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Celebration under the Southern Cross


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[center][b][size="6"]Southern Cross Government - International Invitation[/size][/b]


[b]Invitations were dispatched to Head of State Residences across the World by Southern Cross diplomatic staff.[/b]

[quote][b]Dearest Sir/Madam,[/b]

Governor General Robert Abel, of the Union of the Southern Cross, in celebrating six months of independence and progress since our nation was founded, announces a formal event to honor these achievements. We invite all leaders of the world, or their representatives, to attend a formal gathering off Townsville on Magnetic Island. Having seen the tensions across the globe build substantially over the past few months, the Union asks for the attendance of all leaders to celebrate a positive and an event marking progress in the rebirth of Eastern Australia.


Accommodations on the island will be made for all attendees and their entourages, free of charge, on the island. We are making the Southern Cross Naval Air Station at Townsville open for all international flights into the country. Both Governor General Robert Abel and Southern Cross Prime Minister Elisabeth Whittaker will be available for private discussions at this event. We hope to meet some faces that we have yet to see across the world, and welcome all cultures to this event.

Security will be provided by the Southern Cross Defense Forces, and we assure you that no violence will ensue at this event. Ground, air, and naval assets will be assigned to protect this area, and a no-fly zone will be observed over the event, except for guest aircraft and SCADF protection aircraft.[/quote]

[b][OOC: So yeah, happy party time, no killing each other, have a good time, practice your wit. Soiree with other political elite.][/b]

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Given the perfect timing of this event, Austria is proud to say that all three of the Hapsburg Sisters, will be in attendance at this celebration. Her Imperial Highness, Maria Magdalena of Austria. Her Grace, Maria Angelika of Idaho-Montana, and Her Grace, Maria Theresia.

OOC: Taking place before the crap went down with Vince's rebellion, need this to continue Cent and I's storyline. Thanks.

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[b][OOC: You all can start having people arrive, other people can still come! :awesome: ][/b]

The Southern Cross Naval Air Station at Townsville was opened to all international air traffic as the day of the party arrived, caterers were busy preparing fine dishes for all worldly tastes. Brewers and vineyards had seen many of their stocks depleted by a rush of government spending for the party, each entourage was accorded their own beach house on Magnetic Island. The island was known for its lovely South Pacific atmosphere, and was a hotspot for corporate executives and government elite who regularly escaped to the island for days at a time.

The Southern Cross Naval Defense Force had deployed some of its newest ships to the area, and the boats lazily roamed about the seas around Magnetic Island. Inshore of the navy's ships, the Southern Cross Coast Guard had boats zipping across the waters between Townsville and Magnetic Island. Forty-seven foot motor launches, their machineguns not mounted so as to be tasteful, zipped through the swells, they had arms readily available, but did not want to make visitors alarmed by a large military presence.

The city of Townsville was decked out with banners of all the countries attending following the entrance route that would go down to the ferry terminal. The population of Townsville, and many other surrounding localities had turned out to catch glimpses of peoples from near and far. Many people, having lived under strict regimes and in rather hard conditions over the past many years, had little interaction with the greater world. While the Union of the Southern Cross was quickly rectifying that, the thought of so many elite together at one place at one time was a real treat.

Units of the Southern Cross Ground Defense Force had donned their best uniforms for the occasion, with units from the 1st Marine Regimental Combat Team, recently returned from the Bonin Islands only twenty-four hours previous, forming the honor guard at the Naval Air Station. The colorful 14th "Australian Irish" Brigade had been assigned to provide security in Townsville, and their vehicles were decked out with green placards with the Harp of Erin on them. On their vehicle antennae, many flew small regimental flags. The troops were on high alert, but still managed to appear celebratory in their dress, some of them donning non-regulation flower necklaces, or putting flowers in their breast pockets.

Robert Abel had insisted he would meet and greet at the airport, while Prime Minister Lizzie Whittaker would meet guests as they arrived on the ferry from the mainland. The day was bright and sunny, there was a lovely ocean breeze coming in off the Coral Sea which kept the temperatures down. Aircraft would be cleared to land as they approached, the Governor General had pulled out the red carpet, and it looked like this day and the night forthcoming would be a lovely affair.

