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Yes, I also thought the rule was if the RP has any loop holes or chances of being discovered, you could "catch" them but it still succeeds?

Yeah, but they have to REALLY mess up.  There's a difference between exploiting an incompetent RP and going through with a fine-toothed comb looking for something.

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And I did say that if my idea was a bonehead one I'd go ahead and adjust the outcome accordingly no matter what the role. So if Kevin has a half-decent argument as to why the idea shouldn't work I'm open to hearing it. I'll rp the outcome tomorrow afer he's had a chance to give it some thought.


I mean I'm no expert on computer hacking and the attempt is set up so that it won't be traced back to my government so if it goes sour, no biggie.

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And can I have 2 more spy rolls on Kevin?


Do I need a new screen shot as well? He's the same NS more or less as he was yesterday and I haven't changed any either.



but anyhow


1 roll for routine satellite intel collection on troop locations and movements within Paraguay.


2 a roll for a radio signals analysis of military traffic in Paraguay to pin point the radio signals of formations battalion and up.  At least start it. I think it would be fair if this took more than one roll, so let's say West Paraguay for now and east paraguay for next time.

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And can I have 2 more spy rolls on Kevin?


Do I need a new screen shot as well? He's the same NS more or less as he was yesterday and I haven't changed any either.



but anyhow


1 roll for routine satellite intel collection on troop locations and movements within Paraguay.


2 a roll for a radio signals analysis of military traffic in Paraguay to pin point the radio signals of formations battalion and up.  At least start it. I think it would be fair if this took more than one roll, so let's say West Paraguay for now and east paraguay for next time.


Yes I would like to see a new one before making my decision.

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Two rolls


The first roll is to identify which of the several sites I marked out from satellite images of Cayo Fragoso, are radar sites

The Second roll is to identify the fleet composition of TBM's surface fleet in the south atlantic using a combination of screening submarines using passive detection and the carrier based AWAC's

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And can I have 2 more spy rolls on Kevin?


Do I need a new screen shot as well? He's the same NS more or less as he was yesterday and I haven't changed any either.



but anyhow


1 roll for routine satellite intel collection on troop locations and movements within Paraguay.


2 a roll for a radio signals analysis of military traffic in Paraguay to pin point the radio signals of formations battalion and up.  At least start it. I think it would be fair if this took more than one roll, so let's say West Paraguay for now and east paraguay for next time.


1-10 Failure

11-100 Success


100    55


Two successes, guv'nor.


Please remember that the level of success associated with the second roleplay is quite dependent on the methodology of your intercept equipment and how you are performing this intercept.


Yes I would like to see a new one before making my decision.


*boots Rotavele off the judges' seat after coming back from lunch*


The Second roll is to identify the fleet composition of TBM's surface fleet in the south atlantic using a combination of screening submarines using passive detection and the carrier based AWAC's


I'd like to see more explaining on how you intend to do this, this request is a little too ambiguous for me to be comfortable to roll on just yet, thanks.


You can explain it more to me on IRC if you wish.

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1-10 Failure

11-100 Success


100    55


Two successes, guv'nor.


Please remember that the level of success associated with the second roleplay is quite dependent on the methodology of your intercept equipment and how you are performing this intercept.



*boots Rotavele off the judges' seat after coming back from lunch*



I'd like to see more explaining on how you intend to do this, this request is a little too ambiguous for me to be comfortable to roll on just yet, thanks.


You can explain it more to me on IRC if you wish.


AWACS have a detection range of perhaps 400 miles, my submarines using Sonar 2076 (thales) allow effective tracking of ships up to 60 miles away and thats just for precision shit


Using the AWAC's to get a general direction as a cluster of large warships will create radar signatures, then send the subs in closer to get the composition of the fleet by identifying the classes of the warships based on their propeller speeds, number of the blades and so on. It would also give me the exact number of surface warships.


As warships are not particularly quiet, it wouldn't present much of a challenge. Failing that I'll get what I need from these rolls and then get two more tomorrow for further satellite imaging, which shouldnt be too difficult as my previous rolls located the fleet carriers.

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AWACS have a detection range of perhaps 400 miles, my submarines using Sonar 2076 (thales) allow effective tracking of ships up to 60 miles away and thats just for precision shit


Using the AWAC's to get a general direction as a cluster of large warships will create radar signatures, then send the subs in closer to get the composition of the fleet by identifying the classes of the warships based on their propeller speeds, number of the blades and so on. It would also give me the exact number of surface warships.


As warships are not particularly quiet, it wouldn't present much of a challenge. Failing that I'll get what I need from these rolls and then get two more tomorrow for further satellite imaging, which shouldnt be too difficult as my previous rolls located the fleet carriers.


Thank you for your compliance. :awesome:


1-30 Failure

31-100 Success


84    19


Going by the order of rolls, your intelligence gathering on Cayo Fragoso is a success, but unfortunately, the second is a wash, guv'nor.

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1 roll to hack Paraguay's foreign ministry or the Paraguayan equivalent of such seeking files on interaction with foreign nations based on Zoot's active radar searching of my ships in the South Atlantic. 


