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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1334556262' post='2954156']
I'm inclined to agree. I believe if I am looking at the threads correctly Kankou rerolled from GP. [/quote]
[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1334558229' post='2954174']
The latter; the Republic of Zeon is a constitute republic of Grand Papua, and since Australia/OU will be protecting/annexing Grand Papua (and thus the Republic of Zeon), this should be of adequate satisfaction.[/quote]
[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1334590994' post='2954280']
Grand Papua is now a protectorate of the Oceanic Union
So yes, I'll make this very clear: I've rerolled into Scandinavia. [/quote]
Seeing these three, I'm kinda confused by Kankou's latest posts [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110347&view=findpost&p=2956933"]in here[/url]. Specifically, I'm wondering if she's still RPing GP as if she owns it, which her signature seems to indicate, or if she's just "wrapping up" the RP that was started there previously.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335072472' post='2956999']
I'll change the signature. To answer your specific question: Disputing your and TBM's challenging of the Oceanic Union :)

While you can contest it you must post a DoE. Also please be aware that the severe 3 month long nuclear penalties from your time in Sweden carry over to your new force.

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Spyrolls to have Kamborian members of the Grand Papua Liberation Front commit atrocities and broadcast them to discredit the Front.

PS: Would prefer that TSS does this.

EDIT: Also, questions on the following log from #gmcnrp

[quote]08:18 Centyrion_Lannister To be more specific it was established in a dispute the amount of people you control is capped at soldier count
08:18 Centyrion_Lannister because you can't control the entire population
08:18 Centyrion_Lannister or claim civilian support
08:18 Kankou isn't that what TBM and Lavo is sort of claiming to do?
08:18 Centyrion_Lannister No
08:19 Centyrion_Lannister they rp as many people as they can control
08:19 Kankou os if TBM RPed that he had thousands killed for whatever reason
08:19 Kankou that number needs to be knocked off from his total RP number, correct?
08:19 Centyrion_Lannister no, he can claim them again
08:20 Centyrion_Lannister just as the rule for reserves works
08:20 Kankou not getting it
08:20 Centyrion_Lannister civilians can be claimed from the population until the latter reaches 0
08:21 Kankou so let's say a city has one million, and a player has 150 RP troop cap
08:21 Kankou 150k*
08:22 Kankou he can constantly claim 150k until the entire population is destroyed?
08:22 Centyrion_Lannister Yes, that's how soldier regeneration has always worked
08:23 Kankou wouldn't this just lead to genocide, no?
08:24 Centyrion_Lannister In the end yes, but it's not without precedent for insurgencies
08:24 Centyrion_Lannister Yugoslav partisans and Vietcong come to mind[/quote]

Basically, doesn't this mean people RPing in disputed territories have unlimited reserves short of genocide? How does this go with the forum rules?

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335115551' post='2957185']

Spyrolls to have Kamborian members of the Grand Papua Liberation Front commit atrocities and broadcast them to discredit the Front.

PS: Would prefer that TSS does this.

EDIT: Also, questions on the following log from #gmcnrp

Basically, doesn't this mean people RPing in disputed territories have unlimited reserves short of genocide? How does this go with the forum rules?

59 4

Two wins

To the last part, by not visibly writing you kill entire populations.

Edited by Centurius
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I'll be honest, I don't like this entire soldier regeneration thing. Mainly because as I see it now it will lead to wars turning into full out genocides of population if victory is to be obtained. The way people RP with 100% loyalty in a population, for better or worse, resistance can continue almost illogically until an entire population is wiped out. I don't mind resistance RP at all, it produces great stories. But the events that have spurred these recent actions, gassing people, people being slaughtered in the millions, and no questions of loyalty or uprisings.

I feel like this is all turning into a farce and regulation needs changed.

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Perhaps a good measure would be civilian population X10.

The bigger issue, which the GMs will step in if it keeps up is the spamming of 50 WMD a day for a week. Thats trying our patience and exceeding the common sense rule.

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I do not see any problems with it. It's in the rules and having that much weapons is common sense in the heavily militarized world of CNRP. I'm pretty sure it's a kind of logic people use to explain all the insane amounts of weapons used. Or is it based on when convenient?