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The Chinese jet would be the first to land at the airport. The Premier of China's entourage was rather light compared to the August Imperator. The trip from Qingyuan had been a short but rather pleasant one, short enough to make the Grand Vizier still look well rested and happy getting off the plane. He was dressed in a linen seer sucker suit with a linen white shirt and a solid baby blue tie for the sub tropical climate. Greeting the Governal General he extended his hand, "Governor General, thank you for inviting us to your lovely country, the August Imperator extends his deepest appreciation for your support and friendship in the war against the Japanese Aggressor, pressing matters have him tied up otherwise he would be here in person."

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While normally the 2 monarchs would go in individual jets the decision was made to share a single jet for the occasion, arriving shortly after the UFE delegation they would be the second one there. The entourage was big but nothing too much, each monarch had half a dozen guards, a personal lieutenant and of course some aides. As the plane landed both Valerio and Ariadne would lead on the way out followed by the entourage. The climate sure was different than what they had in Europe but being here felt comfortable and soothing.

The 2 would walk to the welcoming party and bow slightly.

"Thank you for your invitation Governor General" Ariadne said.

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General Mahesh Varma, Commander of Royal Cochin Defense Forces would arrive at the Naval Air Station Townesville in an RCAF Merat from the Executive Fleet. He would be accompanied by his Aide de Camp and an assistant deputed from Ministry of External Affairs. He had come to Australia several times when it was Queensdom of Australia and Promised Land. Back then Australia was one of the most dependable allies of Cochin in the region. Now in his first visit to the Union of Southern Cross, Gen. Mahesh Varma looked around absorbing the small and large changes in people and perception after the changes in governments.

On being greeted by the Governor General he would say, "Hello Mr. Abel. We thank you for inviting us. The King of Cochin, His Highness Kerala Varma, has instructed me to convey to you his congratulations to you upon recently acquiring territories in East Asia."

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"Honestly, I don't know why both of you have to be so formal or whatever, its a party for God sakes, lighten up." Angelika scoffed at the faces of her sisters. Theresia was frowning and Maria looked as though she was having drug induced anger. "Well you better at least calm down, we're landing soon and I know you couldn't bear the Australian press seeing you with your anger wrinkles."

"No, that's not the point." Maria scowled, "Its the fact that I know how you act at these events and both Theresia and I have people who are going to be here that except us to be pro-"

"What? So I have to sit alone on some God forsaken beach while you and Theresia talk to the Athenians and the Chinese?" The Middle Hapsburg laughed. "Yeah, that's not going to happen. I mean Christ, Maria, lighten up, just because everyone in the world and their mother have sticks of their asses doesn't mean we need to bring our own. Remember what the maxim was, the world can make war and politics, but Austria, be merry and marry!" The Princess bounced back in her seat, the martini glass in her hand nearly falling onto the floor as the other two sisters shook their heads.

"Just because your potential marriage fell through doesn't mean that you have to ruin it for everyone else." Maria crossed her arms and looked out the window at the approaching runway.

"You mean the marriage you arranged for me," she paused, "Well, kind of arranged for me, anyways, it wasn't going to work and how am I going to ruin it for either of you. The Chinese Imperator isn't going to be here and how long have you been waiting for Valerio's proposal?"

Maria went silent and wrung her hands anxiously. "Angelika, please..."

The Middle Hapsburg's face softened. "Ah Maria, you know I'm joking." She placed her hand onto her sister's shoulder. "It'll happen, just give it time. But honestly, you have to try and have a good time and don't worry, if that Ariadne woman tries to say something. She hasn't met me."

"Oh great," the Empress closed her eyes. "A diplomatic faux pas between our greatest ally because my sister punched the Greek Empress in a neutral country."

Angelika smiled wide, "Its my specialty, tell her Theresia, how much does the Imperator like me."

