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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1342520789' post='3011137']
After this post, she will refute all of this, and then come out with a load of numbers to get her way as she does. Now I wont lie, Im not going to stop what I am doing, just because Kankou is !@#$%*ing about it, not when Lynneth has all of his space stuff, whilst we have a second space elevator under construction, whilst we have 6th gen planes, widespread use of nanotechnology, railguns and everything else that has the slight implication that it is futuristic.

She is also going to retort with stuff like its not possible because of the scale and all the other stuff. I dont care, Im going to keep doing it how I have been RPing. Its a city, Lynneth has cities on the moon, so I am filling in the Falkland Sound and building over it. If it bothers people SO MUCH, then dont recognise the land bridge, see it as a series of bridges if you must.

For everyone elses clarity, I will edit the post in question to say how I did it if anyone gives a !@#$, I know most of you dont, so its also prooving a point.

I'll recognize it, Zoot - we've been making artificial reefs and islands for a couple of decades now. At least.

At any rate, why should it bother you at all, Kankou, if Zoot IS filling in a small area? Seriously?

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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[quote name='Mara Lithaen' timestamp='1342570096' post='3011315']
At any rate, why should it bother you at all, Kankou, if Zoot IS filling in a small area? Seriously?
Average 30 meters depth, minimum 10 km width, length 100 km. Even assuming we halve the depth to account for islands, we're talking about 15 billion cubic meters of space to fill in. All the debris created from wars starting from 1938 to 1945 would not be able to fill in such a space; postwar Germany dealt with only 300 million after all the strategic bombing. Using modern terms, 15 billion is equal to 500 Tohoku Tsunami disasters or 15,000 World Trade Centers being destroyed.

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I'm being generous, Zootie. The sound as a whole is far wider than 10 km in most places, and deeper than 30 meters. Given there are a few islands in the sound, it would be accurate to just fill in parts using the islands and make it a compete rectangle in the form I said above (Average 30 meters depth, minimum 10 km width, length 100 km). 15 billion is supposing we halve the realistic numbers to make it easier for you to "attmept" the filling. As you can see, 15 billion by itself is already physically impossible, so how are you going to deal with 30 billion?

Note: Given how Zoot changed the method (using sea walls and pumping out the water, which in itself would take a couple of decades but still far easier than land filling), we're discussing theoretical situations, given Mara's question.

Edited by Kankou
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I would like to make a complaint about what Voodoo posted here.


(I'll keep this quick because I need to get up to go jog tomorrow morning.)
I never had him dress as a member of the Irish Military to go to Mexico, I never wrote or said the bank account was linked with the Royal Treasury or any government fund, I never wrote or posted that he even worked for the government except for the fact that he was "Special Forces" but that was in private and not towards Voodoo's guys. This is clearly meta-game, and I am asking Zoot and Curristan to please wipe this because there is no possible way Voodoo's government could have had any idea he was of the Irish government.

Plus if he tries to argue his equipment or his communication devices had any type of Irish markings or anything of the sort then that is silly and misinformed of him. I would imagine if the United States would send a person to a foreign country to conduct any type of operation or deal they would do it to where they maintain minimal if any communication at all, and make sure that he or she can not be traced back to the country of origin, let alone the government of origin.
I would expect better conduct from a GM instead of trying to pull something like this. I would also expect that someone like Voodoo would certainly not be the person to openly deceive me OOCly and tell me that he is willing to work with me for "whatever keeps RP moving along". For those of you who are like me and are not in the elite circle that Voodoo is in, I would like to say that if you are stuck in a situation in the future where you need to decide to trust Voodoo to help you, or someone else. I highly suggest that you choose the latter because he clearly has no interest in keeping up the integrity of the game.

Though Voodoo was childish, immature, and prove himself to be a liar - I am happy to see that he wrote one of the best and least boring posts in his news thread because of my actions. Go figure?

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1342676247' post='3011992']
There is always propaganda.

Partially this, and iPhone.

PD, it is furthering the RP. Just because it is not in your favor doesn't mean it doesn't. Remember, you were messing with [i][b]Drug Cartels[/b][/i]. They are not pleasant people.They do not care for normal conventions. In the OP, I described how vicious these groups are in Mexico. They are very different ICly from the government of Mexico.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1342675562' post='3011989']
I would like to make a complaint about what Voodoo posted here.


