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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1338202468' post='2973532']
Just because we don't have current permanent sitting GMs does not mean this thread can turn into OOC spam. This thread is still being used as a place to negotiate with temporary GMs, ie: the Cent-Issac dispute. So, please, take your campaigning and other non-temporary GM dispute issues to the other threads devoted to stuff relating to new GMs and rules.


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Spam is defined as creating posts or topics containing only contentless material of any kind. Users found spamming will receive a warning. Examples include (but are in no way limited to) posts containing nothing but images/smilies, "+1", "QFT", "this" any other one/few-word contentless combination, joke threads, or posts containing quotes and anything that counts as spam by itself. Adding words to a post with the express intent of avoiding a spam warn will result in a warning. These posts and other similar contributions have no substance and hence are considered spam. Posts containing only images are considered spam, even if the images contain text.[/quote]

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1338164825' post='2973370']
Damn straight! Someone has to keep these kids in line.

Out with the old crap based on bias and baloney, in with the new based on baawwwing and booing!
[/quote]I thought it was already based on that?

In any case, i agree with what others have said as well...so, any disputes needing settled?

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2 Spyrolls Please, for Stealing IFF Information, and ability to Replicate one of said nation.



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[quote name='Aiden Ford' timestamp='1338737492' post='2976531']
2 Spyrolls Please, for Stealing IFF Information, and ability to Replicate one of said nation.



1-10 Success
11-100 Fail

7 80

One win, one loss, guv'nor. Be sure to provide specific roleplay on how these operations occurred, please and thanks, and have a nice day!

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Two rolls:
One to find the location of important military bases using the Skynet sat
Two to find proof in the targeting systems leading to West Virginia.


Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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I'm pretty sure this is the first ever spyroll I've ever done. Not as exciting as I thought it would be. Can I get two for a successful internal investigation to find and arrest Aiden's sleeper agent.


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I'm positive that you can't spyroll an arrest. You need to RP finding information about his last possible location (because you can't just find him), then attempting to find him, then attempting to capturing him and then attempting to arrest him, if you manage to get to that point. There is a lot more RP than just two spyrolls to capture a sleeper agent.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1338782039' post='2976784']
Two rolls:
One to find the proof in the plane leading to West Virginia.
Two to find proof in the software or hard drive leading to West Virginia.


#1 Falacy : Old Analog Aircraft don't have Harddrives, yes they have black boxes, but those are more about how the Aircraft was lost, and keeping the past 1hour of flight data.

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[quote name='Aiden Ford' timestamp='1338807745' post='2976851']
#1 Falacy : Old Analog Aircraft don't have Harddrives, yes they have black boxes, but those are more about how the Aircraft was lost, and keeping the past 1hour of flight data.

I will edit it. We need to have a pre plan session later.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1338807623' post='2976850']
I'm positive that you can't spyroll an arrest. You need to RP finding information about his last possible location (because you can't just find him), then attempting to find him, then attempting to capturing him and then attempting to arrest him, if you manage to get to that point. There is a lot more RP than just two spyrolls to capture a sleeper agent.

I understand that I need to RP this out. I figured one roll to investigate and find and another for a successful arrest. He may be a sleeper agent but he was air force personnel and that is obviously where the focus of the investigation will be. Considering that I'm on a war footing and specifically looking for suspicious air force personnel I think a technician going awol when war is threatening to break out is going to arouse suspicions. Granted perhaps I should go for three spy rolls (one for investigation, one for finding him and another for an arrest) although I've seen people do more with less using spyrolls before.

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He should be easy enough for you to identify. Honestly, I would not even bother with spyrolling it Altarian. Get the IFF Frequency/Code from Isaac, find said aircraft that uses those numbers, and then check who has been working on it

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Spying by the Russian Far East's patriotic youth to hack all of Australia's satellite TV networks to play trololol for a day in rememberence of a great hero's passing.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1338848624' post='2977069']

Spying by the Russian Far East's patriotic youth to hack all of Australia's satellite TV networks to play trololol for a day in rememberence of a great hero's passing.

So a roll to masquerade as the RFE and a roll to do the hacking?

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Request to the GM team:

When the new team of mods have a chance, could you review the 'Fighter jet with a laser' rule? Please either reword or remove it, but right now it's kind of vague and has led to several 'It's not quite a laser' planes flying around.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1338782039' post='2976784']
Two rolls:
One to find the location of important military bases using the Skynet sat
Two to find proof in the targeting systems leading to West Virginia.


[quote name='MostGloriousLeader' timestamp='1338787631' post='2976813']
I'm pretty sure this is the first ever spyroll I've ever done. Not as exciting as I thought it would be. Can I get two for a successful internal investigation to find and arrest Aiden's sleeper agent.



Okay for both, zero to 89 is success, 91 to 100 is loss.

Two successes for Isaac, One success for MGL.

MGL... you're attempting to track a character... that will need a few more rolls than just one success.

EDIT: Don't forget to RP your way along.

Edited by Executive Minister
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Some nit-picking at Isaac if you would not mind EM- and I object to Shammy ruling on this because he has a dislike of me regarding Australia amongst other issues :P So I want your opinion EM.