The Youngest Hapsburg rolled her eyes, "He finds you, entertaining. I'll leave it at that. He says you're a trouble maker."



As the plane landed, the three sisters never missed a photo opportunity and in leaving the jet waved to the cameras as they descended the staircase. In a rather unorganized manner, compliments of their sibling rivalry. Arriving at the Governor General's feet, however, Maria, Angelika, and Theresia presented themselves as European Royals should, elegant, proper, and full of smiles. Especially Angelika who had made the promise that while her two sisters were already taken, she had ever intention of hooking up with someone during the night.

"Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Excellency." Began Maria in shaking Abel's hand. "I'm afraid that Austria has never had much contact with the far south, but perhaps after tonight we can bring our nations much closer."

"Much closer." Angelika winked at the Governor General and was shoved out of the way by Theresia as they journeyed towards the motorcade that would take them to the island and the real party could begin.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Director Pacita Arellano arrived via a private jet from Manila. Accompanying her were a secretary and an assistant from the Security Division, both adorned for the festivities.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Governor General Abel and Prime Minister Whittaker, and a pleasure to be in Australia. Do you know that after all they years Selenarctos was allied with the Queendom of Australia and the time we organized the Australian Protectorate via the Oceanic Union treaty bloc, this is my first visit to Australia? So time to make up for, I guess," She said with a smile shaking the hands of her hosts.

"I must complement you on your independence and recent signing of the Oceanic Union. I'm always glad to see a stable nation take roots, especially so close to my home."

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302564030' post='2688858']
The Chinese jet would be the first to land at the airport. The Premier of China's entourage was rather light compared to the August Imperator. The trip from Qingyuan had been a short but rather pleasant one, short enough to make the Grand Vizier still look well rested and happy getting off the plane. He was dressed in a linen seer sucker suit with a linen white shirt and a solid baby blue tie for the sub tropical climate. Greeting the Governal General he extended his hand, "Governor General, thank you for inviting us to your lovely country, the August Imperator extends his deepest appreciation for your support and friendship in the war against the Japanese Aggressor, pressing matters have him tied up otherwise he would be here in person."

"And I extend my deepest sympathy for the incident that spawned that conflict, the attack on a UFE Coast Guard vessel was unacceptable, my personal condolences go to the family members of the crew," nodded Robert, solemnly, glad that the war was quickly over with little bloodshed. "It is an honor to meet you finally in person, Grand Vizier, I appreciate what the Federation has done for us thus far. I am glad to see one of the Federation's top leaders in attendance, I do understand that the August Imperator is a busy man. I do hope you enjoy your weekend, this is a time when we all sit back and enjoy the pleasures of life and the progress of a nation on the up and up."

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1302565239' post='2688870']
While normally the 2 monarchs would go in individual jets the decision was made to share a single jet for the occasion, arriving shortly after the UFE delegation they would be the second one there. The entourage was big but nothing too much, each monarch had half a dozen guards, a personal lieutenant and of course some aides. As the plane landed both Valerio and Ariadne would lead on the way out followed by the entourage. The climate sure was different than what they had in Europe but being here felt comfortable and soothing.

The 2 would walk to the welcoming party and bow slightly.

"Thank you for your invitation Governor General" Ariadne said.

Robert Abel knew none of the people who were arriving, it was his first meeting with many of them, and as the Athenian Delegation arrived, he smiled up as the two monarchs descending the stairs.

"It is a pleasure Your Imperial Highness," said Robert, giving the Empress' hand a gentle kiss. "I am glad to see at least some of Europe is being represented here, very few Heads of State decided to make the journey down from Europe. It is an honor to meet you both," he addressed them both then bowed, having studied royal customs a little before the weekend to make sure he didn't make any diplomatic [i]faux pas[/i].

"It might please you to know that we have accorded the Athenian Delegation two bungalows for their stay," he nodded, with a polite smile. "Lovely views, I must say, they face off the north shore of the island, beautiful views."

