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Greetings CNRP homies,

As many of you know, I will be leaving the U.S. to attend a university for a year in Germany come early September. I do not think it acceptable that I will be holding on to large North American holdings while I am unsure of future activity levels. Therefore, I would like to find someone willing to allow/work with me in joining them in their nation. Naturally, applicants will need to understand that I am an active RPer therefore should I have time I would like to RP something in that nation, and if not, I would understandably like to be able to also just 'chill'. If you are interested in hosting CNRP's greatest (and most handsome) RPer ever just post here and we can talk.

- Yawoo

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You are welcome to RP in Midwest Republic...

[s]Also, please remember to sign your signatures on six separate packets of stapled papers with at least 50 papers per packet. The papers have been written by lawyers who fail to understand why not everyone has an above-college reading level nor would they comprehend the complex lawyer terms. To reduce paper usage according to Paper Reduction Act's Section 6b, Article 51j, all of them have been typed with Font 6 and single spaced.[/s]

Edited by HHAYD
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I can offer First Minister of one of the UFE countries or Mael's old gig as head of the reserve army. Alternatively, if you'd be willing to go for a pre-established character, I rarely use Jia's brother whose Deputy Imperator of Korea and Mongolia.

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<07%Ty> Yawoo, I won't post but you're more than welcome to do anything from RP a character to co-lead Greenland with me
<07%Ty> You should know that
<04@Yawoo> Justi is boring :(
<04@Yawoo> Dammit, you post!
<07%Centurius> and yeah, if you want anything in Athens it speaks for itself
<02+Tanis> POST
<07%Ty> I just told you right here
<07%Centurius> you can have Rhodes back too if you want
<04@Yawoo> Dammit, you post too Cent
<07%Ty> COUNT EM
<04~Sargun> I'm thinking of giving Yawoo all of my characters and directing him to have them all strap nukes to their chests and ride them from bombers over various countries
<07%Centurius> k
* SarahTintagyl (REMOVED) has joined #cnrp
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<07%Justinian_the_Mighty> I hereby cede Arkhangelsk to Ty

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I just wanted to express my gratitude to everyone who offered to let me spend some time in their nation. I know we say CNRP sometimes is a cold and harsh place, but this just reinforces my belief that the community looks after each other when in times of need. I have spoken with Triyun and will be playing a character in his nation, which I am quite looking forward to, as it will be a different style of RPing than I've ever done here in CNRP. Once more, thank you all.

Edited by Yawoo
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