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Rafael Nadal

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Everything posted by Rafael Nadal

  1. [quote name='Greg23' timestamp='1294812169' post='2572815'] Well then I guess MK should start its recruitment drive. [/quote] Join MK.
  2. Only the best alliances get sanction status. MXCA is 3 MK members leaving away from becoming a better alliance than MK. Congrats to MXCA on their ascension to (well, as of now, near) greatness.
  3. [22:40] <Xiphosis[GOD]> People simply have to think long-term, not what is fun or tempting in the short term. Pretty much sums up what is wrong with CN, disregarding mechanics issues. GAMES ARE NOT MEANT TO HAVE FUN WITH!
  4. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1294522932' post='2568864'] This deserves a yawn, followed by some note taking for the next time that MK claims to be heading in a "different foreign policy direction". Apparently, 'boomerang' counts as a different direction to MK. [/quote] Considering we dropped our ties to Polar and SF sphere's of influence...
  5. [quote name='ROMMELHSQ' timestamp='1294491695' post='2568537'] MK solidifying their position near The Core!!! Congrats guys [/quote] We ARE the core.
  6. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1294468662' post='2568354'] I'm not sure to what extent that feeling is held in MK but I have had it expressed to me a few times. [/quote] FWIW, I don't recall ever hearing that as a cause for dislike of STA. As you could probably tell, much more comes from the NSO trade circle situation specifically (as it was brought up earlier in the topic). Most the rest comes from just an accumulation of different smaller situations.
  7. Meh, signing with people who get angry because they suck at masking.
  8. [quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1294338147' post='2566016'] Null vote is a vote for Gobb. [/quote] voted null
  9. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1294057314' post='2561853'] [center][img]http://www.cyberpresse.ca/images/bizphotos/435x290/200902/19/49403.jpg[/img][/center] Have a seat for a second. Look it, I have never seen a bunch of alliances look so !@#$@#$ down when something bad happens. What are you alliances? Like prima donna perfect that if you can't $%&@in' handle adversity? So !@#$'s not going right. It's not $%&@en' working the last two years. !@#$@#$ get your heads out of your ass and !@#$@#$ make it work by outworking this hegemony. You kill two !@#$@#$ blocs (Citadel/C&G), and then we stand around and watch while they !@#$@#$ form Pandora here. !@#$@#$ yous come to the OWF like $%&@in' this and when the power PR play it's not working so you're trying to stick handle, you're looking like this and not standing. Outwork the !@#$@#$ hegemony alliances! If you want it, don't just think you want it. Go out and !@#$@#$ want it. But you're not looking like you want it, you look like you're feeling sorry for yourself. And nobody !@#$@#$ wants anybody that's feeling sorry for themselves. You got time. You're down by one !@#$@#$ shot. Surely to $%&@ we can deal with this. [/quote] One of maybe two or three good posts from you, ever.
  10. [quote name='shahenshah' timestamp='1293106274' post='2551517'] You seem to know what even we dont know yet [/quote] We are in the age of "knew about this months ago."
  11. [quote name='MikeTheFirst' timestamp='1293106378' post='2551519'] If GOONS had signed a treaty with TOP themselves after GOD had made their reservations clear to them, I would've understood the cancellation. But dropping friends because another ally of them signs with TOP, is a bit disturbing to me. It's clear from Xiphosis' post that GOD wants to get into bed with NpO and that there's some frustration PB isn't willing to do the same. [b]Oh well, I guess if anything, this makes CN more exciting. [/b] [/quote] Agreed. My biggest factor for anything CN these day.
  12. [quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1293104941' post='2551501'] Ok big man how about you tell your friends at Poison Clan and iFOK to honor their NEW treaty and hit FARK then... you'll soon see what a suicide pact like SuperFriends can do. You have little foresight in CN politics if you really think the RnR/IRON combo is going to hit the same headlines the MK/TOP treaty will over the next 12 months. [/quote] I would, however, seeing as I stepped down from being Prince... As for the second part of your sentence, will you be counting Fark in with your "what SuperFriends can do"? That's a big need to know, seeing as Fark was the only real powerhouse in SF. I'm just trying to understand this treaty chain thing with TOP. It's unacceptable to have TOP on our side through MK, however, he's tied to them in the exact distance through Rnr/IRON. He obviously didn't feel that chaining through multiple non-chaining clauses was safe enough. With such fear I figured a supremacy clause didn't offer much protection either. I mean, TOP is now on our side, so now that RnR/IRON treaty becomes a bit more relevant, and thus he's still tied to them. With the dynamics at play, I thought it prudent to ask when the withdrawal was coming. I guess I could also have considered an ultimatum to RnR to now drop the treaty. I guess we'll just have to wait and see?
  13. [quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1293103454' post='2551488'] I don't think Xiph quite gets that Polaris isn't going to help him bring down NPO. [/quote] I doubt that NPO is a clear #1 priority on his agenda. If it still is, I hope we can change that.