(I'll keep this quick because I need to get up to go jog tomorrow morning.)
I never had him dress as a member of the Irish Military to go to Mexico, I never wrote or said the bank account was linked with the Royal Treasury or any government fund, I never wrote or posted that he even worked for the government except for the fact that he was "Special Forces" but that was in private and not towards Voodoo's guys. This is clearly meta-game, and I am asking Zoot and Curristan to please wipe this because there is no possible way Voodoo's government could have had any idea he was of the Irish government.

Plus if he tries to argue his equipment or his communication devices had any type of Irish markings or anything of the sort then that is silly and misinformed of him. I would imagine if the United States would send a person to a foreign country to conduct any type of operation or deal they would do it to where they maintain minimal if any communication at all, and make sure that he or she can not be traced back to the country of origin, let alone the government of origin.
I would expect better conduct from a GM instead of trying to pull something like this. I would also expect that someone like Voodoo would certainly not be the person to openly deceive me OOCly and tell me that he is willing to work with me for "whatever keeps RP moving along". For those of you who are like me and are not in the elite circle that Voodoo is in, I would like to say that if you are stuck in a situation in the future where you need to decide to trust Voodoo to help you, or someone else. I highly suggest that you choose the latter because he clearly has no interest in keeping up the integrity of the game.

Though Voodoo was childish, immature, and prove himself to be a liar - I am happy to see that he wrote one of the best and least boring posts in his news thread because of my actions. Go figure?

Whilst your points are all valid, so is Voodoo's response. These drug gangs/his government could simply lie. However, PD if you want to roll with the RP, find out if he has a name, rank and number for this soldier. As he is a special forces soldier, you have plausable denial. Voodoo is thenf ree to treat him how he wants. Im sorry PD, but its your fault you got caught out on this one because you used a member of your armed forces and not some random character.

[b]The ruling[/b]

Unless in your RP you specifically say he had nothing that could link him with Ireland, then your stuck. I would like to see a little more RP from Voodoo though on how he came to the ICly conclusion the soldier was a infiltrate of the Kingdom of Ireland. I wouldn't say it needs a spyroll, but you do need to do more RP to make what your doing and HOW you came to that conclusion more clear.

Feel free to talk to me on IRC to talk about this ruling if your not happy with it and we can all three sit down and I will act as arbitrator so you can come to an arrangment.

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Technically speaking I have an auto on LBT88, but I'd rather not test the limits and definitions of an auto. Therefore, Please give me two spy rolls to determine if my attempt to slip through his border stations is successful. Note, these rolls are for numerous teams, so, if one fails I wonder if the folks in general and mostly the GM team will find 50 percent of the total number of of my badnicksto be turned around, captured, or sent packing an acceptable number?

Have never done this before and I'd rather not create an unpleasant mess for the community to clean up given the shambles Mudd made of the whole spy roll system.

Though, he did it so well, and I lol'd massively.


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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1342704311' post='3012067']
Technically speaking I have an auto on LBT88, but I'd rather not test the limits and definitions of an auto. Therefore, Please give me two spy rolls to determine if my attempt to slip through his border stations is successful. Note, these rolls are for numerous teams, so, if one fails I wonder if the folks in general and mostly the GM team will find 50 percent of the total number of of my badnicksto be turned around, captured, or sent packing an acceptable number?

Have never done this before and I'd rather not create an unpleasant mess for the community to clean up given the shambles Mudd made of the whole spy roll system.

Though, he did it so well, and I lol'd massively.


1-10: Fail
11-100: Success


Two Wins.

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[quote]ooc- attempted to preplan this with lbt88, he did not respond, will be proceeding with the permission of the GM Team, and was given permission to do an auto by Voodoo awhile ago. OOC comments are not welcome, please place them in the OOC thread in the open world forum. Given the lack of response by LBT88 I'm not entirely sure how I can justify this as closed without his consent, so for now it will be closed until such a time that myself and others agree it can no longer reasonably be maintained as closed.. ie outright invasion of the DC, or if the GMs tell me to gently blow it out my bum or we all get bored and decide to hold nuke-fest 3. [/quote]

Reason for the pre-plan waiver: LBT88 had ample time to pre-plan with TBM. He's been inactive since around the time TBM asked for pre-planning with no response, so I told tbm to wait until this past Saturday before he can move.