[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1302573611' post='2688999']
General Mahesh Varma, Commander of Royal Cochin Defense Forces would arrive at the Naval Air Station Townesville in an RCAF Merat from the Executive Fleet. He would be accompanied by his Aide de Camp and an assistant deputed from Ministry of External Affairs. He had come to Australia several times when it was Queensdom of Australia and Promised Land. Back then Australia was one of the most dependable allies of Cochin in the region. Now in his first visit to the Union of Southern Cross, Gen. Mahesh Varma looked around absorbing the small and large changes in people and perception after the changes in governments.

On being greeted by the Governor General he would say, "Hello Mr. Abel. We thank you for inviting us. The King of Cochin, His Highness Kerala Varma, has instructed me to convey to you his congratulations to you upon recently acquiring territories in East Asia."

"Well met, General Varma, it is a pleasure," he nodded, offering his hand. "And please, thank the King for his congratulatory remarks, we felt it best that we take over the sovereignty of those islands. How we came by them was, I must say, a sad chapter in our history though. I am glad to see that the hostilities ended very quickly, I was just speaking to the Grand Vizier of the Federation, and it is tragedy that these hostilities had to occur at all.

Whatever the case may be, please do thank the King of Cochin, for his kind remarks. I also thank the Kingdom of Cochin for their efforts in securing the border between the Union and Pihana earlier this year, I feel that this has significantly lessened the chance of violent attacks and/or skirmishes across our border. I do hope you enjoy yourself this weekend, it is a time for peace and pleasant conversation here under the Southern Cross. The motorcade should be taking off as soon as we get enough of our guests here."

[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1302574586' post='2689007']
As the plane landed, the three sisters never missed a photo opportunity and in leaving the jet waved to the cameras as they descended the staircase. In a rather unorganized manner, compliments of their sibling rivalry. Arriving at the Governor General's feet, however, Maria, Angelika, and Theresia presented themselves as European Royals should, elegant, proper, and full of smiles. Especially Angelika who had made the promise that while her two sisters were already taken, she had ever intention of hooking up with someone during the night.

"Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Excellency." Began Maria in shaking Abel's hand. "I'm afraid that Austria has never had much contact with the far south, but perhaps after tonight we can bring our nations much closer."

"Much closer." Angelika winked at the Governor General and was shoved out of the way by Theresia as they journeyed towards the motorcade that would take them to the island and the real party could begin.

The plane from Cochin was quickly replaced by the Austrian delegation's plane, and Robert smiled up as the Austrian royals jockeyed their way down the staircase. He had an amused smile on his face, his gaze was warm and friendly as they made their way up to him. European royalty was one of those things that continued to dazzle him, despite how modern the world was, it was easy to get lost in the fairy tales of old, that still told of the majesty accorded to European royalty.

"Please, Your Imperial Highness, I am no excellency, I am but a Head of State who has been accorded a Barons' title," grinned Robert, bowing to the trio of sisters who presented themselves to him. He gave Maria a gentle kiss on the hand when she offered her hand to him, and followed with subsequent kisses to the younger two Hapsburg sisters' hands. "Well, I am sure that we will all have a good time this weekend, this is about exchanging pleasantries and enjoying yourself, and enjoying the fruits of our labor from the past six months. We have accorded you one of the larger residences, considering your party size, very nice place, if I should say so myself, got a beautiful view of the North Shore beach. Lovely patio area and back deck area, you can catch both splendid sunrises [i]and[/i] sunsets there at this time of year," he grinned.

When Angelika made her comment, he raised an eyebrow skyward, but just continued his warm smile, but his face did slightly turn a slight shade of crimson and watched as the trio of Austrians and their entourage proceed towards the motorcade.

[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1302577330' post='2689046']
Director Pacita Arellano arrived via a private jet from Manila. Accompanying her were a secretary and an assistant from the Security Division, both adorned for the festivities.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Governor General Abel and Prime Minister Whittaker, and a pleasure to be in Australia. Do you know that after all they years Selenarctos was allied with the Queendom of Australia and the time we organized the Australian Protectorate via the Oceanic Union treaty bloc, this is my first visit to Australia? So time to make up for, I guess," She said with a smile shaking the hands of her hosts.

