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Everything posted by rabonnobar

  1. Congratulations to Equilibrium on their victory. This next phase shall be fun.
  2. In coalition wars, such things happen. Usually, the exact treaty chains are laid out (example: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80101). That convention has been done away with this war because it just wastes space. Just about any Eq alliance could choose to defend any other Eq alliance via treaty with enough chains. Removing the actual chains from the DoW is just tidy, imo. Of course, everyone should just adopt the Moldavi Doctrine.
  3. Congrats on peace, everyone.
  4. Well fought, UCoN. Good luck rebuilding. Congratulations on your victory, DB4D and NEW.
  5. I joined during the 6 Million Dollar War due to moralist inclinations. I never expected to stay after the war at all, much less this long. NSO has certainly shaped the way I see things, but I'm still "that quasi-moralist Sith." And I'm ok with that. NSO is my home. And it is a good one.
  6. rabonnobar

    Stats ITB: 7

    50-60k NS and 5-7k tech tiers added: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc Below is change per tier since 02/28. Note that HB/Hooligans were accidentally left off of the initial stats from 02/28 and so weren't counted toward the change at all.
  7. rabonnobar

    Stats ITB: 6

    Just realized I completely forgot about HB/Hooligans/EvU. I'll add them to the live sheet tomorrow.
  8. rabonnobar

    Stats ITB: 6

    NS as of 02/20, TECH as of 02/20, changeNS 02/20-02/28, changeTECH 02/20-02/28. Link to sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc
  9. rabonnobar

    Stats ITB: 5

    From 02/04 to 02/11, Equilibrium lost 17 in the 80-100k range while Diseq lost 42. Almost an exact reversal. Hah!
  10. rabonnobar

    Stats ITB: 5

    Apparently there was an error that caused lines 17 and 18 on the Equilibrium side not to be counted for the last spreadsheet. I'm not sure how long it had been there. I think it sprang up from me improperly changing the SUM formula after adding a blank row for new alliances. So I'm not including changeNS or changeTECH screenshots. Just posting to say that GDA and APP have been added to the live spreadsheet and all other alliances have been updated. Link as always: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc For the next update, I'll include change (since 02/20) as usual. Also, I think I may add 50-60k NS and 5-7k tech. Someone suggested such to me recently, but I brushed it off, because I don't want to end up categorizing every nation in both coalitions. But going down one level lower doesn't mean it has to come to that, right?
  11. rabonnobar

    Stats ITB: 4

    Yeah, 1st and 3rd are NS, 2nd and 4th are tech. How would I track who is staying in peace mode for the long haul and who is going to come out eventually? I don't think it can feasibly be done. Someone else can attempt PM tracking if they want.
  12. rabonnobar

    Stats ITB: 4

    First two are from 02/04, last two are as of today with a line indicating changes by tier. Alchemy (who was accidentally left off) and UE added in the live version: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc
  13. This bravado from GATO is fucking hilarious.
  14. That's cool and all, but: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc Not to mention, GATO/NG/NoR are only semi-engaged. Yes, your Timehh and oyababys (cue joke) will reign relatively unchecked, but that is not enough to give you victory.
  15. Magistrate of Finance, James IV I know this person. Good luck! :)
  16. I'd also like for OP to do this, but you should take a look at my blog too: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/blog/811/entry-3662-stats-itb-3/
  17. rabonnobar

    Stats ITB: 3

    First two are from 01/26, last two are as of today with a line indicating changes by tier. New alliances added on the live sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AljpRsRmfwjmdDUwbGo5LW1sam5uVmYzTmo0LW42UXc
  18. This is very neat. Thanks for putting it together.
  19. Nordreich delenda est. Good luck to my friends in RIA.
  20. Fight the good fight. o/ The League o/ LoSS :(( GOONS
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