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It is based on common sense. You've clearly exceeded it. CN RP is an RP world. Not a WMD spam fest where you reroll again and again spamming WMD and waving your arms till you get what you want. If you do not like a ruling go take it to the mods, otherwise accept it or be wiped from the map. If you don't like that deal with it.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335122020' post='2957234']
It is based on common sense. You've clearly exceeded it. CN RP is an RP world. Not a WMD spam fest where you reroll again and again spamming WMD and waving your arms till you get what you want. If you do not like a ruling go take it to the mods, otherwise accept it or be wiped from the map. If you don't like that deal with it.

Seconding this.

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CNRP isn't a nuclear spam fest either. By your definition, quite a few people have exceeded common sense. Furthermore, I'm quite sure no one mentioned anything about the planned week-long ICBM launching before the Germanic War was wiped for somewhat strange reasons.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335122354' post='2957240']
CNRP isn't a nuclear spam fest either. By your definition, quite a few people have exceeded common sense. Furthermore, I'm quite sure no one mentioned anything about the planned week-long ICBM launching before the Germanic War was wiped for somewhat strange reasons.

A nuclear response to nuclear attacks is different than rerolling again and again spamming 50 WMDs a day. You literally rerolled out of GP and spammed the entire place with WMD on your way out committing genocide, then into Sweden so you could hit Vektor with WMD and commit genocide there, then rerolled out back to GP so you could complete the genocide on the people who are there now. Its just WMD spam. It is not defensive, it is not accompanied by any character RP reasoning for it. It is for all intensive purposes junk. I will not sit here and make the rest of the community recognize such things.

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And you represent the rest of the community? I'll restrain myself if there are a few people (particularly the ones receiving the attacks) complaining directly to me here, by PM, or on IRC, but until then, I cannot see you as having the absolute authority to say what the other people think. Isn't this the exact same argument you love to use when I say something about your actions or technology?

I wouldn't even go into the character RP reasoning, which if you have read my RPs you would be able to see unless you are not willing to, thinking in only your terms.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335133744' post='2957353']
Among the spreading area of death from VX, some 40,000 of the Chinese troops who had started the insurrection had moved into the regions of the supposed Grand Papua Liberation Front. It was pathetic, these supposed freedom fighters accepting all who pledge to fight the supposed Neo-Nazis. Didn't they know that the Front were themselves the very enemy they claimed to be fighting? Of course, the world at large were also pathetic, ignoring what the people on the ground, the Oceanic Union, knew. But then, in their conspiracy to rule the world, isn't it only true that they would close their ears to reality for fantasy? That fantasy was about to end, [b]as the Kamborian heirs gain control of more than 70% of the country[/b], with only the mainland coastal regions of Papua New Guinea under the Liberation Front and the Stabilization Brigade.

As supposed members of the Liberation Front, the Chinese special forces quietly kidnapped ethnic Papuans and Slavics, and proceeded to murder them in the most violent methods, the blood splattering the walls of a small hideout. Citizens of Selenactos, Australia, and Oceanesia were among the victims. The mutilated heads would be delivered to the headquarters of the [b]Australian troops who were in firm control of the southern part of New Guinea[/b], along with a video tape of the killings.

Time to destroy the internal enemies, before eliminating the external ones.

Have to consider these parts metagaming, you seem to rp the area to an extent that is not allowed as you do not have OOC control of the country. Please fix them asap or the parts will be wiped.

Edited by Centurius
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OK, back to a previous issue (no input on the current one) since when are soldiers insta-regenerated after being killed? Pretty sure that long ago we all agreed that you couldn't instantly recover from all your losses, rather slowly recovering them over time. NOT all at once.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' timestamp='1335134305' post='2957361']
OK, back to a previous issue (no input on the current one) since when are soldiers insta-regenerated after being killed? Pretty sure that long ago we all agreed that you couldn't instantly recover from all your losses, rather slowly recovering them over time. NOT all at once.

It's always been you can pull them from reserves or conscription, the insta drafted one just aren't as good as a soldier that went through the full training.

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