"I must complement you on your independence and recent signing of the Oceanic Union. I'm always glad to see a stable nation take roots, especially so close to my home."

"It is a pleasure to meet our new allies from the north, I must applaud Selenarctos for taking up charge of the DMZ for the Kingdom of Cochin. While of course there is no problem with Cochin managing the border, we felt it might be better handled by a regional force," said Abel, smiling at Arellano and shaking her hand.

"I appreciate it very much that Selenarctos is very supportive of our new country, as you wield much responsibility and weight in this area. We also appreciate your vote to accept us into the Oceanic Union, I believe that active membership in the Union can definitely give it back some of the waning influence I feel it has had recently. It is admirable that Selenarctos has upheld the Union for so long, however, and we hope to become an integral part of its cadre. We also would like to convey the message that we hope to be improving our relations with Pihana very soon, they are even sending a delegate to this event, so there is a start right there!"

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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Onboard the luxurious ferry Wei made his way to the bar. Sitting at one of the tables with a view overlooking the Ocean, he ordered himself a half bottle of one of the better Australian sauvignon blancs along a refreshing plate of ceviche made from local fish. Powering on his e-reader he opened up his digital copy of the [i]Twenty Years Crisis[/i] by E.H. Carr, and began rereading one of his favorite international relations classics. He smiled and let out a sigh, glad to relax. [i]It is good to be away from Zhongnanhai and that damn music Jia's girlfriend plays at all hours of the night.[/i] he thought.

Edited by Triyun
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The MoG[Corp] jet arrived at the airport a bit later than expected, Akemi Estelle chose to take her time studying all the expected guests before bumping shoulders with some of the most powerful heads of state in the world. Akemi brought twice the outfits she would need, having learned that important lesson from Masami Midori, MoG[Corp]'s CCO and Akemi's Mentor. Akemi walked off the aircraft, putting on her sunglasses, flanked by 3 fresh faced interns of her own, a graduation present of sorts from the Company. Akemi bowed to Mr. Abel upon his greeting "Governor General, thank you for inviting MoG[Corp] to this event, Mogar sends his apologies for not being able to come in person and hopes I am a suitable replacement for the festivities, the water is a much brighter shade of blue than the Mediterranean I am used to."

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[quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1302596030' post='2689313']
The MoG[Corp] jet arrived at the airport a bit later than expected, Akemi Estelle chose to take her time studying all the expected guests before bumping shoulders with some of the most powerful heads of state in the world. Akemi brought twice the outfits she would need, having learned that important lesson from Masami Midori, MoG[Corp]'s CCO and Akemi's Mentor. Akemi walked off the aircraft, putting on her sunglasses, flanked by 3 fresh faced interns of her own, a graduation present of sorts from the Company. Akemi bowed to Mr. Abel upon his greeting "Governor General, thank you for inviting MoG[Corp] to this event, Mogar sends his apologies for not being able to come in person and hopes I am a suitable replacement for the festivities, the water is a much brighter shade of blue than the Mediterranean I am used to."

Robert Abel was quite surprised at the age of the MoG[Corp] delegation, in his opinion, they looked like a troupe of girls that were going to college other then experienced diplomats. He shrugged it off, it was the choice of the Heads of State who they would send to the celebration. He nodded politely as the delegation approached, and offered his hand when Akemi bowed her head.

"A pleasure, Miss Estelle, I am sure that whatever business is detaining him requires his attention. Not a problem at all, it is, of course, their choice of who to send to these festivities." He grinned when she mentioned the water, "Yes, the Coral Sea and the South Pacific is always a pleasant shade of blue, most of the year, very nice water temperature this time of the year. Please, be sure to enjoy yourself this weekend."

