I am fairly certain it is not. Also even if it is the information says the air frame design makes it near immune to most first generation stealth detection methods. How does it do this?

[quote](5) The nano-technology technology based RAM is designed based on 'darker than black' silver nanowiring. This technology can optimize the F-1s radar absorbent materials to various frequencies including the infrared and visual spectrum in flight (though it cannot function simultaneously with defeating x-band radar.)[/quote]

Could someone explain how this works I just tried to read about NRAM on the net and it made my eyes bleed. I can't figure out how it works so could someone do that for me.
(6) The unit is also designed to minimize UV reflectivity, allowing it to hide in the fog of the Earth's atmosphere.

Okay but what does it mean by fog of the Earth's atmosphere and what would this actually do to help the plane stay stealthed.

Also yes I know there are more stats for the F-1 but anymore questions about them will be asked in the tech help thread, these points are valid I believe for me to ask here.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1322592041' post='2855949']
As far as I know I have neevr heard of an aircraft that does not use a tail, I know some aircraft use vector thrusting but they still use tails. Of course even if this is possible its only a reduction in IR.
Tails are for noobs.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1322592563' post='2855959']
Tails are for noobs.

Indeed I am proven wrong however, I do not believe that is a air superiority fighter which I believe that F-1 Quantum is.

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1322592041' post='2855949']Could someone explain how this works I just tried to read about NRAM on the net and it made my eyes bleed. I can't figure out how it works so could someone do that for me.[/quote]
Have you read about the Nano-RAM? If so, you've read the wrong thing. The RAM in Triyun's post is radar-absorbent material

Basically, by having nanowires absorb almost all spectrum of light, it conceals the plane.

Of course, given how both Triyun and Lavo shot down the use of the exact same material when I first used it last year, I've been smirking at Triyun getting away with this. It was possible in the first place, and now used when convenient.

[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1322592041' post='2855949']Okay but what does it mean by fog of the Earth's atmosphere and what would this actually do to help the plane stay stealthed.[/quote]
Most likely Triyun is talking about about being able to hide in the UV rich environment of the atmosphere above the ozone layer.

Edited by Kankou
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