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An Argent Anniversary Announcement


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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1316298077' post='2802592']
From Schad's comment, that's obviously what he had on his mind while wanting to make this move, but that you guys are moving there so you guys can sanction people at the request of those who ask it off you isn't far fetched. I don't support your move if you're just doing it so you can sanction people in what used to be a free trade color sphere, if you're moving there because of better reasons than wanting to sanction people I would support this more. So maybe you guys can tell me why you're moving if Schad is wrong here.

No, it wasn't. The saga with you was the reason I checked the vote totals on pink last week, not why we're moving.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1316297254' post='2802579']
If you guys are moving to pink so you can sanction me for whatever reason, you're a bit late now considering the sanctions are already coming off on other colors and the war is over. Have fun on pink though.

Dawg, no one even knows who you are.

Pimp Fortress will rule pink.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1316303509' post='2802655']
Dawg, no one even knows who you are.

Pimp Fortress will rule pink.
Alright, good luck with your endeavors then. Just seemed silly that my name and me not getting sanctioned on pink was brought as having anything to do with this before I even said anything.

Edit: Also if you read back, before he made that comment I had nothing but good things to say about your move. So I don't dislike you guys and hope you guys moving won't mean bad things for the sphere in letting other color spheres get their sanctions in on pink nations whenever they want or block trade between nations of the team.

[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1316249364' post='2802149']
Congrats and good luck, the pink sphere is a nice place and including you guys in it can only make it better.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1316303648' post='2802659']
Alright, good luck with your endeavors then. Just seemed silly that my name and me not getting sanctioned on pink was brought as having anything to do with this before I even said anything.

Again, you misunderstand. Moving to pink had nothing to do with you, but rather I was addressing what Schattenmann had said with regards to an alliance losing their senate seat: that it's rare that they actually hold the 25 votes necessary to do senatorial things, and it's quite common for [i]no[/i] nation on pink to reach the threshold. The mention of you was purely incidental, and illustration of a situation that presented in part because there wasn't a real senator on the sphere at the time. However, I should know better than to send up the Meth Signal at this point.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1316304260' post='2802671']
Again, you misunderstand. Moving to pink had nothing to do with you, but rather I was addressing what Schattenmann had said with regards to an alliance losing their senate seat: that it's rare that they actually hold the 25 votes necessary to do senatorial things, and it's quite common for [i]no[/i] nation on pink to reach the threshold. The mention of you was purely incidental, and illustration of a situation that presented in part because there wasn't a real senator on the sphere at the time. However, I should know better than to send up the Meth Signal at this point.
Your comment made it sound like if you guys had the senate seat, I would of been sanctioned on pink and the lack of anyone previously having the desire to get senators with enough votes to sanction people was the reason I hadn't been sanctioned yet. Although I know LSF has held a strong enough seat in the past and could do it again if they had a desire to fill sanction requests, but they don't have that ambition which is a good thing.

Although I remember when I was a leader in The Citadel, I was in favor of everyone moving to the same color sphere when the idea would get brought up, although it wasn't realistic at the time for everyone to move. So I can understand the desire to have the whole bloc on one color and the unity that creates, and wish you luck as long as you are careful not to abuse the senate seat for the benefit of other alliances wanting an easy fight when fighting an unaligned nation or smaller alliance.

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[quote name='FlogYou' timestamp='1316309953' post='2802716']
and of course sanctioning methrage, because it's always about meth.
You guys are the ones who brought it up, so don't blame me for making this discussion have anything to do with me. I would of just wished you guys luck and moved along had it not been mentioned that no one trying to get a strong enough senate seat on pink was the reason nobody sanctioned me there from at least one of your perspectives.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1316310773' post='2802728']
You guys are the ones who brought it up, so don't blame me for making this discussion have anything to do with me.

No, you just simply failed to understand that you were an incidental party in the post of mine that mentioned you, and no amount of correcting on my part seems to have disabused you of held notions. It so happened that you were the person aided by two pink Wolfpack members, the pink alliance who didn't have enough votes for a pink senate seat and who happened to be mentioned by Schattenmann in the post I was quoting concerning the pink senate. Concerning the decision to switch spheres, you're utterly irrelevant; trust me, your name didn't come up so much as once.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1316312435' post='2802747']
No, you just simply failed to understand that you were an incidental party in the post of mine that mentioned you, and no amount of correcting on my part seems to have disabused you of held notions. It so happened that you were the person aided by two pink Wolfpack members, the pink alliance who didn't have enough votes for a pink senate seat and who happened to be mentioned by Schattenmann in the post I was quoting concerning the pink senate. Concerning the decision to switch spheres, you're utterly irrelevant; trust me, your name didn't come up so much as once.

No, Meth is right. The only reason we're moving to pink is to sanction him.

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[quote name='Poobah' timestamp='1316312687' post='2802749']
No, Meth is right. The only reason we're moving to pink is to sanction him.

Who am I kidding, you're right. Not only did we move to pink to deal with him...the bloc was formed as a counter to his power.

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good luck Argent, fine alliance with fine people. Sad though that an anniversary thread devolves into bantering about Meth (the resident court jester). A sad commentary on the state of things indeed. Someone poke EOC for me, and yeah sanction Meth but do us all the service of creating a new thread for it. Really thats about as good as it gets these days...