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Angelika stood at the edge of the ferry that approached Magnetic Island a wide glass of rum and Coke in her hand and she listened to the rattling of the ice against the glass while the waves lapped up against the ship. The way Maria and Theresia surely were going to act while on the 'vacation' meant that the Princess would have to maintain a near constant state of drunken buzz if she was going to survive. Angelika loved politics and she enjoyed meeting leaders from across the world, but what she had discovered throughout her many trips across the world and especially in North America that leaders went to great lengths to impress each other in their behavior and attitudes. A constant cycle of bows, cheesy smiles, and handshakes that dominated politics and probably every leader out there knew that diplomacy was taken at face value. These parties were no different, a time for leaders to relax and unwind, but business always came first and that was what annoyed her. Why should an a leader, a princess, any title of power be different than the average person on the street or the socially loose elites of Europe? That attitude had earned the Middle Hapsburg a rather dubious reputation that drove Maria insane, but as Angelika sipped on the rum, she smiled.

"The more I annoy you, Maria, it just means I love you more."

"Yes, I remember you saying that after I found you sleeping in MY bed, with what's his name? The kid from Munich, he pushed manure around." Maria's voice rang out from behind the Princess as she joined her on the railing.

"Let's not be rash now, his father was a farmer and he helped out in the field."

"It doesn't excuse the fact that my bed smelt like !@#$ for the next two weeks." Maria said, balancing her own glass of white wine on the silver railing looking out at the island in front of her.

"Why are you complaining? You made Theresia sleep there, you said the smell would open up her pores or something. She was young enough to believe you. Then mother grounded you after she threw up during the night." Both sisters laughed and toasted their glasses together as the wind whipped through their flaxen hair. Angelika's pink streak twirling in front of her eyes. "Though I do apologize for what I said on the plane. I'm just hoping that I can enjoy myself on what seems to be a couples retreat."

Maria turned and rested her back against the rail and chuckled as she looked inside the ferry. "Ah, I love Theresia, you see the man sitting there at the bar?"

Angelika looked over her should and nodded. "What about him?"

"That's the Grand Vizer of the United Federation, apparently he can't stand her, props to her for sitting down next to him. She takes after you like nothing I've ever seen before." Then the Empress turned back towards the approaching island took a deep gulp of fresh air. "But don't think of this as some kind of couples retreat. I feel the worse for Theresia, Jia's agent is going to be looking out for her the whole time, she's not even going to be able to talk to anyone."

"Eh." The Middle Hapsburg shrugged. "From the letters I've gotten in Boise from her, they're in love. Theresia's too pure to ruin that. She'd disappoint too many people, herself, you, Jia, everyone. But what about you? What's going on with the Italian you've been seeing?"

"Valerio?" Maria sighed, "I don't know. I don't think its going to happen, he's very shy and Ariadne, the Eastern Empress, doesn't like me much." The Empress furrowed her eyebrows. "She doesn't like Austria much. So I don't think that he's allowed to ask me, politics and all that."

Angelika scoffed, "See this is what annoys me about politics, the stupid stuff like this. I'm tempted to talk to Her Holy Imperial Majesty of Two Gods myself. Pagan !@#$%* that she is."

Maria struck her on the side of the head. "Stop it, you aren't getting involved, you'll cause a goddamn war."

"Your point?"

"Angelika. Stay. Out."

The Princess threw back her drink and blinked a few times clearing the fog that was beginning to fill her eyes. "All right fine, but if I do something, its not my fault. Its the liquor's."

As they finished their talk, the ferry began pulling onto the island and the guests would start pouring out onto the dock and the roads leading up to the estates. The sisters gathered their luggage and walked along with Theresia, who came out of the bar with a fairly large grin on her face after requesting the ferry's DJ to play a few of her songs that she had brought with her to China. The poor Grand Vizer it seemed could never escape the sounds and echoes of punk-rock drifting over the Eurasian steppes.

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Wei had finally begun to relax and even had a smile come to his pre-maturely greying and wrinkling face. Then all of a sudden the music came on. [i]Oh $%&@ no![/i] he thought to himself turning around to see [i]that woman[/i] leaving the bar. Wei fairly annoyed left the bar onto the deck turning on his cell phone.

"Wei Wei." Jia said on the end of the line, (wei also being a homonym for answering a phone).