What the hell is with Isaac's tech rating? never before in a CNRP war has a nation been able to roll off and pop a new plane or weapon to the front lines by magic without prior development RP backing it up- he's magicking up some F-22's or god knows what else and it's really getting on my nerves that he's magicking up all these weapons and defences without prior RP-

Isaac has also been whinging most annoyingly about my troop totals which are being put against him- I have not arrived on his shores yet- and my troops are coming by boat and by plane- never before in CNRP has the transport of troops ever been drawn into question, by this I mean that troops could just appear at a border without really much worry about them being loaded onto a specific number of transports and sent off. I have the troops available to be sent therefore I should be allowed to send them. Further, and my greatest and final argument against his whinging is twofold, Isaac is already being mollycoddled with a 1.5x troop multiplier(including planes ships etc etc) which extends to his numerous allies as well, while OG and I have to fight it alone without aid or assistance and yet Isaac continues to whinge as he is basically handed the rugby ball a meter from the goal line and yet he cannot seem to ground it for the try... It's pathetic really.

Lastly, as I said before to basically sum everything up, transports have never been needed to be figured into ship totals(for our navies) so basically I could have my 54 ship main fleet but I could also have 100 ships as transports, as long as its common sense there is no issue which solves the question of how I can get my troop totals to his shores. The question of his tech scale and how it is to be RP'd and what sort of planes he can have has also been asked, so now I leave it to you EM to figure out this whole mess for me.



Edit: Corrected Terminology

Edited by graniteknight
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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1338953113' post='2978065']
Some nit-picking at Isaac if you would not mind EM- and I object to Shammy ruling on this because he has a dislike of me regarding Australia amongst other issues :P So I want your opinion EM.

CNRP GM's are chosen by the community because they are paragons of virtue, and are totally immune to worldly things which may affect their divine judgement. You must respect our unbias. [/joke]

Seriously, I've got thick skin, but avoid having comments like that as your opening argument. Things go over much nicer if you don't.

What the hell is with Isaac's tech rating? never before in a CNRP war has a nation been able to roll off and pop a new plane or weapon to the front lines by magic without prior development RP backing it up- he's magicking up some F-22's or god knows what else and it's really getting on my nerves that he's magicking up all these weapons and defences without prior RP-

Isaac has also been whinging most annoyingly about my troop totals which are being put against him- I have not arrived on his shores yet- and my troops are coming by boat and by plane- never before in CNRP has the transport of troops ever been drawn into question, by this I mean that troops could just appear at a border without really much worry about them being loaded onto a specific number of transports and sent off. I have the troops available to be sent therefore I should be allowed to send them. Further, and my greatest and final argument against his whinging is twofold, Isaac is already being mollycoddled with a 1.5x troop multiplier(including planes ships etc etc) which extends to his numerous allies as well, while OG and I have to fight it alone without aid or assistance and yet Isaac continues to whinge as he is basically handed the rugby ball a meter from the goal line and yet he cannot seem to ground it for the try... It's pathetic really.

Lastly, as I said before to basically sum everything up, transports have never been needed to be figured into ship totals(for our navies) so basically I could have my 54 ship main fleet but I could also have 100 ships as transports, as long as its common sense there is no issue which solves the question of how I can get my troop totals to his shores. The question of his tech scale and how it is to be RP'd and what sort of planes he can have has also been asked, so now I leave it to you EM to figure out this whole mess for me.



Edit: Corrected Terminology

Can you quote some of the stuff you're complaining about? The magicked weapons, aircraft and defenses. Defenses are the key point here i'm interested in. I'll admit i've been only skimming the thread, I was under the impression you guys would be creating a new, clutter free thread, so i didn't look at the Dawn of Coal Wars that closely.

As for Isaac whining, if he's doing it on IRC, don't care. If anyone has problems they want fixed, they Pm either Sham-sham, Curri or Exesexy, make a complaint in the OOC thread, or the GM's court.

But to pre-empt things. Mass transport has indeed been handled by past wars and RPers by saying in a post: "X amounts of troops have begun to deploy at Y. What a massive and glorious move for the Panzerschrekenwafferacketen."

A post or so later, they've arrived, unless someone has announced their intent to attack such deployments (rarely happens, as such deployments happen to friendly territories). However, MO...

If you are trying to make a hostile landing a-la Normandy (horrible example, but bear with me) then, yes we'd need to look a tiny bit closer to make sure things check.

Edited by Executive Minister
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OldGreg will be more well versed on the magicked up weapons- because he was the one to initially tell me about them. Like the F-22's magically becoming F-A billionty Awesomegasms... My theory with that falls with the idea that sure he can have the research done now but you need to produce the damn things and not have them flyable immediately to the front lines as he seems to have done in his RP.

I did do that with the ships and transports I said 500k troops have been ordered onto transports and have begun steaming(used here as a way to say sailing) for X targets. As an aside may I use "Panzerschrekenwafferacketen" it sounds awesome :P As far as I know Isaac has no mines or beach defences and they were not in place at the time of war start.

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The planes arent Loltech, they have been around for weeks and I was at 2001, which was a time for testing. I dont think they test things in 2001 without having the development as far back as 977 at least, tech takes years to develop. "Technical issues were not the biggest challenge for the F-22 program, affordability was and continued to be the primary factor" from GS. As is the case with most development. "On 5 January 2001 the program passed another milestone, with the first flight of an F-22 Raptor equipped with combat-capable avionics with Block 3.0 software" they were obviously in development back then. I mean post citations or GTFO. Yes the government was testing things in 2001-3. But to test things you have to first develop things which takes years. Unless you think they loltech and then test in the same year. To the 500,000 troops, the main problem is how fast he is moving them. If he has 50 100k is pushing it. He says he has 54, if all of those are landing ships then his navy is weaker then mine.


just a few.

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