In regards to the close, it's perfectly acceptable to give LBT88 time to respond on his own accord before people start jumping in without him.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1342791705' post='3012553']
I may be wrong but I dont think Kevs can RP two governments at once, so he has effectively given up Georgia once he rerolled correct?

How about you pay attention before coming out in a massive whine fest, if you look at my latest thread I am not rping another government just yet all I am rping is a character in a different nation and until Triyun responds, which he can do when he wishes, it is nothing more than character RP. So for now all I control is Georgia though as I said I will be giving it up shortly.

Nice try though.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1342793046' post='3012560']
Alright buddy settle down, it sounds like someone else is whining here I was just asking a question to the GMs. It still isnt cool to go back on your word like that though. You are the first person to go back on a protectorate agreement with Greenland like that, good job.

Is that an OOC complaint about an IC action of mine I see before me? By the way respond here http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=42831 so we don't annoy the GMs. Also to clarify for the GMs I am not claiming two governments yet and as soon as Triyun has given me the IC go ahead for my new storyline I will be dropping all control over Georgia.

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1342808229' post='3012668']
It's July 20th. May I please have me Auto-Advance or Sargent Shidner?

Did you try to contact Shidner? If so, give him another 24 hours to respond to the post you made on the 14th. Then you can advance. If you haven't tried contacting him, try that first.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1342810506' post='3012685']
I did PM Shidner. I was told I would be given an auto-advance by the 20th. I do not see why it is necessary to wait another day - I've already been stagnate enough, this is starting to get ridiculous.

From TBM's last day of contact, he waited a week before he was given a pre-plan waiver against LBT88. 24 hours isn't going to kill you.

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I wish to get a clarification on the following: Does higher tech mean one automatically develops an advanced form of technology without having RPed it?

Triyun contended that people above my tech stat would automatically have access to quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIP), a type of IR sensor which is supposed to be the next generation. Frankly, I don't see the logic for this, since I follow a developer mentality in that for tech not used in RL, a nation needs to at least mention the development instead of going "lol I have everything even if I never mentioned it!". In fact, i find the notion of automatic development to be contrary to RPing standards and fairness, since just because a nation has higher tech it should not mean they have everything that is better.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1342833049' post='3012798']
I wish to get a clarification on the following: Does higher tech mean one automatically develops an advanced form of technology without having RPed it?

Triyun contended that people above my tech stat would automatically have access to quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIP), a type of IR sensor which is supposed to be the next generation. Frankly, I don't see the logic for this, since I follow a developer mentality in that for tech not used in RL, a nation needs to at least mention the development instead of going "lol I have everything even if I never mentioned it!". In fact, i find the notion of automatic development to be contrary to RPing standards and fairness, since just because a nation has higher tech it should not mean they have everything that is better.
If that'd be true, why don't we just stop developing combat equipment and say a "tech-appropriate combat aircraft". Makes it way easier to use and just because some of us aren't engineers for the military-industrial complex or don't spend their time reading their publications, our nations scientists aren't as unknowledgeable bums and surely would know that stuff.

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tbh that's sort of what I do.. but anyway...


I want to be clear about this, I do not want her post changed in anyway. There will be no future autos on my men, but this post is fine as is. My response came from her coming at my docks in a city when there is plenty of coast for her to land on. I offered her 24 hours to land uncontested, but never did I anticipate the above attack. That's just hard to ignore.. Yet despite it being hard to ignore, I am going to give Mara a little wiggle room to keep the story going. She's being pretty cool about it in IRC so I'm fine with us carrying on.

Mind you it'll be a little more difficult for her now, but what is life without a few challenges eh?

Next item,

I'm going to try something different with LBT88's land. I plan on annexing Alabama and Aiden will be given the rest of it in due time. So Aiden, be patient, you won't be forgotten, I promise. What I plan on doing is rping a shadow government in the Dixie Confederacy for a short time.

GMs, please feel free to shoot me a message if you have questions about how this goes down or concerns. I'm willing to adapt the rp to ensure it does not set any future problems for you ladies to deal with.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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