"Your didn't tell me she was hear!" Wei said annoyed. "You told me to take this as a vacation and relax."

Jia chuckled, "Whats that I'm inspecting a nuclear reactor, the signal is rather garbely."

"You !@#$@#$ knew!" Wei said.

"Sorry can't hear that." Jia replied again.

"God damnit." Wei said.

"Think of this as a chance to bond." Jia replied, "Now I gotta go, they're telling me you can't have electromagnetic devices."

"Oh quit that shi..." Wei said before looking at his phone signal, Jia had terminated the call.

Wei grumbled to himself as he went back to his seat putting on his noise cancelling head phones stewing.

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[b][OOC: I'm going to assume that most people have already arrived, and they can RP their landings and ferry ride out, I'm going to advance to the ride out to the island.][/b]

After all the guests had arrived, the motorcade had left SCNAS Townsville and proceeded through the town, much to the delight of the citizenry, who turned out in droves to catch glimpses of leaders from around the world. Robert had quickly changed in the back of the tint-windowed limousine into something much more appropriate, a Hawaiian-style print shirt and baggy shorts, with boat shoes. He was not a man to enjoy formal clothing, he had taken up surfing while in college in Brisbane, and was either on the beaches in baggies or in formal attire at legal proceedings since, if he could have gotten away with it, he would have worn his baggies to court.

Although the guests would be going to the party aboard the ferry, Robert had opted to make one last check of the security perimeter, then dock at the resort. Prime Minister Elisabeth "Lizzie" Whittaker, would welcome the guests to their island venue herself, so there was little reason for him to be there. But that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun on the journey around the island to check the naval security perimeter. Waiting at a dock near the ferry would be a 47' Motor Lifeboat of the Southern Cross Coast Guard, and Robert's vehicle would leave the convoy and instead go there.

The crew, having just come in from a patrol around the island for most of the morning, were getting some lunch while the boat was being gassed up, so Robert watched as his guests were ushered aboard the ferry and it left. Robert donned a faux flower necklace and his sunglasses, feeling that this was his weekend to let loose, he was a man who worked hard, and played hard. The last six months had been rough, with little sleep and very little time for fun, this was his weekend to enjoy himself, formalities be damned after the initial greetings. As soon as the crew arrived back on the boat, and it was gassed up, they quickly took off after the ferry, which was about midway through its slow journey out to the distant island.

As the Coast Guard boat was equipped with a large loudspeaker for its interdiction and search and rescue missions, Robert hijacked it, having the crewman flip on a CD of old genre hard rock. The Governor General was also given control of the boat for a bit, as he had his own license for piloting small craft, and who was about to refuse the boss the opportunity to have some fun? The boat zipped across the channel between the coast of Townsville and Magnetic Island, the speedy boat quickly catching up with the ferry.


The boat flew over a large swell created by the ferry and ran along its port side, and Robert's smile was wide as he waved at some of the guests that were gathered along the port side of the vessel. His smile appeared to widen when he saw the Austrian princess who had seemed rather forward upon meeting him earlier. He was clearly ecstatic about the celebration, and the boat passed by the ferry, before looping around to cross its' bow. The ferry captain must have thought that the pass was a little too close for comfort, and the ferry sounded its horn as the boat zipped away towards the ocean-facing side of the island.

On the island itself, Prime Minister Liz Whittaker, who had had a long self-debate earlier about whether to be formal or informal for her own greeting, had chosen the latter. 'Let the Governor General be the formal one,' she had said to herself, donning a straw hat and flowery sundress with flip flops and sunglasses. She would be waiting on the ferry dock to greet them all, and a line of open-top civilian versions of the Southern Cross Ground Defense Forces' A-WAGONS were there to meet the new arrivals. Each vehicle was topped with the flag for each delegation, some delegations of course having more then others according to their size. The drivers were plainclothes members of one of the Southern Cross special forces units, who courteously greeted their guest animatedly, and would take them to their bungalows lining the "North Shore" (ocean side) of the island.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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