2) 2nd roll for a comprehensive analysis of radio signals that have been gathered, the hacked officer's list, and satelite data to give me a concise as possible idea of Paraguay's unit locations, unit commanders, and unit strengths based upon both data and logical assumptions. Which in reality is half of what intelligence collection is all about, making educated guesses based upon incomplete data. 

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1 roll to hack Paraguay's foreign ministry or the Paraguayan equivalent of such seeking files on interaction with foreign nations based on Zoot's active radar searching of my ships in the South Atlantic. 


2) 2nd roll for a comprehensive analysis of radio signals that have been gathered, the hacked officer's list, and satelite data to give me a concise as possible idea of Paraguay's unit locations, unit commanders, and unit strengths based upon both data and logical assumptions. Which in reality is half of what intelligence collection is all about, making educated guesses based upon incomplete data. 


1-10 Failure

11-100 Success


67    30


Two successes, guv'nor.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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(These rolls are being directed at Rotavele's Islamist Rebels, detailed in this post [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/116807-war-has-no-eyes/?p=3133345]here[/url].)


First Roll: Begin identification process of relevant troop concentrations through standard optical/SAR satellite surveillance methods and intelligence dissemination.

Second Roll: Perform standard satellite/aerial SIGINT operations, snooping on radio and mobile transmissions for relevant information on military forces and sources of armaments.

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Request to use a Conversational Gun


I would like to request to use a gun that was developed by the CIA in 1975 and exposed by Senator Frank Church. It was a conspiracy theory in the 1950s-1970s until exposed by Senator Church. I know it may be controversial and I want to get it OK'ed first before using it with complaints.


"The Heart Attack Gun" / Project MKNAOMI




During the 1950s-1970s, it was alleged the American Central Intelligence Agency began using a gun to cause the target to immediately fall to a fatal heart attack.


"The gun was designed to be untraceable. It fires a bullet made of ice, about 0.11 inches wide, less than the diameter of a BB, which has been brushed with a minute amount of shellfish toxin. This toxin induces a myocardial infarction in any human, regardless of size or physical fitness. The bullet then melts leaving no trace of any kind. Autopsies would discover the presence of shellfish toxin in the bloodstream, but if the victim has died of a legitimate heart attack, unnaturally  induced or not, an autopsy is unlikely. The entrance wound of the dart would appear about as minor as a mosquito bite."


I would be using this gun for Spy-Ops only and not military use, in hopes of not getting them stolen and re-created.




Senate.gov:  http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/Church_Committee_Created.htm (Gun Information Begins at "The committee interviewed 800 individuals....")

Time Magazine Article:  http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,913459,00.html

Wikipedia (Project MKNAOMI): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKNAOMI

Wikipedia (Church Committee):  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_Committee

Edited by Rotavele
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It is one thing to have research into a field, and even a prototype does not guarantee success. Looking at the mechanism behind the system I highly doubt it would even be physically possible and as such until provided scholarly evidence suggesting it actually worked rule the weapon illegal as a total impossibility. 

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Ice bullets/darts being fired out of an actual gun/dartgun will not penetrate someone's skin, it will melt the second it leaves the barrel. Just because someone thinks up an idea and try's to make a prototype, does not mean it works.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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Ice bullets/darts being fired out of an actual gun/dartgun will not penetrate someone's skin, it will melt the second it leaves the barrel. Just because someone thinks up an idea and try's to make a prototype, does not mean it works.


If it melts after it leaves the barrel, will it penetrate someones skin?


Yeah, ice bullets have been proven to melt in the heat of a gunshot. 


Are you being sarcastic?


So if I didn't use ice or what not and used a penetrating small object, could it be allowed?

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If it melts after it leaves the barrel, will it penetrate someones skin?



Are you being sarcastic?


So if I didn't use ice or what not and used a penetrating small object, could it be allowed?

Considering it needs to be solid to actually hit anything of course it won't. 


Any kind of fast moving object such as a bullet is impractical for poison due to the heat and friction involved, a slower object such as a dart could work but it would probably negate the stealth you are seeking for as the dart remains behind.


Just in general this concept is unlikely to work, the kind of high profile target you would assassinate with such weapons would almost constantly be watched and autopsies are common for them, physically fit and young people in general are often subject to autopsies when an affliction not common for their age and physical state results in death. So would a normal dart containing poison be allowed? Yes. Is it practical? No.

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No, because there's no projectile to penetrate anything.



Considering it needs to be solid to actually hit anything of course it won't. 


Any kind of fast moving object such as a bullet is impractical for poison due to the heat and friction involved, a slower object such as a dart could work but it would probably negate the stealth you are seeking for as the dart remains behind.


Just in general this concept is unlikely to work, the kind of high profile target you would assassinate with such weapons would almost constantly be watched and autopsies are common for them, physically fit and young people in general are often subject to autopsies when an affliction not common for their age and physical state results in death. So would a normal dart containing poison be allowed? Yes. Is it practical? No.


What if I could find some kind of dissovable dart or something of the such? Or a dart that goes fully in the skin? Or a dart that was super small? Would that be ok or do I need to just give it up?


Also is there a thread with all rules/gm rulings organized in a list somewhere? I am not referring to this one, but most of my plans encounter resistance by previous GM rules. This is why I always harass you guys before posting some of my stuff.

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