  14. Also, Xiph, will you be leaving SF as well? TOP -> IRON -> R&R -> GOD TOP -> MK -> GOONS -> GOD
  15. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1293100670' post='2551464'] Where to start, where to start. First of all, Doomhouse connects MK to the power structure. PB is the current power structure. This is a responsibility that you folks adopted when you formed the bloc and that's fine, but you need to understand what that entails. You have not only the obligation, but the expectation of all involved to lead - that includes deciding who does, and does not, enjoy the protections this side entails. But I know you, and have known you for a long time, Sardonic. I know Roquentin as well. I knew this wasn't important to you guys, and you weren't going to legitimately do anything about it, and that's fine. But it forces me to. MK and PB on the whole was informed that signing TOP into the side was unacceptable to me, they were informed why as well. It is my opinion, based on what I witnessed during and after Karma and the months afterwards, that TOP has no loyalty to anyone or anything. Their friends have, routinely, been abused and used in the past. They have screwed over the coalitions they participated in, and due to the democratic nature of their government saying anything long term about them is next to impossible. The last time that I was on good terms with them was Dan's term - he soon lost his job back to Crymson. I never bothered again. I value reliability and efficiency, but not if the loyalty isn't there to back it up. More than that, I have serious issue with the motive behind this. It's an open secret several pockets of PB and MK consider NpO the threat. This is ridiculous, and I can say that much more certainly than any one of you can say TOP's turned a new leaf. It's based on 12 months of interaction. If NpO's been some big bad menace out to wrestle top spot, they've certainly hid it well. They've been staunch and reliable allies to GOD, unofficially, since the conclusion of Bipolar. Dajabo and Penguin helped get GOD-Polar relations on track since the first time since prior to the UJW, and helped settle a beef that had run for far too long. Does it irritate me they took the bait and signed with a fail alliance like Legion? You bet. Have they heard volumes to that effect? Mhm. Do I think this suddenly erases everything TOP did wrong? No. Do I think we should be hiring mercenaries to do the dirty work on Polar for us? Definitely. not. And the MK-TOP tie screams that. If you want them so bad, don't be a !@#$% - do it yourself. Don't treaty a meatshield and let them take the damage for you. It reflects poorly on your character. I had a hard time making this call, believe it or not. GOONS-GOD has been a stable relationship, and besides Sparta has been one of my few allies that I know sizable portions of the gov and consider legitimate friends. But to let TOP into the side without anything being done just seemed ridiculous to me, and GOD agreed. Whether or not you accept that you have the responsibility for managing this side is irrelevant; at the end of the day you do. I sincerely hope you, and the rest, embrace your responsibilities and man up. Nothing good comes of naivety. And to the rest; haters gonna hate. See you next war. [/quote] TOP is the best meatshield ever. I mean, leading the pre-emption of the best bloc in the game just screams total dogs on a leash. How can you tell us all to man up? I'm pretty sure we did man up, by signing with TOP, so closely after your ultimatum. MK made it's decision, with heavy general membership approval. I'd say we manned up and did what we wanted and felt was best. By the way, I look forward (and hope) to see you with Polar. A. I'm tired of the perception that SF is still all powerful when most of your signatories are average at best in overall efficiency and capability (and is not made up for by GOD and Rok), and B. I feel it would much more interesting politically, and in war, to have SF oppose us (MK,PB, CnG, TOP, etc).
  16. I am a fan of this cancellation as well as Sardonic's little expose.
  17. [quote name='Blue Lightning' timestamp='1292298120' post='2539137'] I don't get it. If you didn't do anything wrong why have you ragequit? [/quote] I'll deny the ragequit. I have left so that there is no reason for Athens to not get what they want. No excuses of me hiding behind the MK banner. Then again, I'd presume they'd be more worried about the unity of their bloc, instead of being torn apart by outside influences, a la Citadel.
  18. [quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1292297088' post='2539109'] Your AA still says MK. [/quote] Is it better now?
  19. [quote name='rsoxbronco1' timestamp='1292296334' post='2539076'] This didn't need to be public. [/quote] You also didn't need to make it come to this point. Funny right?
  20. You've done nothing but privately complain about MK leaving C&G for months now, and now you're complaining because you can't even manage to maintain the C&G boards without MK there to watch. Now you're throwing more accusations at us/myself when it's clear that you're a major reason that C&G isn't worth being a member of. Maybe if you took a step back you'd see the problem is you, instead of hurling accusations at people who used to work cleaning up your messes. By the by, I've resigned from MK. Do what you will.
  21. GW3 was never in doubt, and is why I don't personally consider it a GW. The good alliances of The League were beaten in GW2, and LUE never really got peace from it, so we never had a chance to rebuild. LUE, NAAC, ICP were the good alliances, and us not being in fighting shape pretty much doomed our side in "GW3". Legion and ODN joining in GW2 might have helped us pull it out, but they were never going to be the backbone of an effective coalition. Some might include GATO in the good alliances category for GW2, but they were pretty !@#$ by that time IIRC. Making fun of NpO for being Diet NPO and then GATO being our Brown Colony was pretty funny.
  22. FAN's Operation Overlord. http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=71916&st=0
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