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1316312435' post='2802747']
No, you just simply failed to understand that you were an incidental party in the post of mine that mentioned you, and no amount of correcting on my part seems to have disabused you of held notions. It so happened that you were the person aided by two pink Wolfpack members, the pink alliance who didn't have enough votes for a pink senate seat and who happened to be mentioned by Schattenmann in the post I was quoting concerning the pink senate. Concerning the decision to switch spheres, you're utterly irrelevant; trust me, your name didn't come up so much as once.
Your post assumes if they had enough votes they would of sanctioned me, which probably isn't true. If they wanted to sanction someone badly enough they could of gathered the votes to make a senator able to, but the desire wasn't there to do so. Last time I was sanctioned on pink while fighting GOONS for example, the senator who sanctioned me there removed it as soon as he could admitting it was a mistake.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1316315019' post='2802776']
Your post assumes if they had enough votes they would of sanctioned me, which probably isn't true. If they wanted to sanction someone badly enough they could of gathered the votes to make a senator able to, but the desire wasn't there to do so. Last time I was sanctioned on pink while fighting GOONS for example, the senator who sanctioned me there removed it as soon as he could admitting it was a mistake.

That was before a pink alliance had to pay a substantial sum as a direct result of your actions and ohmygodihavebeendraggedintothemadnessabortabortgroundcontroltomajortom.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1316315548' post='2802781']
That was before a pink alliance had to pay a substantial sum as a direct result of your actions and ohmygodihavebeendraggedintothemadnessabortabortgroundcontroltomajortom.
Everyone I've talked to who are in those alliances don't hold anything against me for doing tech deals with them, but blame Non Grata for extorting the huge sums of money from them. All the complaints over me causing these alliances problems have come from those who aren't members of them, but would rather blame the one who did a tech deal with someone to keep his nation alive, rather than the one who is making someone pay a huge sum of money for doing so. While also having no idea how the 'victims' of Non Grata's extortion feel about it.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1316315838' post='2802784']
Everyone I've talked to who are in those alliance don't hold me doing tech deals with them against me, but blame Non Grata for extorting the huge sums of money from them. All the complaints over me causing these alliances problems have come from those who aren't members of them, but would rather blame the one who did a tech deal with them than the one who is making someone pay a huge sum, while having no idea how the 'victims' of Non Grata's extortion feel about it.

I was one of the people involved with the negotiations over that issue. Trust me, while they didn't like Non Grata's actions, they also think that you're a selfish pile of refuse who used one of their members for your own purposes.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1316315933' post='2802786']
I was one of the people involved with the negotiations over that issue. Trust me, while they didn't like Non Grata's actions, they also think that you're a selfish pile of refuse who used one of their members for your own purposes.
None of them have expressed such dislike to me directly, its mostly their allies who got scared they might have to defend them or look bad for not honoring their treaties if Non Grata attacked them. I think Wolfpack in their statement even said they agreed to pay the money since it didn't look like their allies would back them if they refused, but I don't think any of them felt they did anything wrong by doing a tech deal with a nation at war, which people do all the time.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1316316227' post='2802788']
None of them have expressed such dislike to me directly, its mostly their allies who got scared they might have to defend them or look bad for not honoring their treaties if Non Grata attacked them. I think Wolfpack in there statement even said they agreed to pay the money since it didn't look like their allies would back them if they refused, but I don't think any of them felt they did anything wrong by doing a tech deal with a nation at war, which people do all the time.

I know one of the people involved. Said person was in my alliance at one point. Thus why I was involved in the situation. Trust me, they wouldn't have sent you money if they had any idea of the sort of idiocy that money would be fueling. Self-delusion goes a long way, but it encounters a roadblock sooner or later.

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[quote name='Schad' timestamp='1316316516' post='2802793']
I know one of the people involved. Said person was in my alliance at one point. Thus why I was involved in the situation. Trust me, they wouldn't have sent you money if they had any idea of the sort of idiocy that money would be fueling. Self-delusion goes a long way, but it encounters a roadblock sooner or later.
If they knew how Non Grata and how their own allies would of reacted they might not of, but I doubt they care that I was at war or they would of checked the war screen. Not even major sanctioned alliances expect everyone to not do tech deals if they are at war, although if the smaller side does it sometimes they'll try extorting money out of alliances for doing the same thing they do.

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Do you mind leaving this discussion for what it is, Meth? This is to announce Argent third anniversary and their move (along with their friends) to the Pink Sphere. Not to talk about sanctions or lack of, thereof.

Edited by Yevgeni Luchenkov
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1316316602' post='2802795']
If they knew how Non Grata and how their own allies would of reacted they might not of, but I doubt they care that I was at war or they would of checked the war screen.

They didn't check your war screen, but would very much have cared if they had checked, such that they wouldn't have given you any money. This is because just as they had no interest in politics, they had no interest in fueling whatever bizarre crusade you're on now.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1316316787' post='2802796']
Do you mind leaving this discussion for what it is, Meth? This is to announce Argent third anniversary and their move (along with their friends) to the Pink Sphere. Not to talk about sanctions or lack of, thereof.
Alright, I'm done as long as people don't keep trying to bring me into the discussion. Good luck to you guys with your move, even if I don't agree with Schad.

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